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Psycho Reviews for a Purpose or just PSYCHO Reviewers?

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
There are a few posters lately who have made reviews that they (and their supporters) just want to call it being honest but it really in theory borderlines on Psycho Misogynistic Behavior. Also a few seem to target one or two agencies or Indy's and go off on the poor girl like they have an axe to grind with said agency or Indy, another trait of some scary stuff going on in ones mind. It is bothersome to see what some of the ladies have to face with guy's like this running around acting like a tough guy when in fact they are likely the biggest pussy in real life. A "tough" guy does not act like a savage animal to women whether in person nor in words written on here, but a POS does.

It has been going on for years with a few "tough guys" here and even when they seem to have quieted down there is always another to take their place as the resident Psycho who should be in a straitjacket instead of calling escorts.

So the question is, are there ulterior motive's to targeting certain agencies (which maybe the reviewer hates for various reasons) and their girls as a way to "hurt" the girls reputation and in turn try to sway others away from doing business with them and or the same with certain Indy's who these reviewers might have that axe to grind with? Kind of the same as a shill review only in these cases it is a negative yet still a shill review?

It seems that some of these reviews lately of girls that have perfect to almost perfect reveiws then all the sudden get nasty and degrading ones by a certain few on here, then get more great reviews from others that follow which really isolates the one bad are simply aimed to tarnish the agency or Indy that they have problems with be it out of spite or just plain jealousy?

Freedom of speech I get but to do it to purposely hurt someone is sick, psycho and scary (that people are like that in their heads) Stay safe Ladies and screen screen screen!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I know exactly what you mean.
I read the review and I was shocked!
yes some incall rooms are better than another..
Yes the floor may be wet, stains here or there, but there is no reason why one would put so much hate on the girl as if she forced him to stay!
If you don't like what you see, just walk away instead of bitching about your experience!

Good words Igna!!

I hate complainers, some people just don't know how lucky they have it, I feel sorry for these girls who have to put up with these arrogant POS who should not be seeing escorts in the first place.

Good post Mizo1951.


New Member
Feb 4, 2011
Living in the now
Good thread my friend,

My position in writing rev is that there is way to talk about all situations that could happen without being rude or rough. But anyway it is so easy to see when a guy is frustrated. That it is up to everyone jugement to discern the real thing.

We should not be too much concern about the "Psycho-rev" and for the ladies who read or hear about those comments, well: Mesdemoiselles si ce n'est pas constructif vous n'en avez rien à foutre loll.


Feb 20, 2012
In that business, though skin is mandatory, agency or not.
I've read the review you are ''refering'' too and was also shocked.
Bashing the appartment is IMO, totally okay.
But HARSH comment on the girl, are simply mean... Some words should not be used, people tend to forget that we are human and we do have feelings. Never forget that girls are also reading the reviews, we are always trying to improved our services. Innovation, seduction, apparence and of course experience... But when we read such words like cheap, fake, superficial, fat, ugly, overprice, whore, it's always a shock, especially when the encounter was great/okay and that we did everything to please you.... I get the point of bad review, but it's easy to avoid harsh vocabulary, you can't justify a mean comment with a IMO...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Seems like bullying to me... I hate bullies with a fucking passion... May I cross paths with this "tough guy" in the near future... Party invitation anyone?? :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I agree with Mizo, Delta and Amanda that there are ways to say things negative in reviews that do not make you look like you belong in a prison lineup or like you live in a jungle with the rest of the animals.

And Maxxx, there is NO NEED for those kind of people at any party I have a say in and those are the reasons we screen for the ladies safety and why many others do not like the public gt's any longer and I can't say I really blame them even tho the troublemakers are usually on their best behavior at them. If they act this way towards the SP's (hateful and vindictive) then what info are they tryng to gather and use against you in the future.

And you are right, it is bullying and disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
If all the members that posted in this thread would be real men / women and had balls you could actually post in the threads you are referring to instead of starting a new thread in the lounge and implying certain members in innuendo.

You should know that posting in the girl's thread about subject covered here would be out of topic since its not a girl's review anymore.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Okay, so the review was about a G4U lady. Why not just point it out. I guessed which agency the complaint was about by the thread starter. Honestly, is Iggy going to call everyone who doesn't enjoy a G4U girl a misogynistic psycho? This isn't the first time he's done it. Talk about incredible overkill from the most biased self-interested source possible who is not an owner. Really, chill out on the impulsive hit man routine.

Beyond that, I read this review and the first thing that struck me about the bathroom description was a freaky obsession with negative detail I wouldn't worry much about in a hundred years. Was the room gone over with a magnifying glass or something? Geeezzzuzzzz!!! Yes, I would be put off by a place that was a pig pen, but my immediate impression is the guy was looking for things to complain about from the start.

