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Montreal Angels Apology and Request to Return to MERB

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

We believe you are all aware of the Montreal Angels situation by now. If you are not, the thread may be found here:

Montreal Angels have been in contact with us and have expressed their wish to be permitted to return to MERB. Due to the nature of this situation, we do not feel this decision should be made without the input of the members of this community. Jeff has sent us an email that we are posting here for your comments which includes an apology to the MERB community. We encourage all interested members to make their opinions known on this matter here, in this thread, and they will be taken into consideration when making our decision. Please keep your comments on topic, to the point and respectful. Any smart ass comments, insults or other inflammatory posts will be removed and a suspension will be immediate.

Should any member prefer to comment by PM, or wish to elaborate further on a post they have made in this thread, please send your PM to all active moderators: Mod 8, Mod 10, Mod 11, Mod 12.

This thread will remain open until Sunday, October 28th.

Thank you,
Mod 8

Hello Mod 8 and colleagues and members,

I have thought over the situation that happened the last few days and realise that what I did was not the way to go about things. It made me look very bad and gave the wrong impression of myself and my agency. To be honest, I was really frustrated by the fact that clients were trying to recruit my girls for other agencies and also making all kinds of efforts to contact them privately. It is very difficult to find good girls and it is frustrating when these kinds of things happen.

I really chose the wrong way to tell people I was not happy with the situation. I used the wrong words in a time of frustration and tried to edit what I wrote quickly. I worked on it many times to try to accurately express my feelings. My English is not perfect, so it probably came out more strongly than was my intention. I in no way wanted to threaten any MERB members and make them think I would do anything to them. I don`t even know what I was thinking when I wrote my message. I was just frustrated as I said. I do apologise to you, for putting you guys in a bad position and also want to make an apology to all MERB members when the time is right.

Please, I am asking for a 2nd chance with MERB. Everyone has weak moments and makes mistakes. I am willing to take a suspension to let things cool down and also to show that I was wrong. I think a few weeks would be enough. I always had a good relation with MERB and it`s members before and want to build that again. Please consider this apology. I very much appreciate your efforts and I won`t let you down again.

My partner who writes better English did help me write this, for your information. I assure you that they are my feelings.

Jeff and the Montreal Angels team


New Member
Oct 22, 2011
For me the only thing that matters for now.. is how the girls working for him are being treated!

The rest are only bad words (although serious in nature .. could have been misplaced).

It's hard to forgive that kind of behavior.

Are the girls ok .. that's my question?


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
My opinion is ...... considering the fact that his post was edited by him a dozens of time through few hours and considering the fact that the guy had time to think about it and cool down a bit

But he didn't cool down ... Even i feel it is our fault if his girls are working on the side .. I doubt any member encouraged them to make an ad on annonces123

So i'll ask the mods to maintain the Pernament Ban

Btw it shouldn't affect his business since the guy is everywhere and merb is only a small percentage of his business :eyebrows:


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
MTL Angels is a decent paying advertiser.
they`re not a B&S agency.
they don`t send ladies that underperform.
the handful of times i`ve seen someone from MTL Angels, the descriptions have been fairly accurate.
that`s a good baseline for a good agency in my books.

So they posted some harsh words.
It`s in writing.
If they ever slip and repeat that ... they know very well LE will be all over them.
the money is decent enough for agencies to not kill their business.

are people so damn slow to think no other agency has ever strong armed a member, client, customer or flat out F`ed them over for a few bucks.
come on ppl.

as for the ppl who are ``afraid`` of the threat... seriously ppl, you`re getting a uncovered BJ from girls who blow how many clients in the course of a month... in a yr ??? yet you`re afraid of a guy what... breaking ur pinky. at least that would heal. catching some nasty crap would be scarier if you ask me yet the same guys who are concerned about Jeff`s post have no problem DFKing and getting a . Dig deeper ... some of those members are fine with In-call which potentially = jail time ... which to me is scarier than Jeff`s threat, yet are concerned with Jeff`s threat. sure i`d be a little concerned if i was trying to recruit his agency`s girls or routinely cut side deals with his girls.

if people are afraid of the threat, maybe people should avoid cutting side deals with his girls or any agency`s girls for that matter. end of story! lol

[COLOR=``#0000FF``]as it stands, it`s just a F`ing inconvenience to have to switch over to MERC to browse MTL Angel`s ads to see what`s new + who`s on.[/COLOR]


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
full disclosure...

Over the course of the past 14months, i've seen these ladies from MTL Angels


i respect the fact the agency didn't fuck with me (delivered what was agreed to) and it went both ways!

PS ... but shit happens behind the scenes more often then not and if you Mods have just cause, no need to reopen this for discussion because now you're just making working for yourselves, no?!?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For me the only thing that matters for now.. is how the girls working for him are being treated!

The rest are only bad words (although serious in nature .. could have been misplaced).

It's hard to forgive that kind of behavior.

Are the girls ok .. that's my question?


I don't feel personally affected by what Jeff did except knowing not to support his agency with business. It's the ladies and what his attitude and temperament showed about how he might be treating them that concerns me much more. Is an apology to Merb going to change that.

...are people so damn slow to think no other agency has ever strong armed a member, client, customer or flat out F'ed them over for a few bucks.
come on ppl.

The difference is what more it says about someone who is so public and flagrant about it.

...should avoid cutting side deals with his girls or any agency's girls for that matter. end of story! lol

True, while the threats should stand on their own as a heinous example of terrible behavior, the clients who cut deals should not be blameless.

...if people are afraid of the threat, maybe people should avoid cutting side deals with his girls or any agency's girls for that matter. end of story! lol

as it stands, it's just a F'ing inconvenience to have to switch over to MERC to browse MTL Angel's ads to see what's new + who's on.

