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  1. nounours_

    Where selling/buying sexual services is allowed/illegal/criminal?

    Other threads have partially answered the question but I would be curious to see a list of countries and their different laws about seling and buying sexual services. This issue seems to have much more to it than is being argued by certain official discourse. From other threads, I gather this so...
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    New HARPER proposed ANTI-prostitution law: The END for MERB, TERB and alike ?

    Intersting opinions. Globe and Mail: point of view of vulnerable women ( Who really speaks for sex workers?/ ) Le Devoir: political analysis ( Le modèle nordique… ou politique? ) Radio-Canada: critique of Swedish model ( Prostitution en Suède : lourdes amendes pour les clients )...
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    What is your strategey now the new law is out?

    Will try to meet some attractive escorts before it becomes a crime to do so...
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    Pussy Riots freed from jail

    I agree that once you publicly defy the authorities in a country like Russia you are exposing yourself to tough consequences. On the other hand, orthodox religious practice in Russia seems quite marginal, just like here, so the Pussy Riots have actually done something that offends very few...
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    Pussy Riots freed from jail

    Oh come on guys. If you're such good christians you should not be calling escort girls...
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    Pussy Riots freed from jail

    Somehow, it made me feel bad that the Pussy Riots were given such a hard sentence, I am glad they are freed. Je trouvais que la sentence des Pussy Riots était beaucoup sévère, je suis...
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    Sex workers win scc decision

    According to Joy Smith, M.P.: Canada Must Target Buyers of Sex :help:
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    Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013

    Is this tread supposed to be about reviewer of the year, or is it about name calling ?
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    Sex workers win scc decision

    Les intervenantes du milieu de la prostitution à Québec saluent la décision de la Cour suprême du Canada ...
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    Sex workers win scc decision

    Un bon éditorial ce matin, avec une interprétaion précise du jugement je trouve :
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    Responsability of Bar management to alert LE ...

    12:20 a.m. not 4. But your point is valid nonetheless.
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    Professional 'cuddler'

    I like very much cuddling with a woman but it also arises my own sexual desire. C'est pour ça que j'aime les escortes qui sont chattes et sensuelles. ;)
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