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Pre and post SC, MP, Escort careers.

Jun 25, 2009
What are some of the careers that you know some SC, MP and escort ladies did pre and post career. There seems to be a large number of ladies that worked in beauty salons that have taken up careers in the SC and MP biz.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
One of my favourites courtesans . She was as bright as she was beautiful. Determined and capable of getting anything she wanted.
She got her Masters degree in finance , then a good job with a large investment bank and then she married one of her wealthy, young and handsome , investment clients, and moved to T.O. where he had bought her a multi million dollar house

The truth with this girl`s adventures in life were usually stranger than fiction. Doc.H I`m sure knows who I`m talking about.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
My ''pre career'' was actually body piercer in a tattooshop. :)


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Une de mes anciennes régulière est rendue dans un cisss (centre intégré de service sociaux et de la santé). Elle a arrêté le métier de courtisane maintenant qu'elle a eu son diplôme.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Mostly true for pre but not so much for post.

Lawyers, doctors, web designers, investment councillors , politicians.....someday one will marry the president.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
I rarely ask about their careers but from the one's I do know. Plenty of Nurses especially during the Nursing boom not so much now. Child daycare person, dental hygienist, legal secretary, wanna be porn star, teacher.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I know a girl who has her own crochet clothing business (But she still works the sex industry)


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
mom full time ( welfare )

Juste comme ça, une mère est une mère full-Time, point et ce même si elle travaille ou qu'elle n'a pas la garde pleine.

Je sais que tu ne fais que répéter ce que l'on entend souvent, mais voila parfois on dit des choses epouventables sans s'en rendre compte. C'est idem pour le père et ce, même s'il ne voit ses enfants qu'un weekend sur deux.

Ton ex-escorte n'a juste aucune occupation professionnelle (à moins qu'elle fasse du bénévolat comme de nombreuses personnes qui font le choix de ne pas travailler qu'importe leurs raisons). Je respecte, j'ai eu la chance d'avoir une maman à la maison, mais appelons un chat un chat, être une mère du foyer n'est pas une occupation professionnelle.


Sep 21, 2017
Sp were almost universally career and financial losers before they became Sp. They started sex for money in hopes of turning that around without having to put in any of the traditional effort and time society demands. In some instances they tried it that way and failed anyway. A small percentage were even homeless before becoming Sp. Many before Sp were jobless or working minimum wage and entry level grunt work in corporate Canada. After they've squeezed out all they can from sucking cock, they can become almost anything because money can buy opportunity. More people in finance and medicine in Quebec and america were on their knees to get to where they were that well ever know.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
R&R not everyone is born gagging on a silver spoon.
Many are left abandoned by a single parent or broken family.
Others need to pay off debt .
Yes some are addicts or have pimps to support....and those seem to be the ones you are drawn to.

A girl can choose to be a hairdresser or barmaid and be poor the rest of her life.
Or choose to be an escort or sugar babe and if she is good at her game she will make enough to go back to school, buy a home , or retire, and then with her new education get a better job. Or maybe she`ll just marry a rich guy who is not rude.


Sep 21, 2017
People born Into poverty can escape it with hard work without needing prostitution. Hundreds of thousands of people have done it. Men and women do it all the time. And Montreal has a particularly cheap education system in place. I would say it's a Disservice to suggest to a young women she needs to be an SP in order to succeed, or that being one is some great and highly intelligent choice to get ahead of the curb.

People having debt to pay off is either due to poor decision making or school.
School debt is common. People pay it off all the time.
Single parent? So what? Just as good as two parents a lot of the time.
Broken family? Ok. They get some leeway and sympathy, but I've yet to meet a single escort from a broken family...that's a drug addict, or pimped.

Egg Roll

New Member
Feb 25, 2011
Any discussion of pre careers is ridiculous. Most Montreal escorts start this activity in their late teens or twenties. What pre career could they have had?

I could give you an example of a pre career. I answered an ad once for SP services. The woman turned out to be in her mid 40s and was a accountant. She was a partner in her own firm. The way she tells it her partner or partners embezzled large amounts of money which she was facing charges for. They were all stripped of their credentials and she went into the the SP trade.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And don't forget folks, there is nothing wrong with not being "successful" by society's standards. There is nothing wrong with that cheerful chick who serves coffee and donuts at Tom Horton's in the morning from age 18 to 70 for $15,000 a year deciding to spend the evenings from age 18 to 35 earning an extra $40,000 a year escorting. We often forget that somebody needs to bake the fucking doughnuts every morning that the so-called successful people stop in and eat. Sometimes the people with common jobs are the happiest ones around.

Fucking right!!! I am aiming at "retiring" in about 3-4 years, at 50. But I can't completely stop. Will need basic income. My next job? Probably mowing lawns in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter ;)



New Member
Apr 3, 2012
I've met a few girls who earned university level diplomas but they had a goal and prostition was just a way to get there.
The vast majority of girls I've met were barely college level, thinking about becoming singers or some low wage occupation. The last group represents roughly 85%. In any case, given enough time this escort gig eventually becomes a distant souvenir.
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