Classy Angel
Montreal Escorts

GT a quebec....lessons for Mtl


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We Montrealers can learn to have more fun from those folks in Quebec city.
Their GT, unlike ours , was held in a private club and not in a public place like HDLM.
While there was a charge for admission the turnout was larger than ours with over 20 agency and Indy girls in attendance.

Maybe we should invite Gros Minet and Anouk to help us organise the next big event in Mtl......
Then there is of coarse the Devilish/GOF party coming up in April.
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Apr 16, 2005
The girls are the drawing card, of course

As I recall, the last GT was held in a private lounge booked by one of our members. The main problem was one of attendance. If memory serves me correctly there was less than a dozen SP's (incl.: Miss Maria, Ronnie, Isabel, Kiki to name a few) and not much more in the member dept. The whole affair lost money.

It seems these affairs only do well when an agency or two gets on board and promises to show with a fair number of their roster of ladies. Now with Chris doing his own GT's it may just be a difficult act to follow.

Prior to this, Shijak enjoyed a reasonable level of success with two GT's he initiated held at the HDLM but again his success was contingent on his ability to have agencies pledge to show. In addition it may also be that the membership is simply used to the HDLM but that may or may not be significant. As always the winning formula must involve providing a reasonable complement of girls.:)

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
Just as a note of comparison, in Toronto when there's a TERB party, they get or rent out a strip club and invite all the agencies and massage parlours to come on over with all their girls.
They even get good hotel rates at a nearby hotel so drinking partiers don't have to drive. They even have a shuttle bus from a subway station if the SC isn't near public transit.
I haven't yet been to one, but by all accounts attendance is never a problem and everyone raves about these perties on TERB for weks after.
Needless to say there is a huge amount of work that goes into putting something like this together.

HG Hunter


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
We had a great GT last Wednesday indeed. The atmosphere was wonderful and people were on a great party mood. The food was just fine, and the dance floor was busy even if the music was so so. Gros Minet also added some good animation. Cloudsurf was among the happy participants, maybe a bit overwhelmed like many. 30 agencies and Indy girls is an overstatement. In fact 42 people attended (10 others working), and among them 5 sp (all indy) and 16 mp (1 indy, the others coming from 3 massage parlors). It was our 7th gt in the last 3 years. Attendance has varied from 35 to 55. I have helped in the of the organization of four gt.

The guys attending were a great mix of the core group of around 10-12 old gtists and 8 new participants. I’d say about half are into mp and half into sp. This is not representative of the merb member af the Québec section who are much more into mp. We think that mp clients are of the quiet, married type of guy. They are more hesitant to come.

As suggested by mazingerz, Québec City is a lot more homogenous, pure laine, than Montréal. I am not sure that this is a reason for the success of our gts though. Success has more to do with the organization strategies and the fact that a core group was formed over time.

Some lessons we have learned over time:

1 Organizer’s personal preferences do not automatically fit the ones of the majority. You plan a week-end at the hotel with a few babes in your room and intend to throw a merb party in the hotel lounge to have fun on Saturday night? Good for you but not necessarily for the others.

2 Wednesday nights are the best ones for a GT. The main reasons are: 1) the ladies are more available on week nights then week end nights, often spent with family. 2) The same applies for more than half of the guys: it is easier to find an excuse on week days. 3) Mondays and Tuesdays are to early in the week and Thursday night are often spent at the mall. We did rotate gt between Saturday nights and Wednesday nights. We had some reasonable attendances on Saturday nights also. The problem is that it is a lot more difficult to rent a private place on Saturday, so we end up in hotels or restaurants. It’s less fun. October-november and march-april are the best months. Also, start early, between 6 and 7. We want to accommodate people who have to wake up early in the morning.

3 A rented private place is way much better than a public place. The main reasons are: 1) security is easy to manage; 2) people are not afraid to meet relatives or friends there; 3) you decide what is going to happen: the food, the timetable, the music, animation, etc.

4 The location of the gt is kept secret, the participants being informed only a week before and asked to keep it secret. We do not want unknown merb lurkers to come by. The girls and many guys prefer it that way.

5 Registration is compulsory and limited to merb and mer c members. Posting history of all unknown participants are scanned and the organizers may chose arbitrarily to refuse a registration (we refuse two or three in most gts). We sometime ask for a reference by a sp or mp. The list of registered participants is made public on merb so that everybody knows who is going to be there.

