Montreal Escorts

My Bizarre Easter Weekend in Montreal


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This past weekend was a great experience for me in terms of meeting some new friends, but as far as my hobbying activities were concerned, it was the most bizarre and comical weekend I have ever experienced in Montreal. Over the course of three days of hobbying, I had a personal record seven (7) cancellations of dates with SPs, including four (4) cancellations in one day! However, I am posting here to tell the story of a date that actually happened, which turned out to be the most bizarre encounter I have ever had with an escort, or am likely to ever have, even if I continue to hobby for the next 40 years. I am not going to reveal the name of the SP or the agency involved, because the owner has personally apologized to me and promised to make amends, which I accepted, and I really have no desire to stigmatize either the SP or the agency involved. I am telling this story for its pure entertainment value. You may not believe it, but if the following is not true, then Fred Zed and Tom should award me with the Pulitzer Prize for hobbyist fiction. This is straight out of Seinfeld!

The SP in question arrived very late in the evening of a day on which I had already had, as noted above, an incredible four cancellations (before she arrived my money seemed to be burning a hole on the desk, and I seriously wondered whether anyone wanted to take my money!) As I greeted her, I observed that she looked good. She had a cute face with a wee bit too much makeup, and packed a few extra pounds in the midsection, but her overall shape looked good. The date started with me offering her some wine, which was accepted. She quickly dispensed with my attempts at conversation and indicated a desire to get down to business, which was fine with me because at that point I was in dire need of female nurturing. I started with an attempt at DFK, which was refused (LFK only). Things then proceeded to the bed where clothes were rapidly discarded, and I made my usual preemptive DATY strike. This was also refused, politely, with the statement that “I think that is a really bad idea.” As things turned out, she was 100% correct, and this cryptic statement would prove to be a harbinger of things to come.

I was then treated to a good with lots of eye contact, and this continued to completion at my request. I then asked to receive a massage, and the SP obliged. With me laying face down on the bed, she sat on top of me and began a very satisfying back massage, starting at my neck and working her way down. Suddenly, about 10 minutes into the massage, as she was moving lower towards my ass, she began shrieking “Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and jumped off of me. She again shrieked “Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I turned around and looked at her, and her face was filled with horror, like she had just seen a cadaver or a monster. At this point, I had no idea what was going on and did not feel any pain, although it seemed like I should have. Then she said to me, excitedly: “You need to get in the shower right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I then gazed at the bedsheets and saw blood, and it finally dawned on me what had happened.

THE SP HAD MENSTRUATED ALL OVER MY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We then both proceeded rapidly into the bathroom, and jumped into the shower. She washed off my bloodsoiled back, and then lathered me up with soap. She apologized repeatedly. At this point I was kind of in shock but also kind of thinking that this was funny. The SP then called her agency, advised them that she had her period and told them to cancel the rest of her dates for the evening. She left shortly thereafter. As I went back to the bedroom, I noticed that the sheets on one side of my king sized bed had been bloodied.

After this incident occurred, I met up with Doc Holliday, Special K, Stripper Lover, AlexK, TriDan and Maxxwell (all great guys, by the ways) at a certain Crescent Street watering hole. They were already there, and they already knew I had a date and who I was seeing, so they asked me how it went. When I told them the condensed version of this story, there were some roars of laughter, and an absolutely bewildered look on the face of Stripper Lover, which I don’t think I will soon forget. I think Stripper Lover thought I was pulling his chain in the manner of Le Cock Sportif. However, there was no chain pulling. The above is a 100% true story.

Unbelievably, it gets even better than this. There were incidents at the hotel immediately before and after the SP left, involving 3rd parties and hotel staff, but I am not at liberty to disclose the details because that would potentially identify me to the hotel staff. Suffice it to say that these incidents were also somewhat comical and bizarre. The whole evening was something out of the Hobbyist Twilight Zone!

Hopefully the next trip will go a little better. As for my thought on girls working while having their period, I am going to reserve that for another thread.


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
A Consolation Prize For You!


