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Russia Moving to Decriminalize Domestic Violence


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is weird to see the world moving more and more to the right and toward conservatism. First illegal prostitution, move towards privatization, more influence of the church on the state... Well Russia is moving closer to decriminalizing domestic violence. Many Russians think it is okay to hit your significant other or child. This is a push to more traditional values. Here is the article ->


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
I Wonder if my English was that bad: I cannot believe a civilized country find it normal to hit your wife. And so many people are still wondering if feminism is still useful today: YES!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I hate feminism. Men are just as much victims as women. They overlook all those poor men who are being hit by their woman. And yes during the older days when right-wing conservatism and the bible were all over hitting was quiet normal as was punishing your kids by hitting them with a belt. Then some people wonder was I despise conservatism so much.


Oct 21, 2016
I Wonder if my English was that bad: I cannot believe a civilized country find it normal to hit your wife. And so many people are still wondering if feminism is still useful today: YES!!!!

Who said Russia is a civilized country? Its a shithole.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I hate feminism. Men are just as much victims as women. They overlook all those poor men who are being hit by their woman. And yes during the older days when right-wing conservatism and the bible were all over hitting was quiet normal as was punishing your kids by hitting them with a belt. Then some people wonder was I despise conservatism so much.

You sure have a hate on for Conservatives? What makes you think that only Conservatives hit their kids? You think the socialist snowflakes will make this country great? Needing therapy dogs and coloring books for university kids when their choice did not win. You think giving a prize for coming in last will build confidence...


Oct 21, 2016
You obviously have not been there at all and know nobody from there... Reality is much more nuanced.

I have been there and I know many Russians including, but not limited to, well known expat journalists. The Russian people are a great people. They basically destroyed the Nazi war machine single handedly and did it despite the rule of a psychopath worse than Hitler. The accomplishments of the Russian footsoldier at Stalingrad and of the T34 tank crews a year later at Kursk are amongst the most heroic pages written in blood in the book of human history. And they made the same sacrifices at Borodino and elsewhere when they broke the back of Napoleon's Grand Armee more than a century earlier. Thing is, the Russian people have the misfortune of being poorly governed, today as too often in the past. Vlad may be president of Russia but he's not Peter, not Catherine, not Alexander the First. He's Al Capone. The Russian people deserve better. Yeah its a shithole allright, but it doesn't have to be, and shouldn't be.
Oh and I like the ladies a lot too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have been there and I know many Russians including, but not limited to, well known expat journalists. The Russian people are a great people. They basically destroyed the Nazi war machine single handedly and did it despite the rule of a psychopath worse than Hitler. The accomplishments of the Russian footsoldier at Stalingrad and of the T34 tank crews a year later at Kursk are amongst the most heroic pages written in blood in the book of human history..

Great point....I am reading Vasily Grossman's Life and Fate. Vasily was a Russian-Jew journalist who covered the Red Army on the Eastern Front during WWII. He wrote a few histories of this that I have to read. Life and Fate is a novel he wrote about Russia and Stalingrad during the war. The Novel was banned by the NKVD the precursor to the KGB. It was smuggled out on microfiche in 1960. It is extremely critical of Stalin and communist Russia as well as the fascists. The ironic thing was that the gulag was full of revolutionaries that fought to topple the White Russians. The communists in the gulag central to the novel believed that he was wrongfully imprisoned but everyone else there deserved to be there. The worst part of being incarcerated is that he has lost the right to judge. Like the North American, Anti-Trump, sanctimonious Hollywood Liberal, the communist loves to judge and feel morally superior. By fate he runs into his communist teacher that was also imprisoned. His teacher tells him that it was all a lie and if you do not have freedom you have nothing. These communists in the gulag were "useful idiots."

Meanwhile the Jews are being rounded up in the Ukraine by the fascist occupiers. Grossman writes that in a totalitarian state that the government is able to whip people up into a frenzy and get them to turn on one another. The locals were used to round up the Jews and and the Jews themselves helped in the process. The people resigned to their fate packed snacks and underwear for their children for the trip to the death camp. Grossman said that in 42 it was the Jews but in 1937 it was Stalin who rounded up the Kulaks (peasants who's crime was having enough money to own small farms and hire labor) and then the the Trotskyists-(liberal communists that believed in spreading the socialist revolution) Bukharinites ( faction within the communist party that believed in capitalism and the existence of the Kulak class).

