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New York Possible Decriminilization of Prostitution


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Gwyneth Paltrow, who most probably has the IQ between a green plant and a trout, selling you candle that smells like her vagina
more infos lol

Apparently, general vagina smell, according to the site, is "a blend of geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed that puts us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth."



Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
The US is still a largely conservative society that supports a hierarchy. The cons love social stratification. They love neoliberalism but like to enforce social behavior rules. The cons also want free speech as in being free to spread bigotry and hate but want social behavior rules.
Only thing I can say when it comes to prostitution the US will never change maybe after some hundred of years when American society decides to move away from social conservatism and right-wing politics.

N.B.: The biggest reason prostitution exists is due to poverty.

I agree. But if you look at history, you see that sometimes (not always, but sometimes), an institution crumbles remarkably quickly. Like Communism in the former Soviet block. Or the ban on gay marriage in the North America.

I was just at a house party/fundraiser for another insurgent Latina candidate from the same part of New York City that brought us Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jessica Ramos, Julia Salazar, Tiffany Caban and others who are socialist-identified or leaning, and openly support full decriminalization of sex work. That the "land of Archie Bunker" has brought us a sustained socialist insurgency that is taking down the Democratic party machine is nothing short of amazing.

This has raised an interesting question about the stigma associated with sex work. It applies, in a diluted form, to associating oneself publicly with decrminalization efforts and candidates. Case ion point, I was too chicken to ask the candidate I met the other night whether she supports decrim, even though I had just given her $$$! I support her because of her position on a whole range of issues, but I didn't feel comfortable coming out to her as a decrim advocate. (Because of the issues discussed in this thread, lol!)

Perhaps there is an avalanche of support waiting to fall and the proverbial whisper is all it will take, if decrim becomes a standard plank in a broad social justice platform that takes off. Or perhaps we have another 100 years to wait, as Cloud 500 suggests.

For my part, I will be looking for the right opportunity to come out as a decrim supporter!


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
Agreed. And what makes it all the more ridiculous is that the incumbent brags about sexual assault unapologetically. Haven't they noticed that the playing field has changed? Do they think everything is going back to the way it was after Trump. With sex an unutterable topic?

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012

I don't get it, what exactly are they talking about in this (almost 4 years old) article?

Prostitution is pretty much legal in England and Wales, with some limitations of course, but still. To quote the document linked in that Guardian article:

In summary, the acts of buying and selling sex are not in themselves illegal in England and Wales.

Not so, of course, in Northern Ireland where they have adopted the Nordic model. Not sure about Scotland, but probably it is closer to England than to Northern Ireland.

In any case, Corbyn is irrelevant now, and good riddance! If Bernie were ever to become a nominee, I suppose he would not fare much better.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
I forget how many women must be present for it to be a brothel, but it is a very low number.

I think it is two. Meaning two sex workers. Normally, those Soho "walk-up" places, as well as slightly more upscale Shepherd Market ones, have a working woman and an older madam/receptionist who you are supposed to tip a couple of pounds or so.

From the same document:

It is illegal to keep a brothel, i.e. a venue where more than one prostitute works (not necessarily at the same time).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^ Let the video run. After Michael Strahan, Juju Chang of ABC's Nightline has a very interesting report about a Washington King County prosecutor that is traveling the United States trying to dismantle review boards.

Police infiltrated a GT called the league and made arrests and charged the people writing reviews. They goal of the the prosecuting attorney, Valiant Richie of King County Washington is to prosecute the buyer for writing a review and "creating demand." So there are felony pimping charges for the reviewer because "Most people in prostitution are exploited so criminalizing them (the seller) doesn't work...the exploitation that is driven through sex buying is caused by the buyer so the buyer needs to be held accountable"

The interviewer said that "...the argument being that you sacrificed these men's life to further your career."

The King County Washington prosecutor's answer:

"The main focus for us is dismantling these networks of buyers that are creating this vociferous demand for exploited woman."

Comment: This was awhile ago. Twitter is full of escorts - both indy and agency girls - many hate these sites too. However, if this pips-squeak spent any time on Twitter he would see women freely engage in sex work because it is how they make a living and they prefer to do it. On Twitter, they don't always like the men but they freely engage in the work. Thank God for Twitter. It is the best argument against this nonsense.

Former K-Girl Brothel owner Michael Durnel: "They (the police) said they rescued all these women. They said that people were holding them captive. This came out of L.E.'s mouth and who did they save? Every girl they let go. Every girl is back in the business. ."


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The new prosecutor in Queens, NY, a politically ambitious Democrat named Melinda Katz, is implementing a Nordic-style anti-prostitution regime in Queens:

Queens DA's new Human Trafficking Bureau will prosecute sex traffickers, pimps and johns
May 18, 2020
By David Brand

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz on Monday announced the creation of a new Human Trafficking Bureau to prosecute sex and labor traffickers. The bureau will also prosecute people who pay for sex, recalling a debate over sex work decriminalization that divided candidates for Queens DA in 2019.

In a press statement, Katz said the new unit will provide services for survivors of sex trafficking and victims of exploitative labor practices.

“This new and dedicated bureau within my office, will combat those who would victimize others with aggressive investigations to end this industry,” Katz said in a statement. “We are also here to help the victims find a path to freedom with services and programs that will give them positive change in their lives and a future without fear.”

The new unit will feature a team of assistant district attorneys, led by veteran Assistant District Attorney Jessica Melton, as well as social workers, detectives and analysts, according to the DA’s Office. For the past six years, a Human Trafficking Intervention Court in Queens Criminal Court has dismissed the criminal records of people charged with selling sex if they complete programs and adhere to various conditions...
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