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Do you draw reactions?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Just wanted to share a little experience i had today in MTL, it was super funny. I was walking with my CCCP sweather, and i got 3 reactions for it. First time was at the pwnshop when the first clerk asked me if i was communist, i said there some things i like about communist yeah, but its not the only reason while i wear the shirt, his buddy started saying in french when his friend asked him what he think of it a couple profanity and i was like in my mind "dude im right here, good way to treat a customer... :confused:)

Then as i was walking a very hot chick said to me in english : I like your sweater. With a smile, i replied thanks and gave her back the smile.. and we continued our walk. Then at the restaurant the clerk came from the belaruss, so we started talking about it, he asked me i just loved the soviet union or the communisme itself, or russia too, and it was nice to talk about russia and how some day i want to visit it.

Not the first time i draw this kind of attentio with it, will not be the last, what about you? Ever draw any attention with your clothes?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
because you compare nazis with communisme? Did you forget that the russian actually saved all of our ass and its because of them france, england and many other countries don't speak german these days? I am not saying the russian where perfect, they commited atrocities too, but so did the USA when they drop those bombs on japan. Never forget the russian where the good guys...

And communisme was not born and didn't died with Stalin, no matter your opinion on it. It last for decades..

CCCP shirts are sold freely on the internet and in stores, try to get a nazi shirt...

So that being said, if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't talk... thanks


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
It would be interesting if you wear something like this:

#1 shit done tshirt.jpg


With #1 I am sure you will probably be chased down. As for #2 you would probably get a nice laugh especially if you are in some strip joint. Yet I am sure this has been done before.

#3 - LOL.

#4 --- When an SP gets nosy and asks why you do this, just point to the shirt.


Nov 12, 2007
because you compare nazis with communisme? Did you forget that the russian actually saved all of our ass ...

What Bernardo did would be OK if he risked his life to save a drowning kid in your world? That would be forgivable in your books I guess. In the world of people who are not useful idiots [and mods that is the technical term ] doing something useful or good is not a reason to forgive massive douchbaggery. Really whats next. Sure the Hells Angels trafficked my daughter but hey they collected toys for orphans so A OK.

Also they didn't come to our defense. They were attacked. Attacked after the Nazi's bought them off with the Ask some people from the Baltic states about it. They were defending themselves and we sold out the rest of Eastern Europe at Yalta.

I am not saying the russian where perfect, they commited atrocities too, but so did the USA when they drop those bombs on japan.

So sending millions to their deaths in Gulags is completely comparable to dropping bombs on a bunch of twat monkeys who were behind such wonder things as the Three All policy and the Rape of Nanking. Seriously? A fellow who beats a child molester to death is the same in your books as Jack the Ripper because they are both killers? Can't blame the Americans from having the ability to do it far beyond the level of everyone else. Unless you are referring specifically to the A bombs which
Approximately 16 square miles (41 km2) of the city were destroyed and some 100,000 people are estimated to have died in the resulting firestorm, more immediate deaths than either of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
were pretty much in line with what conventional bombing could do. And which probably saved more civilian lives then killed when you considered American experiences on the other Japanese Islands they took.

Never mind that unlike the USSR which really had no choice in the matter, the US could easily have avoided Pearl Harbour by going isolationist.

And communisme was not born and didn't died with Stalin, no matter your opinion on it. It last for decades..
Lenin was also a twat monkey. By the time Stalin was gone they pretty much had everyone pacified. Or to quote a Russian Joke
The soviet constitutions guarantees the freedom to protest, not your freedom after you protest.

Never mind other communist twat monkeys of major and minor levels of human fail.

CCCP shirts are sold freely on the internet and in stores, try to get a nazi shirt...

Cough cough
cough cough.
I remember seeing a bunch of twat monkeys at university 20 years ago wearing hitler world tour tshirts. I wondered back then how they managed to avoid a boot to the face.
So that being said, if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't talk... thanks

Right understood.

Freedom of speech, as long as you don't speak out against the left in which case shut your facist mouth. Even if you have to shout them down.
Democracy is cool, unless you get results you don't like and the majority is against you in which case people are stupid and you should shut things down in ahem non violent protest until they learn how awesome your position is.

Did you get your degree in Woman's studies?

I guess butchering people on the basis of race is wrong. Killing people on the basis of wealth or political basis or for many on the basis of instilling fear in others is OK.

Right understood.

Sadly I know by responding I am just begging for more derp.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Actually, you'll see a lot of CCCP shirts around Montreal, mostly worn by people on bikes. They're all members of Club Cycliste Cycle Pop.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You have the right to your opinions, but i don't share them personally. I see the soviet union in a very different point of view. Sure they where attacked but they resisted, on the verge of defeat they came back and they push them back, just that alone to me makes the red army the greatest army in history. Maybe i played too much Call of Duty or whatever, but everytime i would do the battle of Stalingrad i had chills. Same goes for when i watch Ennemy at the Gate.

