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Trumped 202

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
OK I don`t believe that Trump is racist or an anti-Semite. I believe that he is crude, an egomaniacle blowhard who loves controversy and is courting the right wing nut jobs who he`ll back-stab if he is elected.

Poor Hillary is a dumb liar and dishonest.

Neither of them qualify to lead the greatest nation on earth.

The US electorate is Trumped.

Mods please note that H101 has promised not to post while drunk.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Why was the first "Trumped" thread Trumped?

I was a bit careless in my words and insulted Hungry101. A few post followed on after that and the mods had enough of it I guess (they had warned a few times). I should have been more carefull. Will be from now on and sorry hungry!

I still hate Trump but at the sime time I pity americans whose only other choice is Hilary Clinton!



Jul 23, 2006
well said Jalimon.there in not much choices Hilary is a power hungry and Trump is a racist human trash.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I still hate Trump but at the sime time I pity americans whose only other choice is Hilary Clinton!

I pity us too, and I am not sure what I should do with my vote but it will likely be for a third party candidate on principal as in past elections I voted for Ross Perot and Ralph Nader as a protest against partisan politics.

Although I don't agree with many of hungry101's political views he is an American and I believe as an American voter and taxpayer he has an greater right to voice his opinions, however objectionable they may be, than do persons who are not American taxpayers and voters.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I have no idea whether or not Donald Trump is a racist. He sure makes himself look like one, but it's possibly strategic. A bigot? Probably. I also believe he doesn't think much before tweeting or speaking. He's very misinformed, but it appears this is typical of the average American who leans towards the right. And he's certainly a misogynist amd a liar. Only Ted Cruz comes close to him in that department.

But Trump is a master showman who would be extremely dangerous not only to his country, but to the entire world were he to ever be elected president. He's extremely impulsive and impatient. He rarely listens to anyone else for advice, especially those who may dare to disagree with him. He's be more likely to fire anyone who does disagree with him. How dare they?

Hillary Clinton isn't perfect, but she has a lot of political experience and will surround herself with good, qualified people to assist her in making critical decisions. And she's totally ready to lead the nation into the future. She's also by far the lesser of the two evils and damn it, it's about time for the United States of America to enter modern times and finally be led by a woman!


New Member
May 14, 2016
First thread closed? I'm sure one of the mods felt the name-calling against members and other loss of control got out of hand. I hope such things will be left out against members.

OK I don`t believe that Trump is racist or an anti-Semite. I believe that he is crude, an egomaniacle blowhard who loves controversy and is courting the right wing nut jobs who he`ll back-stab if he is elected.

He is probably a little of everything. Not caring about what you say makes you part of whatever label your offensive comments fit into. When someone believes such comments are fair game then you are racist, misogynist, anti-semite, etc. What he has been is a ego maniacal animal with no morals or principles except to serve his own interests.

Now FBI Director Comey has said his bureau's investigation can't find cause to charge Hillary with a criminal offense. "Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," You know Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would have gone 100% with the findings if it had been otherwise, but since he didn't get what he wanted he's going to have a Congressional to keep the issue stoked. It's was inevitable that he like Trump had no other intention but to serve their own political interests whatever the FBI investigation said.

Don't be suckered in by the hundreds of millions of dollars being spent by the elites to destroy Trump's reputation.

The one thing that destroys his reputation most is his own mouth. He's made himself more repulsive than anyone else could. No outside dollars needed. All it took is video of him ruining himself. The incessant name-calling and ghetto trash talk is for bullies and gangsters, not Presidents.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Passionne , don`t forget that Director Comey contradicted some of Clinton`s effect calling her a liar.
Serious stuff !


New Member
May 14, 2016
I'm not a devout Clinton supporter. But calling her a liar is like calling her a politician. If either party put out an agenda like the one against her for so long against any opposing party member like Clinton has faced it would be like finally finding Hoffa to find one that isn't a liar.


