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Massage Parlor in Montreal ?


Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Quelqu'un sait environ combien il y a de salons de massage érotique à Montréal ? La dernière mise à jour sur google remonte à 200 salons en 2014, mais beaucoup de choses changent après 10 ans, surtout après la pandémie.

Does anyone know approximately how many erotic massage parlors there are in Montreal? The last update on google was 200 spas in 2014, but a lot of things change after 10 years, especially after the pandemic.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2016
Oh mon Dieu!!!!

Il y en a tellement, surtout des salons sans nom
Je ne suis pas du même avis. Il y en avait partout avant et les 3/4 de ceux-ci ont fermés. Prends juste la rue Notre-Dame dans St-Henri. Il y en avait facilement 5 ou 6 il a une dizaine d'années, il ne reste que GirlsduLoft et encore ce n'est pas sa place originale.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
Quelqu'un sait environ combien il y a de salons de massage érotique à Montréal ? La dernière mise à jour sur google remonte à 200 salons en 2014, mais beaucoup de choses changent après 10 ans, surtout après la pandémie.

Does anyone know approximately how many erotic massage parlors there are in Montreal? The last update on google was 200 spas in 2014, but a lot of things change after 10 years, especially after the pandemic.
Parlors, not indy? right?
And "erotic" can mean anywhere from a simple rub & tug up to YPG-level?
Then 150-175, excluding Laval, would be my guesstimate (basing this only on my gut). If it's actually over 200 then lord help me o_O
Have you tried chatgpt?

If it's a pre v post pandemic question, I can add that among those that I visited pre (2019), only one is now closed (due to fire). Again, anecdotally speaking.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Parlors, not indy? right?
And "erotic" can mean anywhere from a simple rub & tug up to YPG-level?
Then 150-175, excluding Laval, would be my guesstimate (basing this only on my gut). If it's actually over 200 then lord help me o_O
Have you tried chatgpt?

If it's a pre v post pandemic question, I can add that among those that I visited pre (2019), only one is now closed (due to fire). Again, anecdotally speaking.
150-175 lol. Maybe there are 30-40 max that are left. I can think about only 7-8 off the top of my head. Obviously some parlors have the same 2-3 girls on rotation all the time, doesn't really count if not that number can go up to 100+. Alot of the big ones closed and got expropriated.
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Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
Aficionado, maybe not 3/4, but maybe 1/2. The biggest ones have closed, Fantaisies, Spa Eau Claire, Kama, and more.
10 years ago, there were almost as many as a ''dépanneurs''

Paykah, I'm talking about shows only, it would be impossible to count with Indy. It doesn't matter the level of practice, simple or with extras, as long as it is an erotic massage parlor. Just instinct doesn't really help me, but thanks for chatgbt, I'm not very good with this kind of site, I should say, with anything related to technology. It’s going too fast for me and it’s dizzying for me to research, I’m ADHD.

, you make me laugh, 30-40! If you read all the massage parlor review forums, there are a lot more than that. I would say minimum 100.

Je vais essayé d'être plus claire dans ma question, quelqu'un sait approximativement, le nombre de salon de massage érotique à Montréal seulement ? Je parle de ceux qui sont enregistrés évidemment, ce serait impossible de savoir environ combien en comptant ceux qui ne le sont pas, et les Indy.
Mon instinct me dit qu'il y a le double, ou même 3/4, qui ne le sont pas, mais ça me donnerait une bonne base si je savais le nombre de ceux qui le sont, je n'aurais qu'à multiplier par le minimum, c'est à dire 2 (le double). Ce serait seulement approximatif, mais ça me donnerait une bonne idée.

I will try to be clearer in my question, does anyone know approximately the number of erotic massage parlors in Montreal only? I'm talking about those who are registered obviously, it would be impossible to know approximately how many by counting those who are not, and the Indys.
My instinct tells me that there are double that, or even 3/4, who are not, but it would give me a good basis if I knew the number of those who are, I would only have to multiply by the minimum, that is to say 2 (double). It would only be approximate, but it would give me a good idea.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
Aficionado, maybe not 3/4, but maybe 1/2. The biggest ones have closed, Fantaisies, Spa Eau Claire, Kama, and more.
10 years ago, there were almost as many as a ''dépanneurs''

Paykah, I'm talking about shows only, it would be impossible to count with Indy. It doesn't matter the level of practice, simple or with extras, as long as it is an erotic massage parlor. Just instinct doesn't really help me, but thanks for chatgbt, I'm not very good with this kind of site, I should say, with anything related to technology. It’s going too fast for me and it’s dizzying for me to research, I’m ADHD.

bimma3281, you make me laugh, 30-40! If you read all the massage parlor review forums, there are a lot more than that. I would say minimum 100.

Je vais essayé d'être plus claire dans ma question, quelqu'un sait approximativement, le nombre de salon de massage érotique à Montréal seulement ? Je parle de ceux qui sont enregistrés évidemment, ce serait impossible de savoir environ combien en comptant ceux qui ne le sont pas, et les Indy.
Mon instinct me dit qu'il y a le double, ou même 3/4, qui ne le sont pas, mais ça me donnerait une bonne base si je savais le nombre de ceux qui le sont, je n'aurais qu'à multiplier par le minimum, c'est à dire 2 (le double). Ce serait seulement approximatif, mais ça me donnerait une bonne idée.

I will try to be clearer in my question, does anyone know approximately the number of erotic massage parlors in Montreal only? I'm talking about those who are registered obviously, it would be impossible to know approximately how many by counting those who are not, and the Indys.
My instinct tells me that there are double that, or even 3/4, who are not, but it would give me a good basis if I knew the number of those who are, I would only have to multiply by the minimum, that is to say 2 (double). It would only be approximate, but it would give me a good idea.

My count was exclusive of indys. Island of Montreal.
What do you mean by "shows only"?
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Supporting Member
Apr 20, 2017
My count was exclusive of indys. Island of Montreal.
What do you mean by "shows only"?
Oups! désolée, c'est une erreur de traduction, je ne m'étais pas relue avant de poster. J'avais écris en français '' je parle des salons seulement, ce serait impossible à compter avec les Indy.'' Le mot salons a traduit show! hahaha! Parfois, lorsque je me relis, je remarque que lorsque j'écris salon de massage en français, ça traduit ''living room''. Il faudrait que je m'habitue à écrire Spa au lieu de salon, même si l'endroit n'a pas de spa, au moins la traduction est la même.

Oops! sorry, it's a translation error, I didn't proofread before posting. I wrote in French ''I'm only talking about salons, it would be impossible to count with the Indy.'' The word salons translated show! LOL! Sometimes, when I reread myself, I notice that when I write ''salon de massage'' in French, it translates ''living room'' LOL! I would have to get used to writing Spa instead of salon, even if the place doesn't have a spa, at least the translation is the same.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
Almost every street with shops in montreal will have a “massage” neon sign on a second floor window. I know I wouldnt call those numbers and I’m not sure you want to include them!
As a kid I remember dozens of erotic ads in the classified section in newspapers. Oh to be a teenager again, that page was enough to give me a boner!
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