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US Secret Service Agents Busted for Hobbying in Columbia


Kansas Frank

I guess even well trained Secret Service agents need the services of SP's. :lol: But, they could have gotten much, much better quality SP's and true GFE in Montreal, Canada. :canada::cheer2::amen::thumb: So, one dude didn't pay and got everyone else busted. :mad: Come on, dude. You got to pay for services rendered. :peace: The US dollar must have gotten very weak, even in Columbia. :violin: Maybe the SP's were spies? ;):confused:

The Guardian reported:

"One of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes, and she complained to the police," Kessler told cable news channel CNN. "This is clearly the biggest scandal in secret service history," Kessler added.


New Member
Sep 28, 2006
If this isn't evidence of the hobby's allure, I don't know what is...

I mean, we are talking about the U.S. President's Secret Service ... 17 of them ... staying at the same hotel as the President. How do so many lose their mind at once? What about the walk of shame concern? Sounds like a case of collective mindfuck....

For those that are familiar with Colombia ... is the temptation of Colombian women and ease so strong that such a scandal could only happen there?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
If this isn't evidence of the hobby's allure, I don't know what is...

I mean, we are talking about the U.S. President's Secret Service ... 17 of them ... staying at the same hotel as the President. How do so many lose their mind at once? What about the walk of shame concern? Sounds like a case of collective mindfuck....

For those that are familiar with Colombia ... is the temptation of Colombian women and ease so strong that such a scandal could only happen there?

Hello all,

Best, that's a pretty darn accurate way to describe it. It's hilarious in it's own way. Here we have guys who go through training and personal investigations more rigorous that we could imagine to be selected to protect the most powerful figure in the world, and they still bring in high security risk prostitutes into close proximity to the U. S. President. On top of that one is dumb enough to practically guarantee a situation bound to blow the whole deal by not paying.'s HILARIOUS!!! :lol: Embarrassing the Secret Service and the President, either these guys are headed to the Arctic Circle or it's careers over.

I can't say I blame them for ordering some horizontal Latin take out though. :thumb:

On a side note: I remember being on "the Mall" area between the Washington Monument and the Capitol building for the 1993 inauguration for Clinton. I set up with a big camera bag of about 15 lbs right on the edge of the closed-off area. Next thing I know I turn around and there is a very obvious Secret Service agent watching. The ones they wanted you to see all had the MIB-like suit and the same pin on their lapels. I opened my bag and casually took out my camera and all of my lenses, then loaded some film and attached the 300mm. The agent seemed to relax, happy to know what was in the bag I thought, and soon left.




I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
If this would have happened in the usa the agent would have got away with it since the prostitute would have not be able to complain to the police. and even if she did she would be the one in trouble more than the agent. He probably did not know prostitution was legal and expected to bully his way around since he expected the girl would have no recourse.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Despite all their training, they are like children compared to us when it comes to women :smile:

Thanks Merlot for sharing that top secret file. Did you take that picture yourself? :thumb: However, she is not colombian.

There is only one Colombian Woman:

And here she is with Mr President who seems very happy (wink, wink...)

That secret agent was just doing the heroic thing by taking the fall...

Kansas Frank

I too love Latin women. In fact, one of my ex GF is Mexican. But I can't imagine the SP's in Columbia come close to the SP's in Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, France or the US.

I couldn't agree more with Sir Merlot. How did these dudes became agents and some of them are married. I'm sure the FBI is itching to investigate agents in a "rival" agency. It's too funny it makes me cry laughing LOL!


Sixty Minute Man
Aug 30, 2010
The Guardian reported:

"One of the agents did not pay one of the prostitutes, and she complained to the police," Kessler told cable news channel CNN.

She complaned to the police? That's gotta be total BS Frank. Unless of course the police are also pimping her, which is a real possibility in Columbia.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I was also wondering if prostitution was legal in Colombia so:

From the US Department of State 2008 Human Rights Reports: Colombia

"Adult prostitution is legal in designated "tolerance zones," but enforcement of, and restriction to, the zones remained difficult. Prostitution was widespread and exacerbated by poverty and internal displacement. Sex tourism existed to a limited extent, particularly in coastal cities such as Cartagena and Barranquilla, where marriage and dating services were often fronts for sexual tourism."

Maybe they unknowingly chose an Hotel that happened to be in a Designated Area (wink, wink)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
How did these dudes became agents and some of them are married. I'm sure the FBI is itching to investigate agents in a "rival" agency. It's too funny it makes me cry laughing LOL!

April 16, 2012 4:16 PM

(CBS/AP) WASHINGTON - The Secret Service has revoked the top secret security clearances for all 11 agents and officers accused of misconduct during a presidential mission to Colombia over the weekend.

The Secret Service personnel were sent back to the U.S. through Miami and interviewed in Washington regarding the alleged hiring of prostitutes and other misconduct. They have been placed on paid administrative leave and barred from entering Secret Service facilities worldwide unless summoned.