Sr Moderator
Jan 27, 2014
Yes first thread was deleted and this one has been 'cleaned.'

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.
ii) Having a difference of opinions is natural, healthy and can lead to positive conclusions. Exchanges of this nature are permitted and encouraged just as long as they are done so intelligently. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

If this is not respected this one will be deleted and suspensions will follow.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Passionne, you are right....politicians are liars and so are preachers , prostitutes, lawyers, doctors, saints and you and I.
Lying is one thing, but getting caught in a big lie like Clinton did is something worse...its the height of stupidity.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I also believe he doesn't think much before tweeting or speaking. He's very misinformed, but it appears this is typical of the average American who leans towards the right.

I must be really misinformed then. Another brilliant baseless analysis from the good Doctor. Hahaha.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Passionne , don`t forget that Director Comey contradicted some of Clinton`s effect calling her a liar.
Serious stuff !

Clinton should have been indicted. This was major corruption. I know you Leftists are going to say I am just brooding and Hillary Clinton did nothing, which is false. Just look at the timing of the events. If you have a brain at all, you would clearly see what had happened, which is certain people in a political class of a certain political persuasion can do anything. Here's what happened:

Friday, Bill Clinton had a private meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch for a half an hour. Lynch laughed about it on a staged TV show and said she would never do anything like that again. Haha. That in the Lawyer world (let's hear from you EagerBeaver) is known as a gross conflict of interest, subject to disbarment. Lawyers cannot met with parties in which they have opposite interests. Hillary Clinton was the subject of a Criminal investigation. Bill Clinton met with her possible prosecutor. The meeting leaves a strong possibility of influence peddling.

Saturday, the FBI interviewed Clinton for several hours.

Monday, Comey makes his announcement saying there was evidence of her illegal activity, however, he does not recommend charging her. He mentions intent, but the Statute does not require intent: ... look at Subsection F. It only requires "gross negligence"

Clinton also Obstructed Justice by deleting the emails. Many of the emails recovered were Top Secret and some were Classified.

Clinton was also required to turn over all Classified information at the end of her term, which she did not. She deleted thousands of emails.

And as cloudsurf had said she had lied, and she probably lied in her interview, which is a crime in itself.

So you know who loses? The average person because those who associate themselves in the political elitist camp with Clinton will get a pass. All others will get slammed. And you Clinton voters are not part of the Elite. When it all hits the fan, you'll suffer like everyone else. That's the way it was in the good old USSR, Venezuela, Vietnam, North Korea ... well even the big bosses family can get fed to the dogs.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I'm not a devout Clinton supporter. But calling her a liar is like calling her a politician. If either party put out an agenda like the one against her for so long against any opposing party member like Clinton has faced it would be like finally finding Hoffa to find one that isn't a liar.

I think you are a devout Clinton supporter or you wouldn't make such a strong defense of her, plus I think we all know who you are.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Yes first thread was deleted and this one has been 'cleaned.'

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.
ii) Having a difference of opinions is natural, healthy and can lead to positive conclusions. Exchanges of this nature are permitted and encouraged just as long as they are done so intelligently. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

If this is not respected this one will be deleted and suspensions will follow.

Mod20, I am not going to make any more posts in this thread. It has one purpose and that's to slam all people who do not think like those who lean far to the Left. There are a few of us who think intelligently like me but I am not going to allow myself to be drawn into such an idiotic thread. It's one sided. It's all trash talk. So adios to conversations like this.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I must be really misinformed then. Another brilliant baseless analysis from the good Doctor. Hahaha.

I didn't realize your Avatar was Walter White until I recently started binge watching Breaking Bad. What a great TV show. I think I would vote for Walter White for President over Clinton or Trump.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I'm not a devout Clinton supporter. But calling her a liar is like calling her a politician. If either party put out an agenda like the one against her for so long against any opposing party member like Clinton has faced it would be like finally finding Hoffa to find one that isn't a liar.

Right on! :thumb:
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