Montreal Escorts's MERB Halloween Party thread


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Jul 16, 2004
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Il faut comprendre quelquechose de fort simple, ce party n'était pas un service rendu contre une rénumération. Certes il y avait un frais de 30$, mais avec 3 consommations et tout le kit (bouffe, dj, entertainers), ça lui a coûté pas mal plus cher à tenir que ce qu'il a récolté. Donc c'est pas mal plus un cadeau et un événement promotionnel qu'un service. Ça fait la différence entre un rendez-vous avec une sp (200$ pour 1h) pis un party (30$ pour la soirée). Je comprends qu'on est habitués de reviewer (donc critiquer) ouvertement le service des demoiselles, mais de là à faire une review publique du party en se concentrant plus sur le négatif que le positif c'est un acte de mauvaise foi, ou "plain rude" comme on dit en anglais. C'est carrément faire preuve d'ingratitude. .
Lolll je dois admettre que j’ai le fou rire de ta remarque…surtout quand ça viens de toi qui rencontre une fois par siècle avec des sp !!!…et en plus d’avoir le culot de dire cela!!Et surtout que tu devrais VIVEMENT allé voir mes rencontres car JE DIS LA VÉRITÉ ceux qui me connaisse vraiment le savent…!!
Est-ce qu'il y avait des défauts? oui. Est-ce que il aurait pu mettre les chips dans des bols ? peut-être bien, quoique c'est un détail. Est-ce que la musique était trop forte? Un peu, mais pas tant que ça. Est-ce que toutes les filles de l'agence y étaient? non. Sauf que c'est un party pareil auquel nous fûmes invités, Mike nous devait rien. Il a donné beaucoup plus de bonnes choses que de mauvaises, mais tu as décidé de beurre pas mal épais sur le négatif car tes caprices n'ont pas été satisfaits. Reconnaître et APPRÉCIER l'effort et l'investissement que Mike a mis dans le party c'est pas licher le cul, c'est être bien élevé. Licher le cul, c'est ce qu'il faut faire pour te rendre et garder heureux. Et ça ne suffit même pas de le licher, il faut y aller bien profond et bien racler les bords sinon on va avoir droit à un drame. .
Justement si Michael a tellement investi…il aurait pas due autant…car es selon moi et d’autres ..ça plus grosse tarifications aurait pu être exclus…et je dis cela pour l’aidé comme d’autres s’il refait un GT un jour!!…Mais licher le cul….cela es vivement ton genre et crois MOI …te connaissant auparavant en RÉEL ..…mais CA ces un autre histoire que je ne développerai pas ici!!!
Si t'as des recommandations, tu en parles en privé avec le gars, pas en public en te plaignant si fortement. Certes mentionner quelques trucs ça passe, mais s'exprimer fortement tel:…." c'est faire preuve d'un grand manque de tact et de classe.
Ca été fait envers Michael mais je ne lui ai pas développé le tout…mais je crois que lui même la fortement admis la situation au moment de nos 2 discussion qu’on a eu ensemble!!Et en passant ces un party…pourquoi j’irai discuté avec lui sur toutttttt l’évenement ..tes vraiment incroyable sérieux…voici les quotes de certains post QUE TU DEVRAIS LIRE….

. I was a little surprised by the length of the stair climb
others whose names were a little unfamiliar and hard to hear with that music being too loud,
It was either because of starting to feel the drinks or the loud music.

No complaints, even the stairs were a good butt workout, lol. .

The only major complaint I have was the way they laid out the food for the night. No bowls, no trays, no tongs for ppl to use instead of their hands...they just simply threw all the food on the table. Not very sanitary, imho...:|

Now for the rest of the entertainer, i would say it was a bit weird.. i tough they didn't really fit, . especially the zombie contorsionist guy... That just seem strange.

