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Unlimited Posting for Escorts?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
All right, I'm going to throw this one out there...

On The Erotic Review, escorts can post as much as they want. On the NYC discussion board, they comprise about 50% of all the posts. I think that this kind of freedom for escorts adds a lot to the discussion. I'm not sure why Merb doesn't allow this, except as a competition to their ad revenue. I actually pay to be a member of TER, but Merb is free. The money has to come from somewhere. But if the ladies have to pay X number of dollars to join Merb, she's already paying for her ads & should be allowed to post freely on the boards, right? This might become a problem if every 30 minutes there was a post like "Hey, Sexy Sophie is in town! Call me!", but there's no reason why the Mods couldn't control such intrusion.

I think that the escorts should be as free as anyone else to post what they want. Sometimes, the entire post and responses will be made up entirely of SP's. Why should a newbie SP not have resources like newbie clients have? Everybody has to start somewhere. And I think that clients would benefit from these posts as well. The more information, the better. I would love to hear more of what the escorts have to say!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This is exactly why TBD went down the toilet. It became a board of SP self posting and guess what, the hobbyists all gave up and went elswhere. TBD was all that there was in Montreal before MERB. MERB has not followed them down the toilet in part due to regulating the SP posting in a reasonable fashion.

The history is what it is. Know it or be doomed to repeat it. You have not been around long enough to fully appreciate the laughableness of the suggestion. Suffice it to say in the past all the rules that are now in place came about due to specific abuses that led to those rules in the first place including the rule against responding in review threads. In any event that being said 99% of the SPs now posting conduct themselves with great decorum and show proper respect for the board, it's members and the rules. By the way I opposed the Mods when they enacted that rule but they believed the rule would chill reviews from being written and I believe they were correct.
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New Member
Jan 19, 2014
This is exactly why TBD went down the toilet. It became a board of SP self posting and guess what, the hobbyists all gave up and went elswhere.

Right. But as long as the self-posting is properly regulated, it shouldn't be a problem. It's currently not a problem on TER and there's no reason why it can't work on Merb.

P.S., after you edited your post, if my suggestion is so "laughable", can you explain why it works on TER but cannot possibly work on Merb?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

Wait... SPs (indies) are free to post in the lounge as much as they want. We have many post from our regular boards partipant. When it comes to agency, we had agency girl post under names that was not advertisers as well. Think Amelie before she became indy, Aspen from MTL GFE has her own account. Laila Mccole wich is not an advertiser partipate freely in the lounge too. So basically what is your inquiry i don't get?

Agencies are limited to 1 post a day with 3 ups i think, wich is more than enough, if they would be allowed more it would become a race to see who up the most in an hour and who remain the first on top of the page.

Now for reviews, i think the rule is because the johns would feel less "free" to post reviews in an SP thread if the SP in question can come and comment everything about the guy as well... We don't want merb to become a warzone between SPs and hobbist, and we don't want review threads to become 'asslicking" threads either where the SP get complimented and respond to every one of her "fans"...

If i am completely missing the boat, please light me up because thats how i see your request...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Right. But as long as the self-posting is properly regulated, it shouldn't be a problem. It's currently not a problem on TER and there's no reason why it can't work on Merb.

P.S., after you edited your post, if my suggestion is so "laughable", can you explain why it works on TER but cannot possibly work on Merb?

It doesn't "work" on TER. People oay for membership in TER to read reviews and not a single thing else. I have been a paying and review posting member on TER on and off for almost 13 years and never read a single SP post. All I read is the reviews. Most people paying for a membership do the same. MERB is a free board to post on funded by ads and by donations from supporting members. This is a comparison of apples and oranges since TER is funded by dues paying members who are paying not to read any of the BS you are referring to but rather the reviews.

MERB has to keep members and post counts up for as revenue to get paid. Again the TBD comparison would be the more valid one. TBD was free to read the message board and once they allowed unregulated SP self posting they lost their membership.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I don't think that the ladies should be able to respond to their reviews. That's completely up to the individual guy to write what he wants. If the review is particularly nasty, the agency has a chance to respond, as they have done from time to time in the past.

