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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

By Adam Entous and Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John O. Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.

“The three of us also agree that our organizations, along with others, need to focus on completing the thorough review of this issue that has been directed by President Obama and which is being led by the DNI,” Brennan’s message read.

Trump has consistently dismissed the intelligence community’s findings about Russian hacking.

The CIA and FBI declined to comment.

The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill about two weeks ago in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Specifically, CIA briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was one of Russia’s goals, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters.

CIA and FBI officials don’t think Russia had a “single purpose” by intervening during the presidential campaign. In addition to helping Trump, intelligence officials have told lawmakers that Moscow’s other goal included undermining confidence in the U.S. electoral system.

A separate House intelligence briefing by a senior FBI counter-intelligence official last week left some Republican and Democratic lawmakers with the impression that the bureau wasn’t on the same page as the CIA, according to officials present.

“The truth is they were never all that different in the first place,” an official said of the FBI and CIA positions.

In his message to the CIA’s workforce, Brennan said the administration has provided detailed briefings to lawmakers and their aides since the summer.

“In recent days, I have had several conversations with members of Congress, providing an update on the status of the review as well as the considerations that need to be taken into account as we proceed,” Brennan wrote. “Many – but unfortunately not all – members understand and appreciate the importance and the gravity of the issue, and they are very supportive of the process that is underway.”

FBI and CIA both agree Russia intervened to help Donald Trump win election

Doc says: "They should hold another election. This has been done in other countries where it was determined rogue foreign groups have intervened in democratically held elections. Let's put it to you clearly: 'Donald Trump did not win the election fair and square.' It was a rigged election."

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
In other news, the Benghazi Committee has officially closed down.

Of course, we all know that this wouldn't be the case had HRC won the electoral college.

It was nothing but a silly witch-hunt and a total waste of money all along. But hey, it probably lost her the electoral college, so i guess the rethuglicans' strategy somewhat worked, although they couldn't pin anything on her.

Tell that to the families of the victims who stood before HRC as she blatantly lied to their faces about the circumstances surrounding the death of their beloved. Those Benghazi Commissions were doomed to fail from the start for one simple reason - they lacked teeth. The State Dept and HRC openly defied subpoena after subpoena for document requests. Democratic politicians on the committee were openly hostile from the beginning. They had no interest in finding the truth they only had an interest to protect their racehorse in the next election. Shameful. This is what Trump talks about when wanting to drain the swamp. It's not just people, it's the culture.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I have pretty much avoided writing in this thread since its pretty clear everyone is convinced their side is right and the other is completely wrong and attempting to talk sense to the opposite side is useless.

In my humble opinion I believe Trump will be a complete disaster (his favorite word) as President. His choice of appointments is shocking, Good Luck U.S.A, you got what you wanted. What I will give Trump credit for, and I honestly take my hat off to him for it, he convinced a huge number of middle class voters (and some poor) that he is the best person to look out for them. They bought it!! This is a billionaire man who lives in a Skyscrapper he build with his name on the front of it written in gold and who eats with silverware sitting on chairs that resemble thrones than anything most people would have in their homes. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck & walks like a duck, its not a goose!

I believe Obama will be fondly remembered for his tireless efforts to improve the lives of everyone, but was ultimately blocked at almost any decision he made. He really inherited a disaster, the US economy and the world's economies were at risk. 600,00 jobs per month were disappearing. Everyone, Republican & Democrate, economist and Investor was calling it a depression. Obama turned that around, his guidance, his decisions. How soon everyone forgets the hole we ALL were in. Compare the economic situation of January 2008 and November 2016 and try saying with a straight face that things are bad. Compare where Wall Street was May 2009 and November 2016. Yea, Obama was horrible. Nevertheless, It was Republican tactic from Day 1 to oppose him at every turn and for the most part successfully did. There are plenty of video clips that can be easily found of top Republicans readily admitting to this policy on Utube. Newt Gingrich & Mitch McConnell in particular. He never had the support that Donald will (House & senate at same time). Trump will have no such roadblocks. The potential for epic corruption is enormous and he would be a fool to not take advantage of it. All the Hillary email BS will look laughable in short order compared to whats about to come down on all of us. Just because we live across a imaginary line we call a border will not protect us or shield us from the repercussion of this choice for President that will most surely come. Trump should be thanking Obama for leaving him a pretty solid economy, no wars, no reccesion, a solid currency and relatively low unemployment. That's what Trump is inheriting and to say otherwise is simply dishonest.

