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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Mod20, I am not going to make any more posts in this thread. It has one purpose and that's to slam all people who do not think like those who lean far to the Left. There are a few of us who think intelligently like me but I am not going to allow myself to be drawn into such an idiotic thread. It's one sided. It's all trash talk. So adios to conversations like this.

Sayonara, little buddy. Please reconsider. Although we rarely agree on anything, i find you still quite fun to read.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I didn't realize your Avatar was Walter White until I recently started binge watching Breaking Bad. What a great TV show.

BB was indeed a great tv series. Possibly the best ever made until the arrival of Game of Thrones. Season 6, which just ended its run, may have just been its finest season ever!

By the way, why is injury-prone Mark Texeira and his measely .193 batting average hitting fifth?

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
The point of all these investigations/committees etc... was never to indict Clinton on anything. That would just have been a bonus... The whole point was to smear her character. This has been going on for over 30 years. Countless investigations have come up with zilch, nada, zero... The real crime here is how the media gets led around by the nose by Republicans and breathlessly reports whatever false accusations, fever dreams, made up bs they come up with. Want proof of this? Over 70 Bush administration officials, including then Secretary of State Colin Powell, used private email servers. The media? Tumble weeds... The Bush White House admitted destroying several million emails (hello there Carl Rove...) that were subject to FOIA requests. The media? Crickets... Hillary Clinton, after being refused a secure Blackberry by the NSA, sets up a private server and we get years of breathless coverage. Its all BS (like Whitewater, like Vince Foster, like Benghazi...). Meanwhile, Donald Trump is going around saying racist/misogynistic things every single day and the media argues that he really isn't a racist or a misogynist. He is openly advocating that the US commit war crimes and obviously has absolutely no grasp of the most basic and common issues yet the media continues to treat him as a serious candidate. As an outsider, it is truly an amazing spectacle to watch. And normally sane and intelligent people will choose to vote for him? It defies belief... It shows just have far down the rabbit hole many American conservatives have gone.


New Member
May 14, 2016
The point of all these investigations/committees etc... was never to indict Clinton on anything.

It started with the Benghazi investigations and the extremely irregular email situation was an unexpected gift to anyone who opposes Clinton. I predicted from the start the opposition would never let this go regardless of any investigation outcome. Facts were never what mattered. Opportunity is the point. Chasing a blow job to attempted impeachment showed how small the American political mind really is when it comes to even the most irrelevant opportunity. If she is elected this issue will be pushed through any terms she might serve because this kind of thing generates motivation in opponents no matter who it's about or which side of politics that person is on. It's political gamesmanship. Nothing more. No verdict by anyone would have changed what opponents intended to do. If Trump, Cruz, and Ryan had made the judgment Clinton hadn't committed a criminal act the party would still have continued to pursue her because it's in their political interests to do so.

That's the norm of American politics for at least the last 40 years. It would be the same if it was a Democratic Congress against a Republican target.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Over 70 Bush administration officials, including then Secretary of State Colin Powell, used private email servers.

Do you have any evidence to support this claim? Never mind 70, can you name one Bush administration official who used a private email server?

Speaking of Powell:

Like Clinton, Powell used a personal email address. However, there’s a big difference: Clinton hosted her email on a private server located in her home. Powell did not.


New Member
May 14, 2016

QUESTION: Why different standards? Long Congressional investigation vs none. Which party runs Congress? ;)

I read this earlier. Bush used a system set up by the Republican National Committee so the party could have full control. Result: 5 million emails disappeared.

It runs in the family. Matching the conditions Republicans want Hillary charged with a crime for Jeb Bush "owns the server that runs [email protected], the personal email account he used as governor to conduct official, political and personal business."

"Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a likely Republican presidential candidate, primarily used a personal email account on his own computer server when he was in office from 1999 to 2007."

No Congressional investigation is planned despite the fact emails include information on military decisions, though many have written about this.