I'm just saying that an escort, agency or indy, should fee free to introduce a new topic on the board, or respond to a topic that's already on the board. What's the harm? I mean, is BookerL going to introduce a topic like, "Who had your favorite celebrity moustache?" and some lady is going to respond, "Tom Selleck! And by the way, I'm available in downtown for $170/hour" I think that the ladies want to get into the general conversation, but can't because of the rules. There's an ad page and a lounge page & never the twain shall meet. If a lady tries to sell something on the lounge page, she gets suspended. But why can't she just share her general knowledge? Why can't she share her sense of humor? Why can't she share her experiences?


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
It doesn't "work" on TER. People oay for membership in TER to read reviews and not a single thing else. I have been a paying and review posting member on TER on and off for almost 13 years and never read a single SP post.

I've read them. The girls are just normal people. I respect you for your longevity, however. I would hope that you would respect that you and I are not alike.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In the past which you were not here for, allowing this type of posting led directly to a lot of problems due to widespread abuse and self posting. It also led to accusations of over posting and animosity and accusations being tossed between paid advertisers regarding abuse of rules for advertisers and promotional posting. Mods were accused of being lax in enforcing those rules and one such episode directly led a moderator to get upset and quit. You were not here for this history and this is not the time to give you a history course in the various dramas that occurred that led to the rules that are now in place.

There was harm, and you very likely offended an ex Moderator with that "no harm" statement.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I am still having a hard time to understand the matter. I see paid advertising answering threads in the louge very often.. they are allowed to do so. Does they have some kind of quota to not pass? I tough the rules of the advertiser profile was link to the review section and advertising section, but the lounge was open to all


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They are not allowed to engage in promotional posting in the lounge and that is what the issue was in the past. There hasn't been any issues with the current crop of indies. The issues were in the past. There were bans and fights etc. Again this is not the thread to be giving a history lesson here. The rules that exist came into being due to violations.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
You know, I have a very relaxed personality. I'm not the type to get into a flame war or anything. I just don't buy into the philosophy of "We tried this 10 years ago and it didn't work so we can never try it again!!"

The fact is, allowing escorts to post freely on TER is NOT A PROBLEM! I would much rather hear from escorts themselves on this topic, EB, but they're probably all scared to death of you.


Jul 28, 2011
I'm with Mike on this one. As far as I know the escorts and agencies are free to participate in Lounge posts as long as they're not promoting themselves. They are however free to express their personalities, senses of humour etc etc

Has this changed in the last day or so?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well its one different thing to openly promote themselve in the lounge, as in "yeah but if you booked me, you know, that woul had save you 20$ wink wink" and just discussing the general subject.

Seriously Laila Mccole/Plaisir Rebels ain't advertising on merb and still i have the feeling to know her/her agency better than some of the ones advertising.... :lol: She never put a direct link, or never pushy push the name of her agency, but she talked so much about how she runs thing, what happen there, and so on, and yet Mods never warned her(i hope i not gonna be the killswtich, remember this is NOT a complaint, this is just realizing)

I see many other indies posting, i see sometimes agencies... Hell MTL GFE was able to create the Halloween Party thread and post in it... so is Iggy for GG despite not being directly link at the agency, thats still a "promotional event"

So yeah our advertisers can participate in the lounge, and thats all damn fine, and i wish they can keep doing so, sometimes its really helpfull, sometimes its just fun to chat with them. I like to able to interact with the girls socially, as much at paries as on the board. But i would not like over-advertisement like anybody, and i think Mods can make sure this does not happen.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The fact is, allowing escorts to post freely on TER is NOT A PROBLEM! I would much rather hear from escorts themselves on this topic, EB, but they're probably all scared to death of you.