What else can i say? Hum the place was nice, decoration was top notch, i didn't mind the stairs personally, it was funny the first time when we arrived, we where like "wow... are we going to the sky" lol.
Now my only "complain' and im sure some probably think like me, its the music. Im no DJ expert so im not gonna question the choices of the guys tracks or whatever, but it was too loud. And its something that is also the case at the GG parties(but i spent most of my time outside the last 2, so i didn't had to deal too much with it) Its just we are there to talk to the girls(mostly) and talk among ourselves hobbyist. Even tough there was a couple people that dances, it was mostly people chating and all, and at some point i had to literally ask people to come near the exit so i could hear what they say. I even had to excuse myself when i was at the bar(seem to be the loudest) to Sophie because i couldn't understand at all what she was saying. We met again couple mins later closer to the exit and had a chat, so its alright but my point is i don't think we need music that loud in those parties in general. Thats one thing i loved about GG2, it was calm, people just chatting, having a good time, but seem when its in a bar, the loud music is kinda mandatory. I don't want to talk for everybody, but im sure lots of guys in there 50s and such are not too much into that in the first place :p

Anyway like i say its no big deal, and its not "specific to that party" only, but i heard some comments about people enjoying meeting some of the girls for smoke breaks outside because the atmosphere was more relax and they could talk without screaming.

So overall a very pleasant experience. Oh one last thing, there was no official presentation of the girls, Michael explained he had a hard time gathering them all together, but i think its something that would had been important. Thanksfully i was able to pick the name of every girl that interested me, but presenting them is always helpfull :p
Oui certains on eu plus de tact ou avec humour!!!…et même plus de gentillesse dans leur parole…MAIS la vérité es écris la!!!Alors va lire…et tu verra que s’acharné sur MOI…n’est pas la solution et je crois vivement que Michael si ça l’offusque les critiques autant…bien qu’il vienne me le dire tout on en rediscutera avec plaisir…pour ce qui es de ton cas…je vais arrêté la ces vivement MIEUX!!!

Seems I am not the only one who think the same things!!!


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I don't get why a review of a party has to come off as being "ungrateful". In order to improve things for future parties, it's always good to hear feedback from the partygoers themselves. As long as we mention our issues politely and sincerely, I don't see why this should be a problem.

Very well said...thank you!!!...Sorry to have quotes you...but seems i am the MECHANT LOUP on that thread lollll...but ohh well...i guess he need someone to take the wrap, !!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Very well said...thank you!!!...Sorry to have quotes you...but seems i am the MECHANT LOUP on that thread lollll...but ohh well...i guess he need someone to take the wrap, !!

Lol...I actually deleted my original message because I re-read Wallseye's post and think he was trying to say this to begin with. But anyways, I think people get the point! :)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Michael will take the good way the positive and negative feedback. So we learn from our mistake and try to accomplish a better future party next year. I don't think it will be another edition of halloween... Personally working 2 almost full days shopping and decorating the place was a serious pain. :p

Please keep sending feedback from those who hasnt reviewed, and stay respectful between each other.
Hi all

Aspen for you it was mission accomplish ,congrats on the good work and making the Halloween party a success .
All the effort where worth it .
You where also a great greater in a tight costume ;)




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Hey Guys, we had an amazing time most of people, through the whole night. Some stuff will have to be reconsider for the next GT. .

All of the work was noticed and appreciated very much. A great job by a very lovely lady. It was all worthwhile I assure you.

You can never go wrong with having as many direct introductions between the potential clients and the ladies. I got to meet a lot of them but not all, and getting a sense of the person inside is as important or more as seeing what they really look like. For girls with the agency I'd give the best overall presentation to Nadia who has the looks and charm of a real gem. Of course, looks are very important so maybe having a vote contest for the best costume (for Halloween) or best presentation of looks and manners for the agency ladies would be something useful. When it came to combined costume and allure for MTLGFE ladies it was Honey all the way.

Still, permit me another shout out to Clara Versailles. MERVEILLUEX!!! :faint: ;)




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all,

Still, permit me another shout out to Clara Versailles. MERVEILLUEX!!! :faint: ;)



Hi Merlot

Clara Versailles in a French Maid costume truly delightful for our eyes .She is so lovely :angel:
And you Merlot truly a gentlemen ,was very nice making your acquaintance.:thumb:



Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Thank you all for the amazing feedback. It was a real pleasure setting this up for you guys. A few things to share with you.

