Montreal Escorts

Boasting about unadvertised services


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Lately, there seems to be a tide of clients relating they received services from an SP (the most frequent are Greek and SW) that she then denies providing.

I have been trying to make sense of this, but in a context where an emotionally charged issue such as sex for money is involved, it is by no means easy. Almost every explanation I can come up with begs a counter-explanation. Here we go with the main issues:

  • Why are the clients doing this?
    • The ones who are telling the truth are either insensitive to the exposure this causes the girl, or plain braggarts who care not an iota.
    • The lying ones have an agenda: They figure (rightly) that the best way to put a girl in harm’s way is to say she performs extreme acts that in point of fact she does not.
  • Are the girls or the clients lying?
    • In the point above, I indicate my thought about the clients being divided into two camps.
    • As far as the girls go, I am sure some performed the said services and don’t want to admit to it subsequently. I happen to think they have very good reasons for doing this and I will talk about it in the point below.
  • Why are some girls providing these services even if it may get them in trouble?
    • Why does an escort accept to go to the restaurant (off the clock) with a specific client, but not others? Same reason why she may be freer with certain sexual acts. The clients may even be different ones in both cases. The point is, it’s her choice. But by making such things public, clients are removing the aspect of choice, and generally ruining it for everyone else. And this includes the client AND provider.

I really like the ladies who do this job, maybe to a fault. Still, I have enough experience to relativize and not take everything at face value.

My conclusion is: if a lady gives you more sexually than what she is advertised as doing, say thanks, see her again, and shut up. She gave you a gift because she enjoys sex in your company, don’t be a girly-man who needs bragging rights in front of his peers (lol @ peers). A real man is a gentleman who will receive, say thank you, shut up, and give back. Bragging is NOT giving back.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
My conclusion is: if a lady gives you more sexually than what she is advertised as doing, say thanks, see her again, and shut up. She gave you a gift because she enjoys sex in your company, don’t be a girly-man who needs bragging rights in front of his peers (lol @ peers). A real man is a gentleman who will receive, say thank you, shut up, and give back. Bragging is NOT giving back.

Very well said, and couldn't agree more!!

Lily from Montreal

hum...what an escort does off the clock is not done as an escort...we do have lives...and it is not because I have sex with you in my Lily incarnation that that I would not (maybe) enjoy seeing you in another of my life...I juggle a lot of lives lol as a rule I try not to mix them but sometime intersection happens,yes I'll admit I have favorites as I am sure you do ...but you are right I would resent hearing that my told to other...I agree with you here.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I have to agree with your post sapman. I think in most cases there is YMMV and girls do not like it being exposed that they gave an extra service that they give only selectively. I have gotten CIM from ladies who were reported on the board not to provide it, in one case it was for racial reasons (meaning the guys who reported not getting it on the board likely unwittingly identified themselves as black or Asian), in other cases it was due to familiarity or comfort level, and in other cases it was for extra $. Regardless of the reason, the ladies do expect that these kinds of things be kept private, and what happens when they are not kept private is that the hobbyist spoils things for himself, and very possibly for others as well.

The controversy surrounding johnmbot's CIM list was another example of the same thing, and although it was an informational resource, it was best left off the public boards and I think john will be the first one to admit that.
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New Member
Oct 31, 2005
Like everything else in life, I take the "Penthouse Forum" type reviews with a grain of salt, and to be honest, I don't come to this forum for that much detail.

For me, I look for answers to these questions:

  1. Did you get ripped off?
  2. Were the pictures on the website real?
  3. Did the girl have a good attitude?
  4. Was she fun to be with?

Tomato Soup

New Member
Feb 3, 2011
I know some masseuses that offer SPECIAL services to select clients, they do not want it know to all that these privileged offers are available to some people.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Question for the mods: is there a board policy or posting regulations about that? If a provider has publicity saying "safe sex", "no anal", lfk only and the likes, I feel reviewers should not be allowed to state that they got it in a review. First, there is no mean to verify if it is true or not and most importantly, it puts unnecessary pressure on the providers. ALL indys, unless they advertize those services, have to deal with a lot of problems because of that. I think the board owes them the basic respect of not permitting such reviews.


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
Perhaps as a newbie to Merb but a veteran to other US boards, I should not weigh in, but I say don't be a hater. I mean who cares what others represent about themselves. You do you. Don't worry about the next guy... takes too much time and time is money. Now if you're worried about providers being slandered etc., well then that's a different story I guess, but I would think they can take care of themselves and the mods can attend to various slander and improper posts. We can all read through the lines and tell what's what. Cheers.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello gugu,

Unfortunately mods do not have the resources or the time to verify every review against the services advertised by every SP. And even then, many SPs advertise YMMV which opens the door to any details a reviewer wishes to include. If any lady wishes to contest the contents of a review, she can contact a moderator by PM if she is a member, or email if not, or have her agency post a reply in the thread or reply themselves if they are an advertiser.

This is exactly the reason we removed the thread regarding SPs who provide/provided CIM. No information in that thread was supported by reviews or even by the person making the claim. We do not permit anonymous or third party reviews.

It is the responsibility of the provider to talk to her clients if there is information she does not want included in a review or if she wishes not to be reviewed at all. Clients should also be smart enough to realize that if they post such information, they may never receive the same level of service from that lady in the future if she decides to see him again at all.

The bottom line is that MERB does not censor or edit reviews. It is up to every member to compose his reviews responsibly.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Lately, there seems to be a tide of clients relating they received services from an SP (the most frequent are Greek and SW) that she then denies providing.

