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Yeah....GG4U revival

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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Happy returns Merlot


I've had time to read the whole thread, and I did see all of the exchanges between you two. I would never say what I do but I know as much as anyone what it's like to manage a lot of people, sometimes very temperamental people. With that experience the escort business with it's tricky legal/illegal position with people both honest and extremely self-interested or sometimes very shady has to be hell to run at times. Any client who has been in this business for long could never say who the booker is doesn't matter. Every long time veteran has experienced big ups and downs directly because of who is handling appointments. That is not disputable...just fact...not opinion. Some of my all time favorites were discovered because of suggestions by bookers, and the worst episodes were directly caused by bookers. That's pretty decisive.

Sorry you are not satisfied with an answer or lack of one. But since you don't seem to think a booker has much effect at all then I would have to say the simple statement "a booker affects your service more than you think"is perfectly accurate since the key word "more" does not mean a lot. I would say A LOT but he didn't say that even if he may think it.

I saw the poll, I voted on it, I think I replied on it. It was not about which person affects the meeting it was about who you rely on more to make your choice. I also did not pick the "booker" first. Still how the booker affects a meeting is another subject. Also if you take the booker choice as a reference to one member I think it's unfair. It's a reference to the role, not one person. My 14 years in the escort business has shown without doubt that a booker can be very decisive one way or another.

You don't gush about James. That's fair. Point taken.

Good luck and best regards,



Dec 30, 2003
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I have not read whole thread. GG was doing good and suddenly disappeared and is replaced with EC? :confused:
Half of the girls left. Can anyone explain this?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

Well maybe we can look at the reasons it's not ?:confused:

Half of the girls left. Can anyone explain this?

According to a expert ,the "Booker(s) " is really irrelevant in the success of a escort agency ,he is just like a cabby ?
According to others ,incall location is also irrelevant ?
According to many they had the best parties in town each one being greater then the previous, they also have the best organizer and also fine analyst ?

What can explain a major defection from reputed ladies that where well reviewed ?:confused:

Who doesn't love a good mystery ?




Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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What if its a good rumor ?:confused: Or rumors ?;)


Rumor are FOR ME ..always sh**...cause until i know the real truth from the person himself...that is why i really hate rumors...Cause i find them worthless in my opiniion!!!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
.always cause until i know the real truth from the person himself...that is why i really hate rumors...Cause i find them worthless in my opiiion!!!

Sadly rumors are made in party threads to create excitement and generate greater interest and attendance ?:confused:

And the parties are successful ,aren't they ?



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Sorry you are not satisfied with an answer or lack of one. But since you don't seem to think a booker has much effect at all then I would have to say the simple statement "a booker affects your service more than you think"is perfectly accurate since the key word "more" does not mean a lot. I would say A LOT but he didn't say that even if he may think it.

This is like beating a dead horse.... OK, first off the statement was not made to me so MY thoughts are irrelevant. Service wise a booker does nothing but set up an appointment between me and the SP ( unless the booker taught the SP how too give blow jobs ). As I have stated previously ( you have read all this correct? ) I know a booker can screw with a girl and not send her out, of fuck up and not get her there on time, or make a suggestion that is wrong, all these would be booker errors and have nothing to do with the SP, ...... All these I know...... I am trying to find out what I do not know. Hence the questioning " MORE THAN YOU THINK "...
You two put your heads together and see what you can come up with and get back to me.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Service wise a booker does nothing but set up an appointment between me and the SP...
Must disagree here, Sol. A booker is also a source of information, a good booker a valuable source. A booker can help make a selection, a good booker can help make the right selection. I've dealt a lot with both Jessy of MSC and Mike of MTLGFE. They know my taste and usually do a good job of steering me in the right direction. On several occasions, when adding a new girl to his roster that he thought I'd get along with, Mike has contacted me and let me know about her. He hasn't been wrong yet.

A booker should also know how deliveries are running on any given day.

A good friend of mine work as a booker some years back for a well-known agency. About 1/3 of the calls resulted in bookings, 2/3 were informational.