Hahahah....LMAO!!! Sorry I can`t stop laughing as it sounds so entertaining. Actually my condolences! I also have a consolation prize for you. You become the first live example that I can use for reason #5 for circumstances you reject your SP, namely mother nature (menstruation) comes calling. ;) :) :eek: :p :D

By the way, did you pay a 15% rejection fee equal to her hourly rate as you think this is the industry standard? Or did you pay more since you were well into the action already?



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I paid the SP her full fee. I did not request a discount and did not complain. The agency owner contacted me and apologized and said amends would be made which was sufficient.

To those who have sent me PMs requesting the SP's identity: go read my post again. I said I would not reveal the name of the SP or the agency.


New Member
Dec 22, 2004

You are such a gentleman!!! :) :cool:



Mar 11, 2005
When you asked for daty, her response was, "I think that is a really bad idea". According to this response, this sp knew she was menstruating? If she knew, why in the hell was she there.(obviously for money) :rolleyes: There should be a protocol on not working during this time of month..
I know of a lot of ladies that take a week off during this time.........
Next time you are in Mtl. put Chloe and Samantha on your list of must see, and I guarantee you, you will be leaving here with a stupid grin on your face that will last for weeks :cool:



Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
If I am right, you ladies have usually a good idea when you got your wet days (about what days of the month), especially if you're taking the pill. I don't know, but she has probably deliberated stretched out the limits too far... My 2 cents.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Not every SP is on the pill.
Also we have an idea , though it is not an exact science.
And right before, because of increased hormones women tend to smell stronger in the days before menstruation commences.

IMHO, She probably knew she was due, though she probably really did start during the session and not before.



Sherbrooke Team Member
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Aug 14, 2004
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Funny story EagerBeaver.Now I'm relieve that this situation hasn't happen only to me. You can read my post on Brenda-Sherbrooke if you want. I didn't complain at the time to the agencie, I'll just never call for her again. Simple as that.

Stud out...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I adhere more to this philosophy of doing business than anything else.


In not naming the SP and agency, the "owner making amends" is not the only reason. I am cognizant of the fact that I am a somewhat senior and credible poster and the damage that would be done to the SP and the agency if I named them would be significant................ which would in turn possibly make me look like someone with an axe to grind. I am someone who believes that if an agency agrees to resolve an issue privately, it is wrong to kill them publicly on the boards and it only creates a suspicion that you are a bargain hunter or a blackmailer, which I am not.

The only reason I wrote about this incident was for entertainment purposes. When I told the aforementioned six hobbyists about it afterwards, everyone seemed to think that it was Seinfeldesque. Doc Holliday nearly broke one of his ribs laughing. :D


The reason I did not call you is that you were not at the party. I was hoping to meet you there.................. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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In most cases, when a review (good or bad) is written without naming the agency or the SP it does not do much good to post it as it becomes useless without the names in question... but this was not a review as EB mentionned it was more of a story for entertainment purposes. I totally got that and don't get you guys trying to figure out who is who.

Who cares ? This could have happened to any SP working for any agnecy and weather it's Ms. A or Ms. B doesn't change anything... It was not a case of bad service or B&S or an SP not showing up or anything relevant like that. OK so the SP should have used better judgment if she knew she was close to getting them (it seems to be the case as she told you DATY was a "bad idea") and should not have booked herself for that evening...

EB, funny story... in a scary kind way :eek:


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Hobby11...a girl has to go to France to learn how to use a sponge :rolleyes:

Robertpal...I guess that you`re not planning to try out for FEAR FACTOR any time soon. :D
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It occurred to me afterward that the only thing that could have been worse than what happened to me is if she had permitted DATY and menstruated all over my face and mouth. :eek: Especially in the position of her sitting on my face which is a DATY position I sometimes would not have been good! So I guess her refusing DATY was a tremendously thoughtful and kind gesture. :D It's her loss of course that it was that time of the month, as she missed out on some championship calibre DATY. ;)

I will be starting a separate thread on ladies working through their period.
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clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Truthfully, I was eating a meatball sub while beginning to read this thread...