"They are 'do no admit' and their equipment has been taken," a law enforcement official told CBS News correspondent Norah O'Donnell.

Many of the agents based at the Secret Service's Miami field office. The office's agent-in-charge met returning agents at the airport and handed them their administration leave notifications, CBS News has learned.

Two Secret Service supervisors were among the 11 involved. A top official confirms that the group also included three members of the Counter-Assault Teams, a unit which includes snipers and SWAT teams meant that support the president's personal protection detail.

Secret Service officials are rejecting a Wall Street Journal suggesting there is a larger cultural problem at the agency known as "Wheels down, rings off."

"That's not true," a top law enforcement official said. "We hold employees to a high standard. This incident was an anomaly."


ABC News’ Reena Ninan, Christine Romo and Mary Bruce Report:

CARTAGENA, Colombia — ABC News has learned exclusively that the Secret Service officials accused of misconduct in Colombia revealed their identities by boasting at a Cartagena brothel that they worked for President Obama.

Partying at the “Pley Club” Wednesday night, eleven members of the president’s advance team allegedly bragged “we work for Obama” and “we’re here to protect him.”

The officials spent the night throwing back expensive whiskey and enlisting the services of the club’s prostitutes, according to a bouncer at the club and a police source.

Sources tell ABC News several of the men agreed to pay for, and received, services from the “highest category” prostitutes available at the club, who charge upwards of $200.

The men paid for the sexual services in advance but when it came time to settle the bill, there was a dispute over the charges.


Hello Kansas Frank,

Imagine, these men are supposed to be among the most intelligent, quick-thinking, quick-reacting, and perceptive prospects anyone could recruit, and yet ...they ...didn't ...know ...enough ....avoid ...this ...great ...STUPIDITY!!! :crazy: If the secret Service had hired the the cast of the movie "Asshole" they couldn't have done worst. At least these dummies should have gone to Merb for advice on how to handle this.

They're NUTS!


BTW...$200 for the Highest Category....and if you don't know what Colombians look like, Sofia Vergara is Colombian.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Embarrassing the Secret Service and the President, either these guys are headed to the Arctic Circle or it's careers over.

And what President's watch did this embarrassment and also the most serious public event security breach occur during?? Oh, yes that would be President Obama!!! or BO as he's nicknamed....LOL


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I too love Latin women. In fact, one of my ex GF is Mexican. But I can't imagine the SP's in Columbia come close to the SP's in Canada, The Netherlands, Germany, France or the US.

Hello Frank

I like you Frank but you got to be kidding me? Colombia is my fantasy hobby destination. I have been to Brazil several times and I even had a hobby weekend in BA. The Latin women are amazing and unlike Montreal you do not have to sit in your room llike a prisoner waiting for a knock on the door. Also, unlike Montreal, the girls will try to make you fall in love with them and come back to your hotel or meet you at the beach on days off trying to make the greatest program of all - marriage. I love this game. Go through the ISG thread on Colombia (BTW it it spelled C-o-l-o-m-b-i-a. Make this spelling error in the Colombia thread and they will crucify you as they did me) and study the pictures. They are the best looking cell phone pics of SPs that you will ever see in ISG. I want to do this destination so bad. I will save up for it. I have hobbied on 4 contitnets but I feel incomplete as a hobbyist until I visit Colombia.

Now, about the Secret Service agents......I hate anytime this stuff makes headlines. I do not blame them. I do this stuff when I am off the clock too any time I am outside of the United Sex Prison. It is a perk of international travel. I cringe however when prostitution is in the headlines because I know there are feminists everywhere that want to prevent American men from getting laid and they will turn this into the following....Oh those poor exploited, underaged, pimped woman....They are forced to do this against their will. And there will be repercussions. Hopefully the shit does not flow too far down hill to business travelers. It probably wont but I am like the mafia. I would like to keep these stories out of the news.

Next time, pay the woman damn it!


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I watched the video from Merlot's post. This looks like a nice little place :). They have a website and they're on facebook
(Their website server seem to be having a bandwidth problem. I guess the whole planet is trying to access it right now.)

Its even more stupid for those guys to get in trouble, because they were not doing anything illegal. Boasting you're a secret agent has got to be the stupidest thing apart from wearing a Witness Relocation t-shirt :)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I want to do this destination so bad. I will save up for it. I have hobbied on 4 contitnets but I feel incomplete as a hobbyist until I visit Colombia.

I've never been there either

Now which city ??

Best Regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
And what President's watch did this embarrassment and also the most serious public event security breach occur during??


The inference of the statement is just a poor attempt at politicizing the episode, and director of the Secret Service was elevated in 2006 anyway. The Presidents don't run the Secret Service in the first place, and trying to turn this event into political talking points is utterly LAME!!! You might as well blame Obama for the weather...which would not be surprising. :thumb:

I don't even blame Secret Service Director Sullivan directly, though he is the one who has to act here. These agents were just stupid. Only God knows why they were stupid enough to take risks like this. It made no sense at all. OY VEY!

