I don't know about that.......Biden was so old in demeanour that he would make Confucius look like a whippersnapper.Biden was born after Confusius. Cuz Biden took inappropriate actions
I don't know about that.......Biden was so old in demeanour that he would make Confucius look like a whippersnapper.Biden was born after Confusius. Cuz Biden took inappropriate actions
More alternate facts from a proud non reader!Trump was the only president who left office with less money than he started with
he was not crooked like the rest
What a surprise politicians are scumbag crooks lolMore alternate facts from a proud non reader!
I guess that the 2 BILLION dollar investment from the Saudis (for Kushner's real estate empire which was close to bankruptcy) doesn't count. Nor do Ivanka's copyrights granted from China and Russia or her profiting from being a part owner of Cadre which received funding from the Opportunity Zone project she supervised.
Donnie approximately TRIPLED! the rates (charged to the government) for the Secret Service staff at his own hotels who had to stay near him while he set records for golfing . (Other presidents before him golfed at military bases with little added expense for security). He even insisted that the Vice President and his entourage stay at his hotel on the west coast of Ireland when the latter was conducting official business on the east coast in Dublin (300 km away!). He greatly overcharged the Republican Party for office space in Trump Tower.
It was well known that to have any chance of getting Trump's ear, one had to stay at his hotel in Washington and/or take out a membership at Mar-A-Lago (where the annual rates, by an amazing coincidence, just happened to double when he became president for the first time.)
That which I mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg.
If the Trump actually managed to leave office with less money than he started, he is even a worse businessman than anybody ever imagined.
Before you say it, but.. but.. but ... Biden and his family were and are corrupt. However, that doesn't change the fact that your assertion that Trump left with less money is completely inaccurate.
Actually, I READ Breitbart and the NYPost also. It's refreshing that a functional illiterate is attempting to school us on the basis of the TV he watches.guess you got all your facts from cnn or fox lol
yuor a true blue democrat to the core
Yes, the truth is exclusive to "One America News Network", "Truth Social" and the Flat Earth Society. Everything else is Fake News.and you know everything from sub atomic molecules to dog farts but its a given you being a blue democrat blind to the truth
The fat lady has sung.Yes, the truth is exclusive to "One America News Network", "Truth Social" and the Flat Earth Society. Everything else is Fake News.
Its all about how you want to be fucked......after all the taxpayer pays for it.It always comes down to the lesser of two evils, you will get fucked however that is a certainty.
What a surprise politicians are scumbag crooks lol
Would never have guessed it.
It always comes down to the lesser of two evils, you will get fucked however that is a certainty.
What did I write lol.Real Trump MAGA CULT members believe what you wrote.
They believe Trump is a saint and never cheated in his life, except on his wives !
She is ancient history the cackling is already fading in the background.Evil ya but she shines as dumber than a Fence post that cackling laughing hyina
and her word salad speaches
It is good to have you back Maurice.all sleep joe needs is clean diapers and easy open jars of baby food
What did I write lol.
I wrote that all politicians are crooks did you see me excluding Trump from that ?
How many times have I said that he is a crook and a deplorable arrogant human being and yes he is the lesser of 2 evils.
You on the other hand just keep repeating the same nonsense.
A big majority of Americans, yes your fellow American not mine and not me elected him, these are the people you keep referring to as cult members.
Time you got over your TDS and accept reality and learn to live with the fact that your opinions may not be the gospel and the majority of Americans don’t share it.
They are not cult members they are Americans, you know neighbours that live next to you.If I suffer from TDS, MAGS cult members suffer from another kind of TDS, TRUTH DERANGEMENT SYDROME !
May i offer you a Tic Tac?If I suffer from TDS, MAGS cult members suffer from another kind of TDS, TRUTH DERANGEMENT SYDROME !
How frugal.....Hemme for Finance Minister!May i offer you a Tic Tac?