You again have no clue what you are talking about. I was the only person in this board who fought for the Eleganza SP whose posts were removed when she responded in a review thread to the only negative review she got. I was the only person who criticized the rule that was enacted. There are long threads on this subject which you have not bothered to read which if you did you would go back and delete this comment as fast as possible. It is not demeaning to tell someone they don't know what they are talking about when they don't. This did not happen 10 years ago, any of these issues. They are all fairly recent and the threads are all still there if you want to read them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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See the attached and please respond to this question: do you know what preceded this posting or not:

Go back and take a look at the MERB suspension thread for what suspensions were doled out, why and by whom. You only have to look back a few years. There were patterns of violations of this rule which mostly consisted of starting threads in the lounge section asking questions about one's own website, services etc. that did not seem at first blush to be blatantly promotional threads. However when you see a plethora of such threads it becomes clear that there are shenanigans.

To come and start a thread and not know any of this history is in my opinion colossally disrespectful to MERB administration which I fought with on many of these rule changes both openly and via back backchannels. From what I know and I was never part of MERB the problem was perceptions of overposting in violation of the rule by other paid advertisers.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I see many other indies posting, i see sometimes agencies... Hell MTL GFE was able to create the Halloween Party thread and post in it... so is Iggy for GG despite not being directly link at the agency, thats still a "promotional event"

This isn't really what I'm talking about & maybe I didn't explain myself properly. I know that the agencies post on the board and I've seen plenty of posts by Indies, but never by agency girls. I don't know if these are Merb rules or agnecy rules. But, as far as I'm concerned, the agency girls are really indies by another name. In other words, it's the agency that works for the girl, not the girl that works for the agency. Maybe many of them don't even feel this way, but they should. This is especially true if they've been around for a while & are professional. Those girls can have their pick of which agency to work for, or to go true indy and split away. But these girls never post on the board. None of them. What's keeping them away? If there was real freedom, at least a few of them would do it.

I'll tell you what happens on TER if some lady uses a post to shill for herself: some member immediately calls her out as a shill! Self-policing. No Mods required.

Lily from Montreal

I am with EB on this one...

But also I was not aware I was not supposed to start thread in the lounge? Or reply? I've been playing in the lounge for a while now,Merb is kind of addictive and I've never been suspended?

I do not think there is "quota'' in this section,as for the quota in the add one it is plenty at it is ,actually I am not sure how many a day,I think it is 3 a day?
It is way sufficient ,I would really hate Merb to turn into a site where every second add is for the same girl or agency,it such a turn-off...over posting in adds have the opposite effect (I think) makes the girl looks desperate...And please keep adds and chatting separate...when I want to see the adds I look into the adds section,it would be as annoying to have adds in the lounge as when I look a thread and it is a 411 that get misplaced...


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
You again have no clue what you are talking about. I was the only person in this board who fought for the Eleganza SP whose posts were removed when she responded in a review thread to the only negative review she got. I was the only person who criticized the rule that was enacted. There are long threads on this subject which you have not bothered to read which if you did you would go back and delete this comment as fast as possible. It is not demeaning to tell someone they don't know what they are talking about when they don't. This did not happen 10 years ago, any of these issues. They are all fairly recent and the threads are all still there if you want to read them.

EB, there's a way to talk to people as if they're human beings. Perhaps you should try it sometime. You immediately started out by attacking. I'm sorry that you apparently see me as sub-human.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Lily it depends on whether it is promotional or not. One of your sisters in the profession found very creative ways to start promotional threads and other paid advertisers complained. Mod 8 issued suspensions. There is too much history here and not enough time in the day to tell it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, there's a way to talk to people as if they're human beings. Perhaps you should try it sometime. You immediately started out by attacking. I'm sorry that you apparently see me as sub-human.

I said you didn't know what you are talking about and you don't. Knowing the history here is important and you don't know it. There isn't much more to say. It has nothing to do with subhumanism it is not knowing anything about the subject on which you are opining, which is very disrespectful to past Moderators who spent a lot of time dealing with this issue and also fighting with me on this issue.
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