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Dirty Money: Business of High End Prostitution


Nov 25, 2005
Dirty Money.... A CNBC special series on High end prostitution....

On tonight! :)

10pm eastern....should be entertaining...



New Member
Apr 24, 2005
it looks like a fluff piece on the industry, which is surprising

it makes it all look like the movie Pretty Woman

usually, the media paints it all with doom n' gloom (human trafficking, SW, etc.)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
CaptRenault said:
Question: Will you guys who voted for Obama still support him if he names some nitwit feminist as Attorney General and she tries to influence the states to pass prostitution laws like they have in Sweden?
Hey Capt,

The real question is: why are you guys who opposed him looking for battles over things that have not happened. Answer: sour grapes. Come on Capt, there will be plenty to argue and complain about after the inauguration. So coerce another woman for sex by dangling the promise of an exit visa and forget about this until January 20.

And why is a feminist necessarily a "nitwit"????? That's right, Conservatives believe in family, cleaning, and the man's conjugal rights.,

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New Member
Apr 24, 2005
Miss Maria said:
I would like to see this show but I do not have cnbc, is it possible to watch it online and how?



Check banger's link.

The website practically has videos of the entire show. You may not even need to watch it on TV.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
CaptRenault said:
I have stated in another thread that I wish the man well and I respect him, but I haven't taken a pledge to not criticize him and I don't intend to do so now.

It's not hard to show that Obama might well be sympathetic to prohibitionist policies on prostitution. For example, he was quoted on the issue on the liberal website Daily Kos:

...In August 2008, Southern California Pastor Rick Warren interviewed McCain and Obama in a Candidates’ Summit. Here’s an exchange between Obama and Warren during that Summit where Senator Obama clarifies the intimate connection between prostitution and trafficking:
WARREN: OK. Another issue, the third largest and the fastest growing criminal industry in the world is human trafficking. $32 billion a year. A lot of people don't know that there are about 27 million people living in slavery right now. More of them in sex trafficking than any others. How do we speak out and how do you plan to do something about that?
OBAMA: This has to be a top priority and this is an area where we've already seen bipartisan agreement on this issue. What we have to do is to create better, more effective tools for prosecuting those who are engaging in human trafficking and we have to do that within our country. Sadly, there are thousands who are trapped in various forms of enslavement, here in our country. Oftentimes young women who are caught up in prostitution...

Sorry, I was being too kind :D . I can think of much more descriptive terms for feminists, but I am a gentleman and I don't want to offend the ladies (and some guys like yourself) on this forum who naively describe themselves as "feminists" without fully understanding the threat that feminism poses to human freedom.

Also, I don't describe myself as a "conservative" especially when it comes to social values. I am just as opposed to the views of nitwit, bible-thumping, "family values" religious types as I am to the views of feminists. If you must put a label on my political views, "libertarian" will do fine. :)
Hello Capt,

Okay, "Libertarian". I have no idea how they feel about women except for your indications about feminism. However, this quote from Obama: "it is a debasement of our common humanity", seems to indicate disfavor of prostitution and human trafficking, and certainly does not seem to be in favor of legalizing something he calls a "debasement."




Nov 25, 2005
CaptRenault said:
I guess CNBC knows they have a different audience than other networks that have done prostitution stories recently.

The poll that is attached to the site has 80/20 in favor of de-criminalzation of prostitution. This is the financial industry, male dominated....excess money....looking for outlets for stress relief!

The host Melissa Frances even says in a promo...."let's have some fun...."

"This November San Francisco residents voted against decriminalizing prostitution. “Proposition K” would have eliminated the power of local law enforcement officers to go after prostitutes. In a live-and-let-live town, where medical marijuana clubs do business next to grocery stores, prostitutes would have been able to walk the streets without fear of arrest." - attached to the poll.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
Obama cannot be seen as legalizing prostitution, even if he secretly supports it.

That may work in San Francisco, where Prop K got 40+%, even though it lost.

But that would be political suicide.

When people think of prostitution, they think of "pimps and hos." (SWs)

Unfortunately, that's just the way it is.

A political candidate simply doesn't have time to sit there and explain the differences between SWs and SPs, and if he even goes there, he's iced himself.

No, he can only say some platitudes about demonizing human traffickers, and offering assistance to young women ... if he hopes to get elected, that is.