Sources: YouTube, "Transparency v. Secrecy," Aug. 27, 2015
Washington Post, "At Iowa State Fair, Jeb Bush plays the sober adult in a summer of anger," Aug. 14, 2015
Washington Post, "The Patience of Jeb," Feb. 23, 2003
Naples Daily News, "Jeb Bush spins tales of his time in Tallahassee," July 12, 2007
Tampa Bay Times Buzz blog, "Jeb Bush says he'd release email, is writing an e-book," Dec. 14, 2014
New York Times, "Jeb Bush’s Emails as Governor of Florida Show His Agenda and Goals," Dec. 24, 2014
Florida Center for Investigative Reporting, "FCIR Makes Jeb Bush’s Email Archive Searchable," Dec. 29, 2014

Tampa Bay Times, "Access to public records in Florida faced new, bigger hurdles in 2014," Jan. 3, 2015
Tampa Bay Times Buzz blog, "State reviewing protocol after giving Bush email archive with sensitive information," Feb. 12, 2015
PolitiFact Florida, "Jeb Bush edited his own emails, says liberal PAC," March 13, 2015
New York Times, "Jeb Bush, a Clinton Critic, Took Time Releasing His Own Emails," March 13, 2015
Washington Post, "As governor, Jeb Bush used e-mail to discuss security, troop deployments," March 14, 2015
PunditFact, "Much more than 10 percent of Jeb Bush's emails are public record," March 18, 2015
Tampa Bay Times, "Bush email account is discovered," March 24, 2015
Associated Press, "Jeb Bush Had Another Private Email Account As Florida Governor," March 25, 2015
Mother Jones, "Jeb Bush's Emails: Why Are So Many Key Episodes MIA?," April 10, 2015
PolitiFact, "Howard Dean: 'Tremendous' number of public officials have done what Hillary Clinton did with email," Aug. 18, 2015
American Democracy Legal Fund, "ADLF Requests Florida State Attorney Fine Jeb Bush for Violation of State Records Law, Requests Investigation into Potential Criminal Activity," Aug. 27, 2015
Online Sunshine, Florida Statutes Chapter 119: Public Records, accessed Aug. 27, 2015
Florida Department of State, State Archives of Florida Online Catalog: Gov. Jeb Bush, accessed Aug. 27, 2015
Florida Department of State, Florida State Archives receipts for Bush public records, accessed Aug. 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Ivanka for VP....The Rumour is that Donald may pick his daughter as his running mate.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ivanka for VP....The Rumour is that Donald may pick his daughter as his running mate.

I do know that he'd like her as hos bedmate and even admitted to the fact, but the reference was actually made half-jokingly by Republican Bob Corker after a meeting with Trump where the media had suspected had to do with the v-p position, which Corker reportedly turned down.

It was also rather that Corker also gave the impression he'd like nothing more but to also pork Ivanka.

Poor Tiffany! Nobody seems to want to pork her! (I would!)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
To hell with Ivanka for VP, i say Ivanka for Playboy! (or whatever magazine will show her nude)

One day though Ivanka would make a great President, that is for sure.
Ivanka for VP....The Rumour is that Donald may pick his daughter as his running mate.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
To hell with Ivanka for VP, i say Ivanka for Playboy! (or whatever magazine will show her nude)

One day though Ivanka will make a great President, that is for sure.

She has a nice pair of boobs and an attractive face, but the rest of her body is meh!

Not Playboy material. Too big.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You my friend are blind, and besides she just had a kid, nothing that hiring a personal trainer wont solve.....simply a stunning woman. Imagine if Trump were to win, the best looking first lady and best looking first daughters in the history of the white house.
She has a nice pair of boobs and an attractive face, but the rest of her body is meh!

Not Playboy material. Too big.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You my friend are blind, and besides she just had a kid, nothing that hiring a personal trainer wont solve.....simply a stunning woman. Imagine if Trump were to win, the best looking first lady and best looking first daughters in the history of the white house.

Plus she's too old to be in Playboy.

I can't wait to collect my $100 next November. ;)

p.s. Tiffany is cuter.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I will pay you for sure if the lying should-be-convict wins, i always pay my bets but God bless the USA if she does win, things are going to be scarier than under obama.

Tiffany is hot but something about her face, she looks too much like daddy in that respect but what a body, i would choose Ivanka 10 times out of 10. Tiffany looks like a fun party girl though, which i also like :)

Plus she's too old to be in Playboy.

I can't wait to collect my $100 next November. ;)

p.s. Tiffany is cuter.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I will pay you for sure if the lying should-be-convict wins, i always pay my bets but God bless the USA if she does win, things are going to be scarier than under obama.

