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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I don’t mind you criticizing him he did many stupid things that deserve to be criticized, I was just wondering exactly how many threads need to be devoted to that single effort and why this one is still alive when it has become a one man blog.
The man is no longer President why this continued obsession.
It seems there may be two viruses circulating, and for one there is no vaccine. This variant however is really a long hauler.
I like your analogies.

But as long as that orange clown keeps saying bullshit, I'll comment on his nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

This video is about Donald Trump's supporters sending deceptive emails to people.

Doing their worst keeps happening everyday. The thing that they don't understand is we don't believe their lies. Google is at many peoples fingers tips for the truth.

It's a sad thing that Trumpettes are this stupid and disgusting.

Trump can only have one black person in his adduce! He needs to be in jail.

We were lucky enough to get him out of office, he cannot be given another chance to completely ruin this country.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 not all politicians are bad....saying that is a nonsense....affirmation gratuite et absurde. It takes guts---courage--good will and determination ---those days---to run for office.....quelque soit le niveau.....knowing your reputation can b destroyed any moment...

and anyway a bad one will not stay in power very ;) Of course true many are running for a power trip with with big ego....c'est dans la nature des choses.....and i don't really have a problem long they are working for common good and best

interests de leur communauté....large or small.

Criticize them when doing wrong that's ok and the thing to do BUT when doing well we must also underline their merit..... it goes both ways . ;) ...and as citizen it's our duty to vote...and to vote for whom we think will do good job.

Would add most of them deserve 2 cents this beautiful Saturday .;)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
No. Not all politicians are bad, despite your incessant spouting of that lie. Funny how you always say that but also so often defend Trump, who was and is the worst of the worst.
Stick to pasting emojis.
Bidet in just under a year has managed to surpass Trump lol, and yes all politicians are scumbags.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner not all politicians are bad....saying that is a nonsense....affirmation gratuite et absurde. It takes guts---courage--good will and determination ---those days---to run for office.....quelque soit le niveau.....knowing your reputation can b destroyed any moment...

and anyway a bad one will not stay in power very ;) Of course true many are running for a power trip with with big ego....c'est dans la nature des choses.....and i don't really have a problem long they are working for common good and best

interests de leur communauté....large or small.

Criticize them when doing wrong that's ok and the thing to do BUT when doing well we must also underline their merit..... it goes both ways . ;) ...and as citizen it's our duty to vote...and to vote for whom we think will do good job.

Would add most of them deserve 2 cents this beautiful Saturday .;)
Disagree, politicians are scumbags some more some less and they deserve no respect and they are not going to get any from me and that includes Trump.
One thing I agree with you on, I will always vote, there are many people throughout the world that gave their lives for the right to vote, my parents came from the Soviet bloc where you had a vote yes but there was only one party and you had to vote or be jailed.
People here have no idea how lucky they are, they have never lived through a revolution, a war in their back yard, are free to say whatever the fuck they like, work wherever it’s best for them and travel wherever they like yet they bitch like hell constantly.
Whether it is Trump or Bidet none of these fundamental things are going to change and we are all lucky to be living in countries like Canada and the US regardless of some of the faults and the idiots that we elect sometimes, because the people will only allow so much to these idiots and the people behind them pulling the strings and they know it.
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Disagree, politicians are scumbags some more some less and they deserve no respect and they are not going to get any from me and that includes Trump.
One thing I agree with you on, I will always vote, there are many people throughout the world that gave their lives for the right to vote, my parents came from the Soviet bloc where you had a vote yes but there was only one party and you had to vote or be jailed.
People here have no idea how lucky they are, they have never lived through a revolution, a war in their back yard, are free to say whatever the fuck they like, work wherever it’s best for them and travel wherever they like yet they bitch like hell constantly.
Whether it is Trump or Bidet none of these fundamental things are going to change and we are all lucky to be living in countries like Canada and the US regardless of some of the faults and the idiots that we elect sometimes, because the people will only allow so much to these idiots and the people behind them pulling the strings and they know it.
Fradi you are more than incomprehensible, you say you hate politicians, and you vote?

