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Pubic hair, yay or nay?

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Maybe this is a generational thing. Frankly I could care less. Do not really care what the entrance to the tunnel looks like as long as I could drive through and it gets me where i want to go.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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I like shaved or waxed. There are a lot of hot ladies I won't see because the new trend is to let it grow (both the Y and the armpits :nono: )

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I like shaved or waxed. There are a lot of hot ladies I won't see because the new trend is to let it grow (both the Y and the armpits :nono: )

Im with you on that. As long as its disclosed in the ads/pictures, then its fine, ill just avoid them. But i really hope to never get "an hairy surprise" lol. Especially arm pits. I mean vagina depending on the level of hair and where it is (as long as the lips/vagina itself is not hairy, i could maybe live with it if its well groomed) but arm pits would be too much for me.

But honestly it seem to be more an indy thing so far. I have yet to experience or read comments about an agency girl from top agencies going that route.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
A nicely groomed landing strip is sexy; I prefer the area around the C to be hairless for DATY. A hairless O is a great visual during doggy.

100% agree!
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Now now jali, women walking around with their pubic hairs flowing in the wind is not permitted.
However I definitely vote for a beautiful lasered mound of Venus.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So far all SP I have seen were without any pubic hair, then last time I saw Mochalamulata she was sporting a nice developing bush, it actually looked fabulous on her and it added to her already gorgeous look.

I had seen her before when it was completely shaven and honestly it really doesn’t matter , she is gorgeous either way, it would be kind of interesting if some SP would do this and alternate their look down there from time to time, sort of like changing hair colour it makes for a nice surprise sometimes.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2012
Well Amelie...looks like you would need a pussy wig to please everyone…and charge an extra for it! ;) lol...we'll get to choose between BBDATY and CDATY!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
but when did we start associating "being clean" with being fully shaved or waxed down there?

I can't say if its cleaner or not, probably not really, but it give a cleaner LOOK.

Also having an hair, un poil, in the mouth if you go for daty must not be fun.

Personally i see often SPs mention to be well trimmed etc in ads, and we are the clients, so i expect the same from the actual provider. I mean i use my clipper to remove as much as possible, but i always fear of cutting myself on the balls so i use cisors there. Its not perfect but it does the job and i don't expect or demand balls licking. Paying an epilation in a pro place is just not worth it for me, by the time i see another provider it will have grow back. But if i was a pro working in that field (porn actor for instance) i would go that route.

I just don't get why suddenly its a new trend to have pubic hair, either for male or female. As for beard, well i do have one but i have a good reason for that, i always been chubby, even at my slimmest when i was training, i never liked my chin so its a good way to hide it. I just look better with beard. But i never let it grow too much, always cut it so it don't pass "2" on my hair clipper. But those "doc mayou beard" i see coming back more and more on very attractive looking guys, im just like WHY??

To be honest fashion in the years 2010 seem to be at all time low for me in general... on many side.

Im kinda expecting the brown suits and mullets to come back at that point. I mean the freaking PORNSTACHE of the 80s seem to coming back... so that mullet would fit with it ...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Like it or not, the reality is that most of us see escorts to attain what we can't have or get at "home". Some public hair is nice, as long as it does not become a distraction for the clients. I suspect most of the OP's clients are repeat and regulars, and they likely enjoy being with her as much as they love entering her tunnel of love. The amount of public hair the OP decides to keep or not keep will likely have very little impact on her revenue stream. So, change up the pubic hair design and amount like you would your manicure and pedicure.

Here's something even the German press are reporting upon:

"Pubic hair is protective: it bars foreign bodies, bacteria, pathogens dirt and germs from entering the sensitive vaginal area.
It can minimize the risk of various infections and prevent friction during sex and thus injuries. All in all, pubic hair fulfils an important function for our body.
But most people in Germany remove it, whether by shaving, waxing or laser treatment.
A sample study of 1000 young Germans between the age of 20 and 35by Neon Magazine found that 67% of the women involved removed all of their pubic hair off, and 33% shaved partially.
Of the men involved, 50% removed all their pubic hair and 39% partially. Shaving is still the most popular way to get rid of pubic hair.
But a new study from California found that women who shave their pubic hair regularly have a higher risk of contracting genital herpes, genital warts or the dreaded papillomaviruses.
"We know that human papillomaviruses — the viruses that can cause warts in the genital area — are more and more frequent," dermatologist Professor Norbert Brockmeyer told DW. . . ."
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Yeah, I don’t know ... I think women who shave or laser their pubic area have more sex with more men and that is the real risk for problems. The explanation they are giving seems «*bullshitist*» the main function of pubic hair is that it retains more odours which use to be an attractive quality
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