You can say all you want about the gulag or else, but it was a different time, a different era, and every population i know did something similar, may i remind you that it was not THAT long ago that the slaves where finally freed in USA...

Also you seem to care so much for what the CCCP did, yet bombing and killing entire cities of japanese people was ok for you.

As for the hitler shirts, didn't know that website but looking at it its there sole purpose of selling those kind of shirts.. I brough my CCCP clothing trough regular ebay...


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
CCCP .... shitty country it was..... BUT WHAT A HOCKEY TEAM !!!!! And we've owned them!! in '72 !!!!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Did you forget that the russian actually saved all of our ass and its because of them france, england and many other countries don't speak german these days?

Hello HM,

No offense, but I hate reading bad historical statements. As I've stated previously in another thread, the brutal nature of Russian (Stalin) policy toward it's own people and armed forces before and during the early stage of the German invasion was responsible for bringing everyone close to "speaking German". Evisceration of the army and the people's spirit by Stalin came within a hair of destroying that country. With so much of their men and equipment lost in the first months of 1941, the pouring in of U.S. equipment helped allow the Soviet Union to stay in the war. At best the statement should read: since a two-front war was necessary to defeat the Germans, the Russians were a vital partner with the U.S. and Britain.

About your sweater, seeing the CCCP would remind me of that Seinfeld episode where Elaine dated a Communist. The Soviets "had a good run" but are now just a failed heinous nostalgic anachronism, like Mood Rings and Easy Bake Ovens though not nearly as cute, fun, and harmless.

Really, were you just out testing peoples reactions for some survey...or do you realize CCCP also represents the 20 million who went to the gulags by a system largely of random selection that valued human life like we value mosquitoes.

Not that I think everything about Communism philosophically in principle is bad. That's not what really existed in the CCCP. It was a blend of Communist veneer and a vicious cult dictatorship that pillaged the land and human life as coolly as cutting the lawn. Even Lenin saw it coming when he warned about the danger of Stalin. Now maybe if you were wearing a reference to Che Guevara or Castro...

Like Elaine maybe the girl you met had...a Communist...on her bucket list of cool guy types to bang. I hope you scored.

Really whats next. Sure the Hells Angels trafficked my daughter but hey they collected toys for orphans so A OK.

Or to quote a Russian Joke...The soviet constitutions guarantees the freedom to protest, not your freedom after you protest.

I guess butchering people on the basis of race is wrong. Killing people on the basis of wealth or political basis or for many on the basis of instilling fear in others is OK.

These nail the CCCP pretty well.

...on the verge of defeat they came back and they push them back, just that alone to me makes the red army the greatest army in history. Maybe i played too much Call of Duty or whatever, but everytime i would do the battle of Stalingrad i had chills. Same goes for when i watch Ennemy at the Gate.

The same Red Army that swallowed Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and half of Poland as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939 that was VITAL to helping the Nazis start World War II, lead to their conquests in Europe and nearly engineered the Red Armys own destruction, without which the key leaders of the German General Staff was ready to depose Hitler. ALL due to the leadership of Stalin.

The same Red Army that shot it's own soldiers en masse, exactly as depicted in the beginning of "Enemy At The Gates", and used brutal penal battalions of condemned prisoners as a sacrificial terror force on the Germans and Russian civilians.

Your history is grossly selective in the extreme, like eating your birthday cake in a slaughter house.

BTW - I'm friends with a Russian woman born in Moscow about 50 years ago who despises the CCCP.

Stalin and the CCCP may have been vital to defeating the Nazis and winning World War II, but that is ONLY by accident. Without the cooperation of Stalin and the CCCP in 1939 the Nazis can't move. The German army was determined not to have another two-front war and the leadership was primed to get rid of Hitler without the 1939 agreement. Stalin and the CCCP is just about as responsible for World War II as the Nazis. The CCCP fought on the right side ONLY because they were too stupid to see the consequences of their malicious deal with Hitler and nearly destroyed by Stalins idiocy . Otherwise the CCCP would have been very happy to sit back, let Hitler do what he wished as they did between 1939-1941, and exploit any opportunity the CCCP could find. THAT IS WHAT YOU WORE ON YOUR SWEATER!

Ya know, when I have seen people wearing CCCP I think "how silly" and laugh it off. But when one actually defends what happened behind's far too much to take with just a laugh.


Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes Mike, read about the Katyn massacre.

When Stalin, the number two murdering bastard in the history of communism (2nd only to Mao Tse Tung) signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and attacked Poland from the rear as they were fighting the Germans in their front. In spite of this, the Polish resistance was much more effective than the French who installed speed bumps to slow down the Panzers and wore shirts that read "Don't Shoot - I'm a Collaborator." (LOL - a joke). The Soviet Union finally admitted to the massacre at Katyn in 1990.

Funny, Stalin had a very difficult time fighting the Germans at first because he executed any one of his generals that used "German tactics" when fighting with tanks.