6 A GT is not a sex party. It’s just a great moment to let your ordinary defense down. Having fun without the fear to be juged. Sex is never part of the program. What happens after the gt may be something else, but it is not part of the gt.

7 Do not count on the escort agencies to help. Unless they have the control of the whole thing, it is very difficult for them to adapt. Fortunately, in Québec, we had great commitment from 4 or 5 massage parlors. Some even decide to close on gt nights to attend the gt. They like the fun of it and it is way to make publicity for them.

Why all this? For one and only one reason: most of the guys and virtually all the ladies want to feel safe. The more they feel safe, the more they want to come. Whatever the organizer’s personal feeling on this, I can assure you that it is the most important factor for the majority of people.

How heavy is it to organize a GT? In a way not that much: choose a date, find a place, find a catering service, manage the registration. That is about half the work. The rest is talking to the ladies and throwing invitations.

Costs? 12-14$/pers for the food; around 15$/pers. for the rent, dj, entrance person and other stuff. Charging 30 to 40$/pers usually makes us break even. If we make more money we do one of two things: give prizes during the night or keep it for the next gt.

I hope that helps a bit.
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gros minet

Sexy king kong
Sep 26, 2006
Something little important the reputation of the member who organise the gt and the participants.

If the participants have a good reputation you have more chance to have a good participation from the ladies.

(sorry for my bad english)


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
cloudsurf said:
We Montrealers can learn to have more fun from those folks in Quebec city.
Their GT, unlike ours , was held in a private club and not in a public place like HDLM.
While there was a charge for admission the turnout was larger than ours with over 20 agency and Indy girls in attendance.

Maybe we should invite Gros Minet and Anouk to help us organise the next big event in Mtl......
Then there is of coarse the Devilish/GOF party coming up in April.

hmmm, c'est drole, mais il me semble me souvenir de quelques GT ayant autant de filles et d'hommes presents ici a Montreal (oh, c'est vrai, ils datent de l'age mesozoique de 2005\2006, c'est loin cela). Je ne me souviens pas de t'y avoir vu, Cloudsurf, sauf pour les diners de Celine...
Et le débat HDLM VS resto privé continue a nouveau...personellement je ne vois pas l'un l'emporter sur l'autre. Les GT sous ma charge se déroulait au HDLM car c'était la ou MOI je désirais tenir le type de party possible a cet endroit. Oui il y avait toujours des mécontents poussant un changement de lieu ou quelquonque modification au déroulement...mais c'est drole comme ces gens disparaissent comme par enchantement quand je leur suggerent de prendre la charge entiere...

Je peux élaborer pendant des pages, en vous donnant tous le 'straight talk' pourquoi les GT recents de Quebec ont un bon succes et la penurie de party a Montreal...mais ce seras pour plus tard ce soir...

Et honnetement, Cloudsurf: si tu crois qu'il faut simplement avoir un club privé pour garantir une fete succes...voyons.....
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Hi RG,

Regular Guy said:
As I recall, the last GT was held in a private lounge booked by one of our members. The main problem was one of attendance. If memory serves me correctly there was less than a dozen SP's (incl.: Miss Maria, Ronnie, Isabel, Kiki to name a few) and not much more in the member dept. The whole affair lost money.
Lack of attendance was a problem, I agree (sorry I missed it though), but I would add lack of momentum on the member's part as another. I think something more small-scale to begin with would eventually have yielded some fine results.

RG said:
It seems these affairs only do well when an agency or two gets on board and promises to show with a fair number of their roster of ladies. Now with Chris doing his own GT's it may just be a difficult act to follow.
I remember one night when Martin of XXXtase (merci encore Martin!) sent in about 15 of his girls...Should've been the best night ever right? Problem was most of the male membership felt a bit intimidated by so many ladies around, resulting in mostly 2 groups side-by-side with little intermingling...Our most successful GT nights were those attended by the regular indy ladies near and dear to my heart (to name them: Candy, Sweet Maria, Michelle Luv and Ronnie the Naughtylady) along a smattering of agency girls who came along for a while (I give great props to Roxana and Sylvia Vixen )...
Chris doing his GT"s a tough act to follow? Someone organize a great party and he'll send some girls, if you ask him nicely...

