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White Nationalists March on U of Virginia


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yes it does apply to the left, radicalized extremist are as stupid and ignorant left to right.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
― George Carlin

And if you say religion is to blame I would perfectly agree with you. If you look at history you will see that religion is bad and responsible for many atrocities and genocide. You will understand that I am an atheist that only believe in Love and Peace :)



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
How many terrorist acts are commited in China or Japan... None.

Lots happen in China. Tibetan independence is one reason, Uigars is another. China had attacks with trucks into crowds long ago. They have also had groups of attackers stabbing people at railway stations. I think an attack happened at this year's Chinese New Year.

Japan had those nuts releasing nerve gas on the subway.

Lots of stuff happens that never gets covered by Canadian or US media.

I won't disagree with the rest of what you say though. Especially in countries where Islam is the rule. No diversity is allowed and there is no tolerance of any other beliefs. Many countries teach disgust and pity for infidels as normal school curriculum. Like the nutty Catholic schools taught back in the sixties. Also Islam teaches and obliges followers to work towards global domination. They are as bad as Jehovah's Witnesses.

Islamists are a bit like a mob. I met outlaw bikers individually and they are great guys. But as soon as a bunch get together they change into something else. I know individual Muslims and they are fine. But they change to follow official policy when they are in a group.

Sad thing is it was not like this until the asshole Saudis started exporting their fanaticism. Iran and Iraq and Lebanon were all quite westernised and open societies in the sixties and seventies. Iraq had a Jewish minority that nobody worried about. Lebanon had Jews and Christians and Muslims all getting along. Women could act like normal people and didn't need a man to escort them if they left the house. Women could drive cars. They could go to school, read and write, they didn't have to wear bags over their heads. All this bullshit is recent.

It's like they've gone back to the stone age and want to take everyone else with them.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yeah, the range of far right is a small group, the range of far left is very large.
Have not checked it out at all yet as I am in a pub waiting for people but recent news is that the incident was a paid for by Soros experience plus even the police were told by the mayor to stand down. Again, never proofed this at all and on my cell it will not happen.
As I mentioned earlier, I read left and right news, hate everyone agreeing and seeing a blissful group ranting in harmony.
The recent Boston issue also shows that the left is set to not let any right group give an opinion. Whatch the videos and then claim fake news, better than saying it now.
The Bristol race on the telly is good.
Enjoy the day.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah, the range of far right is a small group, the range of far left is very large.

What you see as a large far left group is very wrong. The far left group is also very small. But many currently join them (jews, black, etc.....) to stop white supremacist and nazi's immediately. America has already won 2 wars to fight against white supremacy and nazy, it's enough.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What you see as a large far left group is very wrong. The far left group is also very small. But many currently join them (jews, black, etc.....) to stop white supremacist and nazi's immediately. America has already won 2 wars to fight against white supremacy and nazy, it's enough.


I fully agree with the stopping of Nazi and supremacist groups but the left also wants to stop any right wing group who do a public protest.

WTF is this when shit like this happens.

BLM and ANTIFA are hate groups but since the lefties like them all is good, really.

Just found this.
I know many of you say fake news but it is just another side which left wing papers will never post.

EDIT: Just to add, What happens when you decide to poll a group of socialists on one of the largest chat forums on the internet?
Well, Reddit decided to do just that, asking commenters on r/socialism a series of questions about their political views and lives.
The poll found that nearly half (48%) of respondents are unemployed; 61% still live with their parents; 69% are uneducated; 46% support violent riots, and a mere 14% support unlimited free speech.


Jul 6, 2017
The overwhelming majority of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide are of the Sunni sect - who proudly claim to be the most literal and extremist adherents of Islam. If Sal Rushdie is finally killed by virtue of the Fatwa calling for his death by Muslim leaders, you can be assured that the vast majority of the Muslim world will rejoice. Saudi Arabia is the leading example of a Sunni dominated Country exporting its violent interpretation of the Koran and Hadith (See Wahhabism). In 20-30 years, we in North America will be going through the same influx of Islamism, as we are seeing in France, England, and especially Belgistan. If you want to hear the truth from a reformed Muslim check out this woman from Somalia.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Antifa are violent peoples, they became basically what they say they fight against... they try to force there idea over the population by force... remind me of somebody ...


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Antifa, BLM and KKK are all the same, even ISIS.

