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Psycho Reviews for a Purpose or just PSYCHO Reviewers?

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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think what breathe of this thread, messages and all, is that YES its important merb remain a usefull tool to review SPs, good or bad, independant from any agency, BUT there is always ways of saying something, and a way to write your review and avoid harsh language. Avoid being just mean to the person you review cause she may indeed write it. I think we had this conversation before too. For exemple if she had a smell downstair. You can always say

I got down on her but i smelled an unpleasing odour, so i decided to get back up

Instead of...

Got down on her, but damn she smell liked fish , how digusting, no way im eating this shit.

Thats just how easy it is to write something in good language instead of meanfull and direspect comments


Nov 12, 2007
OYO this is just plain mean again:

" Originally Posted by OhYesOui View Post
This community strives to put a spotlight on "talent agents" that over promise and under deliver. We are talking about escorts - prostitutes. Aside the rare exceptions none of these ladies I would introduce to my mother as she would kick them out of her home within 5 minutes of conversing with them. They are not the cream of society, have little to no values, manipulators, are fucked up, are on welfare, baby generators since they don't seem to remember how they are done, have a shitty attitude, golden pussy syndrome, are on drugs, have little to no education and hate men since most of them have been sexually abused. They only have one thing going for them: good looks and a lot of them look horrible!"

Misogyny at its best.

Not in any clique... I am nice to nice people, very simple.


I don't know if his hatred is generalized towards all women but yikes. Talk about messed up. I don't even know where to begin. we are talking real horror show here. Next thing you know he will be demanding we call him Paul Allen and chasing escorts down the hall with a chainsaw like in American Psycho.

Speaking of banged up Johns.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
This thread was NOT started because of any one person or post.

Oh come on Igna! What I hate with those accusations, that are totally justified in this case, is when they are made without naming the nicks you are talking about. That one was obvious. You can start the thread giving him as an example and say he is not the only one.

I had HAD enough and something was going to be said once and for all.

If you want this topic to be solved once and for all, it will not suffice that Igna raises it. You lack credibility to do so considering your proximity with some agencies. Many members with more credibility have tried it before. This is basically a moderation issue. If you want it solved, you would have to propose some moderation devices. Having been there myself, I can tell you it’s not obvious. However, a constructive thread about moderation could be helpful. Moderation has evolved quite a bit since 2003, in a positive way I think.

White Knight per se? No.

Yes! Clearly white knight. Paternalistic even.

A guy who knows right from wrong when it comes to being a good person in society, and will defend the ladies that are so freely giving themselves to us when they likely have better things to do and ESPECIALLY when they are the victims of bullying?

No! Not freely. You’re stretching it to far.

Oh YES, oui! I rarely get involved in social threads on subject matters like this very much or in a deep way so to start this thread took a lot of courage on my part (and I almost didn't) but like I said, enough was enough and sometimes you have to put your fears aside.

Courage? What courage? What fears? That’s nonsense unless you’ve got an arm too deep in the machine.

I do not want to belong to a community where animals are allowed to run free and spew off at the mouth some of the most horrific and degrading insults they feel like just because they "PAY" for their time with these ladies.

This board as a community has 2 options:

1 Exclude them because they don’t comply with some basic standards.
2 Keep them in because they expose themselves, something useful for the providers.

I think option 2 is better.

Any reader with half a brain will learn to spot credible reviewers and find out quickly the narcissists like ohyesoui and, to some extend, the op.
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