If you need to go to the trash board for updates because they aren't available on the MA website then MA is the problem for not making those on their site instead of the trash board.

***I leave the decision in my case to the judgement of the mods.




Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
like i said, if there's been stuff going on behind the scenes that the admins are aware of ... that justify the Permanent ban over and above what's been fleshed out in public, so be it.
then this would just be a kangaroo court on the green board... hope that's not what we have here.

the way i see it...
the clients who tried to cut side deals in a sloppy way need to smarten up and pick their spots
the agency girls who ratted out the clients ... clearly not very bright by drawing suspicion on themselves, client and put the agency in a bad position to defend itself
the agency acted rashly and didn't choose their words properly...

moving fwd,
if you are afraid of the agency, just don't call.
if you're afraid but can't help wanting to call, see a shrink.
if you have "lost respect" for the agency due to this incident (really???)... dont read their posts.
if you never tried the agency and are on the fence about them because of this incident, there's plenty of other agencies legit + bait & switch, feel free to explore.

ppl on pedestals, please step down now.
no one waved a .32 in your face.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
clients were trying to recruit my girls for other agencies and also making all kinds of efforts to contact them privately.

How does he know this? I ask because there's a possibility that he is forcing the girls to let him look at their phones. If he is, I don't think he should be an advertiser here.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
He said that his post was stronger then what he meant. OK, but he does not explain exactly WHAT he actually meant. He said he edited many time to accurately express his feeling. Then go on to say he does not know what he was feeling. The original threats seem more honnest to me. Whether he meant them for real or just to scare people we can't say, but that is no behavior for a board and it deserve a long suspension. I don't know if it need to be permanent, but I'll rely on the mod's judgement.

Like other people I find this attitude very worrying, mostly for the girls. Me, I never did business with them before and now I know I won't.

To Eville, Catching a disease is a risk that is part of the hobby. As an analogy, If you drive a car there's a chance you will get injured by accident. Someone who attacks or threatens another driver is a different thing altogether (even if they are very competent and otherwise charming in most circumstances)

Of course if you double-cross someone you can be expected to have consequences. The issue here is simply the posting of threats on a forum.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
His original message was extremely rude and meant to terrify. The exact way to do for someone part of the MOB...
Frustration or not, this is not acceptable from experienced agency. Even from a newbie agency, it is very inappropriate.

Since I've met girls that worked there before that told me story about bad behavior and rudeness, then for me, I WILL NEVER trust MA...

My vote goes to maintain the permanent ban.


S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
You know what ... Money talks. I will never ever spend 1$ with them and i'm seriously thinking of starting a new thread ... Title might be something like ''Girl who should switch to another agency'' or ''i would see her if she'd switch to xxx '' The girls would read these kind of threads ... unless they can't read something without his permission.

MA apologies sounds like wifebeater's regrets.

The crowd said ban-ban-ban and Ceasar tossed his thumb down.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
We know quite well that anger management problems and controlling attitude (he says he does so with the girls communications) are two thing that do not mix well with the sex industry. They are the fabric of the oppressive pimps. He has shown he has such problems. An apology will not fix those problems. I think he should get out of the industry, seek real solutions to those problems and come back when he is fit for it. BTW, merc is not a good place to get help, it is a place you go when you refuse to get the needed help. I understand that the MERB community in general values the rights of both clients and the girls of the industry. I don’t think Fred should let him advertise here, at least for the moment.


Feb 22, 2004
Visit site

I`ve been doing this hobbying for over a decade. It`s the first time I`m scare to hobby because of the owner`s vision of how he will handle his business.

It will be disrespectfull for this board to care more about ONE advertizer than the people that contribute to bring value to the board. When an advertizer is treating members of this board like we are worthless (we only represent the tip of the business) and it`s not an issue for him to change their life... COME ON REALLY!!! And now he`s asking for an apology. Allyssa what did I told you not long ago? I can`t stand such hypocrisy from an owner.
Without our contribution there will be no advertizing here.

guys , guys , guys , so funny how you guys think small, MERB is really only the tip of escort industry,im to so many places that you would freak out, im the bigger almost everywhere except on merb as you guys ask a lot from the girls ( generally ,im not pointing everyone ), and i lost a couple of girls cause of this,so planty of people are giving me feedbacks. She dont need to have a reputation on merb as you guys dont even review my girls even if a lot of you are calling. I serve around 250 calls a week and i have a huge bank of customers, i dont need someone on merb to tell me shes good as my customers tell me .
Why does he need to be on this board when he`s bigger every where except on merb?
Agencies come and goes it`s a natural selection process. As for the customers and members we are the essence of this board.

I don`t think it`s a hard decision for Fred or all the Mod here.
Permanent ban: Yes.



New Member
Oct 17, 2012
I think his ban should be lifted for one main reason. Safety. If he's no longer on the boards then things like this wouldn't come to other peoples attention. Reason why I always stay with Merb is for the safety. All the girls who work know about merb because they love to read the reviews.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Unacceptable apologies. When you threat your customers that way (I have never seen that before and would have never imagined reading such thing neither), it is hard to not imagine what comes and goes along


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I've deleted my original post in this thread thanks to new information (to me) pointed out by Alyssa Roze.

1. Apparently, Jeff's post in this thread was not the first time he or one of his associates has threatened clients. I can only imagine that he threatens the girls as well and I strongly encourage them to see work elsewhere. I don't find much credence in Karina's suggestion that his presence on merb would provide the girls with any level of safety.

2. Taking his case to the Board of Fools is, of course, a totally unacceptable path. I guess it didn't take him very long to learn that the Board of the Damned doesn't generate much, if any, business and I now imagine that is behind his apology.

Given the above, I see no reason for reinstatement.
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