Prior to this, Shijak enjoyed a reasonable level of success with two GT's he initiated held at the HDLM but again his success was contingent on his ability to have agencies pledge to show. In addition it may also be that the membership is simply used to the HDLM but that may or may not be significant. As always the winning formula must involve providing a reasonable complement of girls.:)

uh thanks, but I dare to think there were more than two...
Apr 16, 2005
Great Stuff!

As suggested by mazingerz, Québec City is a lot more homogenous, pure laine, than Montréal. I am not sure that this is a reason for the success of our gts though. Success has more to do with the organization strategies and the fact that a core group was formed over time.

Some lessons we have learned over time:

A lot of useful stuff here. Great of you to take the time to put all of this together for the benefit of those in Montreal. It is definitely appreciated.

As for the best nights to hold it, if memory serves me correctly, a poll on the board requesting feedback has often been used in the past. At times feedback has also been requested regarding a venue. As far as the agencies are concerned, as you say, there is no doubt that the main drawing card for them is the promo aspect of it all.

Do not count on the escort agencies to help. Unless they have the control of the whole thing, it is very difficult for them to adapt.
Interesting observation. May I ask how you came to this conclusion? Was it in dialogue with agency owners?
Apr 16, 2005
uh thanks, but I dare to think there were more than two...

My apologies, good buddy. Chalk it up to premature senility!:D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I attended several get-togethers at the HDM & had a very good time at most of them. The last one i attended was so-so, but this was my fault since i had made a booking that night & like usual she was running late, meaning i couldn't really get into the party atmosphere since i had no idea when my date would show up. However the previous get-togethers that i attended were great. I believe some of them were organized by SL (and maybe Tom) & later by Shijak.

My introduction to get-togethers occurred sometimes back in 2003. The first hobbyist i had ever met, known as Trav (and later Traveller 99), was also a member of a site known as 'Rick's Cafe Americain' back then. Since a good number of the members would be in Mtl at the same time, he suggested that we organize a little 'Rick's Cafe' get-together. The get-together was held at the popular Buenanotte restaurant on St-Laurent & was attended by about 10 of us. I finally got to meet Coolamadeus at that gathering. Cloudsurf couldn't make it, but joined some of us later at the then popular stripclub called "Teazers", on Crescent. We had a wonderful time that night. Then i put my site down & merb came about & people were talking about organizing parties similar to the ones they had in Toronto via TERB. I was reluctant to attend the get-togethers, mostly for privacy issues. I also felt i didn't know enough people to really enjoy myself. But one night, Cloudsurf wanted to introduce me to Special K & after we met, they coaxed me to come for a beer at the HDM get-together. I was reluctant, but eventually agreed to go FOR JUST ONE BEER. I was totally caught by surprise at how a great time i had! We wound up closing the bar & i had met a bunch of new acquaintances like Breadman, SL & Voyager among others, and some later became very good friends of mine. Meeting agency owners such as Chris, Celine, John Eleganza, Mike of (forgot the name of his agency) was great. Meeting an industry legend like Tom was an eye-opener & getting introduced to the former booker at Heartbreakers was a nice trip back in time. And i finally got meet the then-famous Chrystelle!! Some of us met up again at a club on Crescent the following night & i had now made it a promise to attend future get-togethers.

I attended a few more over the next couple of years, and on more than one occasion, Celine would organize pre-party dinners at a local restaurant where some of the people expecting to go to the HDM party later would get to know one another prior to the party & would often be in a festive atmosphere by the time they arrived at the party. It was a great time!

The best party of all occurred when i managed to coax my friend Eagerbeaver in attending the party. He had been reluctant to attend any of these get-togethers all along & promised he never would. I had told him that i used to have the same idea & added that he'd be making a big mistake if he at least didnt' check out the party. I told him he owed it to himself & that once people would find out who his board handle was while at the party, he'd be very popular & be a big party star. He had his doubts, but eventually, he relented & we all headed over to the party after having attended one of the aforementionned dinners. Needless to say, my friend had a great time & people couldn't wait to meet him. He had become indeed one of the stars of the party & we had a great time. The group at the party eventually wound up sitting together & everyone got to know one another. Heck, even ol' Eagerbeaver was seen hitting the dance floor & showing the group his moves in his beige John Travolta-like suit. Once the bar closed, a group of us, many which had just met that night, wound up going at pizzaria called 'Zestos' and it was around 6am by the time i got back to my hotel.

