Montreal Escorts

The Official MERB 2010-2011 NHL Free For All Thread

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I thought I would put this up tonight to give everyone a release in preparation for tomorrow's season opening.

Here are the rules:

1) Keep the personal attacks or insults to a minimum, by that I mean comments like 'asshole' 'ignorant' or similar major personal insults will be removed and may result in time off. Do not direct your posts at any member who is not participating in this thread. If they do not wish to post in this thread that is their decision and it should be respected.

Insult the teams or players at your leisure.

2) Keep the flames for this thread. If they cross over into the NHL discussion thread, both threads will be closed and you will be posting on TSN or ESPN or wherever the hell else there are hockey discussions, but you will not be posting here.

WARNING! If you have thin skin, do not post in this thread !!!

That's it guys. Do you think you can manage it?

Have fun and may the best team win the Cup!

Mod 8


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hey Mod 8 - thanks for your final sentence where you hope that Detroit (in other words, "the best team") wins the Cup. You're in agreement with Red Fisher, who has also picked them. Needless to say, NO ONE has picked Celine, the Invisible Man, and their Leafs.

Doc Holliday

Desperately seeking to stay hard
Sep 27, 2003
Maybe it's just me, but what's with the moderators of this board starting their own threads? Is this allowed? Since when are moderators creating threads on forums they're supposed to moderate?

I don't agree with moderators starting threads. Sorry, but that's how i feel about it. Moderators' duties are to moderate, not to start threads.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Maybe it's just me, but what's with the moderators of this board starting their own threads? Is this allowed? Since when are moderators creating threads on forums they're supposed to moderate?

I don't agree with moderators starting threads. Sorry, but that's how i feel about it. Moderators' duties are to moderate, not to start threads.

You have GOT to be kidding. Even for you this is an amazing statement - or maybe you're just annoyed because this is not another thread for only TWO specific posters like the Leafs Nation one where you and lg can play ping pong with each other's loving comments about TO.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Doc,

I have tried other methods to keep the sports forums under control and none of them have worked. Some members have started threads and used threats of thread deletion to try and get control over the thread. That has not worked either. Considering the number of complaints I receive regarding the behavior in the various sports threads, and the number of these PMs by far surpasses all other PMs I receive combined, there are two options. Either post in the official threads that are started be a moderator or run the risk of having the entire Sports Forum closed down. In the end, it does not matter who starts a thread, the mods have total control over it in any case.

I am the only moderator willing to spend time moderating the sports threads. It takes way too much of my time and this is the only viable solution I have come up with. If members want to start their own threads there is no problem with that either. But any bad behavior or complaints resulting from posts in those threads will result in their closure and removal. My patience has run out.

Mod 8

Maybe it's just me, but what's with the moderators of this board starting their own threads? Is this allowed? Since when are moderators creating threads on forums they're supposed to moderate?

I don't agree with moderators starting threads. Sorry, but that's how i feel about it. Moderators' duties are to moderate, not to start threads.

Doc Holliday

Desperately seeking to stay hard
Sep 27, 2003
Hello Doc,

I have tried other methods to keep the sports forums under control and none of them have worked.

I beg to differ. I think the discipline you imposed was beginning to work. Some of the members pushing their luck began to realize that you weren't one to mess with & were now being more careful with their words & their choices. I created my recent thread (with specific posting instructions) in order to allow people to praise a certain hockey team with rules in order to prevent a flame war/name calling. I think it was working except for one member who likely hadn't read the first post with the specific rules.

I think having a thread (which we didn't really need) and call it FREE FOR ALL only encourages more nonsense. I doubt i'll be posting in it & i likely won't even bother reading it. I'll only read & post in the two threads i created. Just watch: only people looking to cause problems (a.k.a shit disturbers) will be posting in that thread. I'd be surprised if Leafs fans wind up posting in that thread, since there are no shit disturbers among Leafs fans, right? :D
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Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Maybe it's just me, but what's with the moderators of this board starting their own threads? Is this allowed? Since when are moderators creating threads on forums they're supposed to moderate?

I don't agree with moderators starting threads. Sorry, but that's how i feel about it. Moderators' duties are to moderate, not to start threads.

I agree completely with Doc. How do you expect him to erase the tread or impose HIS rules on it and then threaten to take his ball and go home now. :rolleyes:

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
This thread should be called 'Fifi for all'...

Have fun !
I have to go smash some white corolla's !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The season is now beginning to unfold as it should: Wings at the top, Leafs winless in their last three, and the Invisible Man padding his personal stats with a meaningless goal in yet another blowout loss by Canada's National Embarrassment.