Secret Service Sex Scandal: Were Underage Prostitutes Involved?

A Colombian state agency will launch an investigation into the Secret Service prostitution scandal to determine whether underage prostitutes were involved, the Colombian press reports.

The head of Colombia’s Institute for Family Wellbeing, María Rosario Blanco, told Colombian daily El Tiempo the agency will probe the matter, though authorities have not received any formal complaints that Americans contracted underage prostitutes.

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday that none of the women involved in allegations of prostitution were minors.

Prostitution is legal in designated areas in Colombia, including parts of the Caribbean city of Cartagena.

But the combination of widespread poverty plaguing the area, legal prostitution and Cartagena’s status as an international tourist destination make Cartagena fertile ground for “sex tourism.” Authorities have long been concerned about the related problem of child prostitution.

Sex workers in Cartagena have banded together to keep children out of the industry by refusing to locate underage prostitutes for potential clients and enlisting the city’s taxi drivers, waiters and hotel workers—who often play the role of fixer—to refuse as well.

The project, “I am the Wall,” a reference to the colonial-era walls that surround the city of Cartagena, is supported by nongovernmental organizations and the United Nations Children’s Fund.

“Unfortunately, tourists arrive here with money and they’re allowed to do anything,” a Cartagena prostitute and participant in the project who identified herself as Damaris told Agence France Presse last summer. “What I’m asking is to impose limits. When they ask for kids for sex, don’t give them information. Remember that they’re kids and that they, like your children, are worth more than any tip.”

Nevertheless, child prostitution remains a problem. Colombia’s Institute for Family Well-being estimates some 35,000 of the country’s children are pushed into prostitution, including an estimated 2,000 in the city of Cartagena.


It looks like this issue is going to illuminate a lot more than the sanity of a few Secret Service agents. Colombia seems to have the great ugliness of a lot of poorer countries where "hobbying" is "inexpensive".



PS Mod11

It does look like the story is developing with a connection to hobbying in Colombia.
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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
What I don't understand is they say they paid in advance for sexual services but had an argument when the time came to pay the bill. Are they talking about the bill for drinks?

They're blowing this into a big Prostitution Scandal when it seems to me prostitution was not really at the source of the problem. It could have happened in any bar or club; it would still be a scandal but not so bad.

In the 2008 report I mention earlier, they talk about how big a problem child prostitution is Columbia, so its not news, and since that Pley Club place is a legal and expensive one I think its less likely to be involved in illegal activities (or maybe I'm just naive).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Siocnarf,

"The men paid for the sexual services in advance but when it came time to settle the bill, there was a dispute over the charges."

The statement seems to only make sense if basic services rates were paid to bring the ladies in, then anything not covered by basic has to be settled. Having been with HDHs and read many times about charging for "extras" on this board, these "highest category" ladies could have a number of options not covered by the first basic payment. Who knows what at least one of the agents was asking for. One report did say their "equipment" had been taken after being barred from duty...hopefully after a thorough cleaning. ;)

About the possibility of underage girls at that Pley Club, would it be surprising? It seems like any place that benefits from the interest in beautiful women is eventually infiltrated by underaged girls. Bars, clubs...haven't we all heard before about underage girls at legitimate agencies. A number of escorts have told me on that point..."if you only knew". It happens in Montreal, the U.S. In a country like Colombia where many are quite poor I doubt it's different, especially considering reports that say: "here with money and they’re allowed to do anything"...indicating a certain level of steady demand.

As for this episode being blown out of proportion, it's an opportunity to embarrass the U.S., and it's a presidential election year, so exploiting it for political agenda is automatic. See post #12 for a prime example. :rolleyes:




Nov 4, 2009
The inference of the statement is just a poor attempt at politicizing the episode, and director of the Secret Service was elevated in 2006 anyway. The Presidents don't run the Secret Service in the first place, and trying to turn this event into political talking points is utterly LAME!!!

It's not lame. You are wrong.

The president is responsible for everything that takes place in the country. The head of the CIA reports directly to Director of National Intelligence, who is also know as the DNI. And guess who the DNI must to report to? You got it Merlot, he has to report to the President:

"The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is the United States government official (subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President) required by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to:

Serve as principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council about
intelligence matters related to national security;
Serve as head of the sixteen-member Intelligence Community; and
Direct and oversee the National Intelligence Program."

Who did you think controlled the CIA? Kermit the Frog? Peter Chiarelli ?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Hi Merlot. What, they took away all their "equipement"?!? :eek:.

Its true there could easily have been underage teens but reading the text I thought they implied younger children. The way I understand its the real problem over there.

But its like saying these guys were drinking whisky at the bar, so they could have been involved with smugling of contraband alcohol.

Anyway I'm sure these guys were offered millions of $$$ by Obama's enemies just to discredit him and make him lose his elections!! :lol: Its so stupid it HAD to be staged! There's no other explanation.

Next time I see an escort I'll tell her I work for Harper and ask for a discount.
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