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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Is was mentioned before but the main issue would be for me that we're not looking for the same thing and we clearly don't have the same tastes in women. Add to that the fact that MERB doesn't have a review template like others websites and it's a bit complicated to make an opinion.
What helps are multiple reviews obviously and probably reading between the lines, i usually don't DM people but it's a good idea.
As a rule i would say reviews are useful for good or bad things so clearly MERB works for me in that way, i understand people not liking some overcomplicated reviews, for my part i find the "list of sex acronyms type of review" completely useless but maybe that's just me.
Having some kind of template would clearly gives some cohesion.
I haved mixed feelings about those. It's nice to have everybody rowing the oar in the same direction but a lot of these templates are a series of acronyms coupled with scale from 1-10 numbers for looks/service/attitude kind of thing. You can kind of build consensus on some of the attributes of a girl this way but you don't really get a feel for her in this type of review. When people describe their experiences you pick up a bunch of subjectively interesting information that can be left out of templates. Teplates usually leave out things like ambiance and language skills too, unless they have "comments sections" which some do and some don't, and which some people don't use well anyway. Also, members tend to get bent out of shape unnecessarily if someone deviates from the template, even if they have good reason to. The really nice thing about templates is that they require that people give more information than they wouldn't always otherwise. So you don't get useless one line reviews like "she was great. I'd go again" or "bad service. avoid" .If people aren't going to provide any information in their reviews then they just shouldn't do any.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
i usually don't DM people but it's a good idea.
If you are respecful and not a dumbass, approaching someone in dm can be very helpful and rewarding.

I have rarely refuse to share infos in private, even with newcomers, as long as it is a clear and properly asked request. Most of the time they end up very happy with the answer, whenever I have the infos.

Johnny test

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I haved mixed feelings about those. It's nice to have everybody rowing the oar in the same direction but a lot of these templates are a series of acronyms coupled with scale from 1-10 numbers for looks/service/attitude kind of thing. You can kind of build consensus on some of the attributes of a girl this way but you don't really get a feel for her in this type of review. When people describe their experiences you pick up a bunch of subjectively interesting information that can be left out of templates. Teplates usually leave out things like ambiance and language skills too, unless they have "comments sections" which some do and some don't, and which some people don't use well anyway. Also, members tend to get bent out of shape unnecessarily if someone deviates from the template, even if they have good reason to. The really nice thing about templates is that they require that people give more information than they wouldn't always otherwise. So you don't get useless one line reviews like "she was great. I'd go again" or "bad service. avoid" .If people aren't going to provide any information in their reviews then they just shouldn't do any.
well it's always a question of nuance i'd guess :) , the one i have in mind have a comment section so it's a mix but yeah nothing's perfect. A template doesn't necessarily need to be overly complex but it's usually easier to read. there are other options in the digital space i guess. My point is the fact that there's no general guidelines here doesn't help. I understand nobody wants to read forms all day long but there are options in between.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
i look at reviews of SPs I’ve seen. There are members I find that commonly give even the most average looking girl straight 10/10/10/10. These are guys who are happy a living creature is talking to them. I do not trust their reviews one bit. I just skip their reviews. Sounds like bots, honestly.

Then I see members who give very similar reviews to me, both good and bad (and average). I trust them.

after a couple years here, I have a list of people I trust and people I don’t.

As for a completely new city and new board, I used to use the international section of my local board. Used to be a very good source of information. Unfortunately after Covid, the international board is pretty dead. Well, just like here


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I don’t rely on the reviews too much. If I want to see an SP, I’ll read the reviews to get a general idea. But many reviews are inflated, and I don’t have the same criteria as some members on this forum. For example, some guys will ask if specific “menu” items are included, without realizing that a lot of it is based on YMMV and chemistry.

For me, the chemistry is extremely important. So when I sense that there is chemistry with a certain SP and it feels natural, then I tend to repeat. After years of hobbying, I can sense when it clicks with a lady!

Besides the sex, there are other factors that help make the meetings memorable, such as conversation, sharing a glass of wine, foreplay, cuddling, etc.

This can only be determined by meeting various SPs and seeing which ones it clicks with.
Then I tend to repeat with those ladies that I have good chemistry with.

Toto beefcake

I don’t rely on the reviews too much. If I want to see an SP, I’ll read the reviews to get a general idea. But many reviews are inflated, and I don’t have the same criteria as some members on this forum. For example, some guys will ask if specific “menu” items are included, without realizing that a lot of it is based on YMMV and chemistry.

For me, the chemistry is extremely important. So when I sense that there is chemistry with a certain SP and it feels natural, then I tend to repeat. After years of hobbying, I can sense when it clicks with a lady!

Besides the sex, there are other factors that help make the meetings memorable, such as conversation, sharing a glass of wine, foreplay, cuddling, etc.

