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Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Most review threads are viewed by an average of around 1000 different members, many review threads have been viewed by well over 2000 different members.
You really think your royal wallet swings a bigger bat than reviews read by 1000s of members? Is your money greener than theirs? Perhaps the girls should bow down to you and thank you for blessing them with your holy semen.

I am not a pompous fool...
Actually, Beav, that's exactly what you are. Well called.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All of this coming from someone who is banned from Montreal agencies? If I am such a pompous fool why is your dumb ass banned and why has my ass never been banned? It must be because I am such a pompous fool. And because you are such a stellar reviewer, who cannot get himself unbanned despite such stellar reviews.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I am generous with my wallet- I tip and book multihours exclusively. I am not a pompous fool who thinks any SP gives a rat's ass about what he writes. If you took a poll of the SPs whom you reviewed you would be shocked by the results. They are not feeling any generosity except that which looks green.

You do make good points. However, i must point out that several sps have contacted me b/c to complain about the habit i have of deleting my reviews a couple of weeks or so after posting them. They've mentionned they enjoyed the reviews i had written and were disappointed to see them disappear. So i guess some sps do give a rat's ass about what i write. But it's also entirely possible that they don't give a rat's ass about other what other reviewers post.

p.s. Little did i expect a pissing contest to come out of this thread. Come on guys, smarten up & act your age.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
All of this coming from someone who is banned from Montreal agencies? If I am such a pompous fool why is your dumb ass banned and why has my ass never been banned? It must be because I am such a pompous fool. And because you are such a stellar reviewer, who cannot get himself unbanned despite such stellar reviews.

EB does make a good point. It's hard to argue what he's just posted.


May 3, 2004
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On devrait partir un pool pour le membre de merb le plus inutile. Beaver a mon vote pour 8699 commentaires sans intérêt. Ok j'avoue, je ne les ai pas toutes lus, je me suis écoeuré ça fait longtemps.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
now now Beav, let's nopt confuse a single agency who likes tp pick favorites and ban others with "montreal agencies" :p
The Beav is easily confused, especially in the presence of the King of Rock and Roll.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
On devrait partir un pool pour le membre de merb le plus inutile. Beaver a mon vote pour 8699 commentaires sans intérêt. Ok j'avoue, je ne les ai pas toutes lus, je me suis écoeuré ça fait longtemps.

Bof! Je suppose que t'as pas vu la sections des sports! :lol:

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
The Sports threads are the least viewed of all threads on MERB.

The Official NHL thread has had views from 148 different members, the NHL Free For All thread, 195 members, NFL thread 111 members, Leafs thread, 80 members. Baseball Off season thread, 72 members and the Official Baseball thread had 181 members who had viewed the thread.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Reviews are for you guys to use to stroke your egos. Cloudsurf understands info needs to be pithy and to the point.

This was a simple nomination process for simple acknowledgement of members who contribute the most. What issue is within a person who has to sully a thread that was just for fun and a show of respect with his negativity.

I suggest you take your troll tools and stick them where the sun does not shine. ...only pompous fools believe otherwise.

If you believe PMs offer more help that's an opinion, many might agree and many might not. But why does someone always feel compelled to act like he's god's messenger of the only truth.

You've once again provided your jaded view,...

There must be some gross inadequacy that makes a person pose himself like some faux elitist. He should look down and see it doesn't get bigger or work just because he's fooling himself.

If I am such a pompous fool why is your dumb ass banned and why has my ass never been banned?.

You did say behind the scenes is the key. ;) :thumb: Considering your penchant for being a "jack" I'm sure high spending has 100% to do with it.

I am generous with my wallet- I tip and book multihours exclusively.

I hadn't even seen this when I wrote the above. Great answer EB. :lol:

So EB turns a nomination thread into another pisser. What a shock. :crazy:




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Back on topic. Two pages and one Beavalicous meltdown later, I'm going to repost the current results again, adding only Beav's vote for Cloudsurf, who is, unlike the Beav himself, a legitimate reviewer:

Delta123: 9 nominations
UncleBob: 6
Sapman: 4
Rumples: 4
WhoAreYou: 1
MuffinBuster: 1
Cloudsurf 1

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Boys will be boys will be boys..

