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Which Merb-centered agencies do you trust/not trust?

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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By "Merb-centered," I mean agencies whose girls are often reviewed here.

Reading over recent posts, it seems like some well-established agencies have been disappointing their customers lately. Here's the list as I see it:

Devilish/Mtl Girls on Fire
-- complaints about girls being delivered late and/or in no condition to work

Nadya's VIPS -- complaints about the phone people being rude and/or unavailable

Montreal Angels
-- the owner threatened his clientele via a message right here at Merb

I'll add another agency just from my personal experience: Montreal Sex City. That's because the one time I used it, the girl I hired told me she felt abused and exploited by the people in charge. She was a very nice girl, so I took her remarks to heart. This was almost four years ago, so if there's been a change of ownership I'd certainly reconsider.

So that's 5 agencies that I would hesitate about calling. Here are the Merb-centered agencies that still seem reliable:



Good Girls

Delight Escorts

Angels Escorts



Does anybody have any agencies to add to or remove from either list?

Update: A couple of people have mentioned problems with Eleganza. The last time I used Eleganza the girl I saw was Daryn, so they're ok by me. But at one point the phone guy did feed me quite an elaborate line that appears to be untrue.

This was in 2009 and the girl involved is no longer working. Basically, after I saw her I got chlamydia. My only STD in many years as an occasional hobbyist. I called up the agency to warn them. The fellow swore up and down that it was impossible, that the agency had its girls regularly tested and wouldn't let them work unless they were clean.

But chlamydia takes a set amount of time to incubate. During that time -- and for a few months before it -- I had had no sex except for the encounter with the girl in question. I got the chlamydia from her, meaning the agency's foolproof system had slipped up or else that there was no system.

Enough to keep me from using Eleganza again? Nope. But a useful data point to keep in mind if an Eleganza phone man ever tells you something you find doubtful.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I would trust Satin Dreams & Montreal Sex City. They used to work together but have since parted ways.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I would also add Chocolate Love Divas to the trust list. They are extremely reliable, girls usually deliver GFE, and the booker is very easy to deal with.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


Angel Escorts, Asservissante, Devilish, Delight Escorts, Girls on Fire, Good Girls, Montreal Sex City, Montreal Xxxtase, MTLGFE, Satin Dreams.

Some lateness can be expected, but I have never seen a habit of it or excessive lateness with these agencies. All have been excellent to fairly reliable for me.

Don't Trust:

Eleganza (lies, bad attitude), Montreal Angels (threats posted), Nadya's VIPs (harassment by owner).

Good luck,

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Don't Trust:


Don't trust Eleganza? Wow! First time I've heard anything like that (most ppl tend to rave about Eleganza).

Any reason(s) in particular, Merlot?


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I trust Asservissante, Devilish, GOF.

I usually stick with what works for me.


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
ill add to the asian part, MAE (And the 2 others that have different spelling) are all extremely unreliable, fake pics and bad ages. tony's usually has decent good looking girls consistently, they just leave every 2 weeks.


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
Hi Red Paul I think you had a very good idea when you strated this thread, it's very useful, I woul suggest it becomes a sticky thread ( that's for mods ).

From my ( few ) recent meetings and from what I read, I wouldn't hesitate and plan to call back Delight ( xxxtase ), GoodGirls and MTLGFE. There is one I will sure not call back: GOF/Devilish
From what I read, if I had to take a bet, I would probably go with Montreal Sex City, Satin Dreams, Asservissante. Eleganza and Angel Escorts appear to me interesting too but for me it would be more expensive ( rate plus transportation )
If I may add an Indy, Maria Divina interests me too, avctually probably more than a bet with another agency.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
This includes Montreal and Toronto

MGF/Frenchgfe, FKS, MSC, SD, Cupids and various Indies like Veronica Sway.

Eleganza. Put them in quotes because even though they delivered, I found the customer service needs some improvement in terms of being truthful. Plus if the girl you want to see has a better deal, John will cancel on you and give some bullshit medical excuse. That is why side deals with the girls directly seem to be a high norm with this agency.

And the plus side of these side deals? The girl actually shows up on time! LOL.

Don't Trust:
Aleeva and Friends. This agency has been around for a very long time and you not even see one review or any mention of their girls in here or any other board.

Any SPs and agency trying to censure and/or declare a NRP because their service and personality sucks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I trust Asservissante, Xxxtase (with martin at the wheel), Eleganza. John has his bad moments but his girls always perform.

I do not trust Escorts Express. I am deeply concerened with the recent postings regarding Devilish/GOF. I would like to hear their side of the story and what the corrective action is.