Many of my favorite Mtl moments over the years occurred because of the get-togethers and i met very nice people & made very good friends at those parties. I learned that the key to having a better time at those parties was to mingle with everyone there & try to avoid standing apart from the rest of the rest of the group. The organizers of these gatherings did a wonderful job & the attendees usually decide how fun a party will be, not necessarily the organizers. For 90% of the time, i had a wonderful time & that's why most of my trips coincided with the date of the parties.
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Regular Guy said:
May I ask how you came to this conclusion? Was it in dialogue with agency owners?

I went a bit too far on that one. I am talking about Québec city where we have only one great escort agency, VIP. We have not talked to any other agencies. Kat, the very nice owner, has made efforts in the past to try to come with some sp. They came twice and is was fun. But her decisions were based on her bookings. So we had to wait a week or so before the gt to know if they have decided to come. It’s a business decision and we respect that. As far as Montréal goes, I have no idea. I just noticed that an agency has decided to do precisely that: organize it’s own GT.

One other note: my previous post was not intended to give a recipe for a fun GT. I have no doubt that the ones that took place in Montreal were very nice. The only purpose was to answer the question “How to attract more participants?” We do better here with a population four to five times smaller. My answer is paradoxical: we impose more restrictions! Many people would not come without those restrictions. By the way, in the last three gt we did, we had more difficulties to attract men than women. A ratio of 40w/60m is fine for a GT. Now, we have to make efforts to attract as many men as women.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
shijak said:
Je ne me souviens pas de t'y avoir vu, Cloudsurf, sauf pour les diners de Celine...
Hello shijak
I was never interested in attending Celine`s dinners even though many of my friends did so.
You and I met at the first GT that you`d organized at HDLM.....I believe that it was Tony who introduced us.
At that time I congratulated you on a job well done. And I meant it.
I just think that the people of Quebec city know how to have a great time and we can learn from them.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The GTs that have been held in Montreal are always considered to be open to all members. Many members who had never posted started posting after coming to a GT. I attended most of the GTs that Shijak organized at HDLM and I never once had a bad or even marginal experience there, I always had a great evening as did everyone who attended as far as anyone could tell. Just look up the old party threads to see how well they were attended and how much fun we had. Members introduce themselves to each other, all board disagreements are put aside and a good time is had by all. I never met a member at a GT who caused a problem or who wouldn't be welcome at another GT.

Many times the party continues well after the GT has ended with a group of people dropping in to Wandas for drinks and to continue the fun while others have gone out to eat and find themselves arriving home when the sun comes up. This is one of the main reasons that Montreal GTs have usually been held on a Friday or Saturday as most who attend can sleep in the next day. :p The Montreal GTs have hardly been failures by any stretch of the imagination.

Agency GTs tend to focus on their own customers and of course they are to promote their own ladies. They are hardly considered the same as MERB GTs which are open to all members and all ladies from any agency, indy, dancers or massage girls.

Before Shijak took over the mantle of GT organizer there were also many succesful GTs organized by SL, which sadly I did not attend being new to MERB and a bit shy, not to mention the many spur of the moment mini GTs that have been called to order at Cleo's over the years.

I think that the Montreal GTs have fallen by the wayside due to people wanting to change a formula that has proven to be successful by making them more private, invitation only affairs. The membership of the boards have also changed over the years with many of the old handles leaving the boards as well as others having disagreements and not wanting to meet at all under any circumstances. In fact for the first time in years, there was no Christmas GT organized in 2008 and usually by this time of the year we would already be talking about the first HDLM GT of the year.

Well summer is coming, MERB is still here, the HDLM is still there and so is the piano and the killer attack chairs (inside joke). I think it's well past time that many of us renewed our aquaintances and started putting petty disagreements aside and pull together to get something started!

So is anyone up for a party or do we accept that the era of Montreal GTs has come and gone?

Apr 16, 2005
Love the GT!