What did the Nazis and Soviets have in common? Socialism which led to a totalitarian for the common good. More people have been killed in the name of Socialism than anything else.

It is funny but England fought the National Socialists and after their victory the people of Great Britain voted in the Socialists that destroyed their economy with this fucked up religion. Churchill said in the House of Commons that "We have done to ourselves what the U-boats failed to do" by voting in a socialist government.

Question: Do you have free or nearly free schooling in Quebec? I think you do. When school is free or nearly free, I notice that this professional student class is created. They spend 6-8 years on campus studying the liberal arts. What they are really doing is hiding from work and the real world. They participate in forums like these and call everyone ignorant and they long for the day that the Trotskyists will be able to take over the world and make everything better. You are nothing more than useful idiots. While you are hiding from work at the University you may as well learn a skill. Study Engineering, Chemistry or Business. Hey - I realize that this is difficult. I have a friend that is a welder at one of the Big 3. He makes 150K a year. Learn to weld and then study communism as an elective? Read about how wonderful Castro and Che were on your own time. Then you can afford to eat? Just a thought???


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Question: Do you have free or nearly free schooling in Quebec? I think you do. When school is free or nearly free, I notice that this professional student class is created. They spend 6-8 years on campus studying the liberal arts. What they are really doing is hiding from work and the real world. They participate in forums like these and call everyone ignorant and they long for the day that the Trotskyists will be able to take over the world and make everything better. You are nothing more than useful idiots. While you are hiding from work at the University you may as well learn a skill. Study Engineering, Chemistry or Business. Hey - I realize that this is difficult. I have a friend that is a welder at one of the Big 3. He makes 150K a year. Learn to weld and then study communism as an elective? Read about how wonderful Castro and Che were on your own time. Then you can afford to eat? Just a thought???

A balance is needed between pure capitalism and socialism Hungry. I think Canada is one of the best country in the world who understood that. I love the united states, I really do. But it's a love/hate relationship because I hate how the number one economy of the world can perform so poorly on so many levels. Why do you guys have such inequity? You guys think the problem are the chinese or the mexicans who stole your jobs. This is bogus. The money and power is held by your elite 2% that shit on you all each day. You are the fucking #1 economy in the world!

Here in Canada, quebec, I am part of the 2%. But I pay 50% in taxes each year. I dont give a shit that I pay so much because I do not need to live in a fucking gated community to survive. In fact, I rarely lock my front door!


p.s. I did read 3 biography of the Che and Castro, in my own time ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Here in Canada, quebec, I am part of the 2%. But I pay 50% in taxes each year. I dont give a shit that I pay so much because I do not need to live in a fucking gated community to survive. In fact, I rarely lock my front door!

Salut Jalimon

Si tu paye 50% d'impôt tu aurais avantage a consulter un actuaire et un fiscaliste planificateur.

Au plaisir


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
To Hungry101 re: Quebec schools

School in Quebec not free, very cheap mind you. My daughters second semester 5 classes cost me $75 and $200 for books, rez is $330 a month. A few years ago I read that the dropout rate for Quebec with cheap schooling is a lot higher than the provinces with expensive schooling, guessing that if you pay for it you will try harder. My ex-wife is abusing the adult school sysyem, getting free schooling and paid a good amount to take care of herself. My son went to a heavy duty mechanic school for two years, all tools supplied and only needed to buy work boots, cost me $250 a semester. Quebec is also the highest taxed place probably in North America when you add all the taxes together so use what is available, you have a luxury no other province has, study your ass off and work hard at it. Love the ultra cheap beer also.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Salut Jalimon

Si tu paye 50% d'impôt tu aurais avantage a consulter un actuaire et un fiscaliste planificateur.