I wanted try Montreal GFE (chloe's) and Good Girls and maybe MSC


Aug 9, 2011
ESCOURT- EXPRESS is a scam. I have had good experieces with Satanic and Queen of Spades.


New Member
May 24, 2011

lou's (used once)

I can't say enough good things about mike/goodgirls. Dozens and dozens of good experiences. I've had maybe 2 bad experiences there total, which is really low considering it's my go-to agency. And afterwards I called mike and he was very receptive to the feedback.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Trust and used a lot :

Good Girls

Positive but used only once or twice :

Louescorts4u (definately looking to do business with again, top notch service)

I don't have negatives for the moments, as in my last 2 years i used mostly the ones mentioned above and had good times, i will say i had 2 cancellations from 2 different agencies, but im sure its a matter of circumstance and i would use them again if i can.

I think merb is pretty reliable for agencies..

I remember GOF/delivish being actually late on bookings back then, i hope they fixed the shot now, but PERSONALLY i haven't call them in a long time because back then i was reading reviews a lot to see wich services where offered. Reviews where more or less the only way to know wich girls offered what and they where the most popular agencies back then... until a few agencies started doing the listing themselves and i stuck mostly with them. Now these days most agencies actually list wich service they do or don't and i like it this way... I don't know the impact on the general public and clients... but me i think its important if services are listed...

Even Xxxtase i used a lot, they have been around a long time and used to not list services, but they list them now for some girls and those are the girls i used with them... all exept one wich i took a guess but it was my 4th meeting in 2 days... i was more opened that day(and i had a great surprise... wonder if i was lucky or what since its still not listed) :p

Of course not everyone look for what i look, but i would be curious to know if the business is as good for some agencies as back then... as i think a lot of things can make a difference. This is personal opinin but i feel that in this day of age not listing a girl services is the dinosaur era... At the very least you can always say "YMMV" and this way avoid being blame if the service is not provided...

There is a couple girls i was very glad to book but would had never done it if services where not listed... and a lot of girl i may actually miss because i think they don't provide it but they actually do...

Anyway, this is me.


Sep 19, 2005
Do not trust:

Angels escorts (based on personal experience and on recent reviews).
Nadia's VIP, unreliable and bad attitude (based on numerous reviews).

Chocolate divas, very reliable.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I've dealt with MSC and I can only vouch for it. Reliable, good to deal with, Jessy is a great booker/owner. I've dealt only once with SD and the booker was great, everything was smooth and from what I've read there's no problems with this agency.
I'll third that and add MTLGFE to the list. I haven't dealt with Peter a lot, but he's always been great.

I called Mike and Billy a couple of weeks ago to book a certain girl, and Mike tells me that I should see a different one, that she's more my style, that she's like... and he rattles of the names of three girls that I've seen a whole lot of over the last two years. So I book her instead, for one hour, as I usually do the first time I meet someone.

She arrives right on time, not always the case with these guys. She's in my place not five minutes, when she excuses herself to go to the washroom. While she's gone, I call Mike back to change the date to two hours. Mike nailed it; she's fabulous and just my type. Can't wait to see her again this week.

I like that they know what appeals to me; I'd trust Jessy to make recommendations similarly on the mark, based on my likes, not on their need to book.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Very subjective stuff !

They all had good or bad moments since a long time ago.
Except some of the screwy ones which are obvious at putting and saying fake stuff.

The only one I never had any surprises with is Asservissante.

I think it's the reason they don't even have to advertise.


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Montreal Sex City has always done right by me and I will always trust that agency as long as Ms. Jessy remains the owner!


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I've use MTLGFE almost exclusively for quite a while now, and Xxxtase/Delight a few times. I've been satisfied with the results.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
ill add to the asian part, MAE (And the 2 others that have different spelling) are all extremely unreliable, fake pics and bad ages. tony's usually has decent good looking girls consistently, they just leave every 2 weeks.

It's funny I see it the other way: I think they are completely reliable ... = the pics are not representative in most cases (too many "artistic" variations), the ages/ stats are always off, but the girls are always asian, have bad teeth, there is usually always a girl available within a short period of time of my sudden "need", they provide basic important functions which is to get me hard and get my rocks off. :)


Jul 31, 2011
The only one I never had any surprises with is Asservissante.

Agreed. Asservissante has been pretty good. But I have stopped using them for a while.

The one issue I have had with them, is that they have sent me three girls who were working on their periods during the past year. The last one left a real mess on the sheets and ruined one of my shirts.

The fact that it happens so often, implies that clearly Asservissante either allows their girls to work through their periods, or they look the other way.
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