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Are Canadians insecure in their global identity?


Jul 4, 2003
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Are we? I'm sure that most of us have gotten an email about "10 ways to know you're Canadian." Somewhere on that list is "You get excited when a Canadian city gets mentioned on Law and Order" or some such show/movie.

I, for one, have never had much use for shows like "Entertainment Tonight", let alone the "E" network. I personally couldn't care less about what ANY celebrity, Canadian or otherwise, says, thinks, or does.

I'm not making light of the death of Natasha Richardson, but I find it disgusting that her, at the time, mere injury was the top story on Pulse News at noon. Some actresse's spill on the slopes was considered more important than the CONFIRMED DEATHS of 3 Canadians in a bus crash.

Are we so insecure about our place on the planet that we have to brag that a world famous actress actually came here to Canada? Yes, Canada has a tendency to fade into the background. When it comes to blowing our own horn, we can't hold a candle to our friends to the south. But cmon already. Did the story deserve as much coverage as it's gotten? Would it have made the top spot if she had fallen in Colorado? I doubt it.

Canada has a lot to be proud of. How about we do it with a little quiet dignity.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
I'm not exactly sure why you think this is a national identity issue as opposed to just your typical moronic media fascination with celebrity issue.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
johnhenrygalt said:
It's not just a media fascination. This story generated more threads, comments and views on merb than the bus crash mentioned by mtwallet. When Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton does something stupid, within a few days there is a 3 or 4 page thread on it here and on terb. Even those who pretend not to be interested in celebrities will take the time to comment if only to say "I don't understand why this is news?", rather than just ignoring the matter.

To the extent that the media is feeding an existing appetite you are right. I do think it's fair to be critical of the media without the assumption being made that there is a particular interest in the subject which caused this assessment.
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