Au plaisir


Je le fait déja... Mais en fait pour être honnete, c'est parce que je suis à la fois employeur et employé... On est tout de même beaucoup dans le même bateau. Plusieurs fiscalistes m'ont proposé toute sorte de stratégies mais je veux rien savoir car c'est trop compliqué. Je préfère payé ce qu'il faut.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Je le fait déja... Mais en fait pour être honnete, c'est parce que je suis à la fois employeur et employé... On est tout de même beaucoup dans le même bateau. Plusieurs fiscalistes m'ont proposé toute sorte de stratégies mais je veux rien savoir car c'est trop compliqué. Je préfère payé ce qu'il faut.


A Chacun c'est choix ,moi par contre payer 50 % d'impot ca ne m"intéressait pas ,si tu change d'idée je peu t'en suggérer en PM 'j'en connais des très compétant,qui sont dans des firmes bien établie et réputer

Au plaisir



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
To Sol Tee Nutz,

Quebec has among the hardest systems in North America. Someone who becomes a doctor in Quebec is extremely intelligent and you are sure to know you got a highly qualifyed person. Having said that just because you pay does not translate into hard worker. There are many who want to but were not born into a rich family. You can look upon India which is pure Capitalistic... There are many uneducated people even though the culture is based on going to school. You obviously have sympathy for the unfortunate. I was not born into a rich family and am very thankful that I was born in Quebec and has the chance to go to school and be well off otherwise I would be stuck in a cycle of poverty for life. Germany and many other European countries have completely subsidized education systems. It allows many to get ahead in life instead of only the rich. Your logic is flawed. I see you are a firm believer in trickle down economics which has been a complete failure. Your friend Brian Mulroney and Ronald Reagan initiated a recession that never stopped.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Question: Do you have free or nearly free schooling in Quebec? I think you do. When school is free or nearly free, I notice that this professional student class is created. They spend 6-8 years on campus studying the liberal arts. What they are really doing is hiding from work and the real world. They participate in forums like these and call everyone ignorant and they long for the day that the Trotskyists will be able to take over the world and make everything better. You are nothing more than useful idiots. While you are hiding from work at the University you may as well learn a skill. Study Engineering, Chemistry or Business. Hey - I realize that this is difficult. I have a friend that is a welder at one of the Big 3. He makes 150K a year. Learn to weld and then study communism as an elective? Read about how wonderful Castro and Che were on your own time. Then you can afford to eat? Just a thought???

Not just that... Almost everything is cheaper here even car insurance. Those people in Ontario are paying 200% more. Then you got much lower rents in Quebec. At the end what is important is the discretionary income. As per the stats households in the west have much higher debt then the east. I wonder why. What is needed is the right balance between the left and right. Extreme of both is no good. The European countries like Finland and Ireland got the best of both worlds. You talk about Castro well one can talk about Hitler. Either way extreme left and extreme right is no good. Look at Africa and India these are pure capitalistic countries and the majority are living in poverty with the 1% who are very rich. In India for example the rich got servants since there are no minimum wage laws and they pay them peanuts. Those people are hard workers but they had the misfortune to be born into a poor family and greedy fuckers like those keep them poor. Things have changed somewhat in India the government has stepped in and raised the wages by a lot and many Indians are living far better... Many people have multiple cars. What you wrote hiding from work and the real world is very judgemental. You got no clue the the suffering those people went threw. I look at over privileged greedy CEOs who keep on jacking up prices at the expense of the working class to live that luxurious life. The same goes for politicians.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Then you got much lower rents in Quebec

This actually creates a major problem

Le parc immobilier locatif du Québec: une mise à jour est nécessaire

En octobre dernier, nous avons dévoilé conjointement avec la Corporation des propriétaires immobiliers du Québec (CORPIQ) les résultats d'un sondage portant sur les besoins en rénovation des logements locatifs. Le principal constat est le suivant: la très grande majorité des propriétaires d'immeubles locatifs seraient prêts à investir davantage pour effectuer des travaux de rénovation permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique s'il y avait des mesures incitatives. Parce qu'à l'heure actuelle, il n'y a rien pour les propriétaires désireux de rénover leurs immeubles locatifs!

Bien entendu, le gouvernement a mis en place des crédits d'impôt à la rénovation domiciliaire comme ÉcoRénov, LogiRénov et le plus récent, RénoVert. Or, ces mesures, que nous avons d'ailleurs saluées, ne sont destinées qu'aux propriétaires-occupants. Bref, si vous êtes locataire ou que vous êtes propriétaire d'un immeuble à logement sans y résider, vous ne pouvez pas bénéficier des crédits d'impôt existants.