I own a business myself. We get calls for quotes all the time. Some result in us getting the job, sometimes another outfit gets it, sometimes the customer's request is not economically viable. A good business person handles all calls professionally and courteously. The agency named in this particular thread failed for any number of reasons, mostly unknown to me, but one of which was almost assuredly the shrinking customer base caused by the operator's nasty temper.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I am trying to find out what I do not know.

Okay STN, if you see what we say about how the booker can make "errors" that can lead to her not going out but then say the errors have "nothing to do with the SP", then there's no more to say when you make the link but don't see an effect. So happy hunting. Have fun. May you always have happy endings.


Last edited:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
but then say the errors have nothing to do with setting up an appointment between you and the SP,

Where did I say that?
Mental note to self..... Must try to convey my messages in a different manner.
All is good, enjoy the nice day.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nah, be yourself Sol, ppl will always interpert the way they want, post with a smile and the way you want to. Some will never learn anyways and I agree, go enjoy this beautiful day, especially tommorow when it's gonna be even warmer. St Catherines Street is gonna be quite a sight with the first real warm day of spring :eek:
Where did I say that?
Mental note to self..... Must try to convey my messages in a different manner.
All is good, enjoy the nice day.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all,

Okay STN, if you see what we say about how the booker can make "errors" that can lead to her not going out but then say the errors have nothing to do with setting up an appointment between you and the SP, then there's no more to say when you make the link but don't see an effect. So happy hunting. Have fun. May you always have happy endings.



Hello Merlot

Welcome back

Managing 100 employees at one does create a large toll on someone adding the no pressure of multi million $$$$ contracts ,its seems that it was after all triggering event of something else, possibly a greater understanding, then all the rest :confused:



Alexandre Le Grand

New Member
Dec 25, 2008
Very wise observation mi amigo

Best Regards


Oui en effet. Le thread starter nous a annoncé à grande pompe que nous allions assisté a quelque chose de grand . La seule chose qu'on a vu se sont les filles partir à course partout ailleurs.

En effet attendons.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello gentlemen,

Must disagree here, Sol. A booker is also a source of information, a good booker a valuable source. A booker can help make a selection, a good booker can help make the right selection. I've dealt a lot with both Jessy of MSC and Mike of MTLGFE. They know my taste and usually do a good job of steering me in the right direction. On several occasions, when adding a new girl to his roster that he thought I'd get along with, Mike has contacted me and let me know about her. He hasn't been wrong yet.

Many people have described a good booker's skills exactly like that of a trusted board member friend they have gotten to know. Both have a skill in knowing and being able to read the tastes of the client or friend asking for advice. Martin of Asservissante is famous for this ability to match up clients with the right lady as many have praised him. When I was calling MSC more frequently Jessie has also been extremely good at this, and what I liked most about her was she had the integrity/balls ;) to tell me when she thought I was definitely making a mistake with my choice instead of simply taking the request and automatically going for the money. Martin of Montreal Xxxtase is another one with similar skills. Where the board friend has the advantage is you can take more time to go into much greater detail depending on the level of friendship, but then again the friend can only help if he has met the ladies no matter how well he knows you, and that's where the booker has a much better advantage. The booker knows so much more about the individual quirks of the ladies and the possible mismatches have been something a booker like Jessie has used to save me from disappointing appointments and wasted money.

Service wise a booker does nothing but set up an appointment between me and the SP...

If you are limiting the scope of what you are referring to, such as from the point when the lady arrives to the time she leaves, then of course the booker can't do much of anything IF all goes well. .

If one limits the subject to that then we are talking apples and oranges because so much that is critical in getting to that point is being left out. I still have to ask though, have all of your appointments been satisfactory? Have you been happy with how each went? If the lady was not what you expected have you ever wanted to refuse her, because now you have to deal with the booker on that. Did you ever call back and say she didn't provide some basic services and try to get some kind of redress or compensation for the next time, because the booker is the one you call for that. Some dispute about time, cleanliness, service, money??? There's the booker coming into it.

On the whole there's no possible way to justify saying a booker is just a booker. One has to limit how they define a meeting too much to say that.




Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Isn't this thread supposed to be about GG4U/Elite Companions and not incalls, bookers, etc? :confused:
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