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New Article on Prostitution in "Le Journal" March 1st 2023

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Here is the article in question (in french)

Quel est notre rôle dans le maintien de la prostitution? | JDM (

So the article start by talking about pimps and minors, wich obviously we all agree the police should go after and put a stop to for sure. Basically it start on the right foot. But it gradually and without much notice switch to prostitution as a whole and seem to blend completely the 2 things by the end. The author mention the peoples being for the legalisation of prostitution like its something wrong and link prostitution with violence or perversion. The last paragraphe is especially weird to me, even going as far as saying stop consuming porn.

Its evident this author is completely biased in her views and is against the idea. Its her right. And its an opinion text, not a factual article. But being allowed to be published in a big media outlet like that means you have to keep some standards and you should not put something so drastic.

If you been following Sonia Von Sacher, you know she is militating a lot for this hobby and "decriminalization" of it, and trying to put this business for once on its good side, expose said good side.

I am not saying there ain't a nasty side. We all know it. Maybe even Merb and other "collectives" on the good side is not the majority. I couldn't know. I decided myself to remain far from anything shady or risky when i started and i plan on keeping it that way as long as i can, hopefully ever. So maybe yes i do not see the bad side as much as others. But you can't put everything in the same basket and i wished those authors would actually instead focuss on the bad side and do mention there is a good side. Sometimes its shows on TV or medias but it seem way rarer and when it is, it seem to be in late night or something like that, like that show with Melanie Maynard a few years back where she did interviewed escorts who were at ease in their job.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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The author mixes up sexual traffic of minors, sexual exploitation and prostitution.

There is worker exploration in plants. She probably is wearing some clothes that were made in sweat shops. Should we stop clothes production because there are exploited workers? Or should people walk naked to boycot those plants and to avoid encouraging that exploitation?

I fully agree that nobody should be forced to do this as a job. Never. Jamais.

So let's focus on stopping abusers.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
D'accord avec les post précédents. Mme Morani est contre la prostitution en général mais elle appuie son combat sur les effets néfastes et inacceptables du "sex traficking" et particulièrement quand des mineures en sont victimes. Prostitution est un terme générique. Toute personne qui veut s'attaquer au grave problème de l'exploitation des mineures devrait commencer par nommer correctement le problème et non se cacher et diluer le problème dans un mot général qui ne veut pas dire grand chose. Les millions de femmes nord-américaines qui restent avec leur conjoint pour l'argent en échange de sexe ne peuvent-elles pas aussi être incluses dans ce phénomène? C'est leurs choix répondront certains, comme c'est le choix pour des femmes adultes de danser, de vendre quelques extras, de travailler dans des salons érotiques ou de travailler comme escortes.

Agree with previous posts. Mrs. Morani is against prostitution in general but she bases her fight on the harmful and unacceptable effects of "sex trafficking" and particularly when minors are victims of it. Prostitution is a generic term. Anyone who wants to tackle the serious problem of child exploitation should start by correctly naming the problem and not hiding and diluting the problem in a general word that does not mean much. Can't the millions of North American women who stay with their spouses for money in exchange for sex also be included in this phenomenon? It's their choice, some will say, as it is the choice for adult women to dance, to sell a few extras, to work in erotic salons or to work as escorts.

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