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Awkward encounter


Active Member
Aug 27, 2013
Have you ever came face to face with someone you know, coming in/out of an appointment with a SP/MP?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2013
No, not yet
Lol I actually did. As I was walking in small hotel elevator with a girl, a guy I bought a cruiser from the year before was walking out with another girl. We said Hi, shook hands and said you good, I said yup you? and said bye. Very awkward moment with red faces. Haha. I will never forget.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A few years ago an sp invited me for lunch at a popular downtown restaurant. Later on my way back from the bathroom i noticed a young couple sitting at table close to ours & it was obvious they had noticed & recognized me earlier. I smiled & waived hello to them as i sat at my table. My lunch date asked me if i knew who they were & i told her they were a couple i knew from work who now resided in nearby Ottawa. I didn’t make a big deal about it. I didn’t really care if they suspected she was an sp or not since it was my business & my business only. Unfortunately the young gentleman passed away about a year later & i never saw him again. When i learned he was ill i contributed to a Go Fund Me in his name & to my shock i learned he had passed away the following day. That’s when i regretted not going over & speak with him that last time i saw him & his wife.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
This story is over 30 years old, when I was working in UAE. Now it total a different Dubai, but that time some local men travel to Bombay (now Mumbai) for sex purpose. There was a young boy working in the same office and we were friends. He also travelled to Bombay for pleasure. He told me that he came out from hotel room holding the hand of working girls, when all of sudden his father showed up the same time holding the hand of another working girl. Obviously they both did not know that they are in the same city, at the same time and same hotel. So the boy told me that first they were shocked/ashamed in front of each other with the sex workers. Then boy took the courage and spoke to father "Dad do you like to change the girl with me" and both went different sides. Boy was also married and living another house, so had no clue that his father was in Bombay same time.
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