Yeah, I don't go as far back as some of you guys but I remember attending my first one, a Christmas GT. I didn't know anyone. And Oliver with a group of guys (Techman included) spotted me at the bar, yelled over and asked if I was there for the GT. And with a cheery, "Get your ass over here!" my life as a merbite began. Had a great time. Ronnie was unofficial hostess with that "win a kiss" spinner pinned to her dress. I must say, what a great bunch of people just out for a good time. These GT's do bring out the best in people.

The object lesson in it all is that the potential is there. And it does bring everyone there as a community in a way the board alone just can't do. Now I do realize that for the girls there is an underlying element of marketing. But friends are made as well. There is a lot of sniping and highballing on the board and I have to say I am not a big fan of it all. Meeting at a GT gives those who practise this kind of crap, "pause". It's amazing just how civilized things can get when it's face to face. Yeah I'm in. Tell me where and when.:)


Mar 31, 2005
Well I organized the last GT in Montreal!

For all those that complain without any participation from the bottom of my heart Fuck you!


The one s that participated they participated and IMHO are the only ones who can complain!

For those that were not there then shut the fuck up and go play in your own little sand box!

If you have something to say PM me I will surely get back to you!!!!

Was that clear !!!



Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Porter said:
Well I organized the last GT in Montreal!

For all those that complain without any participation from the bottom of my heart Fuck you!


The one s that participated they participated and IMHO are the only ones who can complain!

For those that were not there then shut the fuck up and go play in your own little sand box!

If you have something to say PM me I will surely get back to you!!!!

Was that clear !!!




However, I can say something here about parties ...

We use to go, I use to go but ...

We have find out that many girls faces ended up in some cellular !
Yupe easy as that, people taking pitures of girls without the girls

You can figure the rest and this is one of the main reason why
we aren't interested anymore.

A total lack of respect, the party being private or not.

Apr 16, 2005
Miss Jessy xxx MtlSexCity said:

However, I can say something here about parties ...

We use to go, I use to go but ...

We have find out that many girls faces ended up in some cellular !
Yupe easy as that, people taking pitures of girls without the girls

You can figure the rest and this is one of the main reason why
we aren't interested anymore.

A total lack of respect, the party being private or not.

In one sense I can't blame Porter for getting a little testy. He put a lot of hard work and his own capital into providing a rather nice setting for it all. And he did allow for input by the membership. Unfortunately many talk a good game but that's about it. I did enjoy meeting some new friends and a couple of old ones. Some members can always be counted on to support these efforts. But like anything, if the members want gatherings like this they have to get out and support them.

The business of taking photos of the girls without their consent can be the kiss of death to getting SP's out to participate. A big round of applause to the track stars who pulled that stunt.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I agree that Porter deserves a tip of the hat for organizing the last GT. Unfortunately I was not able to attend but anyone who takes the time to set up any GT should be applauded. Especially someone who invests his own money to try a new angle and a new location.

As for anyone who takes pics of anyone at a GT, SP or board member, without permission, they should be exposed and forbidden from attending any GT anywhere in the future. I've never seen anyone try to pull such a stupid stunt at any GT I attended. If I had, there would have been someone with a cell phone needing surgical removal from his rectum.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Miss Jessy xxx MtlSexCity said:

However, I can say something here about parties ...

We use to go, I use to go but ...

We have find out that many girls faces ended up in some cellular !
Yupe easy as that, people taking pitures of girls without the girls

You can figure the rest and this is one of the main reason why
we aren't interested anymore.

A total lack of respect, the party being private or not.


Hello all,

Porter, sorry to hear how things turned out. I organized a couple of small GTs among those I could trust and everyone took care of his or her own expenses. Your efforts are commendable. But the results you got aren't surprising.

Considering the aggressiveness of people like SL, and his refusal to leave those alone who want to be left out of his intrusions, it's not only the ladies who should be worried about photos. The underhanded types probably have no scruples about taking and using photos whether the privacy being abused is that of the escorts or hobbyists. Unfortunately we can be sure there is more than one person out there who doesn't care about the rights of others. That's why these GTs should be secret and by invitation only. GTs by open invitations are very risky since there is always someone who might show up just for the opportunity to make trouble for a certain lady or client they have a grudge against by exposing them. It's a sad situation to have to worry about such people at all.

good luck,

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Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts