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GT time! Yahoo!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Doc Holliday said:
Wow!! What a great time!! Just got back at the Omni. Whew! What a party! Not as many people as i hoped, but still had a great time! Will report to go to bed. Thank you Shijak for a great party! Whew!

Me thinks Doc's toying with people. Lol. :p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Special K said:
Me thinks Doc's toying with people. Lol. :p

I do not know about Doc, but I am surprised a few ladies did not notice me near the piano.:D



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Jun 20, 2003
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rumpleforeskiin said:
Don't know what time you arrived, Doc, but I'm quite sorry to have missed you. Been a while.
I would have loved to hear that last week:eek: , i am glad to hear that you had a good time last night with the money that i gave you that should have been ruled void, i am still trying to get my lawyer friend to look into it, i have a feeling that small claims court might be his recommendation.:)


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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day of the week?

Are these parties always held on a Saturday? Understand alot of guys have to work on Monday, but it would seem like Sunday's might allow more ladies to attend...always seems like alot of girls don't work on Saturdays. I remember some being held on Fridays...and you'd see alot of hobbiests, but very few ladies attending.

How many ladies showed up to this last GT?


Retired Ol'timer
Nov 19, 2006
I just came back from the GT (4:00am). I started to write this post when I got home but almost fell asleep on the keyboard so I finished it only now.

Being retired I didn't want to go at first, but my friend Jessy invited me with so much insistence (and great arguments ;)) that I just couldn't refuse. So for me it all started with an hour or so in a limo, picking up Jessy's team (and some friends) to come to the GT. I got to know the beautiful Carmen, the now legendary Maria Divina, the very sensual Sylvia Vixen, along with two friends G. and Vong (I hope I'm spelling it right), and finally Taylor. Jessy was a bit nervous, but nervousness faded off pretty quickly. As usual, Jessy was wearing her radiant smile, illuminating her surroundings :). BTW Jessy, you have a hell of a team! Two words: Beauty and Class. I'm sorry to make reference to the past, but I see a future "Allissa Montreal" in the making.

Apparently our entry in the HDLM around 10pm was a shock to a few people. Some tables in the middle were already taken by a group of older people who didn't seem to know what was going on. Seeing all those men and women mingle and tease seemed to be too much for them! LOL

Some of the usual suspects were there, along with old aquaintances: It's always a pleasure to meet Shijak, Cloudsurf, Regnad, Techman, and many others I forgot the handle. I also met a few newcomers, Vulcan and Human being some of the handles I remember, and others not so newcomers(!) like Joe T and ... ElfGoneBad, very nice in person BTW. Doc, you were there? Were you wearing an invisibility cape? I stayed till they threw us out at 3am and never saw you. Are you sure you attended the same party :rolleyes: ?

Obviously the GT would not be a GT without the ladies... Ronnie was very beautiful tonight. I don't know what she does, if it's her hair, her smile or what, but she's getting more beautiful everytime I see her! There was also Miss Maria, Kiki, Alicia and sexy Judy from Judy's Secrets (eye candy, ouch! :D) who kept saying she was tired and leaving, but was always still around seducing people every multiple half hours later! There were also other girls and women I didn't have time to go meet. Candy also made a brief appearance very late in the evening. I know there were more ladies, but I didn't know them all so I'm sorry if I overlooked someone (and I know I did :eek: ).

Did I talk about Sylvia Vixen? She was everywhere! Or should I say, whenever she was, you just couldn't miss her! What a sexy and radiant woman! She was talking to everyone, joking, smiling, seducing (yeah, yeah, seducing ;) ) having fun. I have no doubt she will become one of the stars, and quickly!

But for me the highlight of the evening was Maria Divina. I had the privilege to spend long moments in her company and Wow! What a nice person! Not only is she a beautiful woman physically wise (and she is VERY beautiful), but she also shines through as a wonderful human being. She has this little something who makes her so different, she is GENUINE. She is a funny, classy, caring individual, and a delight to exchange with. You know, that woman you wish you had known her before, that you'd present to Mom? ;)

OK, OK, I'll shut up now. What am I doing, writing a review?! LOL!

Bottom line, it was a blast! Thanks Shijak for the organizing it, and thanks everyone for being there... And a special thank to Jessy for pulling me in :)

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
CoolAmadeus said:
Doc, you were there? Were you wearing an invisibility cape? I stayed till they threw us out at 3am and never saw you. Are you sure you attended the same party :rolleyes: ?