As proof that your judgment is biased, you say Trump and Bidet. For me it's clear that you prefer Trump.

For my part, nothing ambiguous, I hate trump.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Was referring to ALL politicans. ..not only TROMP vs BIDEN....... c'est très réducteurême si effectivement ce sont de gros morceaux de la scène politique mondiale.....MAIS la politique et les élus sont partout dans notre it or
oui il y en a des pourris MAIS aussi des bons qui méritent notre considération.....and yes it is a HUGE privilège to have the right to vote....à nous de bien l'exercer selon nos attentes ... pour améliorer notre qualité de vie et celle des nôtres. ;)



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

In a perfect case of "do as I say, not as I do," many of Donald Trump's hotels are now requiring that all guests wear masks.
This is actually a really good decision for the properties, but it remains to be seen how some of Trump's most ardent supporters are going to react to the decision.
They have spent the past year railing against mask mandates, and now their hero is making people wear them at his hotels.

You couldn’t create a better parody of a human being than a republican.

Of course. He doesn't want to deal with liability. He's just going to say someone forced him to do it and act like it wasn't his idea and he's the victim.

Hopefully Trump will invite MTG and Gaetz to do their rally in a conference room.

Its also because he would have to admit he was wrong. His ego cant handle that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Fradi you are more than incomprehensible, you say you hate politicians, and you vote?

As proof that your judgment is biased, you say Trump and Bidet. For me it's clear that you prefer Trump.

For my part, nothing ambiguous, I hate trump.
Why wouldn’t I vote I have the right and privilege to vote unlike my parents had, I will always vote, I will never give up that right. anybody that doesn’t forfeits his right to complain. You will never understand this, like I said, you have never known anything but living in one of the best countries in the world I don’t expect you to understand. A place where you can make your own luck despite any scumbag politicIan.
I choose the best possible between two evils, had I been allowed to vote I would have chosen Trump over Bidet I have never hidden that.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump supporters boo him because he finally tells them the truth during one of his speeches.

Just the thought of this unvaccinated, unmasked crowd, makes me sad for the nurses and doctors who are going to be dealing with the fallout in about 14 days.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is so desperate for Money that he's selling his properties and luxury goods, as well as scheming his supporters for cash.
This shows that he losing the wealth that gives him his pow.

Donald Trump losing his money is the next best thing to him going to jail.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump Border wall is a key part of his legacy, but heavy rains have ruined the wall all because Trump ignored basic rules and environmental guidelines when building it.

Seems like Trump has never succeeded at anything except lying about what he achieved.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump have lost ontrol of the anti-vaxx monster.

Mehdi Hasan shares his thoughts after Trump was booed by his supporters for encouraging them to get vaccinated against Covid-19.

You just can’t help people who insist on jumping out of airplanes without parachutes or playing Russian roulette with the chamber fully loaded.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump and his social media accounts.

I NEVER thought ONE MAN could hold an entire country hostage. Then, I thought, 1938 Germany. I stand corrected.

Trump should be banned from all social media platforms. When has he said one damned thing that was true, rational, respectable or sensible in any way. Never!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Trolling (Rule #2)
Comparing Trump to Hitler is a stretch even for you.
This would be equivalent to hate speech in many places.
I think you should read a little more about history before making ridiculous statements like this. Nobody takes you seriously anymore.
Exactly how many men did Trump order to be slaughtered or which races did he try to wipe off the face of the earth.
Which countries did he try to invade or when did he cause a world war.
btw I am done with political threads because when they allow this kind of utter BS there is no reason to continue.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

A new report says that Donald Trump has spoken to both Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and that he has actually offered his support for their ridiculous tour.

And why wouldn't he? The pair are out there doing his dirty work for him by attacking any Republican that won't blindly submit to the will of Trump. Farron Cousins explains why this is great for Trump but bad for the rest of the Republican Party.

He uses everyone to do his dirty work so he can then say he didn't do it.
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