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Recent content by HDarrow0

  1. H

    Would You Book a Service Provider if You Knew She Was Being Pimped?

    She could have compensated him for his time as many Indys would expect if the roles were reversed, sometimes requiring the full donation if the cancellation occurs within 24 hours. Your last comment perfectly illustrates my point and I hope any potential client takes note. "If you have to...
  2. H

    Would You Book a Service Provider if You Knew She Was Being Pimped?

    I've always felt that agencies were at least somewhat exploitative (as many employers can be) because of how large of a cut they take when the provider is the one doing all of the physical work and incurring all of the physical risk. I think that alone is good enough reason to try and support...
  3. H

    I messed up. What are the odds of me catching STDs or HIV

    As I mentioned in my original post, that might be true but only with certain STDs (i.e. HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia) that transmit via bodily fluids and are therefore effectively prevented using barrier protection. Regarding STDs that transmit via skin to skin contact (i.e. HSV and HPV), barrier...
  4. H

    I messed up. What are the odds of me catching STDs or HIV

    "It is often said that the risk of contracting an STD is higher from a random woman at a club than from a service provider." I thought it was bolded in the quote.
  5. H

    I messed up. What are the odds of me catching STDs or HIV

    This gets repeated a lot but I've never seen any evidence to back it up. If anything, it would only be true of STDs that pass via bodily fluids (i.e. HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia) and are close to being fully prevented by barrier contraceptives. There was research in the early 2000s which showed...
  6. H

    first visit to Monteal, my expereience + review

    Just take a look at the women who get the most views on social media. They all mostly fit a certain physical profile. That's what most men prefer. If you are going to argue that beauty is entirely subjective, then there is no further point to this discussion. By that logic, men would find obese...
  7. H

    first visit to Monteal, my expereience + review

    I truly don't understand some of the replies above arguing that "looks don't matter" in this business. If "looks don't matter", why even bother with the hobby? Just go to your local bar and take your pick of any of the middle aged frumpy women there who will go home with you for free. You can...
  8. H

    first visit to Monteal, my expereience + review

    You missed the boat with Montreal. Pre-Covid, there were a lot of 18-25 year olds who did it part time/temporarily while pursuing something else full time like school. As has been discussed in previous threads, these types of women have mostly migrated to online SW like Onlyfans which exploded...
  9. H

    Lack of talent?

    Respectfully, the majority of the independents that I see advertising are well over 30, borderline overweight if not obese, heavily tattooed, or has some type of "alternative" appearance. Like Wolfie7, I'm bemused by how some people have such a hard time understanding what most men are attracted...
  10. H

    Lack of talent?

    Long time lurker. Post COVID, the quality of talent has definitely declined and anyone who disagrees is either being dishonest or has unconventional preferences. Most men prefer young thin women with long hair, minimal tattoos, and minimal plastic surgery. Think of someone like an Olivia...
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