Considering the main action description, she sounds a lot like my type. Thanks for that part of the review. I'd put lady under the heading: let's look into her reviews even more. But if she isn't someone's style it doesn't make him misogynistic to say so. It's his opinion. He may be someone who is very picky as someone said, but so what. We are paying a good amount of $$$. He's right. He is allowed his standards...IF...they are realistic and not tainted with a compulsion for negativity and complaining.

As for the purpose of this thread, it's a good idea to remind people to be fair but not dirty. The last part of the review in question was definitely cheap, crude, and totally unnecessary. If you feel the lady didn't meet your expectations or her performance required a negative recommendation you are entitled. But there's no reason to be rotten or mean about it. You don't just trash someone as a person if she isn't your type. I didn't see anything the lady actually did to justify any of that crap. Putting it in is being filthy, ironically. Hell...I'd ban you myself if you got so low down filthy like that. Really guy, get some class. The way you wrote it comes off as if you were looking for an issue.

Still, "Misogynistic Psycho"? Complaining...bitching...looking for problems...crude and insulting...yes. Misogynistic...no. Over-eager self-interested thread starter...DEFINITELY.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Some of you guys that think you deserve certain services and require the SP to look, and MORE IMPORTANTLY "act" (think about it) a certain way from someone that is giving of herself to you (for $ or not, does not make it right) are further out in left field as the saying goes than you could possibly imagine. With those attitudes you come across with as having, the SP's should slam the door in your face and tell you to GTFO.

Paying good hard earned money DOES NOT excuse you from being a gentleman to someone that is freely giving of herself to you for an hour or more of her time. No wonder harper and mckay feel the way they do, it is because of a FEW (or many) like you that allow them to feel like this. Congrats to adding to the problem.

ps. thanks guys, you were right, i knew IT could not stay out of this thread....LOL....see you next weekend for the beer i owe you! ROFL!


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Lol, the biggest freak is the person who started this thread, so much sophistication for something so insignificant. The girl might quit tomorrow and you twist and bend ideas like a scholar with so called proof and facts. Giving so much thought to something so volatile is not worth it, girls come and go, take and leave what you want from the review and move on.


Nov 12, 2007
I have not seen the original review in question so I can't comment.

However when I look back on the girls I've seen and the reviews in question there has always been something that should have been said that wasn't in the reviews. With one exception, my 1 so far expereince in Merbland.
I never bothered posting a review in the non merb cases because in none of the cases was it enough for me to be turned off or away but it did bother me that not a single person mentioned anything and well, how do you say something negitive without the risk of having the girl figuring out who you are if you want to repeat. Awkward. Also nobody else could be bothered and some cases these girls are heavily reviewed so fuck em. [Fellow johns that is].
Well there is one exception, a no show, just stated the facts. When someone tells you half an hour before your meeting that they are good to go and then never respond to you again, it is time to say something.

Then I see in merb that apperently there is only one hot chick so you should just shut up and accept any deceptive advertising there is because well other people find it hot so STFU. Which to me is both a rotten attitude to take [I'm alright jack and you can sod off type attitude] and disturbing degree of the unacceptable on an escort review board. There is one board where you are not allowed to say anything negitive about a girl. That is also a sad situation.

Not saying the review writer in question was a twatmonkey or not, I didn't see it. However I do have to wonder how much of it is a psycho review and how much of it is white knightism. Both can cripple a review board.


Sep 4, 2006
In any review there are certain things I look for to build expectations of my time with the provider. If I find those things in multiple reviews I will add the SP to my tdl. I myself found the review in question informative and highlighted why I diligently avoid providers who work incall. Of course this could just be confirmation bias. I wish there was more rules as to what should be allowed in a review thread.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
For me, the most deranging text in the review of OYO about Chloe is the use of the term: "Banged Up Whore" that has been used to described how the guy felt the encounter.
Which is obviously an Unnecessary threat in a negative review. It's classless.

In my book, A negative review should be constructive as opposed to destructive, and help a girl or agency to improved.
Speculation is also to avoid in any reviews according to me.

I guess frustration can lead to such classless reviews.

That reminds me of another classless review for Jaida of wildtime written by Overfirend.

Also, the first negative review made by OYO that made me realise that I should not rely to this guy review, as he obviously don't have same taste in SP as me and probably as of the average johns because the girl in question was well reviewed by numerous guys:
Jade (Ex Lou's and now Sky at MTLTOPGIRLS): http://merb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?97100-Jade-Montrealescorts4u&p=692420&viewfull=1#post692420
I met Sky myself 9 times. She was amazing.

Anyway, I must say that negative reviews is more tricky to write than positive ones according to me.
I also like some deeper details given by some reviewers, really. But you must be carefull not to exagerate and get carried away by the frustration.

I also beleive that when you decide to write such negative reviews the way OYO writes them, and for ladies that have numerous positive reviews, you must expect to be confronted.

