Montreal Escorts's MERB Halloween Party thread

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I don't think she was, but i could be mistaken, as i didn't talk to every ladies there. But the MTL GFE girls i remember are


And one wich i am not sure if she is Paige or Candice, heard they where both there but i was not introduced to them.

Plus all the indies, so yeah there was a nice number of girls.


Mar 19, 2008
First off, thanks to Mike and his team for organizing a fun and entertaining event. Kudos to Samantha and Aspen for the decorations, the place looked great.

I had the pleasure of meeting alot of the girls as well as other members of the board. I think I spent the most time with Jade (a sexy little Bat girl) and Taylor (a pretty ballerina). We always just seemed to be in the same area - in no small part thanks to me ;). Both of whom are now on my list of girls to see. I also spoke with Laurence (gorgeous PB bunny), Carmen (wearing a camo outfit), Nadia (couldn't quite figure her costume but she looked sexy in the red dress with red feather plume in her hair) and Alexya (little skeleton girl from that claymation halloween movie).

All in all a great party. Can't wait for the next one.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
So Taylor was there it seem, i didn't met her personally unless i did and i forgot, lol.


Jul 5, 2004
Visit site
Je confirme que le nom de Paige doit être rajouter à la liste.

C'est celle qui était déguisée en policière, tout en noir et qui avait des broches.

À propos du cas de Kate, ce que je déplore c'est qu'elle n'a pas saisi (ou compris) l'immense opportunité qu'elle avait de faire éventuellement plus d'argent en élargissant son cercle de client.

J'ai vu Marylin Minx plus d'une dizaine de fois pour des deux heures et plus après l'avoir rencontré initialement dans un GT

J'ai vu Naomie de MSC plus d'une dizaine de fois pour des deux heures et plus après l'avoir rencontré initialement dans un GT

Je revois régulièrement Jasmine ces temps-ci, autre découverte lors d'un GT

Dernier GT avant hier soir, GG5 : rencontré Veronica par la suite moins d'une semaine après (ce que je vais surement répeter avec Samantha)

Kate avait une attitude déplorable à mon avis hier soir pour le peu que je l'ai vu. Était-elle dans une mauvaise journée ? peut-être. Est-ce que son comportement a changer plus tard dans la soirée ? peut-être.

Il n'est pas dit que je ne l'a verrai jamais (car j'avoue que l'imaginant avec un sourire, elle est hot en ta..) mais elle n'est plus dans ma liste de priorité.

sophie lee

Supporting Member
Dec 16, 2010
Great party mike, right in my neck of the woods ;)
Costume parties are the best. Lets you see everyone's creativity.
It was nice to see lots of attenders from the first gathering i went to, as i had the chance to chat with lots more intriguing ppl.
Thank you so much to Camille for helping me in the ladies room as a one piece cat suit and corset was more then tricky to undo and do up myself. Anytime you need a second set of hands let me know ;)
Oh and thank you Tiger1 for last minute inviting me. See you at dinner tonight.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
So here it goes for my point of view of this evening.....

