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Fingering: The basics

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
As far the basic fingering goes, I can take it or leave, if the lady I'm spending time with does not like this particular engagement, then I'm good with that.
I always try to be clean, and trimmed in every way, I go for a mani-pedi once a month just to get rid of the edges and I usually do this whenever I have a rendezvous coming up.
As far as everything else that has been discussed in this thread, well, lets just say that I am not ashamed to stop and ask for directions when lost.
And as for the anal play, don't touch mine and I wont touch yours.

Every woman is different in her own unique way, but it always comes down to one thing in the end, did you both enjoy yourselves, at least this is the way I feel.

I may be picking up the tab for this ride, but its not complete unless we both are screaming.

And remember, good girls always eat bananas sideways.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
Common sense isn’t so common.

And, as far as sex-ed - they don't teach you where the clitoris is (or at least, they didn't). It's a pleasure-oriented organ, and they don't talk about the "pleasure" aspect of sex in sex-ed.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
I can 100% confirm both of those statements are false.
How can you? Some teachers, schools, are more or much more conservative than others and can't or don't want to engage in those subjects. Some parents are even opposed to sexual education at school.
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Feb 28, 2024
I can 100% confirm both of those statements are false.
I learned a lot more about pleasuring a women from YouTube sex education videos and porn(while carefully doubting everything in it) than in school.

There's also no amount of theory that can replace practice so it is normal that some of us are not as well versed in female anatomy than what SPs would've liked.

This lack of knowledge(or overestimation of it) may also seem like the customer doesn't care about the SP's pleasure.

That's why I try to be as receptive and open minded as possible when I have sex with anyone. You can't ever know enough about sex so you gotta practice as often as possible ;)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I learned a lot more about pleasuring a women from YouTube sex education videos and porn(while carefully doubting everything in it) than in school.
Admittedly school doesn't want to teach how to please your partner, but the anatomy and where it is located should be. And the comment about school came in because there is a visual difference between a hole like the urethra, and a nubbin that looks like a micro penis head,
Picture all those small dick jokes, needing tweesers to play with it, or its so small it's an inny... lol.. its a clit, not a penis ;) .
Not looking to cause trauma if anyone went threw that kind of teasing... it isn't ok. But realize hey they actually apply to a woman, not a man.
There's also no amount of theory that can replace practice so it is normal that some of us are not as well versed in female anatomy than what SPs would've liked.
It's less about what SPs would like, and woman kind as a whole... more women would enjoy sex and know what an orgasm was if their men were interested in knowing how to make it happen instead of thinking all is good because he is pleased. She's not getting off, no wonder she isn't enjoying sex and you have to beg for it for your birthday. (Again just running off the gag she only gives her husband sex on his birthday, worst case senario)
This lack of knowledge(or overestimation of it) may also seem like the customer doesn't care about the SP's pleasure.
Again I don't care so much for myself as an SP, it is about his pleasure and just appreciate that he trys to please instead of assuming what he is doing should just be pleasurable when it isn't. But my master knows how to please me, and trust me he hears about it when I am left unsatisfied. Not in the moment, but the next few days after about every little thing he could have done or concidered to do to make it a better expierience for me. (I won't be satisfied if I feel my time with him was like being with a client instead of my kinky love partner.)
That's why I try to be as receptive and open minded as possible when I have sex with anyone. You can't ever know enough about sex so you gotta practice as often as possible ;)
Good planning... and worried about trying something new, an SP is a good place to start practising as long as she is willing and in for the teaching moment. If a guy expresses the desire to learn and please, it is worlds apart from someone who just assumes they've got it, when they really don't.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Dis having seen a penis in secondary 3 made you blow job queens immediately?
No eating bananas, popsicles and icecream does that ;):p.
And practise, with an oral fixation.
And paying attention to comedy shows when they talk on the subjects how to's and not to's for giving a bj..

Men could learn just as much from female comedians.


Jul 5, 2008
Admittedly school doesn't want to teach how to please your partner, but the anatomy and where it is located should be. And the comment about school came in because there is a visual difference between a hole like the urethra, and a nubbin that looks like a micro penis head,
Picture all those small dick jokes, needing tweesers to play with it, or its so small it's an inny... lol.. its a clit, not a penis ;) .
Not looking to cause trauma if anyone went threw that kind of teasing... it isn't ok. But realize hey they actually apply to a woman, not a man.

It's less about what SPs would like, and woman kind as a whole... more women would enjoy sex and know what an orgasm was if their men were interested in knowing how to make it happen instead of thinking all is good because he is pleased. She's not getting off, no wonder she isn't enjoying sex and you have to beg for it for your birthday. (Again just running off the gag she only gives her husband sex on his birthday, worst case senario)

Again I don't care so much for myself as an SP, it is about his pleasure and just appreciate that he trys to please instead of assuming what he is doing should just be pleasurable when it isn't. But my master knows how to please me, and trust me he hears about it when I am left unsatisfied. Not in the moment, but the next few days after about every little thing he could have done or concidered to do to make it a better expierience for me. (I won't be satisfied if I feel my time with him was like being with a client instead of my kinky love partner.)

Good planning... and worried about trying something new, an SP is a good place to start practising as long as she is willing and in for the teaching moment. If a guy expresses the desire to learn and please, it is worlds apart from someone who just assumes they've got it, when they really don't.
Your comments as those of your generous female colleges are so spot on, as always, that they should almost be stickies so that we gents could read them over and over again and maybe learn a few things instead of too often being conceited "pricks"
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Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Dis having seen a penis in secondary 3 made you blow job queens immediately?

I was responding more regarding the fact that some men have a hard time knowing where the clitoris is, so, anatomy, not technique. But if you're curious, I've always been that good yes, hahah. I got lucky in that department.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I can 100% confirm both of those statements are false.
Anatomically speaking you are correct, I did learn all the details in school and I am not young to say the least!

But when it comes to giving pleasure it is unrealistic to think that you can teach this in school. In real life every single partner is more likely to teach you something different. Not a single human is the same. Clit stimulation, fingering anal stimulation etc. these are all of very personal taste and varies with each individual.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
And, as far as sex-ed - they don't teach you where the clitoris is (or at least, they didn't). It's a pleasure-oriented organ, and they don't talk about the "pleasure" aspect of sex in sex-ed.
Ya, they left out cock rings and anal beads


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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How can you? Some teachers, schools, are more or much more conservative than others and can't or don't want to engage in those subjects. Some parents are even opposed to sexual education at school.
Let me clarify.

First off, for the past 6 years, sexual education has been classified as mandatory by the ministry of education. For everyone in Quebec. Everywhere. Public and private schools. The best parents can hope for is get their child dismissed from the classroom for the duration of the lesson. So in effect, the overwhelming majority of kids in Quebec are exposed to this information.

Second, all lessons pertaining to sexual education are usually taught by nurses, not teachers. This is for several reasons, including but not limited to: ensuring a standardized approach and minimizing subjective misinformation. Also, it doesn’t hurt that most students feel more inclined to engage on this topic with a trained health professional than their high school teachers (let alone their grade 5-6 teacher)!

As for the content taught, it covers all relevant anatomy. The clitoris is not only named, but also located and identified as the primary structure responsible for pleasure in the female genitalia. While the nurse will never offer graphic advice on how to optimally stimulate it, she will most likely compare it to the male glans in terms of nerve count and stress just how sensitive it actually is. While on the topic, she might also normalize sexual curiosity and female masturbation.

Getting back to TheJames101’s statements, again, I can 100% confirm they do teach where the clitoris is located and they do explain how stimulating it induces pleasure. And I wholeheartedly agree those lessons alone aren’t likely to turn any teenager whatsoever into Captain McDATY (nothing beats practice!), but my point was just to refute both of the above statements.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Let me clarify.

First off, for the past 6 years, sexual education has been classified as mandatory by the ministry of education. For everyone in Quebec.
Second, all lessons pertaining to sexual education are usually taught by nurses, not teachers.
As for the content taught, it covers all relevant anatomy. The clitoris is not only named...
Getting back to TheJames101’s statements, again, I can 100% confirm they do teach where the clitoris is located and they do explain how stimulating it induces pleasure.
Thanks for your contribution. Being mandatory doesn't mean being properly delivered. Clean air within schools is supposed to be mandatory but in winter with windows closed a lot of schools failed the test.
It would be wonderful if the program theory was applied in all schools in Quebec equally. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. No, it is not nurses who teach classes in all schools (shortage of nurses), no, it is not all teachers who are comfortable and/or competent to teach this subject.
Perhaps in your environment things are going well but this is far from being the case in the majority of our schools unfortunately. I am well aware of the situation on the ground across the province.
I hope that one day we will come to an ideal situation, as you described it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Voici un rapport indépendant couvrant le vaste sujet de l'éducation à la sexualité dans nos écoles. Il date de Février 2020, juste avant la crise COVID en mars... les choses ne se sont pas améliorées depuis, bien au contraire, pour toutes les raisons que l'on connaît.

Il faut aussi faire la différence entre la biologie et toutes les autres facettes de la sexualité.

Pour faire une comparaison (boiteuse comme toutes les comparaisons) ce n'est pas parce que tu as un compresseur à air à la maison que tu sais à quoi ça sert et surtout quand et comment t'en servir...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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Being mandatory doesn't mean being properly delivered.
Can’t argue with this. Incompetent teachers do exist. And yet I’m willing to bet they don’t represent the vast majority.
No, it is not nurses who teach classes in all schools (shortage of nurses), no, it is not all teachers who are comfortable and/or competent to teach this subject.
With the obvious exception of the 2020 vaccine blitz, nurses have mostly been just as present in classes as they were pre-Covid. As for the teachers being uncomfortable/incompetent, again, I have every reason to believe you are referring to a very small minority.
Perhaps in your environment things are going well but this is far from being the case in the majority of our schools unfortunately. I am well aware of the situation on the ground across the province.
Well… not knowing you, I can’t really dispute just how well aware you truly are of the situation across the province. While I’m not about to disclose any personal info here, I can safely say I’m about as boots in the trenches as it gets on this topic and I’m here to tell you I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment of the situation.

But hey, that’s just me. Agree to disagree I guess.

Oh, as for Sex Ed Coalition report you referenced, you’ll be glad to hear that most of their recommendations are reflected in the new QCC program being deployed next September. It still won’t teach pre-teens how to properly stimulate a clitoris, but I think the Coalition would agree it’s definitely a step in the right direction! ;)



May 19, 2023
Now back to the basics. If you have any other information relevant to the initial idea of the thread, feel free to share them
I like how you think!
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