Is communism a more effective method of government? Just look to the Soviet surrogate North Korea vs Capitalistic South Korea as a comparison. Look at a satellite map of that part of the world at night. You can make out North Korea’s borders quite easily.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Damn... Remind me to double check what I wear out in public, don't want anyone getting medieval on my ass! lol


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Well Mike you got your reaction even if it wasn`t quite what you may have expected.
You make me think of a guy who would wear his "I Love PETA" sweatshirt to a steakhouse restaurant.


Nov 12, 2007
Cloudsurf. As a Person Eating Tasty Animals I find your comment confusing ;)

You have the right to your opinions, but i don't share them personally.

Well that is a nice change from "So that being said, if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't talk... thanks "

Just to clarify.

I take issue with your opinions. I find them to be some combination of ill informed and morally questionable. However that does not suggest that you don't have a right to them.

Part of the right to an opinion is the right to have a different opinion and to express said opinion in a suitable time and place.
Something it seems no longer applies on the campuses of the nation sadly.

Slavery was a dick move. Don't forget it was a house divided issue from the beginning, as well as a source of much emo like moaning and eventually cutting. I lesser power would have said "fine sod off, whats the good of ye" to the south in the 1860's. To compare that history to the Gulags and other totalitarian features of the soviet state is a bit much. Double plus so when you consider slavery was at one point a near universal thing that all places aside from a few in northern Africa still got rid of. Concentration camps of either sort were done in an era when the western world one would think had evolved beyond that.

As for bombing the Japanese
Nope. Not a problem. Not a fan of rape, but if Paul Bernardo gets some man on man hate fucking in Kingston, not gonna shed any tears over that either.

To compare the killing of your own citizens because of either wealth, political disagreement or worst of all just random killing based on paranoia or false accusations to killing people who were enthusiastic supporters of a dirt bag regime. Sorry dude. Historical perspective. Also killing off people who support the industral might of your enemy who had shown no desire to surrender and when facing a very dangerous invasion of its home islands is much less of a dick move than having your soldiers universally gang rape 13 year old girls and old ladies in territories you already occupied of a pretty much defeated enemy. But I guess it is OK if you got a red star on your hat.

As tells many shirts, few of which are related to hitler.
I'd love to wear their God Bless America, expect for New York, fuck New York tshirt next time I go state side but it isn't worth the hassle a the border or the dirty looks.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ok, guys first let me tell you i am perfectly aware of what the Union did before, and during the war. I never said they where angels, but at the same time, no community, aucun peuple, is completely white...(as perfectly good, not talking about race...) They commited atrocity yes, but again every country, every regime did... Me wearing the color of the red army is a tribute to the sacrifice the 25 millions russians and members did. There was no retreat in the red army, and even my ring tone when i receive a text is "No retreat Comrad" . Stalin was far from being perfect, some even said he was nearly bas bad as hitler, im aware of it, but he still lead the Union to victory, and even tough he made the mistake of allowing the Nazis to start the war, he ended up defeating them.

I don't posses a degree in history, but i read enough to be aware of most of the stuff. The CCCP may be officially dead, but you would be surprised how much suporters remain in every different countries possible. And as far as i know, wearing the emblems is not a crime... i just walk by a policer officer 15 mins ago(bar fight in front of my home lol) and he didn't said a thing.

I don't hate on races, i am not against homosexuality, i value parts of the principle of communisme, not all of it, and like i said, its a tribute to the red army that i wear the colors. And i actually like that i draw attention with it :p and every russian so far i met actually talked to me and was friendly seeing the colors.

As for the chick, nah she just telled me she liked the sweater, then continued her walk. But i had enough sex this week end for a while :p

Keep in mind guys i am a 28 years old guy and im still leaving my late teen years, cause i got them around 24(it was a dark period from 14 to 23)... i know soon ill need to settle down and evaluate my life... but so far gosh im not ready to do it... I live partly with my family, partly with collocs(depending on the periods) , i work part time sometimes only on calls, im an xbox live addict gamer and i spend my money either on escorts, beers or games/movies.

So yeah i aint a "mister" like many of you, maybe my russian trip will end eventually... lol, but not right now. Sometimes i feel ill be an eternal teen... and you know what? Aint so bad at all...when i look at it. The funny thing is one day something could change and it could just happen... it did for one of my cousin, his girlfriend got pregnant without expecting it and in a matter of months he turned from a life at the party to a good father... so well... :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I wonder how long before many of you go tits up about over nothing and this thread gets locked. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I never said they where angels, but at the same time, no community, aucun peuple, is completely white

The 2 dictators that killed the most people are Stalin et Mao, they were both Communist. So we are not talking about a system which is quite white or quite black like the others, we are talking about the worst ever...

You said yourself that you think and act like a teen. So you should stop talking about these serious matter. Maybe it's hard to believe when you spend your life infront of a screen, but behind these words, there are about 100millions people who died, you know for real ! No extra life ! So plse, respect the dead people and stop defending the indefensible...

Continue to write your reviews, they are useful... Open a thread to talk about videogames if you want, Im sure your opinion would be helpful... But once again, dont talk about history if you dont know anything about history...
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