First the location....very cool place still.....BUT...the damn stairs least 40 step or something...thanks for the workout but damn i imagine the fall..the stairs seems like never finish !!!
So after my climb to all the step...was greeded by miss ASPEN...of mtlgfe...i have to say she is a real little cuty and nice to talk to!!...after i when to the bar...with the 3 coupon we did got from the the barmaid and was happy to see again miss Camille Haring who did look lovely i have to say also miss Tiannas who is always a pleasure in a cat woman outfit to meet ..and miss Amanda who deserve a high note also..and Laurence...pretty awesome trio ....i did meet cloudsurf...and was finally able to see the legendary Special a smurf costume...lollll you have gutts trust me lolll...btw thanks for introducing me to Arianne from mtlgfe...i have to say in her tomb raider outfit she did look great in also nice view of the twins!!!I did meet miss Nadia who doesnt speak much english...but i have to say her ass look good..cause i did got a glimpse of it...Also did meet Amelie indy in poison ivy who i didnt touch in case you know...but good costume!!!I did talk again with Halloween Mike.always good to talk to you btw,and finally did meet the Booker L ...was not hard to miss him lolll...great guy to talk to.....ohhh BTW...damn the music dj was tooooooooooooooooo fuc**** lound seriously...a lot of times and it was confirm but other i did have to make people repeat what they said..even if they where so close to me....veryyyy sad on that note seriously damn...Also did saw Kate but she was in her bubble i have to say...try to say HELLO to her...but nothing i did leave it....Also the beautiful i have to say waitress Amelie was wow..i did like her a lotttt....we did talk quite a bite..veryyy awesome girls...damn toooooooo bad she doesnt work in this department..but still gonna make a trip to the strip bar she do work...oh yeahh!!Finally the famous Michael of the agency introduce himself outside when i went down to check the people and get some fresh air...grrrr those damn steps..i have to say i was shock to see him...NEVER in a millionnn years i could have know that we was the owner...even Michael told me and the person next to me..we did laugh about it!!!was really nice to talk to him...for less then 2 minute cause he did loook busy!! and also a person who was introduce to me by Michael as a manager!!!...but also told me in a few word that she think someone put something in her drink...WTF!!! cause she was feeling weird....ok i have to say i was weird to heard that...but still she vanish with other girl in a heartbeat...hope she is ok....Also did meet the performer...the contorsionniste who was make up was amazing was really good but i have to say..reallyy weird and Camille didnt like him at allll !!!Also meet another performer...the girl with a lotttt of blood and blue hair...her name Sarah i heard...with all the damn too much lound music to me for quite a bite...her she a dancer in some regular club..but always change a lot...and didnt know that it was that kind of party...ohhh well lolll...So for me this party a couple of negative...but it is the gonna give them a chance ...but the stairs...hell no....the performer...was a nice gesture but not the place...girls toooo much toooooo much lound...and no presentation of the girls of Mtlgfe agency...was always like who is that and that etc...THAT VERYYYY SAD ..and got no promotion on that part for the agency...cause it is a must ....and also the table of food...nice gesture...BUT THE chips direct on the table with fruit seriously NEED bowl for the different stuff....a couple of improvement need to be made if you do another one....So finally did left at 01h00am...but i could easily left around 10h00pm and didnt make no difference..but still was hoping for more!!
Thanks again Michael...

JE crois parfaitement que toutes événement on souvent des défauts ou par le fait même souvent... es de pouvoir leur dire qu'elle type ou autres de situation devrais être modifié ou amélioré pour si un prochain GT pourrais se trouve dommage que suite a quelques discussion eu avec certains membres dans la soirée et qu'il était tout en accord avec certains point mais ne veulent pas vexé Michael et s'abstienne !! Mais il semble que je suis réputé aussi pour dire la vérité...des fois discrètement et des fois peut être trop direct....Mais au moins je suis honnête et je licherai pas le c** de personne ici!!!Même des supposé personnes que j'appréciais!!!

@ Chateaulafite.

De un je ne veux pas tourner le fer dans la plaie en parlant des commentaires négatifs car on a quand même somme toute eu droit à tout un party. C'est facile de critiquer mais quand quelqu'un met un effort comme Mike l'a fait ça me fait mal au coeur de mentionner le négatif. Faut croire qu'on est habitué à reviewer mais en même temps un party stun party on n'a pas à tout critiquer non plus (je fais aussi référence à mon commentaire négatif là dedant)

Je préfère donc me concentrer sur le positif (car il y en a eu énormément plus que de négatif) que de faire comme certains et de juste regarder le négatif suite à des attentes trop élevées (je ne parle pas de toi ici). Comme quoi il faut toujours tempérer ses attentes, comme me disais souvent quelqu'un.

Oui dans un sens le positif devrais toujours être apporté ..comme j'ai discuté avec Michael sur certains je crois ou du moins sincèrement il a apprécié..Si ce n'est pas le cas....bien dommage...mais comme j'ai spécifié dans mon post précédent BUT IT IS THE FIRST gonna give them a crois qu'on devrais lire mon post au complet...
De pas annoncé qui es présent comme fille...ces un must je pense pour un agence!!!...les tables de fruit etc...beau geste MAIS juste des bol différents aurait été plus propre du moins...=p.s. a chaque mariage,événement!!! etc...ça existe..pour ce qui es de la musique...dsl mais bordel c'était troppp fort..un dj aurait pas été nécessaire...oui ces un party ...mais avant tout ces un party pour attiré la clientèle malgré tout...une chance que j'ai pu savoir quelque nom de filles...mais tout de même...en tout cas.. Pour les entertainer c'était une fois encore cool..vraiment rappelle d'une belle discussion avec SARAH au cheveux bleu..mais c'était pas la crois que je vais resté véridique comme je suis et j'ai toujours été..ces simple...ces comme les sp je rencontre...dsl mais je fais pas de fausse ca marche ca marche pas cool..Bon sur ça...j’enlèverai pas MON POST...le pourquoi es fort simple...ces honnê la vérité ressort toujours!!!
peace out


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
@ Chateaulafite.