Lying should-be convict? Lordy, do you only get your news from Faux News, my friend? Don't you watch any news channels where they don't make up their news? :lol:

Obama will be known in the history books as a great President and would have been greater had the crooked anti-american right-wing congress not done everything in its power to impede him. Mark my words, i'm always 100% about these things since i mastered in US History.

At least when Secretary Clinton destroys the crooked lying bigoted racist billionaire in November, the US will still have a great country for years to come. And i'll be $100 richer. But with Daffy Don? I'm not so sure this dictator-loving racist asshole won't destroy what's left of the world we have today. Nuclear weapons in this impulsive crazy lunatic's hands is something no one on this planet should want.

I'd rather he get his wish and fuck his daughter Ivanka.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i would choose Ivanka 10 times out of 10. Tiffany looks like a fun party girl though, which i also like :)
I must admit that she's your type. You've always had a thing for the older, heavier-set types. Nothing wrong with that. It's ok that our tastes differ. And it's great that at least, we share great knowledge in hockey and cheer for the most prestigious hockey team in the world. :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You are so brainwshed my friend it is not even worth getting into with you, love ya like a brother but man oh man you are way out in left field when it comes to politics. Obama as predicted by yours truly 8 years ago was going to be a disaster and was 100% correct, just like Killery Rodham will be and remember where you heard it first, well not first because millions and millions are saying the same thing.

I said from day one, Trump will either get us all killed or make things much better than what obama has left the US with, Clinton? lol, worse worse worse....we are all doomed and that means Canada as well because everything in the world revolves around the white house, sadly.
Lying should-be convict? Lordy, do you only get your news from Faux News, my friend? Don't you watch any news channels where they don't make up their news? :lol:

Obama will be known in the history books as a great President and would have been greater had the crooked anti-american right-wing congress not done everything in its power to impede him. Mark my words, i'm always 100% about these things since i mastered in US History.

At least when Secretary Clinton destroys the crooked lying bigoted racist billionaire in November, the US will still have a great country for years to come. And i'll be $100 richer. But with Daffy Don? I'm not so sure this dictator-loving racist asshole won't destroy what's left of the world we have today. Nuclear weapons in this impulsive crazy lunatic's hands is something no one on this planet should want.

I'd rather he get his wish and fuck his daughter Ivanka.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thats funny, was it not you who during many Apprenctice shows would text me how great Trunp and Ivanka were LOL!!!!! You change your mind more than a Victoria's Secrets Model changes her underware :pound:

You can have the last word my friend, or 20, you will anyways and it is senseless to debate with you over politics because of your hate for good versus evil (kidding, love ya bro and GLG!)
I must admit that she's your type. You've always had a thing for the older, heavier-set types. Nothing wrong with that. It's ok that our tastes differ. And it's great that at least, we share great knowledge in hockey and cheer for the most prestigious hockey team in the world. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Thats funny, was it not you who during many Apprenctice shows would text me how great Trunp and Ivanka were LOL!!!!! You change your mind more than a Victoria's Secrets Model changes her underware :pound:

That was then and this is now. Ivanka was young and hot back then, now she's older and not so hot.

By the way, aren't you the one who still finds grannies Sarah Palin & Michele Bachmann hot? I rest my case. :D

p.s. You're correct, i do change my mind often. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You are so brainwshed my friend it is not even worth getting into with you, love ya like a brother but man oh man you are way out in left field when it comes to politics. Obama as predicted by yours truly 8 years ago was going to be a disaster and was 100% correct, just like Killery Rodham will be and remember where you heard it first, well not first because millions and millions are saying the same thing.

I said from day one, Trump will either get us all killed or make things much better than what obama has left the US with, Clinton? lol, worse worse worse....we are all doomed and that means Canada as well because everything in the world revolves around the white house, sadly.

How can a red-blooded Canadian outsider like me be brainwashed? Brainwashed by whom? From whom? And most importantly, why?

If Obama is so terrible, how did he get elected to two terms and trounced your loverboy Romney in the last election? Heck, he was elected to one more term than Grandpa Bush, whom i thought actually did a pretty good job even if he was a Republican.

If he's so terrible, how come his approval numbers the highest in years?

I'll tell you why. Because people not living inside the same right-wing bubble you live in and get your fake news from realize he's done a hell of a good job considering the circumstances and see greatness in him.

I'm not saying Secretary Clinton will be as great a President as Obama, but anyone including Mickey Mouse is a better option that your crazy neo-nazi with the dead rat on his head!
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