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What is your tolerance level of escorts showing up late?


Jul 30, 2011
Mine is 10 minutes and if I'm in a really great mood, I'll stretch it to 15.
That is assuming nobody called to advise of the delay.

Recently, I had one show up 25 minutes after the appointment time - that's definitely way over for me and I sent her beck.

I find it interesting that with some agencies, the escort knocks on the door right to the second of the appointed time each and every time I book with them and girls from other agencies are always late. I can see possible scheduling problems later in the evening after a girl has gone to a number of calls, but even then, it wouldn't kill the agency to pick up the phone and call or text.

What's your tolerance level in that regard?
And your experience?


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I've had generally good experiences, but I mostly take the 1st booking of a girl's shift, so it's hard to mess that up. I'm OK with up to 30 mins if there is a legit reason.

When a girl isn't at my place 10 mins after the scheduled time, I always call up the agency to see what is happening. Guys seem so scared to actually pick up the phone themselves. I've heard of guys saying the girl didn't show up at all, yet they never even called to see what was the story. Of course it's bonus points if a booker is organized and has the courtesy to call me first, even in advance if possibe, but if you don't hear from them, don't just sit there. This isn't addressed to you Michael, but in general.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Eleganza - 45 minutes.
Devilish - 30 minutes.

Don't know about them now since I have not used them. This was back in 2007 to 2009.

Realized that I had enough of the bs being spewed that is why the last time was in 2009. Don't care how hot the girl is. MGF for example would never pull things like this. With the times I dealt with that agency the max lateness was 10 minutes and that happened only twice because I was staying at the Sofitel. Or dealing with Satin Dreamz and Jessy. I can understand if there is construction around the hotel I am using or if there was some other uncontrollable external event but when it comes to the agency alone as the cause not going to deal with it.

Funny thing is that when you make a side deal to bypass the pimp she always show up on time. Well to an extent until she becomes complacent and comfortable with you. That is when you put her on the back burner too.

With a real girlfriend I may put up with the lateness crap but we are dealing with pay for play here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
I've actually stopped using agencies who deliver late all the time, such as the 2 mentionned above. OK, I might miss out on a few hotties, but I waste a lot less time. And am happier about it.
In general, 10 minutes is the most I wait to call to enquire. If it is a girl I know+ like or one i really really wanted to meet, I'll agree to give them another 15-20 min if they tell me she'll be there within that time. If she is not there then, or if an agency keeps delaying and delaying, I may cancel. I often have other things booked after, so...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Depends on the "mood" at the time of the appointment. :D Or it could depend on how many drinks was had out at a local pub before coming home lol.

In reality nobody is perfect so up to thirty minutes I can tolerate, but if the agency or Indy updates and is gonna be later, all is good with me.

If it is later than scheduled, a good agency owner keeps you in touch, for example, Mike of Goodgirls, it gives him more time also to keep the mood light with laughter. :thumb:
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Jul 23, 2006
I have talerated up to 90 minutes and very often when the girls are late they are totally screwed up because they are rushed by their bookers because they like to make up for the next clients .because of them being rushed service is never the i will not talerate more than 30 minutes.

Lily from Montreal

zero...obviously from the other side, but if my meeting is at 11hand if at 11h I did not hear from you I get very nervous...that's for first time meeting of course after I know you and know it is not a prank...I am very punctual and expect at least a message if you are to be late...

Lily from Montreal

Wow ,jnutz, you are way more patient then me , that kind of explain the numerous time when being on time , or earlier as I am prone to be , I end up knocking at the door but getting no answer because my friend- to-be is still in the shower loll


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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When I was doing outcalls at the motel I would tolerate 20 minutes for the girl being late mostly because there is very little wiggle room when on a siesta rate. Which ment me booking and sticking with Asservissante as they delivered 90% on time.

Now that I do outcall at home the longest I waited was 1 1/2 hours only because I was in the comfort of my own home.

But usually when I see a girl I book her first appointment of the evening so that almost eliminates any time for girl to be too late.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is or was a famous hobbyist by the name of Trailrunner who had a 20 minute rule. He told me he would always enforce the rule even if the girl who showed up late was really hot, just on principle. He believed that it dragged down the hobby if tardiness became tolerated. Thus he sacrificed his own penile desires for the good of the hobby.

He also did not believe in any chit chat whatsoever, he went to work the entire time and stayed at his business until the hour was done. He believed that 60 minutes of sex is what should happen in a 60 minute session. He believed that making the lady work the whole hour made her a better escort in terms of service level expectations. I also spoke to some ladies who saw him and they said he was all business all the time. But they said it in a nice way, somewhat admiring his stamina and fortitude.

