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Criminalizing Clients at the Conservative Party Convention in Calgary


New Member
Aug 12, 2013
The Conservative Party Convention in Calgary this week is going to vote on a proposal to make paying for sex a criminal offence.

They are suggesting you can give it away for free but the client can't pay.

If the party supports this and Harper likes the idea, Harper can bury it in one of his omnibus budget bills. That would flush years of work in the courts down the drain.

The fact that prostitution is a lawful occupation has been central to the court cases challenging related laws. If Harper changes the law, it becomes a whole new ball game.

Here is the media release and info from the FIRST email list.



Does research inform where Canadian political parties stand on prostitution?

October 28, 2013

The topic of prostitution will be among the policy floor resolutions at the upcoming Conservative convention, which is scheduled to be held at the end of the month in Calgary. The modified resolution on prostitution says that the party will, among other things, seek to develop a plan to criminalize the act of purchasing sex in Canada. Given how little research exists about the clients of sex workers, it is important to ask – what is the basis of the party’s call to criminalize an activity which has never been illegal in Canada?

Considering recent discussions about prostitution law in Canada and internationally, it is not surprising that the topic of prostitution is coming up in political parties' conversations. The Liberals will be voting next year on supporting legalization of prostitution. At their most recent convention, the NDP postponed a vote supporting the party’s position of decriminalization.

As political parties discuss their respective positions on this issue, it is imperative that voices of those who are directly impacted by resulting policies be included in the conversations. This includes the people who sell and purchase sexual services in Canada. For the past several months, our study Sex, Safety & Security has been asking Canadian buyers of sexual services about their experiences. The project is led by Chris Atchison, who has spent 18 years researching experiences of Canadians who pay for sex. His most recently completed work, Johns' Voice ( was the largest and the most successful research with sex buyers in Canada to date.

Sex, Safety & Security, a project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is one of several that are currently taking place about the sex industry in Canada. We hope that a better understanding of the industry will lead to policies that truly do contribute to and help ensure the wellbeing of all involved in Canada's sex industry.


Chris Atchison
Tel: 604.558.0489
Email: [email protected]
Department of Sociology
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Damn! If this becomes law, it'll mean that merb & other similar boards are infested with potential criminals! :eek:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
J'esper sa deviendra jamais illegal serieux... j'aurais pas le gout d'avoir un casier genre pour une connerie de meme...pis serieux qu'esce sa peut bin leur faire, on est des adulte consentant la... ya rien de bon qui peut sortir d'interdir sa...


Dec 17, 2012
I have no issues with the cons and their conservative fiscal policies.

But god damn, don't touch the social policies! When they do that I regret voting for them.


New Member
Aug 12, 2013
Canada Wide Media Release, Calgary Conservative Convention Sex Worker Consultation

I just authorized the following media release.

Calgary Conservative Convention Sex Work Resolution

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - Oct. 30, 2013) - The West Coast Cooperative of Sex Industry Professionals (WCCSIP) and the Canadian Adult Entertainment Council (CAEC) understand that delegates to the Conservative Convention in Calgary will consider a resolution that sex work in Canada should be criminalized.

The CAEC notes there are several hundred active sex workers in Calgary who would like to be consulted before convention delegates vote on this resolution.

Many sex workers offer reduced rates for social time. All would be more than willing spend time with Conservative delegates explaining what sex workers think of any attempt to make it a criminal offense to pay sex workers for their services.

The CAEC further notes that the opinions of pseudo academic sex work commentators, such as disgraced Conservative consultant Benjamin Perrin, are not an appropriate substitute for meaningful consultation with currently active sex workers.

Contact Information

Contact for Interviews is Susan Davis
[email protected]


Nov 19, 2006
I will be surprised if they can push this over the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They recently failed in England or Scotland - not sure which one. If Quebec secedes, this could be legislated in Quebec without issues though. However even here I am hoping it will not be aggressively pushed due to lack of societal consensus - Quebec men and many women too may not look too favourably upon it.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
I will be surprised if they can push this over the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They recently failed in England or Scotland - not sure which one. If Quebec secedes, this could be legislated in Quebec without issues though. However even here I am hoping it will not be aggressively pushed due to lack of societal consensus - Quebec men and many women too may not look too favourably upon it.

Alan Young himself told the Supreme Court that it was open to parliament to make prostitution illegal.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Should they propose this and it become law I hope the Calgary Police are monitoring the behaviour of all Conservative party attendees, and prosecute them all accordingly. Many Pots calling the Kettles Black.
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