Hmm. That was probably info I didn't need to share. :eek:


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
What To Do With Juzt_A_Girl???

juzt_a_girl said:
"The SP in question arrived very late in the evening of a day on which I had already had, as noted above, an incredible four cancellations"

I'm shocked that you did not think to call me! :eek:

Making a mental note to myself: Next time when I go to a merb party, make sure I call juzt_a_girl and pay her to philosophize with me to satisfy my 'closet philosopher' fetish. :D :p ;)

juzt_a_girl said:
naughtylady: "because of increased hormones women tend to smell stronger in the days before menstruation commences." I've never heard this before... I've never noticed I smelled different... :confused:

May I be of service to you my dear? I have a big nose and large nostrils with smelling capability far better than any bloodhound in existence. :D :p

As for "DATY+ on top of face position + period" I know someone will love this. His name is Mr. Vampire XXX. :D :p

Louis :D


New Member
Nov 3, 2003
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OK, time out!

How about a little humor about now.

What does "eating out" and the mafia have in common?

One slip of the tongue and you are in deep shit!


Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
louisisgreat said:
As for "DATY+ on top of face position + period" I know someone will love this. His name is Mr. Vampire XXX.

Something I know for sure, that dude is not me. I agree that having her period is natural, but it is not something I would like to see happening during a session. I don't want to be too disgusting, but it sounds to me like someone being sick (ex: gastro, diahrea) and continuing to work. That arrives to everybody a day or another, there's a lot of work stress and pressure, but if you know that you sick, your respect (SP, hobbyists, agency) and your professional skills will take out of the circus for a few days. If a SP knows she's having her period or she's close to get them, she should take this opportunity to get her days off. I guess that's similar for a SP who won't like to get a call from a hobbyist having a bad flu.


New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Please Don't Tell Me....

Le Cock Sportif said:
Trivia time: Are girls more horny at the beginning or ending of their periods?

(girls on the board do not answer because we all know you are horny aaaaaaallllll the time)

Sporty Pal or My Dear Innocent Cock:

1) Please don`t tell me you have not balled enough ladies to tell you when they are horny or not horny at any given time of their periods. The trial is over and Mr. Sporty is guilty as hell. :D :p BTW, the title, `The Naughtiest Pussyologist In The World` still belongs to you at the conclusion of the trial. :D Incidentally, you must be making a very good living studying those amazing organs. :p

2) So this is what you want to tell me all along about this Quebecoise mystique of our beautiful French Canadian companions? That they are horny all the time? Shall I called this phenomenon `Eternal Hornyism`? Sorry, old habit dies hard. Once a philosopher, always a philosopher. Now I just have to find my crown, stolen and hidden somewhere by Goddess Aphrodite. :D :p :cool: Is that anything else before I start writing a book about these beautiful creatures? ;)
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New Member
Dec 22, 2004
Le Cock Sportif said:
I spent he first 30-so years of my life learning women. I am spending the rest trying to forget what I learned :p

OK, Sporty:
Lets do a little logical reasoning here:

Summing up your pleading:
1) You learned about women.
2) You now try to forget what you learned about women.
3) Why are you here to talk and learn more about women?
4) You are still addicted to women, Mr. Pussyologist! :D ;)

Le Cock Sportif said:
Please allow me to ask you. How to you know women so well? Ah! Let me guess: (you) think about men and take away reason and accountability :D

I am by no means an actor, Sporty. Besides when I am in exile, I study women since only women interest me. Sorry I do not think about men and whatever they want to do. Taking away reason and accountability? Is that a Canadian thing? A French Canadian thing? A peculiar Sporty Sportif kind of thing? Or a universal thing about men? Do you act as good as Jack? BTW, I hope you are not becoming bald like him. :rolleyes:

Anyway, women = men without reason and accountability is an interesting theory. How do they switch sex organs so quickly, Sporty? Do they use snap-ons? Please do tell. :p

Just remember what I said before:

a) The Universe is my home. I let lots and lots women live in my pants and of course, I get to fill their tanks. :D

b) I have an excellent tutor in Goddess Aphrodite. She teaches me everything about women. ;)

c) I have truck loads of Greek dollar bills and women just love them. :D

So I guess you can say I know a thing or two about women. :cool:
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