Well, i dont think ill be seeing any ladies soon, its taking a long time to type this, one finger typing... I was slicing pepperoni with a slicing machine and sliced the tip off my finger, slicer miss took my finger for pepperoni, lol. Never knew how much blood was in a finger, but after some internet searching found out there's a lot of nerve endings and an artery up in there. Happened so fast, those suckers are sharp man. Razor sharp. After sorting through the pepperoni i found the piece of my finger
and put it back on, needless to say i lost some blood:faint:. Dish towel was drenched and the pepperoni was now marinated:hungry:.. Well the piece of skin did not take and fell off, down the drain it went, i hope the skin grows back, now to say the tip is gone, well, its 1 centimeter long by 1/2 centimeter wide and about 2 millimeters deep, it did catch part of the top of the nail, talk about a manicure.
Well, the worst part was that its my favorite finger, so to speak.
Take goodness i have painkillers laying around. Now ill just wait and see if gang green (did i spell that right.) introduces itself. So, like i said i will take a week or 2 off from seeing all my favorites( one in particular). Unless one volunteers to be my nurse. It has not really stopped bleeding, its ok when i don't hit it and its above my head but man when i hit it, wow, what a rush, pain is some kind of high. When it first happened, i made the mistake of running cold water on it, man that felt like it was burning, like i said, lots of nerve endings. So, guys if this happens to you, no cold water.:crazy:.
Ok, my oxy codone is kicking in, getting :whoo:zy. Going to pop open a bottle of red and watch a movie. Have a good day everyone.
Thor Jr
Well, the worst part was that its my favorite finger, so to speak.
Ok, my oxy codone is kicking in, getting :whoo:zy. Going to pop open a bottle of red and watch a movie. Have a good day everyone.
Thor Jr