I have been trying to make sense of this, but in a context where an emotionally charged issue such as sex for money is involved, it is by no means easy. Almost every explanation I can come up with begs a counter-explanation. Here we go with the main issues:

  • Why are the clients doing this?
    • The ones who are telling the truth are either insensitive to the exposure this causes the girl, or plain braggarts who care not an iota.
    • The lying ones have an agenda: They figure (rightly) that the best way to put a girl in harm’s way is to say she performs extreme acts that in point of fact she does not.
  • Are the girls or the clients lying?
    • In the point above, I indicate my thought about the clients being divided into two camps.
    • As far as the girls go, I am sure some performed the said services and don’t want to admit to it subsequently. I happen to think they have very good reasons for doing this and I will talk about it in the point below.
  • Why are some girls providing these services even if it may get them in trouble?
    • Why does an escort accept to go to the restaurant (off the clock) with a specific client, but not others? Same reason why she may be freer with certain sexual acts. The clients may even be different ones in both cases. The point is, it’s her choice. But by making such things public, clients are removing the aspect of choice, and generally ruining it for everyone else. And this includes the client AND provider.

I really like the ladies who do this job, maybe to a fault. Still, I have enough experience to relativize and not take everything at face value.

My conclusion is: if a lady gives you more sexually than what she is advertised as doing, say thanks, see her again, and shut up. She gave you a gift because she enjoys sex in your company, don’t be a girly-man who needs bragging rights in front of his peers (lol @ peers). A real man is a gentleman who will receive, say thank you, shut up, and give back. Bragging is NOT giving back.

Hello Sapman,

Does a gentleman review a girl sexually at all? Are there any real gentlemen in this hobby in the first place? Isn't what you are suggesting defeating the purpose of an escort (sexual) review board? Exactly how did you choose your ladies? Was it just the photos while covering up the acronyms under every one of them? You ignored all the details in all the reviews? Never read a detailed review and took an interest?

For our purposes here a hobbying "gentleman" does not include anything the escort does not want included. I have asked those I have reviewed what they would prefer many times. If the ladies don't want something included it isn't. Those that don't mind including illicit details just want it made clear everything is YMMV. Any hobbyist should know this already.

Your two client camps seem deliberately very negative, and therefor they aren't accurate.

Escorts do certain things for some and not for others because of either individual connections, but much more often for more money.

They provide riskier provocative services They want it known because of...more money.

Lying clients are most often looking to coerce a deal...not specifically to endanger the lady.

Question for the mods: is there a board policy or posting regulations about that? If a provider has publicity saying "safe sex", "no anal", lfk only and the likes, I feel reviewers should not be allowed to state that they got it in a review. First, there is no mean to verify if it is true or not and most importantly, it puts unnecessary pressure on the providers. ALL indys, unless they advertize those services, have to deal with a lot of problems because of that. I think the board owes them the basic respect of not permitting such reviews.

I think you two should start first with the agencies. Simply saying GFE is a risky invitation since many have widely different definitions of what a GFE is. Don't forget that just being alone in a room with a stranger is a very risky situation for a lady for one thing. For another why aren't the agencies and ladies objecting to these reviews, which the mods have edited or deleted when such requests have been made? Why are there always acronyms like GFE, PSE, and sometimes open-minded/greek?

As for verification, nothing can be verified unless you ask for it yourself and YOU report it. So in that case this and all escort review boards are useless and should be erased? Isn't that what your suggestions lead to?

You guys paint a bleak picture against clients which is very unbalanced. It's a good idea to remind clients not to overdo it, or to make sure they don't say what the lady does not want to be said. But it starts with agencies attracting clients with specific offerings and the ladies fulfilling them...both often wanting the details reported in reviews...ta make more money.

One of my all-time favorites made it up to $700/2 hours, through fairly detailed reviews and proving they were accurate. She never objected to truthful ones.


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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Lately, there seems to be a tide of clients relating they received services from an SP (the most frequent are Greek and SW) that she then denies providing ... My conclusion is: if a lady gives you more sexually than what she is advertised as doing, say thanks, see her again, and shut up. She gave you a gift because she enjoys sex in your company, don’t be a girly-man who needs bragging rights in front of his peers (lol @ peers). A real man is a gentleman who will receive, say thank you, shut up, and give back. Bragging is NOT giving back.
I agree, sapman. It kind of goes back to the " Don't kiss and tell" thing from High School.
...Does a gentleman review a girl sexually at all? Are there any real gentlemen in this hobby in the first place? ... Most clients and girls aren't lying in my experiences. ... Merlot
I suppose a real gentleman wouldn't "kiss and tell". But if somebody didn't, then this forum wouldn't exist. Yes there are some real gentlemen ...
You guys are real gentlemen and perfect clients. We can only wish that most board readers will listen to your words. Decency for all.
Most clients and ladies don’t lie, I agree. Those who do make it hard on those who don’t.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Merlot, I did not not talk about agencies because most advertize almost all girls as GFE which means and dfk or pse which means anal and cim, whatever the attitude is. Also, even if it is not rule, I always felt that members are expected to stay anonymous and not to talk about reviews with the girls.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This reminds me of an old joke. A 67 year old Jewish man steps into a confessional and says father I have had sex with two 19 year old girls today. The Priest said “That will be 12 hail Mary’s 6 lord prayers.” The man says "What? I can’t do that. I'm Jewish." The priest responded "Than why are you telling me." The old man said "I'm tellin everybody."

The point is I have had sexcapades with escorts that have been such a rush that I have to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Another hobbyist said on another board, "The Hobby is so surreal I wouldn't believe half of the stuff I post if it didn't happen to me personally." My reviews are primarily for me 1st and to give back to the community 2nd. I can't brag to my co-workers, friends, neighbors or my S. O. for God's sake. I have to tell somebody. This is what this board is for.

Sapman you are correct. We need to consider the ramifications of sharing certain details of reviews.
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