Pour ce qui est de Kate je dois avouer que son attitude (à elle et son amie Bella d'ailleurs) fut carrément déplorable. C'est effectivement vraiment dommage, mais en même temps elle s'en fout peut-être puisqu'elle est toujours bookée à fond à cause que les gars capotent sur elle. Elle demeure une SP extraordinaire, super belle, super service, super gentille en meeting, un gros facteur wow (elle n'a pas eu mon vote et remporté GFE de l'année pour rien), mais comme personne c'est une autre histoire. C'est certain que comparé à Samantha dans le contexte du party c'est le jour et la nuit. C'est cool quand les personnes font un effort, sachant que le contexte n'est pas nécessairement celui de leur choix. En même temps elles choisissent cette job il faut qu'elles s'assument le moindrement. Là c'était juste turn off et ce n'est pas la première fois qu'elle fait cet effet à des clients dans des GTs.

Salut a vous deux Messieurs et a tous
Je suis content d'avoir fait votre connaissance.
Plusieurs explication son possible pour expliquer le comportement d'une demoiselles en publiques ,
La grande majorité des escortes que j'ai eu l'opportuniter de côtoyer dans ma carrière avais tous un point en communs elle était inconfortable en publique ,une escorte de par son travaille doit exceller dans des condition priver soi un sur un ,Les mettre dans une foule comme un GT les sort un peu de leurs zones de confort .
Il y a bien entendu des exceptions .Mes on doit juger un livres par son contenu et non ca page couverture .
Je n'ai pas eu non plus le privilège de lui parler mes il en fut de même pour d'autres aussi .

Salutation Distinguée


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Je confirme que le nom de Paige doit être rajouter à la liste.

Voila, ces bien elle, ces qu'on m'avais dit mais je ne lui ai pas parlé personellement, mais elle a eu l'air a avoir du fun en tout cas avec Carmen et Arianne lol. Sa m'arrive tout le temps sa, une fille a l'air sympa mais pour x raisons on ne se parle pas, parfois le tir est corrigé au next party lol.

Sinon pour bouclé la boucle sur Kate, je dirais que ce que Walleyes ecris je peut le confirmer a 100%, en privé elle est vraiment sur la coche. Elle se donne a 100%. Les party comme sa sont peut-etre juste pas son truc. Si on regarde sa je remarque que les independante souvent sont tres a l'aise dans les party, et on se le cachera pas, Kate bookerais all the way en independante autant qu'en agence, mais si elle est toujours en agence selon moi ces justement parce qu'elle prefer le concept de n'avoir pas a organiser rien. Elle rentre le soir, elle va ou le booker lui dit, et puis voila, elle dois simplement s'occuper de donner un bon service a son client et sa finis la. Donc voila. Je vous la recommande 100%


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Great entertainment

An enormous note of thank s to Mike. He created this party like a party for a regular crowd, which I really appreciated.

Next, if any agency operators want to to take notice, they should: I met or saw four girls on Thursday that are now on my radar, and I was not remotely thinking about them before.

Great to renew acquaintaces from the past and put faces to some people on the board. Reading this thread, it looks as though I missed quite a few I would have liked to shake hands with. Next time.

Thanks to the boys for coming out, but merci beaucoup to all the lovely ladies as well. And a huge high five to Mike!


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Playing the who's-who game: anybody knows who was the slim beauty in a largely see-through black outfit, with wavy/curly black hair and kitten ears, who spent some time dancing and left quite late around 1 or 2?
I asked her her name on her way out and only heard something like Amanda Lee??
(yes, music was loud)
I would venture, Jade


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
For me, I thought in general the party was a success, in that it set out to do what it intended: which was to introduce the girls of MTLGFE. And it definitely made me want to see a number of ladies from their agency. The names that stand out on the list are: Aspen (cutest), Summer (best personality and ass), and Mercedez (flexible little ebony minx)!

