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What if Providers/Agencies Revealed which SP's saw which Hobbyists ?


Sr Member
Mar 12, 2003
Montreal, Canada
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Should a Provider/Agency reveal to ANY client (good or otherwise) that an SP was seen by another hobbyists & they name that hobbyist?

1) Should this be revealed openly on the board(s) ? Or is it NOT a transgression ?

2) What should (if any) be the punishment for such a revelation of private information ? Or is it NOT private ?


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I am not sure if I understand you question

but I am interpreting that you mean, a gent who didn't review the lady in question, is used as a "sell" point? Like,

oh, you might like SPX, MrX saw her and had great things to say

I think that is crossing the line. I wouldn't think that if someone did do that however, that they would do so out of maliciousness, and I tend to believe that intent is more a factor than anything else.

I am not sure why board names would come up at all, or names for that matter... I mean, ideally, shouldn't everyone be a little too busy for all that?



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

StripperLover said:
Should a Provider/Agency reveal to ANY client (good or otherwise) that an SP was seen by another hobbyists & they name that hobbyist?

1) Should this be revealed openly on the board(s) ? Or is it NOT a transgression ?

2) What should (if any) be the punishment for such a revelation of private information ? Or is it NOT private ?

You use the word "should" which conveys some form of obligation as opposed to "could" or "may" which are optional individual choices.

Private businesses or independent contractors would not have any such obligations.Like all such entities it is in their interest to keep such information confidential.

No PMs.Only public responses.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005

I'm totally shocked !!! ;)

P.S.: hope i'm not being too sarcastic here...
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Personally, i don't really care. It has happened to me and sps have told me they've seen so-and-so, etc. I've also heard about sps claiming to other sps that we've met when nothing could be further from the truth. But like i said, i don't really care.

p.s. I might have had a different opinion a few years ago when i was more paranoid about the whole business, i must admit.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Discretion is a MUST in this biz!

StripperLover said:
1) Should this be revealed openly on the board(s) ? Or is it NOT a transgression ?

2) What should (if any) be the punishment for such a revelation of private information ? Or is it NOT private ?

Let me start by answering your second question: yes, it is private and if an agency has revealed private info, no matter how harmless it seems, then it should be publicized on the boards for all clients to know who they're dealing with.

Clients should expect complete discretion from agencies and SPs. This is a cardinal rule that seems to be transgressed way too often in hobbyland.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
What if the hobbyist in question had posted a good review of the lady on either of the boards? If the agency then uses this as a reference I don't think that this is a breach of privacy. If the hobbyist has not made a post about seeing the lady then the information should be considered as confidential and not mentioned. No matter what the case, real names should never be used under any circumstances.

Ideally, if the line is crossed the agency should be identified on the board as not to be trusted with any personal information. But the problem of verification is always going to be there. The last thing anyone needs is someone starting a smear campaign against any agency.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Sticks and Stones

StripperLover said:
Doc Holliday,

How about if the info is not true & is harmfull to you or your reputation as a person first & as a hobbyist?

We all remember the old schoolyard retort "Sticks and stones ............ but words will never hurt me."

I seriously doubt the any such comments,if they indeed exist,will make their way into your credit file.Doubt that Equifax,D & B etc is going to hire additional people to call agencies,indies,follow you to clubs,trail you as you walk along Ontario street,etc.Various other analogies may be drawn by those so inclined.

Conversely how many "hobbyists" when calling an agency for the first time mention who referred them or that they have used a rival agency in the past or that they are a regular visitor to the specific city etc trying to slant the odds in their favour.

No PMs.Only public responses.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Discretion first and foremost...

eastender said:
I seriously doubt the any such comments,if they indeed exist,will make their way into your credit file.


This isn't the point. The point is that when I pay an SP for her company, I expect her and/or the agency she works with to keep their mouths shut unless I explicitly stated that they can use me as a reference.

I share a lot with some SPs. Maybe it's wrong but I do. I certainly do not want them to blab to their owners, clients or other SPs. It's simply none of their business.

As clients we expect and demand discretion. Without discretion, this business cannot survive. We need to be vigilant and share pertinent information on any agency or SP that violates this basic principle.

If an SP or agency tells you something that they shouldn't share, tell them that they are out of line and then let us know who they are.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005

General Gonad said:

As clients we expect and demand discretion. Without discretion, this business cannot survive. We need to be vigilant and share pertinent information on any agency or SP that violates this basic principle.