I have no dog in this race, no skin in this game. I'm not a US citizen and would never want to be. I love my country and do not wish harm on anyone. I hope I'm wrong and will gladly eat crow, but it seems pretty clear where all this is headed.
Your view on Obama is shared by probably the majority of Canadians. I'm not one of them and here's why. I follow US politics more than the average Canadian. I've read and seen things about Obama's past that are truly astounding. I'm not even referring to the whole birther controversy I have no reason to believe that he was not born in Hawaii like he said he was. What I am referring to his murky past, his associations with Rev Jeremiah Wright, with Bill Ayers, with Frank Marshall Davis. His work as a 'community organizer' which is just another label for social justice warrior. His voting record as a Liberal senator even more liberal than Bernie Sanders who is 2 steps away from Marxist socialism. But wait I thought he was supposed to be this 'moderate' kind of fella? How about his autobiography entitled "Dreams From My Father". A father who he supposedly barely even knew. One who was staunchly anti-Colonial and later anti-Capitalist.
Obama's vision as POTUS was in his own words to 'fundamentally' transform the United States of America. He said that in a speech 5 days before the 2008 election. Only 1 journalist (Bill O'Reilly) ever asked him what he meant by that and he backtracked. But he was lying. He REALLY WANTED to fundamentally change America in the following manner. 1) Completely overhaul it's foreign policy. 2) Attack the market capitalist system by taking on Wall Street, big banks and big corporations. By regulating and taxing the hell out of the economy. 3) By gov't takeover of the healthcare market first as a mandate then by having that mandate self destruct and the government step in. 4) By implementing a green energy agenda to attack this mythical monster called climate change and to justify tax increases. 5) To stoke divisions along racial and socio-economic lines. He did so time and time again by supporting thugs like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown while undermining law enforcement (Cambridge police incident ring a bell?) 6) To attack the Constitution by appointing activist judges to the SC and other jurisdictions. By limiting freedom of religion and attacking the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms 7) To support an open border policy. He was somewhat successful in his goal but he needed a HRC win. All I say to that is 1 - thank God for term limits and 2) thank God the people saw through HRC for what she is.

Now they can work to undo some of the damage of BHO Jr.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Kirk, i'm looking at what you wrote, and it gives me the impression it's something you copied & pasted off some other site and now claim it to be yours. It looks like something you plagiarized. Am i correct?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tell that to the families of the victims who stood before HRC as she blatantly lied to their faces about the circumstances surrounding the death of their beloved. Those Benghazi Commissions were doomed to fail from the start for one simple reason - they lacked teeth. The State Dept and HRC openly defied subpoena after subpoena for document requests. Democratic politicians on the committee were openly hostile from the beginning. They had no interest in finding the truth they only had an interest to protect their racehorse in the next election. Shameful. This is what Trump talks about when wanting to drain the swamp. It's not just people, it's the culture.

You give me the impression that you're nothing but a right wing hack. The word 'wingnut' could also apply. Someone who can be very easily fooled by fake news sites and who'll believe any b.s. 'fake' news story found on Facebook. Boy, have i got a Playboy model to recommend to you for $200 or less! :lol:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Tell that to the families of the victims who stood before HRC as she blatantly lied to their faces about the circumstances surrounding the death of their beloved.

This was one bomb with a few death. And what do you tell to the thousand mothers whose son died in Irak? That they where all hero? Bullshit! The thruth was that they died for nothing. For a stupid was war that should have never happened.



New Member
May 14, 2016
Boy, have i got a Playboy model to recommend to you for $200 or less! :lol:

You know, there's a are some strange paradox within the Republican Party these days. In Reagan's time Russia was unequivocally the enemy. There wasn't the slightest question among Republicans about that. When Obama ran in 2008 he declared the "Cold War" an anachronism, then yesterday admitted he had been wrong given Russian invasion of Crimea, threats against the Ukraine, and various other aggressive moves geographically and politically. In the old days Republicans would have crucified Obama for having been "soft" and letting Russia get away with so much.

But the reaction from T-Rump has been the opposite. Let's be even gentler with Russia, call them friends despite all they've done, in fact give them a great deal of assistance discrediting American Intelligence agencies, staple news outlets, and polarizing the American electorate with deeper political divisions than maybe in the last 70 years.

Now we are getting information T-Rump, as I predicted, will lose 15 to 25 electors when that vote, which verifies the election, comes Monday December 19. No they won't vote for Hillary, and T-Rump the disgrace is 90% safe to get enough electors to vote for him. Still it could be the largest flip of electors since 1836. Typical total flips for an election are rarely more than 1 or 2 electors changing votes from the candidate they were bound to.

