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Camera Detectors


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
I've had a lot of people ask me lately about camera detectors, which I mention on my website in my etiquette section. I thought it might be a good idea to share a little information about it so that both clients and SPs know what they are and how to get them :)

This article explains how a camera detector works:

And for SPs who'd like to get one you can buy the device here:

Hope this helps! xx


New Member
May 23, 2015
These gadgets may work but are not too practical. Imagine you, as an SP, walking into a client's room or house or etc, pulling a gadget out of your purse and start to point it everywhere like on the walls the ceiling, the closets, the windows... I mean what would the guy think? Probably he'll kick you out LOL LOL. At least this is what I would have done. First I would probably think you are some kind of psycho and second I would be very insulted that trust is broken in the first few minutes of our meeting so my mojo (no pun) would be gone!

Now, all other things being equal, recent legislation has made it a criminal offense to use voyeur filming to blackmail, extort, even for fun (for the guy): The law also punishes those who publish, who may be different from those who film. I can assure you that the moment a complaint is made to the cops, it is way too easy for them to find the person who filmed and start the process of charging him with a number of offenses. The victim's identity, also according to the law, is protected.

That is your only realistic defense.


New Member
May 23, 2015
On a number of occasions I have tried on Pumps, even Stilettos. Even though they enhanced my jambe lines, I have to admit, they can be painful.


New Member
Mar 29, 2015
These gadgets may work but are not too practical. Imagine you, as an SP, walking into a client's room or house or etc, pulling a gadget out of your purse and start to point it everywhere like on the walls the ceiling, the closets, the windows... I mean what would the guy think? Probably he'll kick you out LOL LOL. At least this is what I would have done. First I would probably think you are some kind of psycho and second I would be very insulted that trust is broken in the first few minutes of our meeting so my mojo (no pun) would be gone!

Now, all other things being equal, recent legislation has made it a criminal offense to use voyeur filming to blackmail, extort, even for fun (for the guy): The law also punishes those who publish, who may be different from those who film. I can assure you that the moment a complaint is made to the cops, it is way too easy for them to find the person who filmed and start the process of charging him with a number of offenses. The victim's identity, also according to the law, is protected.

That is your only realistic defense.

I would imagine that once something is out there it's very difficult to get it off the internet entirely. And of course most people will never know if a video of them is circulating online - I know I would never come across one if I were filmed. So I don't think legal recourse would be better than preventative measures.

Like Tina said, there are discreet ways to do it. It's always better to wait until the client is in the shower or when he's left the room for a minute. If a client were to "catch me" and give me a hard time about it, it's not a client I would want to have can be a dangerous business and a client should be willing to accommodate reasonable security measures.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Totally agree.

If a client were to "catch me" and give me a hard time about it, it's not a client I would want to have can be a dangerous business and a client should be willing to accommodate reasonable security measures.


Nov 12, 2005
These gadgets may work but are not too practical. Imagine you, as an SP, walking into a client's room or house or etc, pulling a gadget out of your purse and start to point it everywhere like on the walls the ceiling, the closets, the windows... I mean what would the guy think? Probably he'll kick you out LOL LOL. At least this is what I would have done. First I would probably think you are some kind of psycho and second I would be very insulted that trust is broken in the first few minutes of our meeting so my mojo (no pun) would be gone!

On this topic, you're in the wrong josh.keish. Whatever can provide the SP more comfort and trust in the situation always makes it better. It's not a symmetric context SP and client walks into - unless the SP is some super ninja, of course, she'll have some anxiety coming in - the client is (generally) the larger body and it's in the client's environment that the SP walks into. Put yourself in her shoes, it's pretty amazing and gutsy what these ladies do when they go for outcall. I feel a shadow of that when I do incall and walk into a new location...

Thanks for sharing, Zoe.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

These gadgets may work but are not too practical. Imagine you, as an SP, walking into a client's room or house or etc, pulling a gadget out of your purse and start to point it everywhere like on the walls the ceiling, the closets, the windows... I mean what would the guy think?

Yeah, it's a great safeguard for the lady, but unless the guy likes feeling he's having sex with the CIA it's got to be a big mood killer.

Now, all other things being equal, recent legislation has made it a criminal offense to use voyeur filming to blackmail, extort, even for fun (for the guy)

Laws are one thing, proving who did it and trying to prosecute the guilty while you are being exposed with all the damage to one's life is another thing.

Whatever can provide the SP more comfort and trust in the situation always makes it better.

It sounds great for the escort to protect her privacy, not so great once she gets a reputation for being someone who starts in as some sort of inspector. The other thing is most guys will have no idea what it is and there will probably be some suspicion she could be up to something else. I agree that these days the escort has every reason to be careful. There was another thread two or three years ago where guys were getting pissed off that their filming secrets were being exposed, thus proving the need. So this tool is a great advantage. Still, we're trying to have fantasy and we start like we're having an investigation. Despite the need it's a very cold way to begin a time of sexual arousal.

If a client were to "catch me" and give me a hard time about it, it's not a client I would want to have can be a dangerous business and a client should be willing to accommodate reasonable security measures.