First many thanks to Aspen and Samantha. They both helped organize the party but Aspen went above the call of duty and she deserves every bit of praise that she gets. And then some. As far as the party itself. It took some effort to do and trust me it was not cheap lol. It was a pleasure to do for you and one that i will gladly do again. In regards to a few complaints. We must remember that it was a party. A Halloween themed one. So the loud music and creepy performers are a bit justified for such an event. But i do get what you mean. Next time it'll be more focused on interaction. Yes i agree the stairs categorically sucked but we can't have it all can we :p (i also had my cardio for the week)

All in all it was a great success and the feedback i've been getting is overwhelmingly positive. Overwhelmingly. THANK YOU GENTS! That being said i always appreciate every kind of comment. Good or bad. As in everything in life practice makes perfect. It being the first party i have done since the Devilish GT waaaay back, i am listening and noting what you would like to see for future events. The introduction of ladies is a tricky thing but we will figure something out for you next time. As for the ladies, we had 31 girls in all. Thats a great turnout by any standard and i'm very happy with their overall etiquette ;) Some showed up very late. Some couldn't show up because they live 3hrs away. Some were at their other job and some were on vacation. They have now heard about what a success and fun party it was and have promised me they will be there for our next one. Still, we managed to balance things out i believe. As for the draw it has been done and the 5 winners have been contacted with their prizes. Besides that i'd like to thank all the indys that showed up and made the night even more memorable. And of course every single one of you for making it happen. Without you we wouldn't be able to do what we love to do. A big thank you from my staff. Thank you for your continued support through the years and we hope to serve you for many more.

Happy hunting gentlemen :)

Michael aka Raiden and the Team

P.S. Jade was a bat lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally working 2 almost full days shopping and decorating the place was a serious pain. :p

I think this is something i may have flied by too quickly in my original post, the decoration was top notch awesome, you did a wonderfull job. I can only imagine how much time you did put into that, and a big THANK YOU to you. On top of that you worked the door and all, so you really gave a lot of yourself in that party.

When it comes to the panther situation, i think an important thing is to just understand that despite some of us mentioning some negatives or some things to ameliorate next time, we did focus a lot more on the positive cause that was the case there. Lots and lots of positive, a great time, with some minor negative that didn't affect the party overall great time. Personally the stairs i was just joking a bit on it, i tough it was funny but it was in no way a negative. We are not in a wheel chair(a least none from i know off) and therefore we can do them lol. The entertainers to me where not nessary but that does not mean others didn't enjoy them, and Mike spent his money on them, a choice he made, this didn't remove anything from me or the party so again not a negative at all.

My personal only negative is the music but like i said this seem to be a general case about parties, and not restrained to that specific one. I am not a club/bar guy, despite being younger than a majority of the party crowd, so im not really use to it, and the fact im more a metal head has nothing to do with it, as i would had say the same if Metallica and other metal bands where the music all night. To me its really about talking with the ladies in the agency, that is why i am there in the first place, and im sure its the case of most people too. I may follow Walleyes advice and get some hear plugg for a next party lol, that could work. I will admit tough i don't have the best hearing and my english (vocally) is also not the best, so add the music on top and sometimes i have to make people repeat a lot and i feel bad about it.

But thats one thing among many excellent ones. Just being able to meet the ladies is the best thing, hell coming back to MTL 2 days later to see one kinda show the effect the party had on me... haha. I am extremely glad to be able to have been there and enjoy that night, this had been a while i had an halloween party too, so this really feel special.

Par contre j'aurais bien apprécié une petite jasette avec Carmen, mais elle semblait se cacher derrière Kate, je ne comprend pas pourquoi elle la suivait comme son ombre


Je crois que tu confond avec Bella. Carmen a fait le party pas mal et n'etait pas gener du tout. Elle avais le meme costume alors ces normal tu les confonde. Mais voila Bella et Kate sont des amies de longue date, ce pourquoi elles etait toujours ensemble. Comme sa ete dit avant Kate semblais etre timide et avec Bella elles restait pas mal dans leur coin. Je lui ai parlé quand meme pas pire vu qu'on se connais bien, mais a un moment je lui ai demandé comment sa vous etes tout seul, voyons donc, les gars devrais etre 10 autour de vous a faire la file et sa reponse vu genre evasise. MAIS au moin elles sont venu, ces sa qui compte.

Pour les autres Mike, ces sur inquiete toi pas, la plupart du roster etait la et ces super. Certaine reste loin en effet et par exemple je peut te dire que Amber je l'ai jamais vu dans un party so far, je pense pas qu'elle sois a l'aise avec sa. Je l'avais booker l'an passé a GG, une jolie fille bien sympa mais ces peut-etre juste pas son truc. Brooke etait a GG2 mais pas vu depuis. Elles peuvent pas toute etre la, et moi je suis bien content d'avoir pus voir celle qui sont venu.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I don't think it will be another edition of halloween... Personally working 2 almost full days shopping and decorating the place was a serious pain. :p

I've been to a few 'halloween' themed parties organized by agencies in the past & they've never held another one at around that time. Too complicated to organize and not everyone likes to get dressed up....especially when it can be very warm in a room (depending on the type of costumes). I remember one time someone refused to remove their mask throughout the evening and it unnerved a few paranoid people.