I also think OYO should see our negative reviews of his neg. reviews constructively as I still see interesting facts in his reviews and for me, negative reviews are as vital as positive ones here on merb.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The review is controversial and even if the guy was unhappy with his experience he clearly could have used more respectful language. When I see a review like that one that uses disrespectful and misogynist language it makes me question the reviewer and how he treated the lady or women in general.

I only met Chloe very briefly at GG 3 and she seemed like a young sweet innocent girl who was probably a bit nervous. I later regretted not trying to speak to her and maybe make her feel more comfortable in that environment of assorted strangers.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
Agree completely that the reviewer is way over the top and like some others, makes me wonder how he is treating these ladies...

I get the point of bad review, but it's easy to avoid harsh vocabulary, you can't justify a mean comment with a IMO...

A point that resonates with me is Amanda's above, why people think adding IMO or IMHO makes it ok to say some of the rudest things I've seen here. Not to make light of it, but if you've seen Talladega Nights, Ricky Bobby uses the term "with all due respect" ahead of nasty comments, and while using a slapstick comedy as a comparison, it's 100% the same thing and just a ridiculous to think that putting IMO will somehow spare the lady's feelings. All I can say to those guys is, shape up or ship out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
The real question is: why the Mods of this board aren't stepping in and suspending/banning people that use abusive language to describe a SP?

OYO isn't the only one to do this recently...there's a recent review thread with the subject "Immature bi*ch AVOID". Is this really necessary? :|


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ladies and Gents,

The real question is why the Mods of this board aren't stepping in and suspending/banning people that use abusive language to describe a SP.

As ugly, insulting, and gross as that comment is it's not so different as calling the guy a misogynist psycho even if we all are disgusted by what the guy said. I just went back before logging in and could not find the most offensive comment "banged up.......". It doesn't seem to be there any more. There's no edit by the author noted so it does look like the mod just got rid of it. Kudos to him/her on that.

...there's another recent review thread with the subject "Immature bi*ch AVOID". Is this really necessary? :|

Guys build up such fantasies and then spend a fair amount of money. Disappointment is going to bring out hard feelings and angry tongues. I've had some ladies in the long past who scammed me by talking their way through most of the session then permitted some obligatory brief sex. Something like that is hard to take like a gentleman. I never lost it in a review because when you come into this hobby you've got to expect crap like this. You get satisfaction, if you call it that, by exposing bad practices, NOT trashing the lady as a person.

Yet, I don't see where Chloe did anything wrong. Her style of service was similar to what I prefer so I thought, hmmm, I need to know more about this lady. After reading further retorts by OYO he seems to have a strong cleanliness fetish. Myself, I don't like incall because there's a higher chance of poor cleaning. But if I choose to go to an incall I don't obsess over it. I think the first mistake by OYO was choosing to go against his strong preferences. But the far greater mistake, an inexcusable one, was taking out his phobia on Chloe and harshly insulting her. He hated the place. Well okay. But he went after Chloe like she was to blame for his cleanliness anxiety, which I have little doubt was exaggerated by his apparent resentment over having go to an incall at all, then he characterized the lady the same resentful broad brush as the room. Extremely unfairly.

You've got to remember that after everything the lady is another PERSON!!!!!!!!!! Not an unfeeling commodity. If you have a negative experience do what you must, but remember she is a person too. There's no excuse for treating the lady like garbage, especially if she honestly provide one with what most would call good intimate service. Expose a lady's bad service, if that's what it is, but don't be a @^&#$%!*.

However I do have to wonder how much of it is a psycho review and how much of it is white knightism. Both can cripple a review board.

To be fair, for years the thread starter has, from time to time, made some small protectionist posts when members go after ladies unfairly. But always is very short shots at the offender. Now since a new association we start to see not just making quickie comments but starting angry threads with long harsh editorials. The reason is 100% obvious. He probably has developed personal connections with the ladies since this agency association began, but this new need to be the grand armored Sir Lancelot defender of ladies...for one agency only...smacks strongly of personal self-interest and keeping it. Not that he isn't right about the important points, but where was this intensity for other agency's ladies over the years? For other agency's ladies now? I can't blame Iggy for feeling heated, but this intensity is NOT about principle alone...if that.



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I looked at the thread and i supose i got the edited version with the removal of the offensive words. I did saw them in a quote under the post and i agree calling a provider a whore is totally rude and uncalled for. This i agree on people giving backlash to OYO. But I read the rest of the review tough and i will say there was some informative stuff in it.

First of all, as you guys know i am also an outcall guy, and when i read the sheets are changed once a day... :confused: i got to admit i was expecting it but its not something i would feel confortable with unless im the first client. I never used GG for incall, i tough about it a few time because it would indeed save me some $ as an hotel room cost around 100$ and i don't book the expensive ones... but everytime i ended up booking an hotel room in the end. I usually book very downtown and im really close to there incall location, so its not too complicated for them to drive there.