Darn! No wonder i didn't recognize anyone! I must have been at the wrong party!!! Oh well, i still had a good time anyways. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Doc Holliday said:
Darn! No wonder i didn't recognize anyone! I must have been at the wrong party!!! Oh well, i still had a good time anyways. :rolleyes:
How come you didnt come over and say hi to me, i was the older looking guy wearing the suspenders(my trade mark)? i always stand out in the crowd because people tell me that i look like Rodney Dangerfield.:)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Well, if anyone ever had doubts about dropping by a GT, last night should erase them all. I can't really put it any better than CA did. It was a great night with fantastic ladies as well as all the members who came by. It had to have been the most successful I have ever attended. Everyone was mixing with everyone else, there were no people hiding in corners or keeping to themselves. It was like a great gathering of friends old and new and I'm sure that a certain table of people in the midst of it all had some great stories with which to entertain their friends! :p

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who graced our little get together with their presence. Spending time around such beautiful and intelligent women really does the heart good. It's such a pleasure to see you all and I hope you realize how much we all appreciate you taking the time to be there with us. Maria, Maria Divina, Judy, Taylor, Carmen, Sylvia Vixen the arm wrestling champion of the evening:p , Ronnie, Lilli, Cassey, Candy and of course Jessy! I know I forgot to mention some ladies, please forgive me, it's not intentional. Thank you all for making the evening such a success.

It was great to see a lot of the familiar merbite faces and some new ones. I think CA and others pretty much covered who was there and my mind is still mush right now as far as recalling names is concerned:D, but it was good to see the Elf, regnad, CA, Joe.t, johnmbot, cloudsurf, alden, qwerty, Roland who I didn't get the chance to talk to, and whoever else was there please forgive me if I missed your name!

And last but not least...a big thank you to Shijak, the party master. Without you these GTs would not be what they are.


PS: breadman...if you read the posts regarding last night's and the previous week's GTs you will see that a relatively large number of ladies did attend both parties. I may be wrong here, but I believe that these parties have gone beyond a simple marketing affair and that many of the ladies enjoy participating. It gives them a chance to have fun with good people who are aware of their chosen profession and they can let go and be themselves as well as making some new contacts. Their popularity is growing with each GT and much is due to the members who show up as well as to shijak's great organizing. I doubt they would be as successful on either a weeknight or Sunday.
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Jan 27, 2006
I am back home now after my long drive, but I had a great time meeting everyone at the GT last night. It was my first time attending one of these and I didn’t really know what to expect.

I have to thank Shijak again because he is the man who put it all together. The party seemed like a big success and everybody was having a lot of fun.

Also a special thanks to Ronnie for making me feel at ease when I arrived and for introducing me to a lot people from the group. It was great to see you again and to chat with you.

I unfortunately had to leave in the middle of the party and apparently I missed some of the excitement. I had booked an appointment back at my hotel which I really wanted to squeeze in before leaving town. :eek: Because of this I did not get to meet some of you and I apologize , but what kind of hobbyist would I be if I wasn’t seeing the girls when I am in town? :D The details of that encounter belong in a different thread though.

There were many lovely ladies I was able to meet to last night. The ones I was able to properly introduce myself to were: Ronnie, Miss Maria, Sylvia Vixen, Lily, Cassey, Jessy, and Caroline from Excentrix. Other ladies who I saw but did not get a chance to speak with were: Carmen, Maria Divina, Taylor, and Candy.

One lady who really caught my eye was Maria Divina. All I can say is WOW :eek: , you looked very elegant in your dress with the wrap. I wish we could have spoken a bit, but I see that other posters were keeping you busy. (I am kicking myself now for not calling MontrealSexCity to book you while I was in town.)

I met many posters as well: Shijak, Gee, Champs1000, Vulcan, CoolAmadeus, even Tony himself I believe. Everybody was cool and it was just a good party all around. I was always curious to meet many of the posters from the board and I am glad I finally had an opportunity to do so.

I am sorry if I forgot anyone, but hey I was drinking just like the rest of you. :p I got back to my Hotel around 4:00am after they kicked us out of the HDLM bar.

I was the guy in the green cap by the way, if you are wondering.

Thanks everyone, it was blast. People from the boards really know how to party.

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Reinstated at last
Jan 28, 2007

I would like to thank Shijak for taking the time and energy to organize this event and making me felt welcome from the start. ( You must be working in PR or something like this)

It was my first appearance to such a gathering and it was quite pleasant. I did not know what to expect but had the opportunity to meet some prominent members of the Board and some lovely ladies.

It will be much more interesting in the future to be able to put a face behind the name.

Thanks again.



New Member
Aug 26, 2005
I'll write more in detail later tonight, but I noticed a trio of gorgeous ladies that haven't been mentioned yet, and they were Nancy Dupuis, Melanie and Vanessa from the Xxxtase agency. Merci infiniment Martin (je te croyais parti en vacances mon vieux?!?), elle etaient apparamment en "pit stop" entre 2 rendez-vous, mais avons eu eu le plaisir de leur courte apparition...

Melanie est tout comme les nombreux chapitres a son sujet l'ont précisé, visage d'ange avec charpente de vedette...:eek: toute gentille!!