From what i've gathered, the main negative was the stairs at the venue. I'm surprised no one fell down the stairs after consuming a few 'beverages'. lol

I also heard that the music may have been a tad too loud, but as SK pointed out, it was a party after all. However, i wasn't there so i can't really judge on how loud it was.

When reading about the 'acts', i had no problem about them since as Michael mentionned, it was a 'halloween' party after all.

No one every gets it totally right the first time. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Trial and error leads to improvement and success. And even though it seems to me that this recent party was a success, i'm convinced that 'if there is' a next one, it will be even better & i hope to be able to attend that one.

p.s. I was told that the decorations were top-notch.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
i hope we're going to get an annual halloween party? can't tease us with one and not doing it anymore. they are fun and its always fun to dress up. it doesn't have to be elaborate. a simply mask or heck, a waldo costume is all you need :thumb:

it'll be like the annual MTLGFE party and the rest of the year, have more interaction focus GT which wouldn't be as elaborate/complicated and smaller in stature


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
Je crois que tu confond avec Bella. Carmen a fait le party pas mal et n'etait pas gener du tout. Elle avait le meme costume alors ces normal tu les confonde. Mais voila Bella et Kate sont des amies de longue date, ce pourquoi elles etait toujours ensemble. Comme ca ete dit avant, Kate semblais etre timide et avec Bella elles restaient pas mal dans leur coin. Je lui ai parlé quand meme pas pire vu qu'on se connais bien, mais a un moment je lui ai demandé comment ca vous etes tout seul, voyons donc, les gars devrais etre 10 autour de vous a faire la file et sa reponse vu genre evasise. MAIS au moin elles sont venu, ces sa qui compte.
Salut Halloween Mike,

C'est difficile a dire puisque presque tous les visages son caché sur le site, mais la fille que j'ai vu qui était habillé en camouflage militaire et qui suivait Kate, je suis désolé, mais elle avait de trop gros seins pour être Bella.
C'est pas de ma faute, elles attirent plus mon attention ces filles la :noidea:



Active Member
Nov 24, 2006
To give more details on my experience for the positives and negatives. The only real complaint I have is the loud music mentioned in my previous post. I understand it's a party situation, but still the music is a bit too loud for me even under this circumstance. I tried my best to talk to the ladies, but some of them didn't quite understand me well. The fact that I was speaking English also didn't help in this situation, so next time I would appreciate it more if the noise level is a bit lower.

Other than this, I don't really find anything else a problem:
The stairs are fine, unless you need to climb up and down a few times during the evening. Actually, most of us who mentioned the stairs said it in a joking way.
I'm actually OK with the creepy performer. I think it fits the Halloween theme very well.
At the beginning of the party I actually asked Michael if we were going to have a presentation of the ladies, and he gave me his reasons for not having one. I was expecting a presentation but am totally fine with not having one.

Whether another Halloween party or not doesn't really bother me. I'm sure the ladies will be dressed hot regardless of the circumstances. I'm not a very innovative guy so sometimes picking a costume is quite a pain for me. But overall it was a very successful event and I can't wait for the next party to happen. Again Kudos to both Michael and Aspen!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Salut Halloween Mike,

C'est difficile a dire puisque presque tous les visages son caché sur le site, mais la fille que j'ai vu qui était habillé en camouflage militaire et qui suivait Kate, je suis désolé, mais elle avait de trop gros seins pour être Bella.
C'est pas de ma faute, elles attirent plus mon attention ces filles la :noidea:


LOL, je suis sur a 95% que tu parle de Bella. Le fameux costume militaire(Carmen, Bella et Ariane l'avais) donnais un bon cleavage au filles alors ces peut-etre pour sa que les seins on parus plus gros. Bella est arrivé en meme temps que Kate, et elles sont resté ensemble toute la soirée, et repartie ensemble. Carmen etait la avant leur arrivé et est resté jusqua la fin, bref je suis partie 2h am passé et elle etait encore la. Comme je disais Bella et Kate sont de grande amies depuis longtemps, donc tres normal qu'elle sois resté proche. Et inquiete toi pas, tu n'est pas le seul attirer par les decoltés lol.

