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Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I go for UncleBob; I don't pay attention to who is doing the reviews but I think he comes up more often and he reviews the kind of girls I'd be interested in.

So does this mean he'll be the next agency owner? :D


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
My vote goes for Delta123 ... obviously always very informative, cool honest and always with a nice little touch of humour ! :thumb:
too bad ManApart does not write reviews anymore he was really the best ! :thumb:


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
I vote for MERB

What I mean by the above is that MERB as an entity makes this all possible. It is not enough to just open a review board, it needs membership and maintenance. There are scads of informative reviewers here, and agencies and independent escorts alike are reading them and taking note. Escorting 2.1 has come to our world and I like it, like it, yes I do.

I would like to vote for all the honest reviewers out there and they are many. It is tough to make one choice, but I will give mine to rumples, partly because he prefers words to acronyms and numbers, but also for all the information that comes with the prose.

I cannot sign off without giving a honourable mention to LEANDRE, whose breathless-style reviews have made me book several successful dates so far. Merci!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Since several are nominating more than one member, I'd like to add Cloudsurf who is always willing to provide more of the best accurate information beyond his compelling reviews whenever asked.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'd like to add Cloudsurf who is always willing to provide more of the best accurate information beyond his compelling reviews whenever asked.
That would be great, except that you've already cast a vote for Sapman, a well earned one I might add. I do agree with you that Cloudsurf has impeccable taste in horny young women.

Given that SamKlemmons is among the dear departed, I'll give a quick accounting starting from his last:

Delta123: 9 nominations
UncleBob: 6
Sapman: 4
Rumples: 4
WhoAreYou: 1
MuffinBuster: 1

Methinks we have a winner, but let the voting continue.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I will vote for Cloudsurf not so much for his reviews, but for accuracy of b/c info. That has to be worth something. So that is a conditional nomination and you guys will need to figure out what to do with it. Cloudsurf is hereby nominated for most helpful b/c info which to me means more than reviews. Reviews are for you guys to use to stroke your egos. Cloudsurf understands info needs to be pithy and to the point. Cloudsurf also is willing to discuss the negatives b/c which he doesn't like to do in his reviews, and I don't blame him for that. I think he gets it more than some others do and it is because of his seniority and accumulation of knowledge and how the boards work through the years. Cloudsurf is someone who has actually applied the lessons seniority has taught, and has taken the time to respond to others and share his knowledge without the need for instant ego gratification.

I also nominate Special K on b/c info for similar reasons. If I could print out all the PM'd info from those 2 and the assorted board reviews I would take the PMs with me to Montreal and use the reviews as extra toilet paper in case my spare roll in my car ran out.

Do with this post what you wish. If it does not dovetail with what the thread starter asked for, tough shooshkums.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Do with this post what you wish. If it does not dovetail with what the thread starter asked for, tough shooshkums.
Well, given that the thread starter has been remanded to the custody of his OCD twins, Tony and Ziggy, and that I've taken up the count, I'll reply. Your vote is your vote, Beav, and you may cast it as you will. I'll tally it for Cloudsurf, with the rejoinder that there's a bit of conflict of interests as I'm also the recipient of considerable backchannel info from him. In fact, while I dole out quite a bit of b/c info to inquirers, he's about the only one from whom I receive.

Reviews are for you guys to use to stroke your egos.
That may be how you see it, Beav, but not I. Yes, I enjoy writing review and yes, as a writer, I enjoy the feedback I get, but my primary reason for writing reviews is to give something back to the girl about whom I write. They give me pleasure (as I hopefully do them) and the review is just a part of their reward. They rely on our reviews for their income. I'm not sure I've ever seen a review in your 8,700 posts, but you might give it a try sometime. Generosity feels good.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They rely on our reviews for their income. I'm not sure I've ever seen a review in your 8,700 posts, but you might give it a try sometime. Generosity feels good.

I disagree, as PM and b/c info leads to more income than board reviews do. I suggest you take your troll tools and stick them where the sun does not shine. Generosity is shown by deeds and not words, and only pompous fools believe otherwise. And if the Mods feel I do not contribute here, they can tell me to leave.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I disagree, as PM and b/c info leads to more income than board reviews do.
Yes, a handful of guys from "the golden age" work the back channel, but the 100s of lurkers, most of them unknown to you and me, read reviews.

There are 282 members active on the board on a quiet Sunday afternoon. How many have you heard from lately. I realize generosity isn't your game, but, I'm sorry, you are not going to rationalize away the obvious truth: the girls pay the rent from reviews. I'm a regular review writer and I've heard from maybe half a dozen in the last month. Who, beyond a handful of your buddies, would bother to ask you for information since you offer none in public?