He was kind of the John Wayne of the hobby. Now we just have a bunch of snivelling wimps and sissies who are all out for themselves and don't care about the bigger picture. Whatever chance we had of a Hobbyist Union probably died when Trailrunner left the scene. He cared about standards of service and believed in holding agencies and escorts accountable.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

I think he is still on merb, just has a different screename, lol.. (and no not you and definately not myself)


Nov 16, 2004
5 minutes not much. time is money.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I have the 5-and-5 rule: I allow 5 minutes of chit-chat prior to the action starting, and 5 minutes of cleaning up at the end of the appointment. If she wants to clean up for a longer period, it shouldn't be happening on MY time. I will also allow the sp to use the bathroom once prior to the beginning of the action, and i'll get irritated if she's in there for more than 2-3 minutes. There is no justification for an sp to spend more time in the bathroom that the amount i find reasonable. If she spends 5-15 minutes in the bathroom prior to the beginning of the action, it's because she saw some guy before she showed up at my place & didn't take the time to clean up at his place. Therefore, it shouldn't be my problem & if she insists on cleaning up (and i expect her to be as clean as i am), then it should be on her time and she should simply leave my place at a later time. I'm not going to accept paying for a girl's shower soon after she arrives just because she was 'in action' with some other guy previously. Let him pay for it!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I've had generally good experiences, but I mostly take the 1st booking of a girl's shift, so it's hard to mess that up. I'm OK with up to 30 mins if there is a legit reason.

It's a little different for out-of-towners. We're probably more anxious and more impatient because we cannot afford to waste a night of opportunity. The more we wait the more we risk our choices being taken and losing a wasted night. Personally I get anxious 15 minutes after the set time and will call soon after. But if the booker/owner keeps me informed about the situation I can hang in there much longer. Just be available to keep me informed and be honest about the situation. During my most recent trip I ended up waiting nearly 50 minutes, but I was comfortable because I was kept informed and I knew the agency owner was reliable. Jessy of MSC, Martin of Xxxtase, Tony of Angel Escorts, Peter of Satin Dreams, and usually the guys at Devilish/GOF are good about being honest about what is going on. Some are not, and some I have not tried yet. I've found Independents to be excellent about timeliness, as well as in the entire encounter.

Still, timeliness is also about time management during the encounter. I've never acted like a selfish I've got to be fucking her every minute to get my money's worth cold sex pig type. But when the chat starts to seem long, or it starts to feel like the lady might stalling to avoid sex, which has been very, very rare, I will get annoyed and impatient. I really enjoy chatting, but the main purpose is physical intimacy and since there is a lot of cash on the line too, there is no excuse for either moving forward or being honest on both sides and saying this isn't going to work.

After a couple of mistakes I've sworn to myself that if any lady ever tries to squeeze me into paying for her chat too much she's leaving, and with cab fare matter how long she's been there. I don't mind if the rare one isn't physically interested, just don't try to waste my time or money still hanging around.

Happy endings,



New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
MECO is 20min. without a call from them (dealing with an agency).
30min. with a call and explanation.

I figure it will f*ck everyone else's schedule after me specially if many booked rooms for less than the entire evening.

I can wait for up to 45min. with an Indy if she has a sincere explanation.
After all I'm always booking for more than 2 hours with an Indy and never book a 2nd appointement on the same evening after.

But all this can depend also if she's a repeat or how she actually feels cuze sometimes the guy before you was pretty rough or shall we say 'a f*cking jerk' (and I don't care how much he thinks he's John f*cktard or somethin') but when I call for a girl, I don't call for a stupid Bigmac and robots are not my favorites.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The way i look at it, i'm paying for sex, so sex is what the majority of my time with an sp should be spent on.

A bit of chit-chat for 5 minutes is okay, especially if i've never met the lady. However, let's all be honest here: If our dicks are not covered by their lips within 15 minutes of the initial introduction, then something's Dr. Henry Lee once said.

Thirty minutes after the scheduled 'appointment' has begun, the party hat should be on & some serious lovemaking should be happening, right? Major squeak-squeak, boom-boom, oohs & aahs, you know? If not...somethin' wrong!!!!

And after a strenuous boom-boom, ass-tappin' workout, it's time for a great shower together if there's 10-15 left to go.....and if there's only five minutes to go, then the polite thing to do is to give the lady her time alone & let her shower by herself. Or a warm bath, whatever.

And if she doesn't want to shower, well ain't my problem & we can do some more chit-chat, right??? Yeah, baby!!! Life is great, and sex is great!!!

Egg Roll

New Member
Feb 25, 2011
I would say 15 minutes is the maximum tolerable limit. Anymore than that and it should be your choice to turn her down. That does not mean that she will not make a fuss at your door.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I remember the good ol' days, when i didn't even have to request an sp when an 'agency owner' would call me & request that i see one of his girls, or a girl he had just hired. I remember doing my best to refuse his demands, only to wind up agreeing to let him come over to my room to let me have a look at her. He'd always show up with a knockout & i'd wind up spending an hour or two with her. Ah, the good ol' days! :D
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