Indy Companion
Montreal Escorts

Comment of an Intermittent Hobbiest on premier trip.


Dec 24, 2005
I wanted to give some general comments on my trip that other intermittent hobbiest may find helpful.

I booked through expedia and got a package flight Hotel deal for 800 for 3 days, I stayed at a nice place, i think it adds to the fun of the trip. I havent decied what is the best way to go whether to buy a package deal or try to buy flight and hotel seperatly usung the bidding priceline process. Any comments on what you prefer to do?

Flying into YUL I was a bit nervouse but guess really had no reason to be. When I first saw the line at customs I was somewhat shocked to see over a thousand ppl in line, other ppl paused as I did to as it was an omnious site that yu might take for ever to get through, but it kept moving. No real issues discussung my trip with the agent, explained I was their as a tourist to learn about Mtl. Tyhey didnt seem to care, wanted to to wherer I was staying? I think they want to hear some hotel name so your not going to be running off.

Taxi 35 to downtown - there was a line for cabs, I think limo service was 50 and there was no waiting for limo service.

Cab driver didnt seem interested in taking to my hotel front door, dropped me off on the corner so he wouldnt have to fight trafficv to pull up a tthe front door. I had another cab guy who played dumb, not anglais, and wouldnt take me to a tourist spot, I think it was a long enough fare for him and he wanted someone going to the airport. Do you guys tip the cab drivers much up there? I gave 10`% for a big fare. Cabs were in good shape.

French, I was able to survive with my little french by trying to converse with ppl on the street by communicating I was anglophone by opening up with Hello instead of Bonjour helped clear up confusion. Ppl generally very helpful.

The Metro subway system looked very good form what I saw on the green line, better than chicagi, DC, NY. Possibly it is not used as much as in these cities, but what ever the reason it wa clean and wide open. Im surprised a metro stop does not exist at the airport, that would be great.

Coming through the airport I bought some stuff at the duty free store to enjoy on my trip, I bought chocloate covered macadamia nuts for 16, they made me sick man, so word to the wise avoid that stuff that might have been sitting around a long time. You dont want tummy trouble before the show.

I unfortaunately did no thave time to go to a nice dinner, I was alone and kept myself busy in tourist mode, took a bus tour which chowed alot of the city. Went to Montreal Tower, Biodoms, Gardens and did that all in a day. If your looking for somethign to o this is a bit interesting.

I stayed at a hotel downtown kind a close to the eaton centre where alot of hotels are located. I do think there are areas around Mtl that can be gotten to my metro and might be actually nice and cheapper hotesl to stay at. Then when your ready for the city just jump on Metro. If anyone knows of a good hotel on the outskirts that be worth staying at pleas share. I did notice the were puttung in a new hilton on sherbrooke across from the sheraton.

I did some shopping and bought french movies under the guise that watching them mayhelp improve my french, well see.

StripClubs - Never got to one, I saw Kingdom walked right by it, but i did not have the time to go in and check it out.

Ice. It must be a Euopean thing that softdrinks were served cold with out ice?? I had to request my hotel to send uop ice extra as the hotell did not have ice machines on the floors, maybe thats partof the culture up there.

The sights and sound I saw were quit interesting. Saw a few churches, saw the open chiniese market, saw entertainer down by the lake, did not take a boat rid on the river but it lloked fun. Saw La Round across the river but did not go in.

I saw some girls:
All good -

Lindsey -
very bad - do not call - girl has many flaws that should be present in an escort

I would advise travellers to try to prebook so they dont have to guess wha tthey are getting when they get into towm.

Johny @ CLD helped me a lot. Crlos Brandon from MHA were easilly accomodating. GOF adjusted the time of my meeting with Lea as I needed b/c of flight delays. These agencies wanted to work with me b/c they wanted my money and they see a possibkle benefit to having dependable clients that call in from time to time.

I called Fred at excentric re Angela, and he took my number and said he get back to me by thursday, Im still waiting for call back a week later.

I emailed eleganz a week before to set up appointment and they advised to call on Monday to amke appointment that is when the schedule will be out. Well WTF Im callin on a Wednesday for this coming Monday night and its tu much bother to make a prebooking for me. Cann the girl and make it work. They probably dont have to care but just thing how great they wouold be if they did. So far no eleganza girl for me,

CAlled Candys delight a month in advance to see Melissa, was told to call back the week before. I call back and they say they dont know, call back on Saturday. Well between flying in and starting to see some of my pther appointments I dont have time tio waste to see if Melissa has decided to work. They should tell her that a paying cusomter is coming a month in advance and she should take every possibkle step to free u her schedule. I dont want to beg to get the girl to come see me, either she is game or not. If she has lost interest in working, take her pics down and lets move on. Has anyone actually seen Meliss in the Month of August? Or are the pics up just to bait the jons.