My two cents, reviews are extremely good for business, and you guys ALL KNOW that not many of you guys want to TOFT, and all sit there waiting for one of the above nominated people to try someone out and give their advice before booking her yourself.
I book for an agency, I have seen girls like Shana and Leah sit in the car and not get calls on their first few days, then a few reviews roll in and the girls are fully booked...

Paradox is extremely right on this. Myself a couple of years ago, i was relying solely on reviews for my next meeting. I could come not as often as i do now, i wanted to be sure i would had a good time and i rarely TOFTT(i can count them on a hand) because i wanted security. Some girls where apearing and there photo where awesome, and then reviews would arrive and bam bam, oups sorry ill pass... I was not the most active client and agencies back then didn't care much about my business, i was booking once every 3 months or so, and i was switching trough agencies a lot. So reviews where a better value to know who was fun and all, and who was not.

Lately it seem "second rate" girls are starting to disapear. By that i don't want to be disrespectfull, but i mean girls who didn't gave a shit about the clients, where there only for the money and lets face it, gave terrible encounters. I see less of these, either because people review less, or because there is just less period because of past reviews. The last year i have been booking lots of repeat and girls from the same agency, GT's also help to have a feeling of the girls and see there faces. So i may have check less the reviews, but my point is that REVIEWS are extremely important, and them alone can change booking for a girl.

Agency Pics are not that important, and i have a good exemple of that, Kaila at GG, after the GT she became so popular because people knew she was super cute and very nice to be with. But before, not saying she didn't had call, but she was not as high on the radar of most people. Couple guys saw her, reviewed her, and bam here we go.

So thats my 2 cent. Everybody knows i don't take sides, and i don't have problems with anyone, i don't want to take part of any "group wars". I think its best for the community if everybody review there girls for all of merb to see, and if for you one particular member's review are not helpfull... fine, just don't take them into consideration(by the way im speaking generally here, not to anybody in particular)

But the flow of reviews have dismish a lot, and i think thats disapointing. Thankfully the agencies have been improving lately too, and like i said you hear less "horror stories" than when i joined in 2009... but it would really be good if people would review more. Its because of guys that see lots of girls and review them(and thats why i gave my vote do Delta) that the board is very helpfull to new johns and such.

For exemple, EagerBeaver, we may not agree on everything, but since your a senior member here, i always looked at your reviews and take them into consideration. Of course the new guy that has 2 post and make a review, well ... he may be spot on, but it does not have the weigh as much to me. But you have to start somewhere right? So I do look at them and read them.

Bottom line, reviews are helpfull. Lol

As for name in red and such... well its the second time i see you EB mentioning that(first time was directly to me)... I think more people value mostly your time here, your personality and contribution to the community(not financially, but your reviews and such lol) than your name in red. How much does it cost? I dunno... but if anybody can pay to have his name in red... its not that stellar. Especially knowing what you do in life i doubt it hurted your wallet that much :thumb:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I mentioned it BOTH times because TROLLS were questioning my contributions and generosity, which is just stupid. For God's sake I was myself voted best review of the year one or two times in the past so I been there and done that. I have my reasons for not writing reviews and I stated them but the trolls who took over thread focused on my criticism instead, because that is what trolls do.

I will say it again: I value the contributions of some of the nominated reviewers. Others who have been nominated should not have been, and others who wrote reviews did so for perks. We have to view a thread like this through the prism of reality. That is all that I have tried to do. For a long time I have been uncomfortable writing reviews, and there are reasons for it, yet at the same time I understand that it is fundamental part of the engine that motors this board. However in the past I wrote tons of reviews and I also won review of the year once or twice in democratic polls on these boards and I did not vote for myself, so I would think my opinion on these issues would be welcome. But I also never said everyone should do as I have done, that is a purely personal choice.