All TRUE!!! But imagine yourself on the other side and how comfortable does that make you feel about having intimacy.




New Member
May 23, 2015
So in conclusion, the protocol is very simple. The SP enters and asks if she (or he, hey we are open minded - lol) can use her camera detector. If the "client" agrees then the festivities can proceed. If the "client" disagrees then its up the SP to stay or go. I think mutual honesty from the get-go can create a more pleasant encounter than the opposite. I am sure the SP can use excuses such as "... had bad experiences in the past" or "... yes we know each other but that is part of the protocol". I am sure some SPs may go as far as publishing the process at their web sites or ads. Its only common sense, I think.

One question on my mind though is, is this common? I mean is there an outbreak of guys secretly filming their SP encounters? Hard to imagine that this is the case, but I guess I am not an SP to know.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
personaly i wodnt have any issue with it as long as she doesnt point anything at me unles explaning it to me since it mite seem like taking a picture to point something at me.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
One question on my mind though is, is this common? I mean is there an outbreak of guys secretly filming their SP encounters? Hard to imagine that this is the case, but I guess I am not an SP to know.

i dont no if it is comon but i rember reading from james wen he was a booker at goodgirls that a client from goodgirls tryd to do this and the lady found out because guy kept positiong lady at certain positns and angles.

i had a sp friend and i inform her to be carful if she sees laptop with lid open but nothing on the screen. i told her to positon lcd screen lid so that instead of anything more then 90 degres to put it at 45 degres or smaler or best yet to close the lcd lid screen. i allso gave her other helpful hints & sugestions.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have a photographic memory and sketch the event on those little booklets where you flip the pages and the evening unfolds.
Hardcover will be available when I get published.

To me I could not care less if I am checked, there are too many not quite right people out there.

Reno Depot

New Member
Feb 16, 2011
These devices detect electronics, there are all sorts of electronics in homes these days. You can not depend on these devices 100%


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

These devices detect electronics, there are all sorts of electronics in homes these days. You can not depend on these devices 100%

Interesting statement. I had to see how these so-called detectors work. You're right. They are not 100% but that depends a lot on using them properly. According to this report they should work just fine if handled right:

The Secrets to Finding Hidden Cameras

by Suzanne Kantra on August 30, 2011

That doesn’t mean you can’t detect them, though. As Morris explains, any hidden camera’s sensor—whether it’s on or off—will reflect back light. So the key is to illuminate the sensor.

For small spaces like dressing rooms and bathrooms, Morris recommends their Mini Hidden Camera Detector ($79.95). If you’ll be looking for cameras at a distance of more 10 feet away, you’ll need to step up to the Laser Hidden Camera Finder ($199.95), which has a range of 50 feet.

To use a camera detector, you simply look through the device’s lens and press a button to start emitting flashes of red light. The light reflects off any hidden camera’s sensor, appearing as steady flares of red.

The detectors are easy use, but unless you have the right angle, you won’t see the telltale flare. So do a visual scan for objects and spaces that could potentially hide cameras and concentrate on those. Morris says they’re commonly found in vents and in spaces along the floor, as well as in objects like smoke detectors and air fresheners. Since the detectors rely on light being reflected off the sensor, they won’t work if a camera is hidden behind a highly reflective surface, like a mirror.

I still see one unavoidable problem. The client is going to need to keep a good attitude and sense of humor about a gorgeous lady he's about to be intimate with crouching or climbing under, over, and around things to properly be able to detect a hidden camera. Maybe a little "I SPY" or "Sherlock Holmes" role-play will help keep you in the mood. ;)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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I might find it a bit odd, but if it's makes the lady more comfortable I'm all for it. If she's more comfortable, chances are she will give me better service :eyebrows:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Bingo! Another guy "gets it", well done :thumb:

You got that right!

Quite frankly I'm surprised when we first meet they don't ask us to "spread 'em", pat us down & use one of those portable metal detectors on us! lol!

Whatever makes these awesome beauties feel more comfortable i'm all for it too :)


Nov 12, 2005
You got that right!

Quite frankly I'm surprised when we first meet they don't ask us to "spread 'em", pat us down & use one of those portable metal detectors on us! lol!

Whatever makes these awesome beauties feel more comfortable i'm all for it too :)

I wouldn't mind a pat-down at all. :D Frisk me and feel free to cop a feel while you're at it. :thumb:

Actually, this was the urban legend litmus test in the US for identifying LE, right? :p LE wouldn't touch you or let you touch them inappropriately before payment. All kidding aside, I've actually had an SP in the US do that to me once, a few years back. Heh, the crotch-grap to make sure I wasn't LE was disconcerting, to be honest...

Anyways, getting off topic...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Quite frankly I'm surprised when we first meet they don't ask us to "spread 'em", pat us down & use one of those portable metal detectors on us! lol!

Metal detectors? NO! The great ones don't ask. They just start pushing onto the bed and peeling clothes, no gadgets necessary. They've got plenty of natural devices to find whatever they want...and MANY delicious thanks for using those talents...LADIES. ;)

lèche et baisers (licks and kisses) :p

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