Vanessa, celle avec qui j'ai le moins conversé (dommage),mais peau d'ébene avec les yeux coquins, toute menue...

Et Nancy Dupuis, exactement comme sur ses photos, grande blonde avec yeux perçants, se déplaçant comme une féline...

Les boys, voyons, j'avais le chemin tout libre pour aller parler avec ces trois splendides jeunes femmes, ou étiez-vous? (finalement pourquoi je me plains?)

Le mot final de ma part ce soir...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It would appear that your nomination for the first Presidency of MERB is all but a foregone conclusion, much like George Washington's was in 1783 after the American victory in the Revolutionary War. The only question now is whether you are going to run as a Merbpublican, or on the Merbocrat ticket. Have you given this any thought?


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Can i be emperor instead? :)


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal
shijak said:
Can i be emperor instead? :)

All hail Emperor Spiffy? :cool:

A loyal citizen of the empire,



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Yes emperor sounds good to me!!!.

PS- I am still trying to set up that trade for you buddy and i am starting to get pissed off as i never get answered and i just might have to go public about it, i have now set up a 3 strikes and your out policy before i go public.:)


Aug 14, 2004
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lady on brown dress and white scarf

just wondering who was the lady on brown(could be black not sure) dress and white scarf that arrived with Sylvia and the brazilian girl around 11pm.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
The wrap-up...

To everyone that was there, thank you for showing up and for making last saturday evening a fun outing...The ladies were all beautiful and sexy, the guys were drooling, the alcohol was flowing, the onlookers were bemused :)

First I would like to thank the ladies that attended: Nancy, Melanie and Vanessa of Xxxtase, beautiful angels... The sultry and mysterious Caroline from Excentrix Escorts (with Fred nearby): she came in late and disappeared like Cinderella, turning heads and leaving people to wonder who that was... Amelie a.k.a. iMaude, sweet dinner companion and master of the plunging neckline (whoah!)...Roxanna the newcomer, Bam Bam on her own time, I'll have to spare more than 2 seconds for you next time...

Sweet Maria, my favorite lil' imp, who gave me one of my favorite gifts of the evening: a Maria Sandwich with the Divine one...Sylvia Vixen, who left a roomful of mature men a bunch of drooling babboons:D behind her...The one and only Candy, babe number one!!!

Ladies who know how to make a grand entrance, led by Jessy the sexy wiz, Carmen (aaahhh Carmen...I am your slave!!), Taylor aka Tasha la touche (completely missed you), and the mesmerizing Maria Divina ( la bellaza que debilatar muchos hombres ---hope I got this right:) )..The Playmates 3: Cassey with the hm-hm-hmmmmm dress, Lili , and of course Ronnie the Naughtyminx (did I mention i love Red?!?)...Kiki was there so briefly:( ...Judy from Judy's secrets that did a dance the neighboring table will never forget...(hmmmm)...

He's a guy, true, but I would be foolish not to give thanks to stud head boss Darrell of Magnetic escorts...

Big thanks go to the Boys, you pulled it off, you were sharply dressed (maybe I should've :) ), you drank, you ogled... Compadres, muchas gracias...

The night was long, the morning after even longer, hope everybody had fun...
I sincerely want to thank everybody for their praise, though I was not alone by a long shot in cajoling some of the folks that came by (some of my helpers are now masters at undercover duty :D )...

Due to a lack of time on my part, i now pass the baton of the great organizer to another worthy member, full of innovative ideas to make our next gathering another blast and a half!! Thanks to all!!!
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Vulcan said:
I would like to thank Shijak for taking the time and energy to organize this event and making me felt welcome from the start. ( You must be working in PR or something like this)

LOL, hardly...:), Alden, Roland, Wolfie, Sylvia Vixen and Vulcan, thank you...

Techie, i tease you a lot, but looks like you got back at me this time :)

Doc, I still have your wallet you gave to me for safekeeping from saturday...
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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
banger said:
Also it was good talking to you again Rex Kramer...remember to pm me next time before you make the call:)

...and I thought I managed to remain invisible, oh well. It was nice to talk to you again too. I will contact the hotline next time for sure.

Did you get lucky and get stuck at the Mecca still? :)
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New Member
Jul 10, 2007
GT Fun

I was happy to meet you all. Shijak thank you for the lovely compliments (sure anytime ;)), Gee maybe next time I could persuade you to some salsa dancing. Stephane_2002, it was a pleasure talking with you.
I wish I had more time to sit and talk to you.

Thank you Jessy for the wonderful limo ride, you made us arrive in style. It was great meeting the famous Maria Divina, Sylvia and Taylor and the very nice gentlemen in the limo.

Miss Maria always sweet talking to you. :)
and the Princess Kiki well...Expect the unexpected... :D

I am looking forward to seeing you all again real soon.
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