While Dumpster (T-Rump) voters will cry foul and blame Democrats for interference, they will foolishly overlook how much Republicans would rather have Pence than T-Rump, who as I keep reminding you, is not one of them.

Tell that to the families of the victims who stood before HRC as she blatantly lied to their faces about the circumstances surrounding the death of their beloved. Those Benghazi Commissions were doomed to fail from the start for one simple reason - they lacked teeth.

4 Americans and 7 Libyans killed in Benghazi. Heart-breaking. You must have been outraged to the point of madness when the 241 American Marines and 58 French paratroopers were idiotically setup for slaughter in 1983.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
4 Americans and 7 Libyans killed in Benghazi. Heart-breaking. You must have been outraged to the point of madness when the 241 American Marines and 58 French paratroopers were idiotically setup for slaughter in 1983.

Let's not forget the familes of over 3000 who died in the Twin Towers and Pentagon attacks on Sept 11, 2001 while President George W. Bush was asleep at the wheel and literally let the whole operation unfold while ignoring over & over many warnings from the various intelligence agencies that an attack from Bin Laden was imminent and would possibly be caused by hijacked planes. Bush and his cronies (e.g. Condoleeza Rice) preferred ignoring the warnings and preferred to spend his time vacationing on his ranch in Crawford, Texas.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Let's not forget the familes of over 3000 who died in the Twin Towers and Pentagon attacks on Sept 11, 2001 while President George W. Bush was asleep at the wheel and literally let the whole operation unfold while ignoring over & over many warnings from the various intelligence agencies that an attack from Bin Laden was imminent and would possibly be caused by hijacked planes. Bush and his cronies (e.g. Condoleeza Rice) preferred ignoring the warnings and preferred to spend his time vacationing on his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

You would think if 4 devastated American families killed because of incompetence was cause to stop Hillary from being elected then 3000 devastated American families would have guaranteed the same for G.W.. Oooops, guess not when he's on their side of the political fence. Hypocrisy be thy name.

Speaking of grand hypocrisy. Dumpster is slamming China for capturing an American underwater he's only concerned how Putin's hacking of American government emails might hurt his own credibility, while the Russians celebrate how they have successfully deepened U.S. party polarization and damaged American intelligence credibility...just like T-Rump has been doing his best to do. Again, this would have been considered treasonous under Reagan.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Speaking of grand hypocrisy. Dumpster is slamming China for capturing an American underwater he's only concerned how Putin's hacking of American government emails might hurt his own credibility, while the Russians celebrate how they have successfully deepened U.S. party polarization and damaged American intelligence credibility...just like T-Rump has been doing his best to do. Again, this would have been considered treasonous under Reagan.

Of course, the Poopster-elect chose to attack on a whim via twitter without even having been briefed on the incident. China responded by saying that the United States (in other words, the Poopster-elect) is overreacting to this since they had already shown their intention to hand over the drone in question to the States.

Donald Trump is only escalating tensions with China. Folks, get ready to resume practicing drills like they used to in school back in the 1950's in case of a nuclear attack. Donald Trump will continue putting all your lives in jeopardy. Will the world exist 4 years from now???

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Kirk, i'm looking at what you wrote, and it gives me the impression it's something you copied & pasted off some other site and now claim it to be yours. It looks like something you plagiarized. Am i correct?

Nope you are completely incorrect as usual. Also don't call me Kirk - there is only one Kirk Douglas and he's 100 years old.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
You give me the impression that you're nothing but a right wing hack. The word 'wingnut' could also apply. Someone who can be very easily fooled by fake news sites and who'll believe any b.s. 'fake' news story found on Facebook. Boy, have i got a Playboy model to recommend to you for $200 or less! :lol:

Instead of labeling me a 'wingnut' maybe you should try a counter argument. I realize it's tough to argue against what I've said because it's the truth. And the truth hurts. Left wingers are so detached from reality they have created their own little bubble. Instead of blaming fake news, white racist uneducated voters, the Russians or the electoral college process for HRC's failure maybe they need to look hard at the Democratic Party and what it stands for - more government, more corruption, more divisiveness and more debt.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
It sure took you a while to respond to something i wrote over 2 days ago, Kirk.

p.s. I'm very rarely wrong. ;)

Wrong again. You just wrote it last night. Unlike you I'm not on the board 24/7 I got other things to do in life ;)
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