Montreal Escorts

Escort Agencies please advise vaccine status of your girls


Oct 24, 2020
For the last 6 months I cut back on my “hobbling” due to Covid. I would have preferred once a week visits but instead was only seeing a SP once every 3 weeks or so. During this period I also only saw one specific SP instead of trying various providers. I hoped I’d be safer that way and probably was because the girl I was seeing seemed to understand the disease and was at least trying her best to stay safe. But I did take a risk but fortunately I didn’t get Covid.

I have now received both my vaccine doses (Pfizer) and am now planning on returning to once a week (at least) SP visits and with a variety of different girls (I’ve already tried two new girls over the last two weeks). However I would prefer to know the vaccine status of the girl I’m booking. Looking at the Quebec vaccines figures today it appears that approximately 35% of Quebecers between 18 and 29 have had one dose. Over the next two or three weeks this figure should rise to at least 50%.

Some of the Independent providers are now providing their vaccine status in their profiles. I’d like the big Escort Agencies (XO, VOG, Euphoria, Luxury, XXXclusive, etc) to do the same. To clearly state each providers vaccine status along with the other statistics they provide (age, bust size, height etc).

It should lead to two good results -

ONE it will allow the client to make a better, more informed decision on who to choose.

And TWO it will provide a real incentive to the SP’s to get vaccinated ASAP. Which will be great for their health and our health.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
You want their last sti test as well?
If you are vaccinated. You are now low risk of it seriously affecting you
I think that should be enough.
if provider is vaccinated. And the john is not. John could still get a serious case of covid from sp if she has it point. Are you asking your provider for proof? Could just be a marketing ploy...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I agree with you, Titlova.

These are young women who work in agencies, and who generally like to party.

Let us not forget that the vaccines are not 100% effective, and knowing that the SP that we meet is vaccinated, at that time the 2 being vaccinated, it's very very unlikely that there is a contamination.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Ludicrous; I can’t even believe that this is being suggested. As mentioned before, if you’re ok with the risk of STI’s in the hobby, why stop at vaccinations? I’m personally vaccinated and couldn’t care less if one chooses against it. I understand the risks of playing the game, and I’m good with it. A lot is already asked of these girls, and much is given up. In the near future, will you dine in a restaurant served by someone unvaccinated? Sit next to another in a movie theatre? Attend a wedding, hit a dance floor?

Enough madness, make your choices and move on.. but you won’t have any luck imposing yours on others.
We live in society, and everyone is free to choose. He therefore has the right to ask for it.

Like you, you may have no interest in knowing it.

What do you mean by these girls are already being asked a lot?

I answer "no" to all your questions.
I will go when the majority of people are fully immunized (received 2 doses).

You consider vaccination to be madness, and I don't.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
However I would prefer to know the vaccine status of the girl I’m booking.
I'm sure you'll get a truthful and accurate up to the minute vaccination results from any of the bookers you request this information from. Not.

Either your gonna do some banging or your not. It's going to come down to how much risk your willing to take compared to how much risk there is in a given area, line of work, etc. Being fully vaccinated myself I do think about this, but it all comes down to how much risk your willing to take. And a lot of that risk for myself determines on just how hot the girl is. For me, the "juice needs to worth the squeeze".
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
There are more and more SP indies who claim to be "vaccinated"


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
If there's sufficient demand for it the agencies would probably do it considering it's a business first and foremost. It's why indies do it, to get more business.

On another note, while the decision to get vaccinated is a personal decision (as is taking the heart medication that your doctor prescribed for you, but if you're not an idiot the benefits of both should be obvious), the effects of vaccination are as societal as they are individual. Suggesting that it is something that only affects the individual is reductionist at best.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Lol Very ridiculous thing to ask. It is none of your business. They are escorts and they are not under any obligation to disclose that to you. Your only choice is to book her or not. Take it or leave it. You might as well stay in a cave rest of your life because you probably think covid is everywhere. Having said that why covid? Do you not want their STD test results also? You not worried about getting an STD??
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The owners are not there for our beautiful eyes, they are there to make their business as profitable as possible, and that is perfectly normal.

Having said that I think the majority of their staff have received a first dose, and for those who are not vaccinated, we will not say. So asking it will not inform us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
For this reason I have been seeing someone who was one of the first to have two doses of the vaccine and was tested weekly, however now that I am fully vaccinated I consider the risk low of getting seriously sick. I am not afraid to see whoever I want it is time to put an end to being locked away from family, friends and companionship for me.
As far as getting an honest answer from an agency booker good luck with that.
Is it too much to ask from an SP to tell you, no I think it is a legitimate question, but if you are basing your health on the answer of a booker and a girl you have never met before and you are really paranoid about getting sick then you should have your head examined.
It is a whole different ball game when you have been seeing a lady for years and you know her well and she tells you that she was vaccinated.
I think people here forget that they are seeing someone who’s real name is unknown to them, their age is probably quite different than advertised so how much trust are you going to put into vaccination status.
Basically if you haven’t protected yourself and are paranoid about getting sick then stay the fuck home.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well if i can tell you one thing, i follow a lot of instagram chicks (some could be SPs, i dunno) and i seen more than you would think be against this mass hysteria that has been covid. Its a reality that in the 18-30 range, the propaganda machine of the governement and media is not working the same. Because this age group does not watch TV as much (they prefer streaming Netflix etc if they watch stuff) and also they know this virus have very little chances to affect them. They understand its a virus that attack mainly the old and the sick. They have their whole life ahead and they see the governements stealing pretty much 2 years of their best years (the 20s) by making it either impossible to party (legally) or under ridiculous restrictions that make it no fun.