Especially knowing what you do in life i doubt it hurted your wallet that much :thumb:

Guilty as charged, but some of the loudest trolls in this thread make good money too and I don't see them sharing a cent of it, let alone a dollop. It's because they are thoroughbred hypocrites, talking obliquely about generosity but showing none in practice.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
For God's sake I was myself voted best review of the year one or two times in the past so I been there and done that. I have my reasons for not writing reviews and I stated them but the trolls who took over thread focused on my criticism instead, because that is what trolls do..
Best Reviewer only goes back 2-3 years. You are so full of shit, you're eyes are brown. I must admit that I'm terribly impressed that you sent Fred $15. How valiant of you.

Speaking of trolling, you would be the man who took this thread off-topic for two pages.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Don't mess with the Beav!

I have no specific best reviewer. Anyone who is willing to write reviews on a consistent basis is a top dog in my books. Putting in the time and effort to put up these reviews on a regular basis is quite a Herculenean task to say the least.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I do not understand your post, I never directed anything at you in this thread. If you directed anything at me that required a reply, I am unaware of it. If you direct me and it is something requiring a response i will reply.

The rest of your post is false.....I have no personal beef against anyone nominated. I happen to think one of the nominees writes unhelpful reviews, period and end of story. My opinion. As far as reviews for perks it is a fact that it happened in the past. Why are we sticking our heads in the sand on something that is a fact of every board? Are we now being asked to pretend that this phenomenon does not happen?

Your post is totally uncalled for.
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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And by the ways the only people who think MERB revolves around them are some of the ones posting prolific reviews and getting various perks and discounts, including one who has admitted in the past doing so. I don't see that mentioned in this thread, just a lot of hypocrisy.

One thing I'll say about this thread is how quickly people forget the past!!! I have no agenda against anyone who's been "nominated" here, however, one particular person had been banned from Merb and recently reinstated for admittedly receiving discounts for reviews and not disclosing that info. Are we to believe that since his return he gets no discounts from agencies? Were said reviews accurate even though coming at a discount? As far as I can tell, yes they have been, but if anyone thinks for a second that prolific poster #1 who's receiving amazing service and at discounted rates is getting the same service as Joe Schmoe who's never heard of Merb then you're sorely mistaken!!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Guilty as charged, but some of the loudest trolls in this thread make good money too and I don't see them sharing a cent of it, let alone a dollop. It's because they are thoroughbred hypocrites, talking obliquely about generosity but showing none in practice.
Given the value of my time, my contribution to the board dwarfs yours 100 times over. Again, you give a few bucks to Fred, I help the girls pay the rent. (As does Delta, Cloudsurf, Sapman, UncleBob, et al.)

I understand that you're more interested in giving to Fred than to the girls. That says soooo much about the kind of person you are.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I have no agenda against anyone who's been "nominated" here, however, one particular person had been banned from Merb and recently reinstated for admittedly receiving discounts for reviews and not disclosing that info. Are we to believe that since his return he gets no discounts from agencies?
A very good point? Do you think, even with his reinstatement to merb, that his disqualification from receiving this distinction should continue? I supposed that should be left to mod 8.

I happen to think one of the nominees writes unhelpful reviews, period and end of story.
Boy, do you ever like to expose yourself. Unhelpful to you means unhelpful to all. One for Beav and Beav for one.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
... If I am such a pompous fool why is your dumb ass banned and why has my ass never been banned? ...
:eek: rumples got banned somewhere?:faint:
... in the presence of the King of Rock and Roll.
And here I thought he already left the building.:confused:
Back on topic....
... can someone add a vote for Halloween Mike on my behalf?...
Well... okay. But only if you come to see me if I am able to get back to Montreal, and if you're available when I do get back to Montreal. Better watch out Ms. Paradox, Mike might show up before I do. :lol:
My nominations are:

Halloween Mike (I honestly do find his reviews helpful and informative)
Joe T.
I really liked ManApart's reviews before he stopped reviewing

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