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Have you ever walked out


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
There’s the obvious ones like bait and switch. (Only ever happened to me once)

Have you ever walked in thinking. Not sure this will work
Or during the deed decided it was not for you?

I have done a few 90 mins meetings. Ended my first sog within the first 20 mins. At least 60 lett on clock, and made up an excuse to leave. Always paid in full.
Either I was not attracted. Or she was high. Or we just did not click

do you go all the way through? Or call it a day and take the hit?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have never walked out, but all of the ladies I have seen so far are well reviewed Indy’s and Merb advertisers.
Can’t say I have ever had a bad experience.
Of course I have my favourites and an ATF that is just amazing, guess I have been lucky, or do proper research, but all the ones I have met so far were fabulous women who always treated me well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
No, I never walked out. I tend to repeat with some favourites or see well reviewed ladies, so most of my experiences have been good to great.

But I did have a couple of poor experiences (first time seeing the girl), in which we just didn’t click (lack of chemistry, ymmv, girl was not into it, etc). I still went thru with it, but I left with about 15 mins left. You can’t win them all!


Dec 10, 2008
Yes, I did a couple of times. It was with non reviewed SP most of the time. It happens , I give a try but didn't work out . Always leave an amount of money as tips.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i've 'shortened' many, many meetings...not fun for the client nor the sp.

You get a very brief moment at the very beginning of the encounter to make that crucial decision, do I stay or do i leave?...sometimes you make the right one and sometimes you don''s part of the hobby.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I walked out a few times at MPs, it was without appt so walk-in, walk-out. Not shy doing so. Never happened with a SP, I am very careful in chosing who I go with but there's always this anxious moment when you get to see her face for the 1st time, I've been lucky so far.
Also I never bumped into one that I wasn't able to make a decent connection with, its not always the most amazing but often enough to go through.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2021
Twice. Once in the heyday of Devilish (The gal was stoned, but the booker at Devilish could not know that. Only the driver could have suspected her of being stoned but she did hide it well, apparently. Anyways, I had to let her go and told the driver to make sure she gets back home safely). The other instance was years before that (the lady had her face partially covered with red bumps. The agency ...can't remember the name...apologized and their excuse was that they did not have the chance to meet her in person and did trust their driver....the excuse of the driver is that ..since it was night, it was too dark to notice it ... ).
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Active Member
Aug 12, 2021
YES YES YES YES YES. That's what I don't like about these agencies that blur the girls faces. Lots of time, the face is just not my taste. I don't know about you guys, but I like attractive and pretty girls. I'm not a pig who will just fuck anyone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Yes. Happens to me once. The girl wasn’t ready for action and I was waiting endlessly for her to be ready. During meantime, I found I wasn’t attracted at all by her… I just said goodbye and leave the place.
It’s too bad she took the money on the table before. I didn’t care cos I wouldn’t get back.
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Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
One time it happened. The girls attitude was REALLY bad. Must have been having a really bad day. I was being treated so poorly that I simply grabbed my stuff and left without a word other than "your donation is on the table"

Apparently she was like this a lot. I talked to the owner/Booker about it. She was fired after a week.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2020
Yes, it happend. Try to make meeting with non review girl, then when she open the door and realize it is a bait and switch i turn around and leave. If

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Never happened so far but a few time i wish i did. That said i am very meticulous when choosing SPs 90%+ of the time, so even if the face is blur, the body is usually to my liking and reviews are favorable. And as i said in another thread, the most important thing for me is the chemistry/attitude. If im a tiny bit disapointed by the face but the gal is super nice and cool, ill have a good time anyway. But if she is really hot and the attitude is meh to bad, this is then i would like to walk out.

But sadly the window to do it is short, like 5 minute during intro? And you are expected to take a hit financially anyway from what i see from other peoples. Even if incall. I guess if the attitude was bad + the look was not my style at all, then i would walk out anyway and hope for the best, but if at least there is one of the 2 i TRY to make the best out of it. Some girls kinda shy off once the conversation start and they feel you are a simple nice person, but some there is just nothing to do. Could be they are hot with attitude, and feel bad doing this. I mean some women may prefer a slim older guy than a younger overweight guy. You can never guess.

I book too rarely to take a hit financially not to mention the whole travel to Montreal. So walking out after 20 minutes is a nogo for me no matter what unless things would be crazy (girl heavily intoxicated or emotional breakdown or such, wich tend i would have to work with agency to fix the situation)


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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Over the years this has happened to me several times. Once I even had a girl tell me she never uses her real pictures in her ads but she was quite pretty, I told her I don't accept dishonesty and walked. I even had an agency substitute another girl because the one I wanted ( from reviews here ) was not available ( even though I had reserved) and I walked which pissed off the girl and the agency. I don't accept dishonesty in my personal life nor in this hobby
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I have never walked out but came extremely close once. The SP was covered with tats to such an extreme it was a turn-off for me. I somehow managed to get me SOG although to this day I still not sure how.
I felt really deceived afterwards. Her pics were nothing like her in person, she obviously went out of her way to cover them in the photos, or they were maybe very old ones. I've already posted about this subject so I don't want to dwell on it here.

In any case, it was the closest I've ever come to walking out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Michelle of Montreal Sex City. Many in here gave her rave reviews with the nick name of Energizer Bunny. Pages of positive reviews. When finally saw her in person was like okay nice to meet you here is $20 and sent her on her way. Didn’t find her attractive.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
I did walked out many times in the past years when I was really active in the hobby. Now I am more choosy before I accept to take an appointment so, I read reviews, I ask the right questions to the booker so there's no misunderstanding.
I could say that lately I encounter more cancelations from the other side (even from agencys) then anything else.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2019
I have no problem walking out if the description and the person are way off. I also have no problem walking out if the services agreed upon before arrival are actually not offered. I find this happens with Asian SPs as you might not be 'talking' (texting) to the actual girl and the one of the phone will agree to anything to make you book an appointment. I simply show the girl what was agreed upon. If she says no, I tell her to speak to her booker. Same with switch and bait at a salon. If the one you book is 'not available', I leave.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
I walked out once at a MP because there was a problem with the booking. There appeared to be two other guys waiting for the same girl and she was in the room with one guy already who seemed to be extending his time. It was a very popular new girl at a well-known parlour. I was booked to see her at 8 pm after receiving a personal invite and booking from the mamasan.

I really felt uncomfortable hanging around and after about 10 minutes I began to realize what was happening. The mamasan told me I was next, but I saw the other two guys and felt awkward and nervous. The mamasan sensed this and tried to get me to stay by offering another girl, but I declined and left quickly. It was a horrible experience. The more I think about it she was probably trying to drum up business for her other girls who seemed to be idle while the new girl was getting all the bookings, sad.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
An agency that no longer posts here (not XO, but Sexy -) sent an NFL linebacker (no photo, brand new to schedule) to my hotel room. I allowed her to keep most of donation, but never trusted the agency again. They were not apologetic in the least.

My bad for being impulsive and booking without a review. It was late, and I was too trusting. I checked schedule over future weeks and saw she wasn’t listed again at that agency.

I simply told the girl she wasn’t really my type (thinking I prefer Montreal women less than 250 pounds and well under the age of 40, lol)
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