Pourtant, 81 % des propriétaires d'immeubles locatifs ayant répondu au sondage possèdent un immeuble qui nécessite des travaux de rénovation. Une autre donnée intéressante du sondage révèle que sur les 1,2 million de logements privés au Québec, près de 50 % ont besoin de rénovations pour améliorer leur efficacité énergétique.

Alors comment se fait-il que les besoins de rénovation des immeubles locatifs soient aussi criants? C'est parce que notre parc immobilier locatif se fait de plus en plus vieillissant. En effet, une bonne partie de celui-ci a été construit dans les années 1960, 1970 et 1980 et, faute d'incitatifs combinés à une réglementation peu incitative des investissements pour l'entretenir, il a mal vieilli et a donc besoin d'être mis à niveau.

Vous m'avez peut-être lu et entendu dire du bien de la nouvelle Politique énergétique 2030. Un des objectifs de cette politique est d'améliorer de 15 % l'efficacité avec laquelle l'énergie est utilisée au Québec. Notre industrie peut y contribuer en construisant des maisons neuves à la fine pointe de la technologie et en favorisant l'efficacité énergétique lors de travaux de rénovation. Toutefois, nous croyons que si le gouvernement veut atteindre, voire dépasser cet objectif, il devra inclure le parc immobilier locatif.

Nos deux associations ont donc rédigé une déclaration commune, Pour mettre fin à la dégradation du parc immobilier locatif, qui demande entre autres aux deux paliers de gouvernement de mettre respectivement en place un crédit d'impôt remboursable ou une mesure d'aide similaire afin de stimuler l'investissement en rénovation écoénergétique pour les immeubles locatifs et que le gouvernement du Québec maintienne le crédit d'impôt RénoVert pour les propriétaires-occupants au-delà du 1er avril 2017.

Pour que le gouvernement atteigne son objectif d'améliorer le bilan énergétique des ménages, il devra faire en sorte que le parc immobilier locatif du Québec fasse partie de l'équation. Et pour ce faire, des mesures incitatives devront être mises en place pour donner un coup de pouce aux propriétaires d'immeubles locatifs. Ce n'est pas simple, mais chose certaine, c'est essentiel!

The government of Quebec has failed greatly compared to other Provinces regarding Landlords and tenants laws.

Being a Landlord in different provinces ,it is some news that I follow




Sep 24, 2009
I have gone on a rant about Slavs before... not sure why this surprises anyone. Slavs are a very .. panicky and emotional race.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This actually creates a major problem

The government of Quebec has failed greatly compared to other Provinces regarding Landlords and tenants laws.

Being a Landlord in different provinces ,it is some news that I follow



I fail to see the relevance of this... The only thing I can see if owners and corporations all are finding any reason to jack up prices. The government did not do a complete job renters should be forced to renovate. BTW Montreal in general is older as it was the first major city in Canada plus all the mass of plexes that were built in the early 20th century. Check this out ->

But take a look at Toronto.... Rents are so unaffordable a lot of average joes got to work two jobs. Great for the rich and businesses but this sucks for the middle class ->

Thanks for right-wing conservative one of Sol Tee Nutz's best friends Premier Mike Harris removed rent control. He messed up Toronto in a big way with his right-wing conservative policies by deregulation of the rich and economic austerity.


Sep 24, 2009
I fail to see the relevance of this... The only thing I can see if owners and corporations all are finding any reason to jack up prices. The government did not do a complete job renters should be forced to renovate. BTW Montreal in general is older as it was the first major city in Canada plus all the mass of plexes that were built in the early 20th century. Check this out ->

But take a look at Toronto.... Rents are so unaffordable a lot of average joes got to work two jobs. Great for the rich and businesses but this sucks for the middle class ->

Thanks for right-wing conservative one of Sol Tee Nutz's best friends Premier Mike Harris removed rent control. He messed up Toronto in a big way with his right-wing conservative policies by deregulation of the rich and economic austerity.

Eliminate the foreign element and you eradicate this problem. The very fact that foreign peoples are able to purchase residential properties without actually being residents should tell you all that you need to know.

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