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Active Member
May 17, 2013
I can not believe how anti-Semitic the NYC universities are. I won't mention their names because I don't want to burnish their reputation. The problem is almost as bad as the Canadian universities. It's funny how everyone acts a certain way until the mask is uncovered and then you see the ugly person underneath.
Feb 6, 2016
I can not believe how anti-Semitic the NYC universities are. I won't mention their names because I don't want to burnish their reputation. The problem is almost as bad as the Canadian universities. It's funny how everyone acts a certain way until the mask is uncovered and then you see the ugly person underneath.
Quite the generalized statement. There are some that scream ‘river to the sea’, and yes, it’s terrible, but the protests are mostly students who, for the most part, as is always the case, don’t have much of an understanding of what they’re marching for. The media just shows the juicy bits that ignite emotion in people like you.

I’m neither a Jew or a Palestinian, but I think most, including these students, have had enough of the tens of thousands that have been killed and are beginning to question the proportionality in play. I know I am.

I care as much for this conflict as I do its peers throughout history. The death on both sides suck. The equation seems to always be kill 20 Muslims for every one that’s not (I pulled this ratio out of the air, but seems to be right).

I think a vast majority feel enough is enough. Not just students, but most adults and countries throughout the world. It doesn’t make them anti-Semitic. As I said, I’m neither, but I’m getting tired of the label. It seems to apply whenever there is a differing opinion.

I was at dinner the other night with a Jewish couple (who reside half the time in Israel) and they think it’s been enough killing as well). Can a Jew be anti-Semitic?

But if you don’t think it enough, fine, just go ahead and carpet bomb them all in Palestine and stop dragging it out. And If anyone objects, just call them anti-Semitic, and everything will be okay.


Active Member
May 25, 2015
It's funny to see actual religious Palestinians reaction to 'activists' joining the demonstrations with banners like "Queers for Palestine' or "Trans for Palestine'. We see things that just don't make sense these days.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I care as much for this conflict as I do its peers throughout history. The death on both sides suck. The equation seems to always be kill 20 Muslims for every one that’s not (I pulled this ratio out of the air, but seems to be right).
Non proportional response is exactly what was needed. Hamas was expecting proportional response and calculated that they can tolerate it as from their point of view the “benefits” from killing thousand Israelis and taking two hundred hostage justifies the “proportional” price. If you watched the “Oppenheimer” movie the reason for consciously murdering hundreds of thousand of Japanese civilians was practically the same. To show the horror of the US response with nuclear weapons so Japan and later Soviets would not dare to challenge USA on the battlefield. It is horrible logic but has seemingly no alternative and it works.
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Active Member
May 17, 2013
Quite the generalized statement. There are some that scream ‘river to the sea’, and yes, it’s terrible, but the protests are mostly students who, for the most part, as is always the case, don’t have much of an understanding of what they’re marching for. The media just shows the juicy bits that ignite emotion in people like you.

I’m neither a Jew or a Palestinian, but I think most, including these students, have had enough of the tens of thousands that have been killed and are beginning to question the proportionality in play. I know I am.

I care as much for this conflict as I do its peers throughout history. The death on both sides suck. The equation seems to always be kill 20 Muslims for every one that’s not (I pulled this ratio out of the air, but seems to be right).

I think a vast majority feel enough is enough. Not just students, but most adults and countries throughout the world. It doesn’t make them anti-Semitic. As I said, I’m neither, but I’m getting tired of the label. It seems to apply whenever there is a differing opinion.

I was at dinner the other night with a Jewish couple (who reside half the time in Israel) and they think it’s been enough killing as well). Can a Jew be anti-Semitic?

But if you don’t think it enough, fine, just go ahead and carpet bomb them all in Palestine and stop dragging it out. And If anyone objects, just call them anti-Semitic, and everything will be okay.
You completely missed my point. No one actually cares about the Palestinians or they would also protest China's treatment of the Uighurs. This whole issue is a means to attack the Jews under the guise of concern for Gaza. It's more obvious than ever when I see people arguing against Israel. I know the US is still more progressive and open minded than Canada but I'm surprised we have pockets of bigotry and hatred.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
It's funny to see actual religious Palestinians reaction to 'activists' joining the demonstrations with banners like "Queers for Palestine' or "Trans for Palestine'. We see things that just don't make sense these days.

I would like to see these people go there and march to show their support. It would be an eye opener for them.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Regarding the entire "anti-Semitic" accusations that are constantly and, most often, wrongly thrown at whoever dares to criticize Israel like @sorengard here, I’m going to put this here as to why the polarization is reaching the point we are witnessing today.

"à force de crier au loup"

Expression populaire signifiant:

à force de donner de fausses alertes, l'alerte véritable n'est plus écoutée ; perdre sa légitimité à force de trop l'utiliser ; à toujours s'alarmer pour rien, les véritables alertes perdent toute leur valeur".
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
These are protests against Zionist oppressing a certain group of people, its being going on for decades. But finally with social media not being controlled by the West. We can truly see how disgusting Zionists and that regime really is. And this is the best part... call them out on their bs and you are instantly labelled a antisemite, which makes me laugh.

