No people understand very well and are sick of the repeated word salad bullshit that the people voted against and is the reason why Trump is in power.MAGA CULT members can't understand Dave in Pheonix post, it's not 6th grader.
I suggest you to watch todays Trump delirious speaches.
In one, he told he doesn't need Canadian lumber, gaz and oil but would like Canada to become an USA state !
Does it make any sense ?
The Dems however cannot accept this and just ramble on with their woke bullshit.
Again trying to imply that people that read Dave in Phoenix and don’t understand really meaning don’t agree are uneducated 6 th graders.
Look where all the elite education and smug woke crap got the Dems.
Enjoy the next 4 years while Trump makes America Great Again.
You really need to take the ear plugs out and listen to the fat ladies voice, it is over.