This can only be determined by meeting various SPs and seeing which ones it clicks with.
Then I tend to repeat with those ladies that I have good chemistry with.
Truthfully i think alot more and more or as you get older will say or just in general(you may correct me if im wrong) people are looking more for the conversation and the chilling etc than the actual “sex “ part. Thats just a bonus will say .

Just like a relationship, yes the sex is important but its not the end all be all. There alot more factors important imo than just sex. Thats why for me a relationship will always trump will say “hobbying” . And engage temporarily

nice points gazoo


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
Truthfully i think alot more and more or as you get older will say or just in general(you may correct me if im wrong) people are looking more for the conversation and the chilling etc than the actual “sex “ part. Thats just a bonus will say .

Just like a relationship, yes the sex is important but its not the end all be all. There alot more factors important imo than just sex. Thats why for me a relationship will always trump will say “hobbying” . And engage temporarily

nice points gazoo

I tend to agree with this as well. I'm not always sure whether it's the presence of something or whether it's the absence of bullshit that does it. Nothing annoys me more than insincere flattery and fake noises etc. There are some patterns of crap that are so standard with SPs than anyone with any experience can spot them a mile away. While I certainly appreciate the presence of people that are funny and interesting (who also tend to be some of the better sex partners for me. I like people who are playful) I also appreciate ladies who don't take me for an idiot. The more "professional" they are the more likely they are to try to do exactly that too. This is an "x" factor that I wish showed up in reviews. So for me it's the presence of something coupled with the absence of something else. Neither one of these factors typically shows up in reviews. When I find people like that I always enjoy the experience more.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2021
Like location in real estate, here it's YMMV, YMMV, YMMV.

What a girl chooses to do with one, she may refuse the next. Ethnicity, hygiene, your age, etc etc, accept it and move on if the review doesn't get you the same results. I know massage women who quit doing options who have open threads here, I know some who say they never do but actually do, and some who change their minds either way depending on their daily mood.

Lucky 64

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
This is exactly what SPs get when I book them!
I really likes reviews and merb most of the time the reviews from well known members are alright i don t like exagerations or an Sp fully booked and working over. two weeks without reviews is it a gem that people keeps or a no no…also reviews like no dfk or smell bad so you have a red flag ,the perpose it s to have enought infos to jump the gun lol,thank you all wolves
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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So, how do you guys decide whether information is pertinent and correct when you're reading board posts, and how much stock do you put in reviews in general?
Good question. Back in the day when I was active, there was another active MERB poster at the time named Rex Kramer. Some of you old timers may remember him- I believe Rex is long retired. Rex and I, over the course of a couple of years, both recognized we read each other's reviews and that we had the same interest in women- young, natural spinners. It became obvious that we were attracted to and booking the same girls at the same agencies. Like me, Rex was an American traveling from New England to Montreal and at the time seeing mostly HDH ladies. We had many things in common as far as being hobbyists or clients.

Rex initiated a PM relationship with me. At first we exchanged with each other far more details than existed in our actual reviews. We both picked up on the things that the other valued. Eventually, I met Rex in person in Montreal. He invited me to dinner and we ended up having several dinners or lunches after coordinating our travel itineraries when we were in Montreal at the same time.

Although over the years I received extremely good information from welll known posters like Banger, NYCBadBoy, Doc Holliday, Cloudsurf, Breadman, General Gonad, Soecial K, Cool Amadeus, Trailrunner66 and AlexK, the only MERB poster I considered my "hobbyist blood brother" was Rex Kramer. He and I were almost "hobby twins" when it came to the kinds of women we liked and the things we valued in a good booking. I use to really enjoy and value his intel. He was my top secret agent on MERB. I hope he is well- haven't spoken to him in at least 10 years. He did reach out to me once after he retired, but never heard from him since.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I like people who are playful) I also appreciate ladies who don't take me for an idiot. The more "professional" they are the more likely they are to try to do exactly that too.
I agree with this sentiment to a tee. I met one special lady who I see regularly when she is in town the vibe is excellent and she is extremely playful, almost like a kitten with a toy. She does not take me for an idiot and there is respect. She understands exactly what turns my clock and is very capable of providing.

Having said that, I am led to believe that if I were involved with her outside of the hobby, she would have no problem providing in the same manner. She is low profile, only sees a select few, and does not advertise. I am privileged in the sense that she considers me worthy.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It is sometimes healthy to be skeptical about reviews especially by posters who are either prolific or review only ladies at one agency. Years ago there was a certain poster who became somewhat legendary, even a board hero, for monster blasts of reviews on his trips to Montreal, in which he would see 4 or 5 ladies a day and review them all, producing maybe 20-25 reviews per trip. A few things later became common knowledge.

