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What do you tell your neighbour of your SP habits?


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I have a neighbour who has no life and likes to know everybody elses buisiness. Unfortunately he has noticed young good looking girls coming in and out of my place. He even mentioned to me once about the SPs that I call which I denied! I just told him they were girls I knew from work.

So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have a neighbour who has no life and likes to know everybody elses buisiness. Unfortunately he has noticed young good looking girls coming in and out of my place. He even mentioned to me once about the SPs that I call which I denied! I just told him they were girls I knew from work.

So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?

Tell him that the office parties are really fun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I do outcall at hotels or I visit brothels when I travel. I don't volunteer any information to anyone. When someone says something about Sp's I act surprised. I feign ignorance. As a rule, I do not broadcast my business beyond boards such as these. Nothing good can come it. On rare occasions in the past I have visited bars where sex acts are performed with co-workers. I pretended like it was the first time or something like this. I did not let on that I frequent prostitutes. This is a losing proposition. If you are with co-workers and you want to hobby best to wait untill they go in for the night.

You have nothing to gain by telling your co-workers, friends, or neighbors about this hobby. This is not a PC activity. If you travel to place like Montreal on business or for pleasure do not brag about this to a soul. This is what this board is for. It will not help you and can potentially ruin your career. SP's to us mongers = fun and excitement. SP's to the general population = exploited woman, forced servitude, under age sex workers, trafficing. Mums the word. Instead, talk about how hard you worked, how lonely you are, how tired you are, how you miss your own bed....etc. Talk about how the food does not agree with your stomach, how dangerous it is. N-e-v-e-r take your SO to a hobby destination either. It is too dangerous, you'll hate it, you'll become ill from the water etc.
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I have a neighbour who has no life and likes to know everybody elses buisiness. Unfortunately he has noticed young good looking girls coming in and out of my place. He even mentioned to me once about the SPs that I call which I denied! I just told him they were girls I knew from work.

So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?

Open slightly you're windows and let it run but not too loud...
Be sure to add some of your own to make it real and be sure to do some faint gargle...

You'de be amazed how he will recognize your voice even in a scream !

Or you fight fire with fire and start asking him all sorts of questions about his life... specially stupid retarded ones like :
Do you like sucking the rubber of binoculars ?
Do you put any blueberries in your undershorts at night ?
Do you eat while masturbating ?

Yu know... some disturbed and creepy questions :) :) :)

Or... here's no.6 advice on ways of getting rid of a nosy one !

File a Complaint
Invasion of privacy is a very serious offense, and is considered a crime in many cities or communities. Your nosy neighbor may be a stalker, a possible thief, or a voyeur. It's bad enough that you have to put up with your neighbor's nosiness, but you may not really know the real motive of your seemingly nice neighbor. He or she may plan to steal some of your household items, deface your property, or harm your family members.

You can file a complaint with the sheriff's office or the local police and tell them that your neighbor's behavior is bothering you. They would respond to the situation immediately, and may even arrest your neighbor if the situation calls for it. You can also go to your family lawyer, and weigh your options to file a restraining order from the court.
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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
...So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?
My closest neighbor is about a half mile away. If I had to, I'd have to tell him to mind his own fucking business.:)


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
... So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?
You take a page from a 5yo's or Clemens/Bonds book... deny everything they hint at. Couriers, Admins drop-offs, ur an office recruiter for temps, ur an amateur photographer, etc.

I've got a neighbour who calls for service at home, it's really obvious especially when the SP knocks on my door and I have to say "Uhm, sorry I'm not ___________! He lives over there." I've heard my neighbour tell others that he's a professor and he's holding tutorial sessions. LOL

Just deny - deny - deny!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
I have a neighbour who has no life and likes to know everybody elses buisiness.

Maybe invite him over for a session ? This way he'd get a life!! lol!

Seriously: deny. Not too vehemently, but calmly and simply matter of fact. Don't get into details-- it would mean you remember too well who this was. Just look casual about it, it's the best thing. If you know too well who he is talking about, it's more "suspicious". After all, should you remember each and every person who comes to knock at your door?? You're a social person! Let HIM provide you with details of his observations! It'll show how much he is spying on you-- then you can return the questions/ accusations to him: "So you're spying on me?? Do you know this is illegal?" Or... If he is specific about one ("the redhead with the black f*** me boots last wednesday") then you can say, "oh! Nathalie, my cousin/ cousin's daughter!!" and maybe throw in a little intimidation of your own: "I hope you're not fantasizing on her, you pervert, she's my cousin!!"