D'ailleurs la hauteur des escaliers était plus drôle que d'autre chose, je n'ai eu aucun problème à les monter et descendre pendant la soirée, mais effectivement ça surprend la première fois. Le lieu était cool, c'est ce qui compte, pas le nombre de marches pour s'y rendre. Ce n'était quand même pas l'Évrest à monter !!!!

Effectivement. Je trouve meme sa drole que sa sois resté comme sujets de conversation si longtemps. J'ai beau pas etre petit et sa ma pas derengé de les faires plusieurs fois pour acompagner des gens dehors pour fumer. Ces juste des escalier, et on avais pas 4 poches de patates a monté a chaque fois :p Bref ...

Sinon je suis content en effet que les gens on embarqué, c'etait ma crainte au debut mais je pense que le large roster de qualité de MTLGFE était le facteur decisif pour beaucoup de venir, et le costume requirement etait quand meme tres "large" effectivement donc un simple masque ou whatever sa allais, donc pas trop un probleme au final. Sa serais le fun en effet si sa devenais annuel, mais je comprend Aspen que de passer 2 jours a faire la deco sa dois pas etre drole.

Et je l'ai peut-etre deja dit, mais j'ai bien aimer la grandeur de la salle, la facon que s'etait fait, les banc sur les coté un bon espace au milieu, on pouvais respirer.

Anyway, je pense que le tour de la question a été fait de mon coté.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
wait, après plusieurs drinks, c'est comme si on avait 4 sacs de patates sur le dos ;p

j'suis pas resté assez longtemps pour me plaindre des escaliers quoique je suis habitué à monter, descendre, marcher souvent. ma gang de paresseux :lol:
Feb 12, 2005
Since so many of you lucky people were able to attend this party, I need your help.

Now you have seen almost all the MTLGFE girls face to face, I want you to let me know which one is having the most beautiful face?
Please be honest to your answer. No diplomatic answer. If you cannot write here, please PM me.

It seems Candice was not there. I have met Candice. For me her face is stunningly beautiful. Her body is just average type.

In general all girls are beautiful. But I am talking about the face, if you see, you cannot take your eyes off. A stunningly beautiful face.

Please let me know one name. I will like to meet that girl.

Thanks for helping me out.



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Now you have seen almost all the MTLGFE girls face to face, I want you to let me know which one is having the most beautiful face?
MTLGFE roster is loaded with girls with beautiful faces ,however for me Nadia was above the rest ,and I have met her for a 4 hours booking tonight ,incredible petite lady ,with all the right curves .
Outrageously sexy review to come shortly ///!:thumb:



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Kate (no surprise)

That is my top 3 from the party, but that is personal preference and does not mean i didn't tough the other where attractive :p


Jun 13, 2006
Well its amazing that anybody who wanted to come got an invite and despite that, nobody got killed..This is a big concern for some other agency that has had a party recently..MTLGFE should contact them and give them some tips on how a real professional first class agency works and especially how to organize a GT.

Hats off to MTLGFE !!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello lleub,

The supposed theory you refer to was about protection. Well a few of the people that theory was concerned with went to this party and...TA DAAAAA...everyone had fun and it was a grrrreat party. NO issues. End of theory.

My Favorites from the party: Clara, Honey, Nadia, Laurence, Ariane, everyone in fishnets :thumb:...Booker, Sol Tee Nutz, Special K (baby blue and white are your colors son), Sapman practically drooling. Lots of naked women and drinks. If I hadn't already had some fantastic exercise before the party...ahhhhh, girls, girls, girls.....



Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Since so many of you lucky people were able to attend this party, I need your help.

Now you have seen almost all the MTLGFE girls face to face, I want you to let me know which one is having the most beautiful face?
Please be honest to your answer. No diplomatic answer. If you cannot write here, please PM me.

It seems Candice was not there. I have met Candice. For me her face is stunningly beautiful. Her body is just average type.

In general all girls are beautiful. But I am talking about the face, if you see, you cannot take your eyes off. A stunningly beautiful face.

Please let me know one name. I will like to meet that girl.

Thanks for helping me out.


Candice was present at the party!! Looking awesome too :)
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