Ron Wilson might be an annoying human being and a coach who never went anywhere even with a GOOD team, but give him full marks for recognizing and publicly stating how freakin godawful bad the Leafs were last night.

Dion is back to giving the puck away for no reason and Komi suddenly thinks he's Bobby Orr. News flash Komi: you're not even COLTON Orr!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Maybe it's just me, but what's with the moderators of this board starting their own threads? Is this allowed? Since when are moderators creating threads on forums they're supposed to moderate?

I don't agree with moderators starting threads. Sorry, but that's how i feel about it. Moderators' duties are to moderate, not to start threads.

What if a moderaotor is a former senior poster ?

They should be allowed to remain a active participant in any forum, as long as they follow the rules...

Best Regards



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Interesting discussion on Off the Record today as Michael Landsberg pointed out that Dion Phaneuf is already a minus 6 and was booed mercilessly by Leaf fans in his last home game.

Landsberg asked what has gone wrong with the former Calgary star and pointed out that Calgary clearly wanted to dump him. In Landsberg's very accurate words, "Calgary didn't make the trade because they were in love with Matt Stajan." (Zing!)

The panellists were clever enough to point out that Phaneuf had exactly ONE "great' year and ONE "good" year in Calgary before bottoming out. They noted that the NHL record book is filled with players who had ONE good year. They were also wise enough to question why Phaneuf was named captain without earning it. They also accurately observed that he is an immature, one-dimensional physical player with a good shot (not that the "good shot" has produced any results in the last year and a half - especially in Toronto).


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hmmm...just an observation while passing through...

Mysteriously missing from the "free for all thread" are any comments from the "KING" of "free for all", the member who has repeatedly attempted to turn all other threads into "free for alls"...just goes to show you when you turn a spotlight on a sneak, the sneak runs for the corner...kinda like a cock roach.

Have fun,


JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I beg to differ. I think the discipline you imposed was beginning to work. Some of the members pushing their luck began to realize that you weren't one to mess with & were now being more careful with their words & their choices. I created my recent thread (with specific posting instructions) in order to allow people to praise a certain hockey team with rules in order to prevent a flame war/name calling. I think it was working except for one member who likely hadn't read the first post with the specific rules.

I think having a thread (which we didn't really need) and call it FREE FOR ALL only encourages more nonsense. I doubt i'll be posting in it & i likely won't even bother reading it. I'll only read & post in the two threads i created. Just watch: only people looking to cause problems (a.k.a shit disturbers) will be posting in that thread. I'd be surprised if Leafs fans wind up posting in that thread, since there are no shit disturbers among Leafs fans, right? :D

So ... looks like ur predictions for this thread has been as good as the ones for the Leafs.

Have fun !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
So Phaneuf is now out for 4-6 weeks, which is probably a great break for the Leafs: they're losing the player with the worst stats on the team and coincidentally the exact same player who has the biggest reputation as a team cancer.

Note that Phaneuf played for two teams last year and BOTH failed to make the playoffs (in the case of the Leafs, failed MISERABLY, as Canada's National Embarrassment came a pathetic 29th in a 30 team league).

Note that the team that successfully dumped Captain Ego is now 18th. Hey, 18th might not be great but it's better than 21st where the Leafs are sitting...and Calgary has more hope than it did last year (in spite of the fact that their best player Jarome Iginla is off to a bad start).


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Interesting fact: When Toronto FINALLY scored in last night's loss to the Sens, it was their first goal in 168 minutes - the longest the Leafs have gone goal-less in 83 years! Every time you think this team has done just about every crappy thing possible, it surprises you by setting yet another mark in ineptitude.

If the Leafs played a character in a superhero comic it would be Joe Blftspk (or whatever the spelling is) - that guy who always walked around with a black cloud over his head (like the big black cloud in the GM's chair!).

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I hear one is having a fit in his own thread. A Leafs fan that is !

So be sure to post a positive one over there !
Ya know ! to keep 'em from leaving this board !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I hear it's gonna be The Toronto Maple Leafs Skills Competition on the 14th coming up !
Be sure to buy ur tickets soon cuze they say it's probably gonna be sold out !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I hear it's gonna be The Toronto Maple Leafs Skills Competition on the 14th coming up !
Be sure to buy ur tickets soon cuze they say it's probably gonna be sold out !

"Toronto Maple Leafs Skills Competition" (ha ha) : Is the word for that "oxymoron" (an apparent contradiction)? You know, like "jumbo shrimp" - when two things go together that are exact opposites - like "Leafs" and "Skills"!
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