What discretion? The boards exist,the agencies exist the indies exist,the providers exist,the demand exists - further explaining the title "the world's oldest profession".Obviously the industry has overcome any and all acts of indiscretion to date.

Conversely your last sentence in the quote exemplifies the hypothetical nature of this point.To date no specific agency,sp,indy etc has been accused or shown to have violated this trust.

So what should we be vigilant about next - the sun rising in the west?

No PMs.Only public responses.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
StripperLover said:
Doc Holliday, how about if the info is not true & is harmfull to you or your reputation as a person first & as a hobbyist?

You have a good point. It's happened to me once and i didn't like it. I later confronted the 'lady' about it & found out jealousy was at the source of her remark(s). She apologized and i accepted. I never saw her again.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
oliver kloseoff said:
Doc Holliday
your a nice guy and the ladies love ya
but some hobbiests dont have your charm and apeal
and the laides dont talk nice about them
so me
i feel for these guys
some things that are told
which are not nice to say the least

I understand what you're saying & your insights never cease to amaze me. I take my words & opinions back. For the reasons you've mentionned, i fully agree with you. However, if i look at the other side of the equation, there are some hobbyists who are disrespectful & total assholes. For these types, i don't feel sorry for them and that's all they deserve.
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Dec 27, 2003
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You raise may issues.
First - why would an SP reference a fellow MERB member? Yes, MERB has great advice and we all base some of our decisions on the recommendations, but we are not putting our manhood on the table and having a measuring contest. If an SP talks about a MERB member (you), my excitement heads south. I'm paying for attention to me, not to you (assume you agree).
Second - this is a place to learn and make better informed dicisions. Our comments are a source for educated decisions and not self promotion.
Finally - this is a sport. It is fun. We are fortunate to meet some great SP's and we should keep this in mind. They are people like us and have feelings. They should not be looked at like rental property. They and us both enjoy our version of fun. We pay and they earn. Don't strain your brain with useless comments.


New Member
Dec 2, 2003
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Never had a SP yet, but it seems to me that the "I met politicians/stars/judges/very rich and known people" is probably a classic...If they talk about an unknown guy to another unknown guy, even if highly "unethical", the damage should be minimal in the end. To those having a strategic position in society, this would be a major problem...Either way, PC/ethical or not, I assume it's again one of the most basic rules of this business...A hobbyist naming the full name of the Sp is quite wrong too...


Edit : Discretion is still our friend in this world, I believe. More now than ever, in this hobby or elsewhere.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
sapman99 said:
One of my dates once told me that she doesn't like being in the car with the driver, the phone talk and the other girls. It's because, she said, "I like my job. Most of these other people don't. I fell like putting my hands over my ears when I hear some of the things they say about the clients and other girls (who aren't in the car at the time I presume)". Her comment stayed with me, because she was very sparse with words.


I heard the same thing from an SP I met. Lots of gossip in those cars. Maybe it's a coping mechanism but I still think it's unacceptable and they're better off chatting about other topics. I think this is another reason why I prefer indies - they typically value discretion a lot more than most agency ladies.


P.S. eastender, I will not bother answering your last post. No PMs, just post more intelligently next time.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said:
so escorts, being young for a start,under the influence and discontentwhat do you think they will talk about in a crowded car between apointments. the hardest job has to be dealing with the public but having to do this in an intimate fashion and im sure most of the clients are not gq models and imagine factoring in the fact some people dont have a clue about personal hygine or how to pelase a woman.


You raise a lot of good points. These ladies are young and it is natural for them to gossip...heck, most women and men I know gossip. I think it's fine to state that a client was unhygienic to fellow SPs in the car and to the owner who should warn the client the next time he calls that agency. But it's not fine to reveal personal info on a client that was conveyed during the session. This is where gossip becomes dangerous. If an SP doesn't know where to stop, she shouldn't be an SP.

..(another member),

You wrote: "I see the sp/client confidentiality as similar to doctor/patient. Some ethical standard should be expected from both parties." It is similar expect a doctor loses his license if she/he reveals personal info whereas an SP can go on Sping. This is the major difference and why we clients should be vigilant during our sessions and not accept discussions of other clients or SPs that reveal personal info.

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