They are angry miserable fuckups who want to blame their own shortcomings on someone else.
Their failure is due to Jews, Blacks, Whites, Capitalists, Communists, or Infidels.
But it sure isn't THEIR fault!!!
And they want to make those guys pay.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Been watching the hurricane relief efforts on TV, many people coming from all oved with boats and whatever to assist, most look like rednecks, never noticed and BLM or ANTIFA helping, the Clinton foundation is also very quiet.
Trump gave a million.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
They don't look like rednecks, they look like normal people, black, white brown, all helping each other.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
From all the news I have seen the people coming to help were basic outdoor type people, never saw a manbun in the crowds.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Trump gave a million.

Same day he cancel a program that may send back "home" 800 hundred thousand people! Young people who may have to go "back" to a country they have never set a foot on! Way to go!

Children of immigrant always assimilate better and present much less problem. This decision is pure non sense that will lead to major problem. But by then Trump will be long gone.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Antifa, BLM and KKK are all the same, even ISIS.

They are angry miserable fuckups who want to blame their own shortcomings on someone else.
Their failure is due to Jews, Blacks, Whites, Capitalists, Communists, or Infidels.
But it sure isn't THEIR fault!!!
And they want to make those guys pay.

I agree with your post, all these groups are about hate and blaming other for their perceived misfortunes. They lead miserable lives, are uneducated, have poor life skills but all of that is due to someone else.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Same day he cancel a program that may send back "home" 800 hundred thousand people! Young people who may have to go "back" to a country they have never set a foot on! Way to go,

First off these are all illegals who Bin Obama gave amnesty to, majority were not born in the US, many Americans were wonder8ng when these illegals would be sent back.
Liberals/democrats always seem to concern themselves with others before their own, why?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Liberals/democrats always seem to concern themselves with others before their own, why?

Yes and thank god! There is no better society then one that welcome their peer human being.

The Republicans was the party that stopped slavery to bring back blacks to be regular american citizen. What the fuck happened? The only thing they want is block 1 million people that will most probably not vote for them. That is their only goal and it stink big time.

You would ship to venezuela, mexico or any other country a young person that has done absolutely nothing wrong beside following their parent? This is way to cruel.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Yes and thank god! There is no better society then one that welcome their peer human being.

The Republicans was the party that stopped slavery to bring back blacks to be regular american citizen. What the fuck happened? The only thing they want is block 1 million people that will most probably not vote for them. That is their only goal and it stink big time.

You would ship to venezuela, mexico or any other country a young person that has done absolutely nothing wrong beside following their parent? This is way to cruel.


I do not mind helping other if done the legal way, illegal immigration I am against. Obama should habe kept out of it, no other president has ever done anything like that, they are illegals.
Trump is not kicking them out bwcause they will probably not vote for him and who is to say they will not vote for him if they were allowed to stay. Your way of thinking couls apply to Justine Trudeau allowing all the illegals and refugees into Canada, vote getting at the cost of tax payers, not a concern or is it.
Many families in Canada are finding it harder to keep their qualiry of life due to rising costs because Justine is on a spending and raising tax spree, no issue either or should it be.
The illegals coming into Canada are illegals in the US and are fleeing because they will be kicked out of the US and now they are in Canada because Justine welcomes them with our tax dollars, maybe you can afford it but millions are living on the edge and could use assistance themselves but Justine is not helping them.
I can see extra assistance for others if ours are taken care of first, that is not happening, our social assistance is not going up but overseas spending is, kind of fucked up is it not.
Trump may be a buffoon but what he is doing is welcomed by millions of US citizens, what Trudeau is doing is welcomed by millions of illegals. Personally I prefer my tax dollars to assist Canadians and legal immigrants instead of trying to make Justine look good on the world stage.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I do not mind helping other if done the legal way, illegal immigration I am against. Obama should habe kept out of it, no other president has ever done anything like that, they are illegals.

The illegals coming into Canada are illegals in the US and are fleeing because they will be kicked out of the US and now they are in Canada because Justine welcomes them with our tax dollars, maybe you can afford it but millions are living on the edge and could use assistance themselves but Justine is not helping them.

You see this is where we differ. For me they are kids that were brought to the country before they were adults. Most of them have only the united states as the country they know. Kids of immigrant will usually adapt flawlessly to their new country and become great citizen. I would do everything to keep them, keep their dream alive.

Last I heard the proportion of illegals coming to canada and obtaining the right to stay is very low. So yes they are welcomed at our borders because they are currently rejected out of another country. But they do have to follow the process in place. All we hear from the media is how we welcome them, now dig out how many will stay and you will find out the number is very low.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Could you please show a link to your claim that many are being sent back? So far I have not found a thing, all are still in Canada and now collecting welfare checks.
As far as the kids go, none are being sent back as of now, just media looking for new stories since the others were mostly embellished or fake and went nowhere.
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