I emailed Tamara weeks in advance through her website, I gave her a date and said I wanted a 3 hour visit. I never got a call back? She must be to busy to read email.

I wanted to see Sylvia fixen but she went on vacation when I got to town so couldnt see her - looks like her site is down too. Hope she is well.

My point here is that I had some poor custoimer service that was really shitty if you are planning ahead of time. Some ppl want my business so I will use them, Johny, Carlos, Brandon.

Anyways on your trip, have a good time, mix it up a bit, see the city, catcha club, pre plan a nice selection and have a fun time. I think you may find other places to stay besides downtown that may be just as good.

I di wonder about LAVAL? Is that a good place to stay? Ill have to find that out. Bon Chance.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
CocaCola said:
I di wonder about LAVAL? Is that a good place to stay? Ill have to find that out. Bon Chance.
Not as fun as Mtl for sure, and yet the nightlife is quite interesting:
Saturday nights at Le Tops or Fuzzy are fun.
Mumba is not that bad neither.
Eventhough the crowd is a bit young, I like Ste-Adele's Bourbon Street (around 1h from Laval) for the awesome atmosphere.
St-Jerome is also pleasant for le Chic+Chac (30 mins from Laval).
While you are in those areas, try Motel St Pierre.


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
Visit site
If you find a hotel outside of Centre Ville...

CocaCola said:
I stayed at a hotel downtown kind a close to the eaton centre where alot of hotels are located. I do think there are areas around Mtl that can be gotten to my metro and might be actually nice and cheapper hotesl to stay at. Then when your ready for the city just jump on Metro. If anyone knows of a good hotel on the outskirts that be worth staying at pleas share. I did notice the were puttung in a new hilton on sherbrooke across from the sheraton.

I di wonder about LAVAL? Is that a good place to stay? Ill have to find that out. Bon Chance.
Yes, they maybe cheaper but a) you'll not be in the center of things as far as having other things to do, b) sometimes there is a surcharge for the girls to come and visit you. They prefer Centre Ville hotels.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003

Great post, well written and surely informational for others who do not come to Montreal often or are coming here for the first time.

By the way since you like to make plans in advance you might try checking out some indies next time. They generally are better equipped for advanced bookings. Many agencies do not know which girls will be working when from one week to the next. Sometimes from one day to the next!



New Member
Dec 12, 2005
Good post coca cola. I've had some of the problems you stated as well, with advance bookings, my solutions: 1. have backup plans. ie, a "top ten list" if you can book about three days in advance is usually better than a week. But have a back up for the inevitable "lady problems." 2. Have something else to do other than "hobby." Montreal is full of fun stuff to do, especially during the summer. 3. Don't avoid the strip clubs. but do your homework, and decide which ones you want to go to.
From the airport; You need to check out the public transportation web site. (just google: montreal public transportation, and you can find it. There is public bus/metro service to downtown, but it's difficult to find. Bus # 204 serves the airport but no one there will tell you about it. there is a bus that goes downtown to Berry/UQAM for a cost of CAD11.00 (I think) I've used it twice. Then metro to stop near my hotel. Buy a multi day metro pass. Best deal in town for getting around.
Love the walk... Best way to see montreal, old montreal, st. cathy's street is on foot. Take your time and smell the roses. A great walk is to the top of Mt. Royal, then the stairs down from the observation point.
Cash.. Use your ATM card at a bank to get your hobby money. You get a better rate, and don't pay a fee for changing money. You will only pay a fee of 2-3 dollars for using the ATM. Your statement will give you the actual money taken from your account. Also find out how much you can take out of your account per day.. or week.
Credit Cards... beware!!! More and more credit card companies, are charging a foreign transaction fee of around 3% for using your card out of the USA, assuming you are an American tourist like me. So maybe, cash is King. Just a word to the wise.
Ok that's enough, I'm done


Dec 24, 2005
Thanks for the comments. I had a great time. Ronnie, I was thinking about trying independents but they want more than the agencies and the agencies seem to get good reviews. I was able to book 2 and 3 hour visits for 320 to 460. I like to take my time I guess. I was originally looking at Sophie but her rates another girl who was with Judy's indys but between july to Aug they went from 200 to 300 an hour. I dont get how some girls charge more than what is charged in Toronto, but there must be demand or they just dont work much.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I can only comment about rates from my personal experiences...

Once a gal developes a good reputation, more people want to see her. Since she can only see so many people in a day, the issues of supply and demand come into play. She raises her rates, and sees as many clients as she is comfortable with in a day/week without having to refuse others because she is already booked.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts