I have downloaded and printed various transmit maps and will put pins in Google Maps for places I might want to go, which I will also have on my laptop and phone. Whenever I travel, I make plans WAY in advance, more so in a "strange" city, mostly new to me, like Montreal. Just like I do spreadsheets for potential escorts, massage places and strip clubs. Detailed nerd, maybe from my CPA firm tax days.
Lunaseraphim said "I love public transit sometimes I take a random bus just for fun ...Obviously not during rush hour."
This might be a good way for me to absorb and see more of a new city after 22 years of absence.
Hopefully, there will be plenty of seats during non-rush hours. My only experience on trains is hanging onto a pole and standing on full trains between terminals at airports. In London, I had to take a crowded train twice back and forth as delayed connecting flights changed gates in different terminals back and forth.
If I dare come before Spring, I won't be doing walking tours. I assume transit is well-heated. My body is more adapted to the heat in Phoenix from my long ago escape from the cold, snow and misquotes of the Minneapolis area. Summers were hot and humid, with 88 feeling like 110 in the desert of Phoenix. At least Montreal is warmer, unlike -30 F in the winter.
Acclimatization takes 10 to 14 days, longer than I would be cold in Montreal. I do have old winter coats and gloves from Minnesota days... that may still fit

I went from about 250lbs to below 200 over time and size 46 to 36-inch waste on the Atkins/Keto diet I am still on except when traveling and occasionally cheating dining at McDonald's. I am 6-1 and enjoy being next to a taller woman (dancer/escort), where I don't just look straight and see the top of their heads.
While I am not quite that old I read that modern humans emerged from Africa approximately 70,000 years ago during a period of unstable climate. When modern humans spread into Europe, they outcompeted Neanderthals. Researchers hypothesize that this suggests early modern humans were more evolutionarily fit to live in various climates, unlike old Dave.