There were also a number of Indies there as well: Isabella was just plain hot! I also appreciated Sophie Lee's leather Catwoman suit: mmmm...super sexy! :p

The only major complaint I have was the way they laid out the food for the night. No bowls, no trays, no tongs for ppl to use instead of their hands...they just simply threw all the food on the table. Not very sanitary, imho...:|

But anyways, apart from that I think this is at least a good first GT from MTLGFE. Hopefully it won't be the last: thanks Mike!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
On behalf of both myself and Gonzo the Great, I'd like to thank Mike as well for an excellent job putting together the First Annual MTLGFE Halloween Party. While I agree that the music was a bit louder than I might have liked, it was still below the "I have to shout to hear you level."

Good to see old friends and meet a few new ones. Good to see all the lovely young women not only of the agency, but all the indies as well. I didn't speak with a lot but let me single out just a couple. Jade has me utterly charmed and desiring to meet with her in private. And Amelie was radiant as always, not to mention poisonous.

Let me echo a comment above. I've been to many GTs over the years, both agency and public. At every one I've attended, I've met at least one young woman whose acquaintance I've renewed later in private. Must say that I'm quite looking forward to Mojo's Valentine's party and, of course, to the Second Annual MTLGFE Halloween party.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I had a fabulous night! Hell, they had to kick me out at the end! No complaints, even the stairs were a good butt workout, lol. It was so good to hang out with friends and to make new acquaintances, some of which I have already had the pleasure to meet again!
It's always great to meet the gentlemen at these events, but in the spirit of the GT, I just want to make a special mention of some of the ladies of the evening. Camille and Amanda both were stunning as usual, and I can never see them enough. A very special treat was playing with Clara Versailles...I know that caught someone's attention, much to my advantage! Another stunning beauty was Samantha, wow! I so hope to have the opportunity to play with her in the future. There were many others, so many that I didn't even have the pleasure of meeting, hopefully next time.

A big thank you to Mike for a fantastic evening, and congrats on a great party! Hope this is just the first of more to come...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

My first Merb agency party !
Mike was a great host ,I stayed until the end .
Must say that MTLGFE roster is loaded with cuties ,I will just go with my 'Coup de Coeur ' from the evening in the agency roster
The little French hottie Nadia !
I will definitely try to see her before I leave.
Had the opportunity to meet speak and dance with the Lovely Tianna ,she is a charm !
Obviously met many great guys .
Clara Versailles ,she was so sexy!In her French maid costume.
Thanks Mike and MTLGFE girls for attending, all in attendance for making the party a success




Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
The guy I was talking to at the bar for quite awhile, about 5'11'' 170-175 ins, , brown eyes, dressed as a cop, more like a stripper cop.
Send me a PM.
I was dressed as a Pirate…Capt Jack Sparrow.

BTW, I found the music fine and didn't even notice the stairs that much. Good atmosphere, beer, some interesting conversation, women dressed in hot outfits, what more could you want :smile:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey all,

Great Party!!!

The timing of seeing my very good buddy and the date one of these Montreal agency parties finally worked out. My buddy sent me a couple of options to meet in Montreal and Nov1 was one of them. That put the meeting very close to the party date. When the day was moved to Thursday I was all set.

The invitation??? Easier than breathing fresh air. I sent my interest to Mike a few weeks before the party and he quickly replied...WELCOME. It was as simple as that. Nothing more was necessary.

I met Darla of Wildtime before the party figuring the chances of taking one of the ladies I preferred back to the apartment from the party was slim, and I got to the party a little after 9:30. Nice location, parking almost right next door. I was a little surprised by the length of the stair climb but the way the entrance works out it makes for easier security. I ran into members I already knew like Rumps, Sapman, Cloudsurf, and tried to meet others when I would not be getting between them and the hotties they were trying to schmooze. It was nice to finally meet BookerL, ProphetofDoom, Sol Tee Nutz, Special K and others whose names were a little unfamiliar and hard to hear with that music being too loud, something I have not missed from the long years of going to be popular clubs and bars.

