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Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Is this tread supposed to be about reviewer of the year, or is it about name calling ?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One thing I'll say about this thread is how quickly people forget the past!!! I have no agenda against anyone who's been "nominated" here, however, one particular person had been banned from Merb and recently reinstated for admittedly receiving discounts for reviews and not disclosing that info. Are we to believe that since his return he gets no discounts from agencies? Were said reviews accurate even though coming at a discount? As far as I can tell, yes they have been, but if anyone thinks for a second that prolific poster #1 who's receiving amazing service and at discounted rates is getting the same service as Joe Schmoe who's never heard of Merb then you're sorely mistaken!!

Bingo- the only other person here who saw it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This post shows what a pompous prick you are, nothing more.
Because I acknowledge the contributions of Delta, Cloudsurf, Sapman, and Uncle Bob, while failing to bend a knee before the 15$ you send to Fred, you now turn, once again, to blatant insults?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009

Guilty as charged, but some of the loudest trolls in this thread make good money too and I don't see them sharing a cent of it, let alone a dollop. It's because they are thoroughbred hypocrites, talking obliquely about generosity but showing none in practice.

How can you be so sure man? Generosity is large. How can you know they didn't sent money to Megantic when the tragedy happened? What if they sent money to the phillipines? Or maybe just as simple as sending food/money for the christmas baskets. I mean, its cool if you contributed to merb and donated, whatever it is 15$ or 200$. I have no idea honestly how it is, but based on trackers i have been usually you get a donator award fo a donation beteen 50 and 100$, so im guessing those range. But in any case, sure kudos to you for that, and i don't want to dismish Fred's or any other people involved with Merb work. But to criticize genorisity itself based on an online forum, is it now a bit thin? There is so much ways to be generous.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I said it was my opinion. All that I exposed was my opinion.
Right, and your opinion considered only one person, the only person who exists in your hermetically sealed little world: you. And fuck everybody else.

I hope you don't hold the girls in as little regard as you seem to hold the other members of this board.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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How can you be so sure man? Generosity is large. How can you know they didn't sent money to Megantic when the tragedy happened? What if they sent money to the phillipines? Or maybe just as simple as sending food/money for the christmas baskets. I mean, its cool if you contributed to merb and donated, whatever it is 15$ or 200$. I have no idea honestly how it is, but based on trackers i have been usually you get a donator award fo a donation beteen 50 and 100$, so im guessing those range. But in any case, sure kudos to you for that, and i don't want to dismish Fred's or any other people involved with Merb work. But to criticize genorisity itself based on an online forum, is it now a bit thin? There is so much ways to be generous.

The point is that I was the one accused of not contributing anything. By the ways, I donated 3 suits worth about $800 to Goodwill this past week. It's absurd that we are having a discussion about who has the biggest dick in generosity, but I don't believe you followed the original posts on this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
EB, I was a little bothered by your comments. You review everything from hotels, restaurants, movies, and the actual reviewers that write reviews. In fact, I noticed that you review everything on this site but SP’s I hadn’t noticed that you have ever reviewed an actual SP. Why is this?

Also, how is it that you are so sure that reviews do not contribute to the bottom line of the SP? I am not sure that this is true. Look at Alicia from MGFE for example. I saw her as an unknown in May, and now after dozens of consistently positive reviews, her price has increased from 170$ to 210$. I’m guessing that if she didn’t have all the positive reviews that this would not have happened (this is also what is bad about the reviews). I know that there has been a lot of back-room PM chatter about her. I know because I have sent a few of my MERB friends her way. In fact one of those Merbites started her individual thread.

I believe that If a girl consistently gets good reviews MERBites will put this SP on their own to do lists.

I write my reviews to give back to the community but also I do this to chronicle my adventures. I have re-read several of my reviews recently. They bring back fond memories. If there is something wrong with that and I am too verbose, please put me on your ignore list. It is my belief that my reviews will eventually help someone make a decision. If not? Fuck em.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well you are throwing very vague accusations without naming names, so the best i can do is say that anyone who has reviewed a girl from WildTimes has done so without receiving any special perks. that is TOTALLY CALLED FOR :p
This is a voting thread, your vote has been cast, would you stand outside a voting ballot and yell at people for voting for someone you happen to not agree with?

it'a baffling to me how you can defend your very general accusation as "simply your opinion" and then tell me my own words are worthless and "asking you to pretend something never ever happens" because i'm saying it's something I do not condone...

Now yes, please, back to topic, this is getting completely ridiculous, this is a review board, and reviews make this business run, thank you all for posting reviews this year and contributing to our mutual fun and success :)

I never made any comments on this agency or any person posting a review about the agency so this is really pointless.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, I was a little bothered by your comments. You review everything from hotels, restaurants, movies, and the actual reviewers that write reviews. In fact, I noticed that you review everything on this site but SP’s I hadn’t noticed that you have ever reviewed an actual SP. Why is this?

This is not true, I reviewed many SPs until a few years ago. I already posted the reason why I stopped posting reviews. It is in part a personal issue and I will leave it at that.

Also, how is it that you are so sure that reviews do not contribute to the bottom line of the SP? I am not sure that this is true. .

The most reviewed SP in the history of MERB was fired by the agency she worked at because of said reviews in 2005, and she still works at another agency today.
Last edited:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The point is that I was the one accused of not contributing anything. By the ways, I donated 3 suits worth about $800 to Goodwill this past week. It's absurd that we are having a discussion about who has the biggest dick in generosity, but I don't believe you followed the original posts on this.
Well, they were worth $800 back in 2005 when you bought them. I wonder what they're worth now? And I wonder how much of a write-off you're going to take. Beav, you are a laugh a minute.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
... Reviews are for you guys to use to stroke your egos...
Simply saying this on a review board in a thread nominating the best reviewer is tantamount to trolling. Stuff of that ilk is often read... elsewhere. You disappoint me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
One thing I'll say about this thread is how quickly people forget the past!!! I have no agenda against anyone who's been "nominated" here, however, one particular person had been banned from Merb and recently reinstated for admittedly receiving discounts for reviews and not disclosing that info. Are we to believe that since his return he gets no discounts from agencies? !!

This is a great point but Delta sees a ton of women. That is why I mentioned Delta. I bet you and I probably get a little better treatment than Joe Schmoe too.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Simply saying this on a review board in a thread nominating the best reviewer is tantamount to trolling. Stuff of that ilk is often read... elsewhere. You disappoint me.

No, it is not trolling, it's stating what I believe to be the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be for others to hear it. Sorry.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Anytime this guy is mentioned in a post, and isn't the one who is becomes a drama

How sad..

We all know who this is about....

So I don't have to name names....

Happy Holidays to the rest of us

Best Regards



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
OK, back on topic, hopefully to stay, since all but one of us believes that reviews are more valuable than donations to Fred.

Delta123: 9 nominations
UncleBob: 6
Sapman: 4
Rumples: 4
WhoAreYou: 1
MuffinBuster: 1
Cloudsurf 1

One honorary vote for Halloween Mike.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Rumples, you forgot Igna69XXX's name in your list. I'd also like to add Eagerbeaver's name, since his reviews are impressive.

p.s. Should a 'reviewer' with a past history of admitting to getting discounts for reviews qualify?? Would he review if he wouldn't be getting a discount? Does the fact that an agency pays for a review affect the type of services he gets? Just wondering.
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