Depending on your age (or apparent age), some may be your cousin, your cousin's daughter, an office temp/worker bringing in some papers from work, a girl you met at a bar, etc. For each one you "remember", you can have a slightly different story. Or say it's the same one-- after all, they often come in the same cars.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
I don't mix a lot with my neighbors and rarely hobby at home. A couple that lives about a block away knows what I do and I think she's kinda curious about it.....LOL. My family, friends & most business associates know. My doctor just says "Use a Condom". It's more about what you think about yourself than what others think. You'd be surprised how others react when you get rid of your own Victorian beliefs on the subject. I have a couple of married couples in England. When I went over, the men were totally in awe and actually bowed on their knees and said "Oh great one!!"....LOL. They were totally envious of me.

I was "dating" an SP back in 05 or 06. Attractive Blond from Laval. She would sun herself on the lounge by the lake and kiss me in the driveway. I had a good laugh to myself about what the neighbors were thinking seeing a 26 year old kissing me in the driveway....LOL
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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA

Kansas Frank

Hey Don -- change the subject. Or tell him you're a tutor. :)

I like Hungry 101's suggestions and techiques.

It's too bad most people associate Montreal with Hobbyland. There is so much more to Montreal. McGill University, for one. The local food is excellent. I generally stay at 3 to 4 star hotels and they are always packed with people (men and women) attending various conferences (medical, biotech, finance, etc.) in the hotels. Most of the attendees tend to be from the States. But, like Hungry 101 suggested why prolong the conversation longer than absolutely necessary. :cool:


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Tell you neighbour that you are a sex surrogate and you are offering intructional therapy to the young girls.


Sep 8, 2004
I don't like the idea of having nosy neighbors start asking questions. That's why I usually rent a room. I'm seriously considering renting an appartment to indulge in my favorite activity though...


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Web site!!!

Tell him you opened a web site to instruct younger girls the art of blow-jobs .

The site could be like (((

Then you could get money back (there is probably a goverment insentive for that:):) there is for everything else.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Tell him you opened a web site to instruct younger girls the art of blow-jobs .

The site could be like (((

Then you could get money back (there is probably a goverment insentive for that:):) there is for everything else.

In the light of the recent activity in Quebec's school (see Mod9's thread)... how about telling them that you are making interviews to hire some School Teacher ? :)
Ok les petits... on va epeller les voyelles de l'alphabet. AAAAAAAAAA, EEEE, IIIII, OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have a neighbour who has no life and likes to know everybody elses buisiness. Unfortunately he has noticed young good looking girls coming in and out of my place. He even mentioned to me once about the SPs that I call which I denied! I just told him they were girls I knew from work.

So how do you guys get your neighbour out of your business?

First of all there is an old saying that goes like this: "don't eat where you shit." I see a lot of people here never heard of it. I never receive an escort where I live. I know of some hobbyists who lease or purchase properties specific to this purpose. There is also this invention called the short stay hotel aka the Chablis.

Second it is nobody's fucken business what you do. I once had someone ask me what I do in Montreal and I told them I have a good time. Keep your answers as vague as possible and use conclusory terms like "good time" and "have fun" and "party" rather than facts. Answer questions with questions. Eventually you will be labelled as a guy who can't answer questions straight but if that is the worst thing anyone can say about you, so what.

As far as being asked about being seen with a specific woman or SP, I would just say I am interviewing her for a position I have in mind. In reality the position is to be occupied as someone who sucks your cock, but it could be as an aide for your grandmother. He doesn't know. Again, give conclusory answers and answer questions with questions.
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Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
Answer questions with questions. Eventually you will be labelled as a guy who can't answer questions straight but if that is the worst thing anyone can say about you, so what.

... that's right EB, and then they will just think you are a government official :)


Jul 15, 2006
Actually I am pretty open about my SC/SP activities at work. They have come to accept it. They "understand" my opinions about relationships and to some extent agree with some of it. It often becomes a regular topic whether I bring it up or not. A bunch of my co-workers decided that our regular work outing would include a strip club. My boss (a female and another female) got a 4-way lap dance with me and a dancer. Another time they decided to go even though I decided to skip that night.

Although I have received an SP at home, I have to agree about the neighbors thing, though. I don't have "mind your own business" neighbors really, so given the chance I would not trust them to not reveal activities like that.


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
As far as being asked about being seen with a specific woman or SP, I would just say I am interviewing her for a position I have in mind.

Don't say that in french cuze the first thing anybody will think hearing 'position' it will be a sexual one !
Actually just saying that you're giving an interview to a young sexy girl will be regarded as sex.

Brag about it instead by saying you're having sex with her 5-6 times a day, that she can't get enough of you and that you just can't get rid of her.
They'll think you're BS them and search for the 'real reason' :)
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