Nov 25, 2005
CaptRenault said:
I'm watching the show right now and it's surprisingly fair, accurate and non-judgemental in tone. Certainly the best prostitution documentary that I've seen on TV. I'm certainly not learning anything that I didn't already know, but it's still a good show. And damn, Amanda Brooks, that blonde with the black glasses who wrote the book The Internet Escort's Handbook is seriously hot. :D

I agree Capt. but I dont like Amanda....she says that 50% of reviews are exaggerated....and shes anti review boards....obviously she hasnt read my reviews!!:)



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
banger said:
I agree Capt. but I dont like Amanda....she says that 50% of reviews are exaggerated....and shes anti review boards....obviously she hasnt read my reviews!!:)


Hello all,

I caught up to this show late, but what I have seen makes the "high end" sex industry sound like a positive and profitable fantasy where women are in control of their lives. If this is taken as representative of all prostitution then I think a lot of young ladies will be shooting for something that doesn't have room for all of them, and ending up somewhere much worse that has room for them all.




New Member
Apr 24, 2005
as capt renault pointed out, i don't think young ladies will be watching this

i don't know of too many chicks who watch cnbc

probably older, more mature women who may want to be entrepreneurial, if anything at all


Nov 25, 2005
I still dont understand how its legal for a man and woman to have sex, get paid and film it to sell to the public(PORN)....but illegal when a man and woman have sex in private and get paid???:rolleyes:

I wonder what the % distribution of the high end market relative to the mid and low in terms of market capitalization??
I bet its a small number compared to the overall...

They mention TER in the show. Wow 1 million hits a day!



Sep 4, 2006
banger said:
I still dont understand how its legal for a man and woman to have sex, get paid and film it to sell to the public(PORN)....but illegal when a man and woman have sex in private and get paid???:rolleyes:

I saw a documentary on porn in the US a very long time ago. If I recall correctly, porn producers had to keep their filming locations secret because while the movies themselves were protected by freedom of speech, the police would arrest people on the set under prostitution laws. This changed after a legal challenge used boxing as an example. The argument was that it would be illegal for guys to have a fight. But if you get a ring, a referee and spectators, suddenly its legal. They said that under the same concept porn actors were not guilty of prostitution. There was more detail on the show, but it was long ago and I can't remember it well.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
oliver_kloseoff said:
so an agency owner is actually what then???????????????-agancy charges 180/hr and girl gets only 100 so the otehr $80 is administratvie fees which go to charity :D and not to help this person live a lavish lifestyle.

and an escort is actually a woman for companionship and the dfk gfe means what again:D


sorry, i meant street pimps and ho`s

most people equate prostitution with street prostitution

they automatically assume that any prostitution will involve drugs, cars driving up at all hours of the night, used condoms thrown all over your yard, sex in public, child prostitution, etc.

i think that most people don`t have a problem with prostitution itself, but don`t want to vote to legalize it for fear of all the surrounding problems

if presented with a regulated option, they do, in fact, vote for it. such is the case with Nevada, where brothels have not been voted out for decades

i.e. Dennis Hof of moonlight bunny ranch is a legal pimp (a jerk, imo, but a legal one)
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New Member
Mar 28, 2006
Why laws are better in Canada

All this just goes to show how much better the laws are in Canada, where prostitution is legal but for all the nasty bits (bawdy houses next door, street prostitution and pimping weak women on the streets). All the "above board" prostitution is either legal in fact (i.e. outcall prostitution), or de facto legal because no one cares to enforce the laws (e.g. massage parlours, off island Montreal strip clubs, and all the variations that exist across the country).

And we have a lower divorce rate!!!!

Good laws in the land of Canuckdom, eh!

Lace & Stilettos

New Member
May 16, 2007
I woke up to hate mail!

My web site was apparently briefly shown on the show which is the last thing on earth I wanted. I received a few emails with all the name calling possible. I would really like to see that show, any of you know if it's possible to do so somewhere on the net?


Nov 25, 2005
Sensual Cleo said:
My web site was apparently briefly shown on the show which is the last thing on earth I wanted. I received a few emails with all the name calling possible. I would really like to see that show, any of you know if it's possible to do so somewhere on the net?

I remember seeing your site on the show.....I thought it was a different Sensual Cleo. It was clearly visable for a few seconds.
Sorry to hear about the name calling email, hopefully you got some email from prospective clients as well....

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