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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted that he's likely going to jail and is happy to do so because he knows he is innocent.
But this is happening while Trump refuses to defend Rudy or help pay his legal bills.

Rudy says lie, so they funny, he's the second biggest liar second only to Trump.

Anyone who came into contact with Trump either ends up in jail or as a pariah.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is reportedly furious with the Capitol Police officers who testified before the Select Committee this past week, and he decided that the only way he could deal with his anger would be to viciously smear them with slurs.
This is a clear sign of desperation, not just from Trump but from all the Republicans who are trying to attack the police officers.

Who cares if Trump’s not happy? Arrest Trump now.

Trump must be made an example of so nobody like that or his fellow Republicans will ever be elected.

This is sweet coming from a guy who hides in a bunker because of a noisy crowd outside.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

This video is about Donald Trump who completely denies the he asked the justice to say the results where corrupted.

Everyone knows he's guilty ,and also responsible for January 6th insurrection.

Trump never tells the truth,which means he is guilty.

From jail, I doibt Trump can rum for president.

Trump is a walking disaster.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Melania Trump has left Donald Trump.

As president’s wife, she got right Royal treatment at the expense of the tax payers!
Now that they’re kicked out of the White House, she’s just another ordinary immigran.

He’s got no money to provide her with the same royal treatment.

And maybe she doesn’t want to be a caregiver to an crotchety old con man.

For all her faults I don’t blame her for leaving the toxic husband.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump loses his mind over the apparent progress of Joe Biden's infrastructure deal moving into debate on the floor of the Senate.

The narcissistic con man is never wrong & never takes responsibility buts wants all the credit.

Trump is whining because he couldn't get an infrastructure bill passed and he hates the thought of Biden being close to accomplishing what he couldn't!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is embarrassed because his latest rally will be in an empty field in rural Alabama after he was blocked from better venues. This shows that no place wants to host Trump and his people anymore.

Trump just loves the cheering of the crowd to fulfill his narcissistic ego. He wants to be a pop star not a politician. he will say anything to get a cheering crowd.

He probably can't rent a space because...he never pays for anything.

Trump is now down to holding rallies in cow pastures, even the cows didn't show up they must have smelt the BS from the barn.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The final numbers are in, and it turns out that economic growth under Donald Trump was the worst since the Great Depression.
From his first month in office to his last, the GDP of the United States only grew by 1.6%, making him the worst economic president since the Depression.
This blows a major hole in Donald Trump's mythos, and shows that his supporters really don't have anything of substance to be rallying around when they cry about wanting him to come back to the White House.

Worst president in modern history, or perhaps ever, in so many ways.

Biggest, worst failure of a president America will ever see, a big lesson for our history.

Trummpy, is the American Failure, a title that he has really earned, and is well deserved, cause that is what he does really well, failing.

He's so honest o_O
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Recently released financial records show that Donald Trump funneled political donations meant to fight the 2020 election results into his own businesses.

Every time I think he can't get any more horrible, he does.

Of course trump never donated his salary and took money from PACs. His love of money knows no bounds.

Of course he did. That isn't any kind of surprise, this has basically been his business model for a while now.

He’s a grifter, never intended to be President, really doesn’t care. He’s just in it for the fame and the money.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump and Ken Paxton and other lawyers that told lies for Trump are losing in court over their claims, having to admit that stories they told for Trump were false in order to not get disbarred.
All of these losses by lawyers also hit Trump.

Remember: every time these lawyers lose, it is a direct defeat for Trump.

All these criminal attorneys need to be disbarred and locked up with their client DJT.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former President Donald Trump's legal team formally stepped into a long-running fight over a US House request for his tax returns, claiming Trump's financial history is being unfairly pursued for political reasons by Democrats and seeking to end House Ways and Means Committee investigations into the ex-President and his companies.

The Justice Department last week determined that the Internal Revenue Service must hand over Trump's tax returns to Congress, but a federal judge is still considering what could happen.

While the pressure is heating up in the House Democrats' pursuit of Trump's tax information, the tax returns aren't likely to be given to Congress anytime soon, and the new filing from Trump will likely prompt several new rounds of legal arguments.

The move in court on Wednesday makes Trump a party in the lawsuit. For the past two years, his legal team was essentially on the sidelines as the House fought the case with the executive branch.

Trump is asking the federal court to permanently block the Treasury Department from turning over his tax returns and order Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal to "end all ongoing examinations" of Trump and his companies.

He never ever intended to allow his tax returns to be assessed.

If everything with Trump's taxes is on the up-and-up, how would they be used to embarrass him? Or is he hiding something?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has brought in tens of millions of dollars this year from his supporters, and a lot of that money was forked over with donors believing that they were funding his election challenges.

That never happened. Reports show that Trump hasn't spent a dime of this money fighting the results of the 2020 election, proving once again that he just can't stop this grift.
And at this point, why should he? If people are dumb enough to fall for it then they should suffer the consequences.

Remember when Trump first ran for President? He said he didn't need anybody else's money? His cult-followers forgot about that.

Never understood why a "billionaire" wouldn't be able to pay shit himself.

Hey Trump fans wake up, he's emptying your pockets.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to a new poll, a majority of Americans do NOT want Donald Trump to run for president again, as they believe that it would be "bad for the country."
It is hard to argue with that point, and this poll gives us hope that Republicans won't make the same mistake in 2024 that they made in 2016.
However, the likelihood of getting a level-headed Republican as the nominee is incredibly slim, which means that we may avoid one disaster yet still be walking right into another one.

This has to be the dumbest country on the globe. To even allow him to run at all is an injustice in itself.

If you're being investigated by the police for a felony you should not be able to run for president.

Covid combined with stupidity will have some bearing on these numbers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Several lawyers in Colorado who filed election challenge lawsuits were ordered by a judge this week to pay the legal fees of the parties that they sued.
This is a major win for democracy, as it sends a clear message to any Trump-loving lawyers out there that you can't file lawsuits based on pure fantasy without any repercussions.

Actual accountability taking place, will wonders never cease.

These lawyers must have graduated from Trump’s University.

everyone who voted for Biden should file a class action suit against trump and his supporters including all republicans, for trying to get their legally cast votes nullified.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
This has to be the dumbest country on the globe. To even allow him to run at all is an injustice in itself.

If you're being investigated by the police for a felony you should not be able to run for president.

Covid combined with stupidity will have some bearing on these numbers.

The Republicans have such an empty roster of candidates that it's likely they'll let him run. Having him run again is like a gift to Democrats - turnout in 2020 blew all expectations out of the water and if he runs again, we could see even more. So far DJT lost the House, Senate and Presidency from 2018-2020 (and the popular vote twice), so maybe his losing streak continues.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump and his press staff freaked out today when they found out that Fox News cut a portion of his recent appearance because it puts them in danger of being sued. This shows that while Trump is popular with the Fox audience, is is a total liability now.

This shows how they know Trump is a liability, but they're too cowardly to say it out loud.

Trump will never accept that more Americans hate his guts than like him . Spent his life surrounded by yes men .

The only person who abused the voters was Trump himself.

Trump was the closest to a Tyrant that the US has ever gotten. NEVER AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump was on Fox News and clearly showed he is undergoing cognitive decline and has megalomania. This is a man unfit for office intellectually and morally.

He lacks the moral and intellectual capacity to qualify as a human let alone a leader.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Hey isn't DJT going to be reinstated as President tomorrow (Aug 13th) and usher a new era of payback against the communists and minorities?
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