Bars may be open now, but you still have to keep your facial diaper on unless you sitting at a table. When i go to bars i like do go to places where you can do stuff. Be it arcades, karaoke, pool, go around. But right now this whole mask on mask off is litteraly a sad joke. I only tolerate it in the movie theatre as its a "1 shot" thing, and so far you don't have to dox yourself there, but i been avoiding and will continue to do so every restaurants and bars until it goes back to what it was before.

Anyway i got lost of track a bit but what i meant was that lots of young folks are sick of this govs nonsense, they are pissed, and they don't give a crap about the vaccines. Others only go to get it because they feel it will help "end it" (as in the gov nonsense), a delusion if you ask me. So yeah there may be more agencies girl in their early 20s not getting it than you think.

That said, if you are 2x vaccinated yourself, you should be fine right? And i got a bad news for you, the indiant variant still can be spread between 2 vaccinated peoples... so whatever she is or not is irrelevant in the end. That variant will become the dominant anyway, until a stronger one replace it, its always the dominant form that take center.


New Member
Aug 4, 2018
I would think it would be an added calling card, like offering additional services. Not everyone will want to broadcast it, but if they do it may help make them the go-to girl. And if I were a working girl, I'd be eager for every additional client, especially those of the more cautious nature.

A lot of the vitriol here is aimed at people when the real thing to be angry at is the disease. It sounds like children whining that Mommy won't buy them a pony, or that they DON'T want to go to school, they'll hold their breath until the problem goes away.

The virus doesn't care if you think it's real, it doesn't care if you think it's serious. If you ignore the vaccine and immerse yourself in crowds, it's only a matter of time. And yes, often there are only mild symptoms among younger folks. If you're willing to roll the dice, then that's your choice. I might suggest that's being short-sighted or ill-advised, just like bareback sex is rolling the dice, but I can't save you from yourself. My only request is if you're not vaccinated, stay six feet away from me. Sure, that's asking you to be respectful of another person, the same way I'd ask you not to fart in an elevator or scream "THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME" over and over in a fancy restaurant. And if you're going to disturb the other diners by screaming, I don't mind seeing security take you away.

Please play nice.


Mar 31, 2006
My first time back in Montreal since 2019.

So i thought I’d share a recent experience. i call an agency to make an appointment. During the call i say that I’m vaccinated and ask if the SP has been vaccinated. They reply “yes they are vacinated”.

I arrive and take a shower and after a few minutes we make our introductions. I ask the SP if they are vaccinated and they reply “No, but says she has a natural immunity since she had covid”.

What would you do at this point?

I myself, ended the session, got dressed, and received a refund.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
My first time back in Montreal since 2019.

So i thought I’d share a recent experience. i call an agency to make an appointment. During the call i say that I’m vaccinated and ask if the SP has been vaccinated. They reply “yes they are vacinated”.

I arrive and take a shower and after a few minutes we make our introductions. I ask the SP if they are vaccinated and they reply “No, but says she has a natural immunity since she had covid”.

What would you do at this point?

I myself, ended the session, got dressed, and received a refund.
I believe natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine. To be perfectly honest, I’d prefer her answer over any others.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I believe natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine.
Rather true. For reasons that remain to be clarified, those who caught COVID-19 seem to be better protected afterwards than those who got "only" the vaccine.
But that doesn't mean it's better to get infected than to get the vaccine.

But this is less true since the presence of the Delta variant.

Also, in the eyes of Dr. Veillette (researcher immunologist at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal), the vaccine is still the best solution. "The infections are very heterogeneous," he says.
There are some who have a very weak infection and who have so few viruses that they will get rid of it very quickly, by mechanisms that do not go through specific immunity [Editor's note: the one where the body "learns" to recognize a pathogen and to produce antibodies specifically against it]. Up to 15 to 20% of people who catch SARS-CoV-2 do not develop antibodies, we recently read in Emerging Infectious Diseases, compared to only around 1 to 3% in vaccinees.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
My first time back in Montreal since 2019.

So i thought I’d share a recent experience. i call an agency to make an appointment. During the call i say that I’m vaccinated and ask if the SP has been vaccinated. They reply “yes they are vacinated”.

I arrive and take a shower and after a few minutes we make our introductions. I ask the SP if they are vaccinated and they reply “No, but says she has a natural immunity since she had covid”.

What would you do at this point?

I myself, ended the session, got dressed, and received a refund.
Unfortunately agencies are not my cup of tea. I have only been 2 times, and it has been several years.

I wondered what the agencies were like, and I especially didn't want to mislead you and say lies, so I called to get information.

If for you vaccination is important (as for me), I strongly advise you to insist on knowing the vaccination status of the escort you will meet, because not all of them are vaccinated. Also some agencies told me that all their escorts were vaccinated, 100% and I very much doubt it, because in this age group only 76% are fully vaccinated.

The money comes before health.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
My first time back in Montreal since 2019.

So i thought I’d share a recent experience. i call an agency to make an appointment. During the call i say that I’m vaccinated and ask if the SP has been vaccinated. They reply “yes they are vacinated”.

I arrive and take a shower and after a few minutes we make our introductions. I ask the SP if they are vaccinated and they reply “No, but says she has a natural immunity since she had covid”.

What would you do at this point?

I myself, ended the session, got dressed, and received a refund.
Refer to post#14.

It don't matter if agency or independent. There is no way for you to verify she is actually vaccinated despite statements made otherwise.
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