Personally would i go incall i would use the shower, no matter if i took one before going or not, because im like that...i want to be fresh and if the shower would not be very clean (as in "hotel clean" when i enter my room) then i would really have a bad first impression. I am no "guru of the clean" , im not obsessive with it, if i go to a friend's place and have to use the shower, i don't mind if its not extra super shiny clean. But the thing is, its a friend's place, not a place where 10 guys have been in a day. When i was in teen detention center, we had to share the shower of course and they would make us clean it once a day, and we had what we call gougoune in french, not sure of the english word, but basically we where not bare foot.

Then for the sheets i guess i can always bring mine in a bag, but i dunno how it would be seen by the SP.

The dust part really left me wondering too, how hard is it to once every couple days at least to clean that. Désolé je vais parler en francais un peu, mais bref perso je trouve ces pas long passer une guenille mouiller sur un bureau pis une coupe de table de chevet. Surtout si ces ton environement de travaille. Pas normal d'avoir de la poussiere visible...

I also have a law enforcement fear as well when it comes to incall, but its not high on the list, i will admit the cleaness of the place is a big factor, and the other one is mostly above personal confort. But then again thats me, we are not all the same, and thats why so far i stick to outcall. If one day i decide to go incall, i will understand what it include and i won't spend too much time writing on it. But honestly and personally, i can't complain against OYO for having described how he sees the place.

I know for sure personally i would bring my shower kit, including soap, shampoo, tooth brushing stuff, "deodorant" and all the rest that it include, because first i always carry it in montreal, second again i want to use my stuff. Some peoples seem to take for granted everything is gonna be provided to them, and are they right? DUNNO, like i said, not an incall guy, can't compare lol. But having my towell, my shower kit and the nessary stuff in a backpack to me is the bare minimum.

But well you see i was very interested on seeing Sabrina since she started, but because she was incall only at first i didn't booked her. Waited til she had the outcall option, guess thats how i prefer outcall lol.

The rest of the review about Chloe herself is subjective, and i think every member can decide for himself how revelant it is to him. With the exeption of the "whore" part i do not feel its a bad review at all (as in badly done review) I personally try to showcase the positive before the negative in a review and focus on it more, but not all members are like that.

From what i understand OYO used to work for GG, so some people see this as him bashing them, but he mention how he would still use them but for outcall. Then you have Iggy (you do know i like you bro) making a thread that seem to be general about a bunch of posters and different SPs but in the end it was really targeted at THAT specific one review... Why? Im not much one to like generalizing... If you want to talk about something, i feel its better you get specific to the point. Took me til end of page 1 and many message under to figure out what was the target of that thread.

BUT i do agree some members do not know how to behave and write harsh stuff for no good reason, one of them, the easiest to look at, is Kev wich posted a bunch of the time in the lounge with very negative threads for no real reasons. But merb is a review board, and i think its important everybody member be allow to review as he sees fit. Mike himself mentioned a couple time how he is very ok with reviews, good or bad, and im sure reviews are for him an helping tool on keeping a great roster of girls and always giving the best services to his client. I don't think one "soso" review for a generally very positivly review girl will change much in the balance.

On my personal side, i think Chloe look adorable physically, and im glad to know what type of girl she is mostly by the reviews, if i do book her i will expect more a "pse pounding" than GFE cuddling and when your in that mood, why not. Of course that is if she is ok to come to my hotel lol. The reason why she didn't wanted to go to chablis cadillac maybe be the place(along other motels like that) is known to be an SP receiving place. Or it could be just a matter of distance. Cadillac ain't very close to downtown....


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you have issues with clean sheets then you should not be doing incall anywhere with any agency. It is completely delusional to believe that clean sheets are a guarantee with ANY agency incall. Otherwise assure yourself of being the first client of the day. This aspect of the review was not really comporting with reality.

Halloween Mike like you I am an outcall guy. I used GG incall once, was girl's first appointment, got there shortly after she arrived, helped her put fresh sheets on the bed which had no sheets on it. If we can believe these things are actually important to the reviewer, then he either should not be doing incall or should be assuring himself of a first booking like me. This is all common sense to anyone with a half a brain.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Like i said i was expecting sheets where changed once a day, it wa no surprise. BUT how much sheets cost? Not much, they can have 10 sets in an appartement for changing them. I do hope they do if at least an accident happen... I mean it happened to me a few time i came on the girl and it sprayed on the sheets... It was no problem since it was my hotel room...

What i mean is they could put a double sheets to change everytime... not the whole "making the bed" thing, just an extra sheet on top of it so you know its all clean. Maybe im just too obsess with that... but i think its worth to go the extra mile with that...
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