One was that he had a discounts for reviews deal going with one agency. When asked privately about this, he defended the arrangement, saying all of his reviews were honest, he fluffed nothing and accepted a discount in return. He also said the agency was specifically told he would call it as he saw it. He later openly stated as much on MERB after a gaggle of criticism of his reviews.

The other thing that later became common knowledge was that he was a very large man and enjoyed giving the ladies he saw a "good pounding", and he tended to be more favorable towards those who didn't complain about the pounding and took it like "good soldiers."

Although I met the poster in question and genuinely liked him as a person, I really didn't trust his reviews. For one thing I imagined that some of the women didn't like being pounded by a huge dude, especially the small and petite ones. Another thing I learned just from talking to him was that he was obsessed with getting good deals in almost everything he did in life. He would openly brag about great deals he swung through Priceline bidding and on cellphone packages. He one time described to me copiously researching cellphone packages and finding one that saved him what he believed was a lot of money. As he described it to me, I swear he had this look on his face like King Kong on the top of the Empire State Building, and he suddenly and violently thumped his chest with a closed fist. I almost laughed out loud- it was pretty funny. But that was his personality.

And I think that it carried over with seeking escort deals and writing reviews as a part of those deals. My sense was that when he said the reviews were "honest", they were to a certain extent, but I do believe that he emphasized the positives or went out of his way to, and de-emphasized the negatives or mentioned them in passing. Or so it seemed to me.

Once his "arrangement" was admitted and out in the open, the Mods at the time allowed the reviews because there was candor about the circumstances under which they were written.

This all dates 20 years back now. Do such arrangements exist in 2025? Probably they do with less candor about them. So it's another thing to consider especially with seemingly prolific reviewers.
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Toto beefcake

It is sometimes healthy to be skeptical about reviews especially by posters who are either prolific or review only ladies at one agency. Years ago there was a certain poster who became somewhat legendary, even a board hero, for monster blasts of reviews on his trips to Montreal, in which he would see 4 or 5 ladies a day and review them all, producing maybe 20-25 reviews per trip. A few things later became common knowledge.

One was that he had a discounts for reviews deal going with one agency. When asked privately about this, he defended the arrangement, saying all of his reviews were honest, he fluffed nothing and accepted a discount in return. He also said the agency was specifically told he would call it as he saw it. He later openly stated as much on MERB after a gaggle of criticism of his reviews.

The other thing that later became common knowledge was that he was a very large man and enjoyed giving the ladies he saw a "good pounding", and he tended to be more favorable towards those who didn't complain about the pounding and took it like "good soldiers."

Although I met the poster in question and genuinely liked him as a person, I really didn't trust his reviews. For one thing I imagined that some of the women didn't like being pounded by a huge dude, especially the small and petite ones. Another thing I learned just from talking to him was that he was obsessed with getting good deals in almost everything he did in life. He would openly brag about great deals he swung through Priceline bidding and on cellphone packages. He one time described to me copiously researching cellphone packages and finding one that saved him what he believed was a lot of money. As he described it to me, I swear he had this look on his face like King Kong on the top of the Empire State Building, and he suddenly and violently thumped his chest with a closed fist. I almost laughed out loud- it was pretty funny. But that was his personality.

And I think that it carried over with seeking escort deals and writing reviews as a part of those deals. My sense was that when he said the reviews were "honest", they were to a certain extent, but I do believe that he emphasized the positives or went out of his way to, and de-emphasized the negatives or mentioned them in passing. Or so it seemed to me.

Once his "arrangement" was admitted and out in the open, the Mods at the time allowed the reviews because there was candor about the circumstances under which they were written.

This all dates 20 years back now. Do such arrangements exist in 2025? Probably they do with less candor about them. So it's another thing to consider especially with seemingly prolific reviewers.
View attachment 86935
its excatly why especially agency reviews when i see descriptive reviews about “orgasm daty dato gripping a pillow scream in enjoyment dfk at the door non stop dfk , multiple position cuddle round 2 massage conversation takes a good pounding bbbj art form dt takes instructions “ and the list goes on. Id have to write a whole paragraph. Its all horseshit to me. And the best part this is all in an hour appointment with conversation obviously included and the girls all put an alarm for 10 minutes before for the shower.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2020
Like location in real estate, here it's YMMV, YMMV, YMMV.

What a girl chooses to do with one, she may refuse the next. Ethnicity, hygiene, your age, etc etc, accept it and move on if the review doesn't get you the same results. I know massage women who quit doing options who have open threads here, I know some who say they never do but actually do, and some who change their minds either way depending on their daily mood.
Totally agree there are ladies out there who clearly post no extras, no escort, no FS service, etc., etc. but pick and choose who they do it with
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