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Once again you're taking something intended to be a positive and spinning it in to crap. You threw your pseudo vote out there, done and dusted. If you think it's all crap then great, but most don't and they are here largely for the reviews. You've once again provided your jaded view, it's out there for all to see, so how about allowing this thread to continue on it's planned course now....



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I never said all reviews are crap...I do find Delta's reviews helpful, and his b/c info, and there is merit in his being nominated. However one of the nominated reviewers never wrote a single review that has helped me. Ever. Most of it is that we do not see the same ladies, but a few years ago we did and his review was dead wrong. I don't bother to read his reviews because they are crap.

All you have to do is mosy on over to the How Do You Choose An Sp thread and see what some people are posting so that you have a flashback to reality....


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
However one of the nominated reviewers never wrote a single review that has helped me. Ever.
This might come to you as quite a shock, but this board does not, as you apparently think, revolve around you.

And, by the way, unlike yourself, I've contributed a serious response to Mitsou's thread.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
MERB's primary goal is not as a venue to share backchannel information. If that was all the members did here, the board would not last very long. Backchannel is fine for the small groups who care to share with each other, but it does nothing at all for the community as a whole. Most review threads are viewed by an average of around 1000 different members, many review threads have been viewed by well over 2000 different members. I am not referring to thread views here, I am talking about the number of individual members who have viewed a particular thread in the last 6 months. I seriously doubt that anyone here is sharing information backchannel to anywhere near that number of members. Creating small cliques who share information only with their friends is the death of a review board. And you do not have to look far to have examples of this.

MERB is a community and the idea of this community is for all members to share information to the benefit of the entire community, not simply those a particular member deems worthy to receive it.

Mod 8


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This might come to you as quite a shock,

Perhaps it comes as a shock but my handle is in red and yours is in green. What was that bullshit you were spouting about generosity? Someone who has not given one red cent to the board should be banned for talking about generosity as if he has a monopoly on it.

And by the ways the only people who think MERB revolves around them are some of the ones posting prolific reviews and getting various perks and discounts, including one who has admitted in the past doing so. I don't see that mentioned in this thread, just a lot of hypocrisy.

I will not argue with Mod 8's point but I do not believe the current batch of reviewers compares very well to what we had on MERB in years past. I think some people are uncomfortable with the perceived importance of reviews and there is nothing wrong with having those feelings. In the early days of MERB I was one of the more prolific reviewers and for what it is worth, I was named reviewer of the year one or 2 years, since you seem memory challenged. Both here and on the blue board where I have not posted in about 5 years. I could find those threads, I am sure they are still around. But I don't feel like spending a whole day rebutting the voluminous amount of lies and bullshit you post.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I vote for Cloudsurf & Igna69XXX. I've had great info from those guys & they are usually spot-on in their evaluations & recommendations. I wouldn't have much use for merb if it wasn't for those two reliable hobbyists.

If i'm allowed a third ballot, i'd also vote for Eagerbeaver for the same reasons i've mentionned. Actually, EB is interesting to read in whatever thread he posts in, and his reviews are also spot-on. His contribution to the restaurant reviews thread is invaluable to the board. He's got enough material in there to write a book one of these days.

p.s. I totally agree with EB's previous post, especially the last paragraph.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Perhaps it comes as a shock but my handle is in red and yours is in green.
Oh, wonderful. You're generous with poor starving thread, while those of us who review are generous with the girl. You are too fucking much, Beav, just too fucking much. But thanks for showing us your true colors.

I will not argue with Mod 8's point but I do not believe the current batch of reviewers compares very well to what we had on MERB in years past.
Oh, right, way, way back in the Golden Age of Hobbying. You know what a caricature is, Beav?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Oh, wonderful. You're generous with poor starving thread, while those of us who review are generous with the girl. You are too fucking much, Beav, just too fucking much. But thanks for showing us your true colors.

I am generous with my wallet- I tip and book multihours exclusively. I am not a pompous fool who thinks any SP gives a rat's ass about what he writes. If you took a poll of the SPs whom you reviewed you would be shocked by the results. They are not feeling any generosity except that which looks green.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Ok really, everyone is cooler than everyone else, everyone is smarter and knows best. I for one know nothing as I'm the rookie. Why must this debate continue, you're just repeating yourselves the both of you now, so let the thread be and ignore it if you think it's all poppycock.

What do you have to gain from continuing to bash the primary purpose of this board, let alone this thread? Some people put a lot of effort in to their reviews so let them have their moment. Remember that they didn't ask for it, the thread starter is not one of the nominees.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What do you have to gain from continuing to bash the primary purpose of this board, let alone this thread? Some people put a lot of effort in to their reviews so let them have their moment.
Thank you.
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