I haven't seen so many hot ladies packed into a place since the days when I was hitting the Boston clubs with the endless stream of foxy college ladies dressed to kill everywhere I turned. That alone brought back some fun memories. I met Aspen right away as I checked in. Whew, what a lovely doll. I don't think I'm ever going to forget those beautiful eyes. I introduced myself to Mercedez impulsively as she was dancing around so sexily in fishnets and a cutoff top. Take a look at photo number 5 of her on the website and you'll know why I practically jumped in as soon as one guy turned enough to give me some space, and it still doesn't do justice to how perfectly fit and shaped she is. I recognized the foxy curvy Arianne from the photos, she was dancing with another lady in a corner who might have been Bella, both with wonderfully sculptured curves. I spoke to Laurence for a short time and met a tall stunning beauty named Honey who with a magnificent body and pasty sparkles on her gorgeous breasts totally captivated one of my old friends and probably a lot of others. Tiannas said hello as she was being towed past me by some eager friend who seemed to have something in mind. But the sweetheart of the night among Mike's ladies was Nadia, petite, dark hair, big beautiful eyes, and a beaming smile. She came over and introduced herself to me and we chatted for a while. This is one charming, friendly, loveable lady gentlemen. It's too bad I won't be back for a while because if I were local Mike would being getting my call to see her.

I talked a bit with some of the other ladies like Carmen in the camouflage, Jade the dark sexy Kitten, and Sophie in that delicious black full-bodied Cat Woman costume had me forgetting everyone else for a while. I think I've mixed up the names of some of the other ladies I met. It was either because of starting to feel the drinks or the loud music. But for me the best time of the night was getting the exclusive attention of Clara Versailles for quite a long time. It might be so cliche' but I absolutely get totally turned on by the sexy French maid number, and with Clara wearing it I was entranced. Booker had told me he was bringing her to the party and had directed me to some pics. I was very impressed with the web photos. When I saw her in person it was OMG-WHEW. Tall and very slender but with stunning sleek curves, she was taller than I in her 6-inch heels. Perfect standout enhanced full breasts, still not over done for her frame, beautiful baby doll looks, sparkling eyes, and an absolutely darling smile. Let me not forget her beautiful blonde hair cut straight across the front , long, full and satiny otherwise. Best of all she was such a charming sweetheart to talk with that I felt comfortable enough quickly to offer her a drink, which she accepted (sex on the beach), and put my arm around her as I escorted her around the room having a private chat much of the time, and still meeting others once in a while. If I had not seen Darla just before, and also been extra worn from the trip up the same day, I might have tried to steal her from Booker. Sorry bud, but that's her power over me. I was floored by everything about her. Of Course I couldn't help complimenting and fawning all over her, making her blush and spurring some little sexy kisses on the cheek.

Well, it seemed like everyone had a great time. Despite being a little nervous at the start I got warmed up and got around as much as I could. I joined the game of sharing some fake blood with one of the hired entertainers, took the opportunity to meet all the fine beauties I could and excahnge a little information. I felt good at the end but Mike insisted I should take a cab rather than my car back to the apartment. I didn't think it was necessary, but I went with it.

Thanks to Mike and all of the ladies for a very good time, and thanks to all the members who took the time to introduce themselves and share a chat. If timing works out again in the future let's do this again.

Many many cheers,


BTW: Holly - you're the best. :nod: You also gained numerous admirers.


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
@sapman99: thanks, pictures would match, and Merlot confirmed ("dark sexy kitten")
Well, one more to the TDL that I wouldn't have thought of without the party!
As others have mentionned, Aspen was the cutest, Mercedez was great and Nadia seems to have wowed everyone...
Arrived late but enjoyed my time!

Edit: wait, reading others, was she as a Sexy Bat or Sexy Cat?


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
wait, reading others, was she as a Sexy Bat or Sexy Cat?


Dans le fond on s'en fout... Le principale c'est qu'elle était vraiment amicale et surtout très sexy... Elle est venu parler a pratiquement tous le monde
Who caires... The most important is that she was mostly friendly and super sexy... She went talking to almost every body

Par contre j'aurais bien apprécié une petite jasette avec Carmen, mais elle semblait se cacher derrière Kate, je ne comprend pas pourquoi elle la suivait comme son ombre :confused:



Mar 19, 2008
Edit: wait, reading others, was she as a Sexy Bat or Sexy Cat?

Definitely Sexy Bat. She had wings.

@ Steve. It was nice meeting and talking with you. I will have to remember the little tricks you pointed out to me.

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