Murder women, children, press, aid workers, get called out "You're being antisemetic!!!"

That's the one bright spot of this new generation, people talk and can see how inhumane a certain country can be in terms of oppressing a certain group for so long.

Not every German was a Nazi and not every Jew is a Zionist, thats the reality of life. But when you have certain people running a country, being funded billions of dollars worth of funds and a agenda of ethnic cleansing, this is what you get.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
"à force de crier au loup"

Expression populaire signifiant:

à force de donner de fausses alertes, l'alerte véritable n'est plus écoutée ; perdre sa légitimité à force de trop l'utiliser ; à toujours s'alarmer pour rien, les véritables alertes perdent toute leur valeur".

I need Google translate a lot :)

by crying wolf"

Popular expression meaning:

by giving false alarms, the real alarm is no longer heeded; lose your legitimacy by using it too much; to always be alarmed for nothing, real alerts lose all their value.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015


Not every German was a Nazi and not every Jew is a Zionist, thats the reality of life.
WIKI: Zionism (derived from Zion) is a nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine... Following the establishment of the modern state of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.
After the Holocaust, practically all Jews agree with the necessity of the independent Jewish state i.e. are Zionists. The disagreement is only how to achieve its security and the policy towards this. The anti-Zionist movement rejects right of Israel existence as a Jewish state altogether and therefore is antisemitic by its factual policy.
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2012
Not every German was a Nazi and not every Jew is a Zionist, thats the reality of life.
WIKI: Zionism (derived from Zion) is a nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine... Following the establishment of the modern state of Israel, Zionism became an ideology that supports the development and protection of the State of Israel as a Jewish state.
After the Holocaust, practically all Jews agree with the necessity of the independent Jewish state i.e. are Zionists. The disagreement is only how to achieve its security and the policy towards this. The anti-Zionist movement rejects right of Israel existence as a Jewish state altogether and therefore is antisemitic by its factual policy.

I dont see the point of this but ok


Mar 29, 2016
I can not believe how anti-Semitic the NYC universities are. I won't mention their names because I don't want to burnish their reputation. The problem is almost as bad as the Canadian universities. It's funny how everyone acts a certain way until the mask is uncovered and then you see the ugly person underneath.
Most young people dont care about jewishness but they understand more and more that what has been going on since 1947 is to get rid of arabs and take their land. Ethnic cleansing and genocide. History did not began on october 7.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
À l'époque actuelle, la thématique se regroupe en trois grands ensembles au sein de la société israélienne, séparés en post-sionisme, néosionisme et sionisme :
le postsionisme, qui veut donner une orientation laïque à l'État d'Israël, normaliser les relations avec les Palestiniens ;
le néosionisme, héritier du sionisme révisionniste et du sionisme religieux, qui revendique le caractère juif d'Israël sur l'ensemble de la Terre d'Israël. « le néosionisme accentue les dimensions messianiques et particularistiques du nationalisme sionisme tandis que le postsionisme accentue ses dimensions universalistes et de normalisation[94].

-From Wikipedia


Active Member
May 17, 2013
Most young people dont care about jewishness but they understand more and more that what has been going on since 1947 is to get rid of arabs and take their land. Ethnic cleansing and genocide. History did not began on october 7.
You nailed it... today's youth don't care about what happens to the Jews even to the point of ignoring the call to eliminate the Jewish people by their neighbors, e.g., "from the river to the sea". I've never been more concerned for the Jewish people and the director our country is heading. We've been the light of the world and a beacon of hope for so many and now we've descended to the depths of Canada and Iran. Hopefully the upcoming election will change the tide.


Active Member
May 17, 2013
Not gonna lie

I loled at this comment
You can laugh but billions of people around the world rely on the US to promote democracy, maintain peace and order and protect trade. It's an enormous responsibility and one we bear willingly. I realize this may seem like a foreign concept to a country like Canada but every American feels a responsibility to help fix the world. It's just the type of people we are. We're always trying to make the world better. I'm worried people will see the anti-Semitism in the US and feel that it's now acceptable, which would be a tragedy. Hopefully the media will do a better job of calling out all the anti-Semitism in the world and shaming those people as Nazis who engage in such dialogue.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Not gonna lie

I loled at this comment
I even laughed more with this:

You can laugh but billions of people around the world rely on the US to promote democracy, maintain peace and order and protect trade.

It gets better here:

I realize this may seem like a foreign concept to a country like Canada but every American feels a responsibility to help fix the world. It's just the type of people we are. We're always trying to make the world better.


The only thing that the USA promotes is $$$, petrol and war( military industries).
You are rather naive or easily manipulated by your country’s propaganda, or both.
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